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Oct 17th, 2015
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  1. <11:23:52> "support comeone": hey
  2. <11:23:56> "support comeone": we need supp
  3. <11:24:38> "ElChupacabra": What's up
  4. <11:24:53> "support comeone": Hey, we cant pay with paypal anymore
  5. <11:24:53> "support comeone": right
  6. <11:25:08> "ElChupacabra": XSolla accepts paypal
  7. <11:25:13> "support comeone": nop
  8. <11:25:15> "support comeone": look
  9. <11:25:41> "support comeone":
  10. <11:25:49> "support comeone": i tried doing for skirll payed and didnt received
  11. <11:25:52> "support comeone": paypal i cant look
  12. <11:26:36> "support comeone": that says in like 30 countries I tried
  13. <11:26:38> "support comeone":
  14. <11:26:57> "ElChupacabra": Hmmm
  15. <11:28:09> "ElChupacabra": Paraguay, right?
  16. <11:28:27> "support comeone": Yeah
  17. <11:29:19> "ElChupacabra": I'll talk to XSolla. Give me a second.
  18. <11:29:35> "support comeone": NP
  19. <11:36:13> "support comeone": soo?
  20. <11:36:21> "ElChupacabra": No answer yet. :T
  21. <11:40:43> "ElChupacabra": I don't think their support is online.
  22. <11:40:55> "support comeone": Okk np
  23. <11:43:12> "support comeone": So can you give me the gc? or something like that
  24. <11:43:31> "ElChupacabra": If you didn't donate, no.
  25. <11:43:33> "support comeone": cuz i need to buy slots for clan im the leader xD
  26. <11:43:36> "support comeone": LOOK THE PRINT
  27. <11:43:37> "support comeone": DONATED
  28. <11:43:42> "support comeone": 56 EUROS
  29. <11:43:44> "support comeone": DIDNT RECEIVED
  30. <11:44:48> "ElChupacabra": Read what the message says
  31. <11:45:23> "ElChupacabra": Your payment has been sent to the payment process and is awaiting confirmation.
  32. <11:49:19> "support comeone": ohh
  33. <11:49:24> "support comeone": when will be the sup
  34. <11:52:51> "ElChupacabra": Don't know. Still waiting.
  35. <11:53:23> "support comeone": and we can pay from steam?
  36. <11:53:42> "ElChupacabra": No. Only steam games accept steam payments.
  37. <12:04:20> Chat partner has closed the conversation
  38. <12:15:06> "support comeone": Hey
  39. <12:15:13> "support comeone": and when will the skins be open again
  40. <12:41:42> "support comeone": hey its for a friend,we can use the bins of original iss ?
  41. <12:43:21> "ElChupacabra": I wouldn't suggest it.There are too many differences and might cause crashes
  42. <12:43:28> "ElChupacabra": It's not bannable, but it might cause problems
  43. <12:51:17> "support comeone": ook ty
  44. <12:51:25> "support comeone": and when will skins open
  45. <12:53:16> "ElChupacabra": Not completely sure
  46. <13:40:16> "support comeone": if mods tell me whats mi issue i just tell im talking to you ok_
  47. <13:40:40> "ElChupacabra": OK
  48. <13:49:31> "support comeone": they answerd_
  49. <13:50:50> "ElChupacabra":
  50. <13:52:07> "support comeone": ty
  51. <13:52:08> "support comeone": np
  52. <13:52:09> "support comeone": i will wait
  53. <13:55:47> "support comeone" rejoined chat.
  54. <14:43:48> "support comeone": ANY NEWZ?
  55. <14:55:52> "support comeone": news}
  56. <15:08:30> "ElChupacabra": You will have to contact them yourself.
  57. <16:45:10> "support comeone": ;/
  58. <16:45:15> "support comeone": THEY DIDNT ANSWERd?
  59. <16:45:18> "support comeone": ITS NO TJUST ME
  60. <16:45:23> "support comeone": NOWBODY CAN PAY PAYPAL
  61. <16:45:28> "support comeone": MY FRIENDS FROM ARG EITHER
  62. <17:07:49> "ElChupacabra": Did you talk to XSolla support? It's on their end.
  63. <17:10:40> "support comeone" rejoined chat.
  64. <17:35:31> "support comeone": nop
  65. <17:35:34> "support comeone": i didnt
  66. <17:35:37> "support comeone": how i talk them
  67. <17:35:39> "support comeone": i want my premium xD
  68. <18:08:57> "ElChupacabra":
  69. <18:09:59> "support comeone": OK
  70. <18:10:02> "support comeone": BUT PAYPAL DOSNT WORK MADE
  71. <18:12:57> "ElChupacabra": That's an xsolla problem. You need to contact them personally
  72. <18:13:35> "support comeone": IM TALKING THEM
  73. <18:13:39> "support comeone": BUT ITS NOT JUST ME
  74. <18:13:42> "support comeone": ITS EVERYONE
  75. <18:13:45> "support comeone": TRY ON EVERY COUNTRIE
  76. <18:13:47> "ElChupacabra": It's regional
  77. <18:13:50> "support comeone": CANT USE PAYPAL
  78. <18:13:53> "ElChupacabra": Probably South America
  79. <18:13:59> "support comeone": USA CANT
  80. <18:14:03> "support comeone": THATS NORTH AMERICA
  81. <18:14:09> "support comeone": EUROPE A SPANISH GUY CANT
  82. <18:15:33> "ElChupacabra": First of al
  83. <18:15:38> "ElChupacabra": Don't use Caps
  84. <18:16:00> "support comeone": sorry sorry
  85. <18:16:03> "support comeone": im talking now to them
  86. <18:16:06> "support comeone": w8 a second
  87. <18:16:54> "support comeone": he ask me what game
  88. <18:16:57> "support comeone": i tell him newz right
  89. <18:17:58> "ElChupacabra": Yes
  90. <18:24:30> "support comeone": Ana: Please make a screenshot of the issue, and please be sure that your address bar and your nickname are seen in the screenshot. Please then send your screenshot to so that we can send this issue to our tech specialists to ensure a quick resolution. While this problem is being solved, please feel free to use an alternative payment method.
  91. <18:24:34> "support comeone": it just send me that
  92. <18:25:42> "support comeone": g g
  93. <18:25:45> "support comeone":
  94. <18:26:50> "ElChupacabra": Wtf
  95. <18:26:55> "ElChupacabra": I'll tell Fred about it
  96. <18:29:16> "support comeone": g g
  97. <18:29:23> "support comeone": i-ve tried like 10 hours to received my money i payed
  98. <18:29:29> "support comeone": and they tell me this
  99. <18:29:41> "support comeone": nvm wont play anymore xD no premium no gc no game
  100. <18:30:04> "ElChupacabra": I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do. XSolla never processed the payments.
  101. <18:30:18> "support comeone": but i donated 50 euros
  102. <18:30:21> "support comeone": i sended you the pic
  103. <18:30:24> "ElChupacabra": Yes
  104. <18:30:25> "support comeone": and i have 100 gc
  105. <18:30:36> "ElChupacabra": You sent me the picture saying that the payment was being processed
  106. <18:30:40> "support comeone": On my credit card it says -50
  107. <18:30:44> "support comeone": ....
  108. <18:30:46> "ElChupacabra": Did you even read the message on the image you sent me?
  109. <18:30:50> "support comeone": yes
  110. <18:30:56> "support comeone": but on the credit card mail
  111. <18:31:00> "support comeone": -50
  112. <18:31:01> "support comeone": euros
  113. <18:31:07> "ElChupacabra": Did you get an email with confirmation from XSolla?
  114. <18:31:11> "support comeone": yes
  115. <18:31:14> "support comeone": acepted
  116. <18:31:19> "support comeone": and i dont have nothing of gc
  117. <18:31:21> "support comeone": nvm
  118. <18:31:29> "support comeone": I will just wait if gc reaches
  119. <18:31:30> "support comeone": if not G G
  120. <18:31:31> "ElChupacabra": Can you show me the email confirmation?
  121. <18:31:43> "support comeone": I thing i deleted wait 1 second
  122. <18:34:20> "support comeone": deleted
  123. <18:34:21> "support comeone": nvm
  124. <18:34:32> "support comeone": i will just wait until this of skola do something
  125. <18:34:46> "support comeone": Today i lost a fking bet of cs lounge i lost my knife and now 50 euros
  126. <18:34:46> "support comeone": gg
  127. <18:34:47> "support comeone": xD
  128. <18:34:53> "support comeone": We all have bad days
  129. <18:36:01> "ElChupacabra": If it charged your CC, it should be added
  130. <18:36:32> "support comeone": log in my acc if you want
  131. <18:36:35> "support comeone": i have 100 gc
  132. <18:36:46> "support comeone": 0 gc i waisted 100 on slots of clan
  133. <18:36:47> "ElChupacabra": No no, what I'm saying is
  134. <18:36:53> "ElChupacabra": If they charged your CC it WILL be added
  135. <18:36:59> "ElChupacabra": I'm not saying you're lying.
  136. <18:37:13> "support comeone": you have seen the second print i-ve send you
  137. <18:37:18> "support comeone": they dont mind
  138. <18:37:22> "support comeone": they told me to use other method
  139. <18:37:23> "support comeone": so ftw
  140. <18:37:24> "support comeone": ...
  141. <18:37:40> "support comeone": Nvm NO PREMIUM NO GC
  142. <18:37:42> "support comeone": NEVER AGAIN
  143. <18:37:59> "support comeone": duuno why you guys putted skola
  144. <18:38:06> "support comeone": it sucks
  145. <18:38:22> "support comeone": xsolla}
  146. <18:39:05> "support comeone": Why i will be here lying like 5 hours ago
  147. <18:42:44> "support comeone": 12 hours ago
  148. <18:49:30> "support comeone": so
  149. <18:49:33> "support comeone": i wont get my gc
  150. <18:49:37> "support comeone": sorry chuupacabra
  151. <18:49:41> "support comeone": you re a great mod just like all
  152. <18:49:44> "support comeone": but xskola sucks
  153. <18:49:48> "support comeone": i just wont play anymore
  154. <18:49:51> "support comeone": my clan neither
  155. <18:49:54> "support comeone": just lost 50 euros
  156. <18:50:01> "support comeone": cuz that
  157. <18:50:07> "support comeone": and you know ilosted just cant admited
  158. <18:51:46> "support comeone": its fred n
  159. <18:52:05> "ElChupacabra": Look
  160. <18:52:14> "ElChupacabra": All I have access to is the XSolla history
  161. <18:52:19> "ElChupacabra": Your payment is incomplete
  162. <18:52:41> "ElChupacabra": So I can't add your GC
  163. <18:52:42> "support comeone": Its incomplete but i lost 50 euros on the credit card ftw
  164. <18:52:54> "support comeone": so xsolla has just stole mee 50 euros
  165. <18:53:00> "support comeone": nvm going to cs go
  166. <18:53:04> "support comeone": wont play anymore
  167. <18:53:11> "support comeone": i will donate my global to any streamer
  168. <18:53:19> "support comeone": or i will do a give away duuno
  169. <18:53:32> "support comeone": you want loot??
  171. <18:54:08> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": at my stream
  172. <18:54:11> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": ty for all made
  173. <18:54:29> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": great mods great game! just that like i said the payment method was very good now sucks
  174. <18:56:14> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Its fred on just need to talk him if he wants some dx or something
  175. <18:56:30> "ElChupacabra": He's not. Sorry bud
  176. <18:56:32> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Give away will be only of snipers not dx and that
  177. <18:56:40> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": np
  178. <18:56:41> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": it happens
  179. <18:56:45> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": this payment methods
  180. <18:56:46> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": that sucks
  181. <18:57:01> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": I will just wait like 1 hour more if i dont received gc im leaving with my hole clan
  182. <18:57:05> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": we are top 52 on members xD
  184. <18:57:41> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": waiste of time
  185. <18:57:50> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": we will just go and waiste loot to iss before wipe
  186. <18:58:31> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Can you host me on give away so i have more followers so i will stream iss
  187. <18:58:43> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": xD
  188. <18:58:53> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Lets see if I recover some money losted
  189. <18:58:57> "ElChupacabra": Why would I host you if you're leaving the game...
  190. <18:59:01> "ElChupacabra": Your money is not lost
  191. <18:59:07> "ElChupacabra": If the CC is charged, you will get your gc
  192. <18:59:15> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": i payed like 12 hours ago
  193. <18:59:19> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": and they told me to try another method
  194. <18:59:22> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": so my money is lost
  195. <18:59:25> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": the gc wont be charged
  196. <18:59:28> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": i wont say im leaving game
  197. <18:59:37> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": i will just say its for more followers
  198. <18:59:49> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": i will probably play some time thats why im not giving my acc
  199. <18:59:50> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": top 10
  200. <18:59:50> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": xD
  201. <18:59:57> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": OH 12
  203. <18:59:59> "ElChupacabra": That is impossible
  204. <19:00:09> "ElChupacabra": They wouldn't charge your CC if they didn't give you the GC.
  205. <19:00:19> "ElChupacabra": You can literally SUE XSolla if that happened
  206. <19:00:24> "ElChupacabra": For thousands of dollars
  207. <19:00:51> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Yes but i dont have the power and money to do it
  208. <19:00:54> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": and i wont do it for 50 euros
  209. <19:01:02> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": I-ve acepted the email
  210. <19:01:10> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": where says you sure you want to pay 50 euros pack
  211. <19:01:14> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": or something like that
  212. <19:01:23> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Just admited
  213. <19:01:28> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": you know i lost that money
  214. <19:01:31> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": so duuno
  215. <19:01:37> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": im talking to the guys of clan to see what we d
  216. <19:01:38> "ElChupacabra": OMFG
  217. <19:01:38> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": oo
  218. <19:01:48> "ElChupacabra": You're really stupid
  219. <19:01:52> "ElChupacabra": You don't know how internet works
  220. <19:01:53> "ElChupacabra": FFS
  221. <19:01:54> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": so why im stupid now
  222. <19:02:00> "GIVE AWAY TWITCH TV LEGENDARY": Yes I do
  223. <19:02:11> "ElChupacabra": Show me proof your CC was charged
  224. <19:02:36> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": I cant
  225. <19:02:42> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": well when moth ends i can
  226. <19:02:51> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": cuz it comes de ticket with the payments
  227. <19:02:54> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": but i wont wait
  228. <19:02:56> "ElChupacabra": You said you saw it
  229. <19:03:00> "ElChupacabra": Where did you see it?
  230. <19:03:03> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": gmail
  231. <19:03:04> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": my gmail
  232. <19:03:10> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": but i always delete my gmails
  233. <19:03:11> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": all of them
  234. <19:03:12> "ElChupacabra": When you delete an email it goes to a folder
  235. <19:03:18> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": I delete all
  236. <19:03:22> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": look i will show you my gmail
  237. <19:03:24> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": all deleted
  238. <19:03:31> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": cuz its slower
  239. <19:03:47> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": and every game sends every day 1 fking gmail so i just delete all of them
  240. <19:04:01> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": anyway its just 50 euros I just wanted my private for the guys
  241. <19:04:04> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": and the premium
  242. <19:04:06> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": but no problem
  244. <19:04:22> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will let you the chance to reach top xD
  245. <19:04:33> "ElChupacabra": Why would you delete a receipt?
  246. <19:04:37> "ElChupacabra": Do you know what they're for?
  247. <19:04:40> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": I delete all
  248. <19:04:47> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": yes but i didnt know skola was so shit man
  249. <19:04:47> "ElChupacabra": Give me your account name
  250. <19:04:50> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": sadb
  251. <19:04:55> "ElChupacabra": So I can check if it's been changed on xsolla
  252. <19:05:03> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": look
  253. <19:05:03> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": sadb
  254. <19:05:09> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY":
  255. <19:05:28> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will be afk some time talking to the clan we have a meet now to see what we do
  256. <19:05:32> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": cuz its not just me
  257. <19:05:53> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": 2 more guys cant donate i donated and didnt recevied and the leaders cant donate so there is no private for clanwars we really just cant play withouth gc its that
  258. <19:06:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": Im talking to all guys they will probably give me all their inv to the give away
  259. <19:06:17> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": duuno
  260. <19:06:19> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": brb
  261. <19:07:11> "ElChupacabra":
  262. <19:07:17> "ElChupacabra": Red = Declined
  263. <19:07:22> "ElChupacabra": Grey = Incomplete
  264. <19:08:55> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": yeah you know what
  265. <19:09:02> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will just dont play anymore i will do huge give away
  266. <19:09:03> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": but in 15 days
  267. <19:09:06> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will be here
  268. <19:09:07> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": with the ticket
  269. <19:09:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": and i will show you that i payed 50 euros
  270. <19:09:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": just that
  271. <19:09:23> "ElChupacabra": Fine
  272. <19:09:25> "ElChupacabra": What I'm saying is
  273. <19:09:28> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": cuz you just cant admit that ive lost 50 euros
  274. <19:09:29> "ElChupacabra": XSolla hasn't approve
  275. <19:09:31> "ElChupacabra": Not us
  276. <19:09:46> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": So they didnt approved but they send me confirmation mail
  277. <19:09:47> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": okay okay
  278. <19:09:50> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": all good
  279. <19:09:53> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": have a great day
  280. <19:10:00> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": if you can poke me plz when fred comes on
  281. <19:10:04> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i gotta talk him
  282. <19:10:09> "ElChupacabra": If they had approved
  283. <19:10:15> "ElChupacabra": The ball would be green
  284. <19:10:18> "ElChupacabra": That's THEIR system not mine
  285. <19:11:04> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": Duuno have you seen the print ive send you they told me to choose another method to pay like anything excpet skolad dude if there is a reason why people dont put xskola cuz it sucks
  286. <19:11:08> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": it always happens this with xskola
  287. <19:11:11> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i ve experience
  288. <19:11:13> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": its not first time
  289. <19:11:22> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": like put on youtube xskola steals
  291. <19:11:54> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will just wait for fred and give him the items so i lett him do the give away
  292. <19:12:05> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": but just remember me
  293. <19:12:06> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": legendary
  294. <19:12:08> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": in 15 days
  295. <19:12:10> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will be here
  296. <19:12:12> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": with the ticket
  297. <19:12:14> "ElChupacabra": You showed me a screenshot
  298. <19:12:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": just so you can see
  299. <19:12:18> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": that i payed me
  300. <19:12:21> "ElChupacabra": Of PAYMENT IS AWAITING CONFIRMATION
  301. <19:12:23> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": that I payed}
  302. <19:12:31> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": im talking about second screen
  303. <19:12:35> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": just nvm dude
  304. <19:12:38> "ElChupacabra":
  305. <19:12:47> "ElChupacabra":
  306. <19:12:50> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": the money is lost
  307. <19:12:50> "ElChupacabra": This is the second
  308. <19:12:53> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": yes i know
  309. <19:12:58> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": they telling to choose another method
  310. <19:13:01> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": or shi.t like that
  311. <19:13:29> "ElChupacabra": Not after the CC one
  312. <19:13:41> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": look
  313. <19:13:49> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": lets do something
  314. <19:14:01> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will go tomorrow to the bank cuz i need to charge some money and i will ask them the ticket
  315. <19:14:03> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": if i have reason
  316. <19:14:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": you guys give me double of gc if not im out
  317. <19:14:24> "ElChupacabra": Ok
  318. <19:14:26> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i thing thats fair cuz i donated so much to lost the money like that
  319. <19:14:33> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": okay wait i will take a foto
  320. <19:14:34> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": agree
  321. <19:14:47> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": if i go the bank and get the ticket i have double gc
  325. <19:15:23> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": okay i will come tomorrow with my ticket
  326. <19:16:43> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": agree or not
  327. <19:17:41> "ElChupacabra": yes
  328. <19:17:48> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": ok
  329. <19:17:50> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": take screen
  330. <19:17:54> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": so
  331. <19:17:56> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": i will come tomorrow
  332. <19:18:02> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": and you will se im not lying
  333. <19:18:10> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": and ive recorded so tomorrow dont tell me excusses
  334. <19:18:15> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": bye have a great day
  335. <19:18:16> "LEGENDARY ON TWITCH GIVE AWAY": sorry for the time
  336. <19:21:03> Chat partner has closed the conversation
  337. <19:21:04> Your chat partner has disconnected.
  338. <19:23:56> "L E G E N D A R Y" rejoined chat.
  339. <19:43:05> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": IS FRED ON
  340. <20:26:19> "ElChupacabra": No. I don't understand why you think going to him rather than me is going to help you in anyway.
  341. <20:27:23> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": i just want to talk him
  342. <20:27:28> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": i this money gived for lost mate
  343. <20:27:34> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": this pay mode now is shit
  344. <20:27:50> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": so im getting again 50 euros from guys donating on stream
  345. <20:28:02> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": but i wont put it again on xskolla shit
  346. <20:28:09> "ElChupacabra": It declined/still processing your credit card for some reason. It only happened to you
  347. <20:28:25> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": yeah yeah yeah
  348. <20:28:27> "ElChupacabra": Your name is making us all look bad. Can you just change it?
  349. <20:28:28> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": what ever
  350. <20:28:38> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": its true
  351. <20:28:38> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": ...
  352. <20:28:41> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": but okay
  353. <20:28:45> "LOST 50 EUROS XSKOLLA SH.IT": the true dosnt help here
  354. <20:29:36> "i won 50 euros on skola": like that is good?
  355. <20:29:51> "ElChupacabra": I'm trying to help you and you're being a douche.
  356. <20:30:02> "ElChupacabra": What time was this money "stolen" from you? I'm talking to XSolla
  357. <20:30:28> "i won 50 euros on skola": like 7 hours ago
  358. <20:30:30> "i won 50 euros on skola": but nvm
  359. <20:30:33> "i won 50 euros on skola": you just dont care
  360. <20:31:24> "ElChupacabra": How the fuck do I not care? I'm going out of my way to try and help you
  361. <20:31:45> "ElChupacabra": People are constantly buying GC here, I just checkd.
  362. <20:31:52> "ElChupacabra": It's you that's having problems.
  363. <20:32:26> "ElChupacabra": If you paid with Credit Card 7 hours ago
  364. <20:32:36> "ElChupacabra":
  365. <20:32:53> "ElChupacabra": It means your CC declined the purchase
  366. <20:33:13> "i won 50 euros on skola": OKAY WHAT EVER
  367. <20:33:18> "i won 50 euros on skola": WE CANT USE PAYPAL
  368. <20:33:29> "i won 50 euros on skola": WE CANT HAVE OUR 50 EUROS WE DONATED IN GC
  369. <20:33:31> "i won 50 euros on skola": ALL GOD MADE
  370. <20:33:31> "i won 50 euros on skola": NVM
  371. <20:33:41> "ElChupacabra": YOU
  372. <20:33:43> "ElChupacabra": DIDN'T
  373. <20:33:44> "ElChupacabra": DONATE
  374. <20:33:45> "ElChupacabra": SHIT
  375. <20:33:45> "ElChupacabra": TO
  376. <20:33:46> "ElChupacabra": THE
  377. <20:33:47> "ElChupacabra": FUCKING
  378. <20:33:48> "ElChupacabra": GAME
  379. <20:33:48> "ElChupacabra": YOUR
  380. <20:33:50> "ElChupacabra": PURCHASES
  381. <20:33:51> "ElChupacabra": HAVE
  382. <20:33:52> "ElChupacabra": ALL
  383. <20:33:53> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
  384. <20:33:53> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
  385. <20:33:56> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
  386. <20:33:57> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
  387. <20:34:04> "i won 50 euros on skola": SO how ive been premium like 10 times
  388. <20:34:13> "ElChupacabra": I'm talking about this time
  389. <20:34:20> "ElChupacabra": Your money isn't gone - They didn't even take your money
  390. <20:34:31> "ElChupacabra": Unless Skrill did
  391. <20:34:40> "ElChupacabra": And your purchase on Skrill wasn't declined
  392. <20:34:44> "ElChupacabra": It just hasn't been processed
  393. <20:34:50> "ElChupacabra": Skrill purchases may take up to 48h
  394. <20:39:13> "I LOVE THIS GAME": yeah thats fake i can bet you i wont have my gc
  395. <20:39:14> "I LOVE THIS GAME": all is fake
  396. <20:39:20> "I LOVE THIS GAME": like the skins
  397. <20:39:20> "I LOVE THIS GAME": you guys said it was closed
  398. <20:39:31> "I LOVE THIS GAME": and clan comando sanfer has putt their skins
  399. <20:39:32> "I LOVE THIS GAME": now
  400. <20:39:42> "ElChupacabra":
  401. <20:39:45> "ElChupacabra": This?
  402. <20:39:51> "I LOVE THIS GAME": yeah
  403. <20:40:06> "I LOVE THIS GAME": they told us
  404. <20:40:09> "I LOVE THIS GAME": they send it today
  405. <20:40:12> "I LOVE THIS GAME": and you acepted
  406. <20:40:16> "ElChupacabra": And it's not getting added
  407. <20:40:20> "ElChupacabra": Where did I accept it?!
  408. <20:40:26> "ElChupacabra": I just told him it's not being added
  409. <20:40:26> "I LOVE THIS GAME": they told you guys acepted
  410. <20:40:29> "I LOVE THIS GAME": and you are testing them
  411. <20:41:19> "ElChupacabra": "AfYnE":
  412. "AfYnE": esto es el primero
  413. "AfYnE":
  414. "AfYnE": i este es el correcto
  415. "AfYnE": and svena ignore me
  416. "ElChupacabra": That's because we're not adding them for now.
  417. "AfYnE": pero nosotros izimos el skin clan cuando de podia añadir
  418. <20:40:58> "ElChupacabra": No, you remade them
  419. <20:413> "ElChupacabra": They're completely different now
  420. <20:41:41> "I LOVE THIS GAME": they toold us something different
  421. <20:41:52> "ElChupacabra": Well
  422. <20:41:53> "ElChupacabra": Too bad
  423. <20:41:54> "I LOVE THIS GAME": ok i hope my gc are on my acc by tomorrow
  424. <20:41:57> "I LOVE THIS GAME": or im demanding
  425. <20:42:00> "I LOVE THIS GAME": the game and xkolla
  426. <20:42:01> "I LOVE THIS GAME": just that
  427. <20:42:01> "ElChupacabra": DEMANDING?!
  428. <20:42:12> "I LOVE THIS GAME": Thats what my friend say
  429. <20:42:13> "ElChupacabra": Are you seriously gonna threaten me now?
  430. <20:42:15> "I LOVE THIS GAME": i cant demand
  431. <20:42:19> "ElChupacabra": You can't demand
  432. <20:42:24> "ElChupacabra": It wasn't approved
  433. <20:42:25> "ElChupacabra": Not our fault
  434. <20:42:29> "I LOVE THIS GAME": So how
  435. <20:42:33> "ElChupacabra": If you used another payment method
  436. <20:42:35> "I LOVE THIS GAME": is my credit card lost 50 euros
  437. <20:42:41> "I LOVE THIS GAME": of this game
  438. <20:42:42> "I LOVE THIS GAME": ....
  439. <20:42:44> "ElChupacabra": Liek Skrill
  440. <20:42:44> "I LOVE THIS GAME": we will see
  441. <20:42:57> "ElChupacabra": They're not sending the money to XSolla
  442. <20:43:05> "ElChupacabra": Which in turn is not sending us the money
  443. <20:43:07> "I LOVE THIS GAME": my friends told me that if i dont get the gc I need to demand the game or XSOLLA
  444. <20:43:16> "ElChupacabra": which in turn is not sending you the GC.
  445. <20:43:20> "ElChupacabra": Everything is automatic
  446. <20:43:24> "I LOVE THIS GAME": okay
  447. <20:43:28> "I LOVE THIS GAME": im just recording all this in case
  448. <20:43:35> "ElChupacabra": Do it.
  449. <20:43:36> "I LOVE THIS GAME": i dont get my gc cuz tomorrow i will go to find that ticket
  450. <20:43:39> "I LOVE THIS GAME": and if i have
  451. <20:43:41> "ElChupacabra": You're accusing us of fraud
  452. <20:43:42> "ElChupacabra": US
  453. <20:43:43> "ElChupacabra": NewZ
  454. <20:43:47> "ElChupacabra": Record this as well
  455. <20:43:48> "I LOVE THIS GAME": this game is in big problems
  456. <20:43:55> "ElChupacabra": You're accusing us of fraud
  457. <20:43:59> "ElChupacabra": With no evidence
  458. <20:44:05> "ElChupacabra": And THREATENING us.
  459. <20:44:06> "I LOVE THIS GAME": I will bring my evidence tomorrow
  460. <20:44:12> "ElChupacabra": OK, sir.
  461. <20:44:12> "I LOVE THIS GAME": and going to the bank to get the tickets
  462. <20:44:41> "I LOVE THIS GAME": so you better call fred or XKOLKOLLA OR WHO THE HELL PUTS THE GC that if i dont find my gc we will have problems
  463. <20:44:46> "I LOVE THIS GAME": gtg
  464. <20:44:49> "I LOVE THIS GAME": Have a great day
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