
Poor lil Cadence

Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was in her room staring at the pills on her vanity. There was a bottle of water there too, the ones she needed to take at night sitting out. She sighed and leaned over, spinning one of them around, "I hate that I have to take you. That I can't be normal... do normal things... without the monotonous task of swalling each ane every one of you." She sighed and flicked it across the vanity so it bounced off the mirror and back towards her.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy sat in his music room, listening to vinyls while he FaceTimed with Sasha but was trying to get off so he could check on Cadence. "I was just calling to say happy Father's day Jew Dad. I didn't mean to turn it into a whole conversation." He said with a shrug. // "It's fine. It's good to catch up with my son." Sasha said on the other line. "Your sister called earlier but she seemed sleepy or unenthusiastic. Something. I guess I can call again before bed."
  3. Covet: Cadence smacked the bottles off the vanity and watched them spill on the floor when one of the lids that wasn't on tight fell off. She stared at them for a long time, then put her head down, burrying it in her arms while she gave a muffled scream and stamped her feet before just breathing deep shuddering while she felt tears falling down her nose.
  4. Tsaaq: "Sasha. I really have to go." He said sternly to his father after hearing the spill. His eyes going wide as he pushed up to his feet and went to walk out of the room, practically running to the bedroom. "Sorry man. I'll call tomorrow." He hung up on the call and opened the door. "Cay?" He called out. // He furrowed his eyebrows. "Remy, is everything okay?" He asked a little before he was cut off.
  5. Covet: "It's fine!" She said calling out from her burried state." I'll pick them up in a second." She said in an exhausted tone, picking her head up to whipe her face off as she pushed her hair back from her face and got off the chair to kneel down and pick he pills up putting them back in the bottle. "I didn't mean to interupt your call with your, Dad." She mumbled to Remy.
  6. Tsaaq: He shook his head at her. "He was running his fucking mouth anyways. I was trying to come and see you anyways." He went over to watch her pick up her pills. "Anything I can do?" He asked, crouching down as well.
  7. Covet: Cadence stopped what she was doing and sat back on her heels, dropping her arms. "Watch me take them...So I can stop being like this." She pouted then frowned leaning back over to pick up the pills, clearly mad and upset at herself for how pathetic she was being. "Or fix me so I don't have to take them at all."
  8. Tsaaq: Remy watched her and stood to his feet. "Well... I can't really fix you." He muttered. "Cause you're not broken." He said softly as he went to grab the bottle of water. "Just swallow it down babe. It's not that horrible... It helps you."
  9. Covet: "If I have to take pills, then clearly I'm at least a little broken." She said slamming her hand down on the vanity to grab the pills as she slammed her eyes closed and opened her mouth putting them in as he handed her the water bottle. "I know...I'm just going to be sluggish because I haven't been taking them.. and that means I'm going to be Shit...for whatever the fuck Bryan has planned, that I can't get out of." She said getting back up to sit on the chair then reched for Remy.
  10. Covet: *reached
  11. Tsaaq: He sighed. "Why exactly haven't you been taking your pills?" Remy asked quietly. He rose an eyebrow and moved closer to her. "And what the hell does Bryan have planned? You're not gonna burn more shit. Are you?" He asked.
  12. Covet: "Because I was feeling fine without them. I thought I was going to be fine." She told him burrying her face against his torso, "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. He just told me to be ready and that I can't wear sweatpants. I don't think so... He seemed pretty serious about whatever it was though. He'd probably tell you though."
  13. Tsaaq: "Yeah that's on my to-do list." Remy said as he held out his hand for her to be pulled into an embrace. "Listen. You're on them for a reason, don't mess up the flow by quitting them suddently. That might be bad for you. You never know."
  14. Covet: "Yeah... I think I learned that lesson." She said flatly then sighed, "Thank you... for coming to stop me.. and taking care of me when I'm like this... I know babysitting sucks." She told him biting her lip.
  15. Tsaaq: He remained silent then lowered his head. "If it was baby sitting I wouldn't want to do it." He told her. "I want to take care of you. When things are shitty and when things are good." He said. "That's my job. I have to take care of you and I'll gladly do it."
  16. Covet: "Thank you..." She said then started to cry, "You deserve better than this.. and I promise I'll get back to that. I want to be better... for you.. for us.." She held onto him tightly, in a sort fo clingy fashion.
  17. Tsaaq: Remy inhaled sharply and held her tight. "Please don't cry." He said. "No, I don't deserve better. You are what I want. And you don't have to promise anything. Because I already know you're gonna be better. Because that's what love is all about." He told her, leading her over to the bed. "Come on. Let's get some shut eye."
  18. Covet: Cadence nodded her head, sniffling as she listened to him, following him over to the bed as she crawled under the covers, her meds kicking in to help her sleep anyways. She stayed wrapped up around him as she felt herself dozing off.
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