

Dec 11th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. 'AoC-2020, day 10
  2. DIM n(100) AS LONG
  3. OPEN "C:\day10.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
  4. 'OPEN "C:\test10.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
  5. nums = 0: WHILE NOT EOF(1): nums = nums + 1: INPUT #1, n(nums): WEND
  7. 'ynzesort the list
  8. FOR i = 1 TO nums - 1
  9.   FOR j = i + 1 TO nums
  10.     IF n(i) > n(j) THEN temp = n(i): n(i) = n(j): n(j) = temp
  11.   NEXT
  12. NEXT
  13. max = n(nums): nums = nums + 1: n(nums) = max + 3
  15. 'compute distances
  16. FOR i = 1 TO nums
  17.   d = n(i) - n(i - 1)
  18.   IF d = 1 THEN d1 = d1 + 1
  19.   IF d = 3 THEN d3 = d3 + 1
  20. NEXT
  21. PRINT "pt1:"; d1; " * "; d3; " = "; d1 * d3
  23. 'count paths to the end from each node, starting from the end node and working back
  24. 'for each node the number of paths is simply the sum of paths, of each node within reach
  25. DIM c(100) AS _INTEGER64
  26. FOR i = nums TO 0 STEP -1
  27.   IF n(i) = max + 3 THEN c(i) = 1
  28.   FOR j = 1 TO 3
  29.     IF i + j <= nums THEN
  30.       IF n(i + j) - n(i) <= 3 THEN c(i) = c(i) + c(i + j)
  31.     END IF
  32.   NEXT
  33. NEXT
  34. PRINT "pt2:"; c(0)
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