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- cl-user> (cat "/tmp/a.lisp")
- (defun xu-2 (x y)
- (declare (ignore x y))
- (values))
- (defun explode-3 (value1)
- (let ((pos1 (position #\Space value1))
- (list-x '()))
- (push (parse-integer (subseq value1 (1+ pos1) (length value1))) list-x)
- (push (parse-integer (subseq value1 0 pos1)) list-x)
- (return-from explode-3 list-x)))
- (defun h23 (test-o)
- (let ((explode1 nil))
- (loop for i from 1 to test-o do
- (setf explode1 (explode-3 (nth 0 (multiple-value-bind (a b) (read-line *standard-input*) (list a b)))))
- (xu-2 (nth 0 explode1) (nth 1 explode1)))))
- (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "1
- 2 3
- ")
- (h23 (read)))
- ; No value
- cl-user> (load "/tmp/a.lisp")
- #P"/private/tmp/a.lisp"
- cl-user>
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