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- --]]
- local SearchDistance = 100 -- How far a player can be before it detects you
- local ZombieDamage = 100 -- How much damage the Zombie inficts towards the player
- local DamageWait = 1 -- How many seconds to wait before it can damage the player again
- local WanderX, WanderZ = 70, 70
- -- How many studs the zombie can wander on the x and z axis in studs ; 0, 0 to stay still
- --[[
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- --]]
- function getHumanoid(model)
- for _, v in pairs(model:GetChildren())do
- if v:IsA'Humanoid' then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- local zombie = script.Parent
- local human = getHumanoid(zombie)
- local hroot = zombie.Torso
- local zspeed = hroot.Velocity.magnitude
- local head = zombie:FindFirstChild'Head'
- local vars = script.vars
- local pfs = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
- local players = game:GetService('Players')
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- local path
- local waypoint
- local chaseName = nil
- function GetTorso(part)
- local chars = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
- local chaseRoot = nil
- local chaseTorso = nil
- local chasePlr = nil
- local chaseHuman = nil
- local mag = SearchDistance
- for i = 1, #chars do
- chasePlr = chars[i]
- if chasePlr:IsA'Model' and chasePlr ~= zombie then
- chaseHuman = getHumanoid(chasePlr)
- chaseRoot = chasePlr:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
- if chaseRoot ~= nil and chaseHuman ~= nil and chaseHuman.Health > 0 and chaseHuman.Name ~= "Zombie" then
- if (chaseRoot.Position - part).magnitude < mag then
- chaseName = chasePlr.Name
- chaseTorso = chaseRoot
- mag = (chaseRoot.Position - part).magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return chaseTorso
- end
- function GetPlayersBodyParts(t)
- local torso = t
- if torso then
- local figure = torso.Parent
- for _, v in pairs(figure:GetChildren())do
- if v:IsA'Part' then
- return v.Name
- end
- end
- else
- return "HumanoidRootPart"
- end
- end
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- local damagetime
- local damagedb = false
- for _, zambieparts in pairs(zombie:GetChildren())do
- if zambieparts:IsA'Part' and human.Health > 0 then
- zambieparts.Touched:connect(function(p)
- if p.Parent.Name == chaseName and p.Parent.Name ~= zombie.Name and not damagedb then -- damage
- damagedb = true
- damagetime = time()
- local enemy = p.Parent
- local enemyhuman = getHumanoid(enemy)
- vars.Attacking.Value = true
- enemyhuman:TakeDamage(ZombieDamage)
- vars.Attacking.Value = false
- while wait() do
- if damagetime ~= nil and time() >= (damagetime + DamageWait) then
- damagedb = false
- damagetime = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- -- wandering
- spawn(function()
- while vars.Wandering.Value == false and human.Health > 0 do
- vars.Chasing.Value = false
- vars.Wandering.Value = true
- local desgx, desgz = hroot.Position.x+math.random(-WanderX,WanderX), hroot.Position.z+math.random(-WanderZ,WanderZ)
- local function checkw(t)
- local ci = 3
- if ci > #t then
- ci = 3
- end
- if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then
- repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil
- return,0,0) + t[ci]
- else
- ci = 3
- return t[ci]
- end
- end
- path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position,, 0, desgz))
- waypoint = path:GetWaypoints()
- local connection;
- local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front)
- local ncf = hroot.CFrame *
- direct = ncf.p.unit
- local rootr =, direct)
- local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot)
- if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then
- if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then
- human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position )
- human.Jump = false
- end
- if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then
- connection = human.Changed:connect(function()
- human.Jump = true
- end)
- human:MoveTo( waypoint[4].Position )
- else
- human.Jump = false
- end
- if connection then
- connection:Disconnect()
- end
- else
- for i = 3, #waypoint do
- human:MoveTo( waypoint[i].Position )
- end
- end
- wait(math.random(4,6))
- vars.Wandering.Value = false
- end
- end)
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- while wait() do
- local nrstt = GetTorso(hroot.Position)
- if nrstt ~= nil and human.Health > 0 then -- if player detected
- vars.Wandering.Value = false
- vars.Chasing.Value = true
- local function checkw(t)
- local ci = 3
- if ci > #t then
- ci = 3
- end
- if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then
- repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil
- return,0,0) + t[ci]
- else
- ci = 3
- return t[ci]
- end
- end
- path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position, nrstt.Position)
- waypoint = path:GetWaypoints()
- local connection;
- local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front)
- local ncf = hroot.CFrame *
- direct = ncf.p.unit
- local rootr =, direct)
- local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot)
- if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then
- if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then
- human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position )
- human.Jump = false
- end
- if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then
- connection = human.Changed:connect(function()
- human.Jump = true
- end)
- human:MoveTo( waypoint[4].Position )
- else
- human.Jump = false
- end
- hroot.Touched:connect(function(p)
- local bodypartnames = GetPlayersBodyParts(nrstt)
- if p:IsA'Part' and not p.Name == bodypartnames and phit and phit.Name ~= bodypartnames and phit:IsA'Part' and rootr:Distance(phit.Position) < 5 then
- connection = human.Changed:connect(function()
- human.Jump = true
- end)
- else
- human.Jump = false
- end
- end)
- if connection then
- connection:Disconnect()
- end
- else
- for i = 3, #waypoint do
- human:MoveTo( waypoint[i].Position )
- end
- end
- path = nil
- waypoint = nil
- elseif nrstt == nil then -- if player not detected
- vars.Wandering.Value = false
- vars.Chasing.Value = false
- CchaseName = nil
- path = nil
- waypoint = nil
- human.MoveToFinished:Wait()
- end
- end
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