
working on

Mar 3rd, 2016
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  1. As i told the mods at least a month about it, this is a review concerning about -22, but seeing they're two versions of it i will review on how Proven Ians version improved on itself, but i will also say what it still needs to improve on. This is entirly unbias, or as unbias as possible so there is going to be constructive criticism, about it but also i will tell on how it improved so lets get on with it shall we?
  3. "Things on Prøven haven't been this bad since before the war. Winter has hit early this year, stronger than ever before. Your house, or what was your house, is already covered entirely in snow. A few residents have been lucky enough to dig down to their front doors. Feral mutants seem to hide behind every corner, stalking and mocking you. The constant blizzard too thick to navigate in. Your only hope is to stay warm, horde food, or brave the ice in search of the mainland or the nearby mecca of Upernavik; a suicide mission at best. Welcome to Prøven. FINALLY SOME LORE!,you are on a small island called Proven, which is an island next to Uppernivik, not only this small story gives you what is going on or has happened, but it tells you that this is going to have some serious survival roleplay, and some actual true post appoc, without all that sci-fi shit. Although some better information about proven like how big is it, or what it is really would help veterans like me understand it a little more but this discription informs new players on some lore concerning about it.
  6. New Player: Back in the "Bad" -22 is what i will refer it as, or "Garbage" that -22 became SUPER ANTI-NEW PLAYER it was entirely impossible to start a new char or trying to rp as a new roleplayer without sucking a moderators dick, or another char. It became more of a "Stand back and watch" roleplay than anything else. Also the term "Wash" up roleplayers is when a roleplayer cannot keep up with the pace of a roleplaying group or game and soon there characters are either killed off, or end up collapsing, meaning they player just gives up. Which was true, i was such a roleplayer i couldn't keep up AT ALL,because the POWER DIFFERENCE WAS SO MUCH that a simple punch was punching a pillow, nothing will happen it hardly affected any char and every char had super edgy warlords, and were ridiculously rich it made purchasing equipment or better equipment and unique so that is, impossible. And there were no explanation on what was going on vto new players, so they became first timers "Oh this game sucks BACK TO ATF!", we became a oper version of Darkened Dawn than anything else. As Power roleplay was the most form of it not skill roleplay, not post appoc, nothing. It was more of a "FUCK YOU GUYS!" and they just shit on your face more than anything else. You couldn't rp as a new char, or anything without putting an OP power to them right off the bat, it also became super bias concerning about mods...but we'll get to that later.
  8. When the "Lore" Reset happened it opened a door too new players, and gave wash up people a new chance it became more survival roleplay, and by voiding all of the OP factions and removed almost every rich guy there was...but no they didn't stop there they went far and beyond and VOIDED All the supernatural shit and said "Lets do it the proper way!" this not only gave newer rpers a chance. they also removed the so many factions although they're hitting that "Uhhh" point they kept the two major factions UAE and 22-3 which i am totally alright with while VIKARM Being just at a moderate power range.
  9. this is a massive plus, and i hope it stays like this, without adding as much factions, the lore also was de-centralized, and removed lore characters more like it(I only know like one but it does not centralized around him) THIS MAKES IT THAT YOUR CHAR ACTAULLY MATTER.
  10. The only problem is that Proven is a bit...well "too groupy" and sometimes everyone is one spot, and i would like to group rp with survivors more like it, and what you find, you can get super creative like me and make your ow weapons, your own armor, your own everything as long as you can explain it to a moderator about it and they're ok about it.'And what was great those players are now with anakin, some remained here but they do not have that power difference like they use to..and the ones who bullied the weaker chars on a daily can i say...this, it was "Ironic" when they left too.
  12. Moderators:I love the new moderators, although i miss some of the old ones, by removing the older moderators who some were incredibly bias towards there friends and replaced moderators, new and fresh and i am curious on how they handle there power. And shockenly some are unbias, compare to the older ones and do not do hand outs, like the other mods before them, while other older moderators were given another chance which was very sweet.
  14. OOC enforcement: Its really good and all but sometimes when you get a massive OOC chat it gets out of hand easily, if moderators enforced it a bit more, it'll prevent servers to die out
  16. Despite all the good, things that are happening they're some bad things one of them is that the game is too god dam laggy or the lore is too choppy. It doesn't explain mutants, what kind, what weapons are now here, factions and really you have to go "moderator scavenger hunt" just to find more lore, NO stop it! thats is NOT HOW YOU PROVIDE INFORMATION! at ALL if you were looking for a lovely book in a library and had to wait in line to get it, because the libary didn't allow people to get it themselves. Yes its nice of you to hold our hands but we are all old enough to do it yourself, don't be a anakin, provide what lore is necessary give us a draft, DO NOT GIVE US "We are working on lore" But 3 years later we haven't got even a draft. Tit gets boring...really fast yes survival rping is fun gets boring really fast if you're just doing it by yourself, i feel like you should start making more camps, and or areas for survival rp,and decrease towns and stuff, discourage grouping but also encourage people to survival rp with each other
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