
Sexy Ab Touches

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((There's a painting and curtains down here lmaooo))
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Ugh I see it normal. I wonder if its just loading fucked for you)
  3. Tsaaq: ((Its both lmao she forgets to delete shit
  4. Alexithymiaa: (She didnt even adjust the curtains so theyre not sticking out of the ceiling downstairs...)
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn had been taking a nap because midterms are stressful, yo. Stirring from her sleep, she sat up from her mound of pillows on her bed, running her hand back through her sleep touseled mane and trying to blink the grogginess out of her eyes. Letting out a yawn, she quickly covered her mouth, slowly sliding off her bed and turning to fix her pillows back in place pre nap.-
  6. Tsaaq: Penelope, being herself and pulling people's strings to get them to do what she wanted began to smirk at her cellphone. She graciously stood from her couch and walked out of her bedroom. She didn't even pause to see if Quinn was decent when she opened her room door like a more glamorous Kramer."I've just invited Thorn over for a bit of trouble. Or fun. Or both." She quirked an eyebrow. "Oh perfect. You're dressed for company." Her hands went to her hips as she opened her night gown and put her silk white nightie.
  7. Alexithymiaa: (A MORE GLAMOROUS KRAMER)
  8. Covet: Thorn ppulled up to the place, and glanced down at his phone, then at the front gate. He wasn't dumb enought to think that something wasn't up, He knew that Penelope's mind was a manipulative one. Climbing out he grabbed his bag, because he never went anywhere without it, and made his way past the gate and up to the door, hitting the doorbell.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Still trying to process even the idea of being awake, she rubbed the side of her face and let out a sigh, glancing over to Penelope. "Just so you're aware, knocking is a thing." She dropped down to sit on the edge of her bed, slipping her feet into her bunny slippers before rubbing her face with her hand again. "I'm really too out of it to figure out what you're talking about right now..." She said with a bit of a groan, hearing the doorbell ring, but not flinching.-
  10. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes very condescendingly. Her smile unwavering. "Don't be ridiculous. We're neighbors and sorority sisters. We'll share everything." She chirped. She went to switch her hips as she walked closer to the bed. "Go splash some water on your face. Post haste." She smiled then heard the doorbell. "Oh. That's him now. You're going to thank me so much. This is what friends are for." Penelope went towards the stairs and basically fluttered down them then pulled the door open for Thorn. "Well well well. Look who's finally here. Care to join me upstairs?" She asked him coyly.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (SHARE EVERYTHING YOU SAY?)
  12. Tsaaq: ((Is this a reference to clothes?))
  13. Alexithymiaa: (Of course it is.)
  14. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  15. Covet: Thorn raised an eyebrow looking at Penelope in her all white get up, "That's not topless. And I think I prefer you more in white, than Black, It at least gives the illusion that you're sweet." He said with a cocky smirk as he walked in, shamelessly looking her over.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to remember that." She grumbled, sliding off the bed when Penelope walked out to go answer the door. She made her way into her bathroom, running the water in the sink and pulling her hair off to one side so it wasnt in her face, but honestly it was just all up in the sink. Long hair is a pain in the ass. She cupped her hands together, splashing water on her face and neck, rubbing a cold wet hand down the back of her neck in an attempt to wake herself up a bit.-
  17. Tsaaq: ((I'm back?))
  18. Alexithymiaa: (You're back)
  19. Tsaaq: ((did you post aleady?))
  20. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to remember that." She grumbled, sliding off the bed when Penelope walked out to go answer the door. She made her way into her bathroom, running the water in the sink and pulling her hair off to one side so it wasnt in her face, but honestly it was just all up in the sink. Long hair is a pain in the ass. She cupped her hands together, splashing water on her face and neck, rubbing a cold wet hand down the back of her neck in an attempt to wake herself up a bit.-
  21. Tsaaq: ((I have my post ready for when Kiki is back.))
  22. Covet: Thorn raised an eyebrow looking at Penelope in her all white get up, "That's not topless. And I think I prefer you more in white, than Black, It at least gives the illusion that you're sweet." He said with a cocky smirk as he walked in, shamelessly looking her over.
  23. Covet: Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to remember that." She grumbled, sliding off the bed when Penelope walked out to go answer the door. She made her way into her bathroom, running the water in the sink and pulling her hair off to one side so it wasnt in her face, but honestly it was just all up in the sink. Long hair is a pain in the ass. She cupped her hands together, splashing water on her face and neck, rubbing a cold wet hand down the back of her neck in an attempt to wake herself up a bit.-
  24. Tsaaq: She scoffed and shook her ginger head. "Who said I'd be topless?" She asked him playfully then smirked. "Take your shirt off." Penelope commanded him as she went to walk up the stairs. "I'll have you know... I'm very virginal and pure. People used to think red heads were witches because they were beguiling and beautiful. You're only feeding into superstition." She smirked as she went to Quinn's room and barged in again. "We're back." She announced.
  25. Alexithymiaa: (WILL SHE EVER KNOCK)
  26. Tsaaq: ((No.))
  27. Alexithymiaa: (I feel like this needs to be a running gag)
  28. Covet: "Ah, Loopholes, Lawyer, I really should have known better. I'm not just going to strip out of my shirt for you without getting something in return, Penny." He said then snickered at her as he followed her upstairs, but not to her room this time as she threw open the doors to another room, "I never said anything about you not being a virgin, Pure might be pushing it though."
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Turning the water off in her bathroom, she flipped her head forward to shake out her hair before flipping it back so it could sit in all it's blonde fluffy glory over her shoulders. She turned and walked out of the bathroom, quickly rubbing the water away from her neck when she saw Penelope and Thorn standing in her room. "Knocking, Penelope. Knocking..."-
  30. Tsaaq: She feigned an offended gasp but then began to snicker. "What do you want then?" She asked him, leaning forward a bit. "It has to be reasonable. I'm growing tired of you still wearing a shirt." Penelope pursed her lips at him. "Knocking what?" She asked exasperatedly. "I've haven't bumped into anything." She shrugged. "Anyways. Our guest of honor is here." Penelope waved her hands in Thorn's direction. "He was just getting undressed."
  31. Covet: "Hey Sleeping Beauty," Thorn said giving Quinn a smirk. "Those bunny slippers are doing you a world of favors tonight. Almost as sexy as Penny here." He said then tossed his bag onto the unoccupied bed. "I'm not taking anything off, by myself. If that's what you were thinking this was going to be."
  32. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes at the fact that Penelope was clearly not getting that she should knock before entering her room, glancing down at her slippers and quickly hiding her face when her cheeks flushed red. "They're comfortable..." She spoke in a small voice, her head shooting up to stare at Penelope. "Wait, undressed? Who said anything about getting undressed?"-
  33. Tsaaq: "I did." She replied hurriedly and quirked her eyebrows playfully. "Fine. I'll take off my heels..." She trailed off. "How's that? Is that even?" Penelope pursed her large red lips. "I need you to not wear a shirt as soon as possible please." She snapped her fingers at him. "No need to make a show of it. Just peel off your top."
  34. Covet: Giving an exhale she took his jacket off and tossed it next to his bag on the other bed, then pulled his shirt over his head and threw it at Penelope. "Shoes really don't count, but I'm not going to filch out either. There, are you happy?" He said, then gave a not so casual casual stretch. "Your turn Sleeping Beauty. You got more balls then Penny?"
  35. Covet: *he took his jacket off.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -She pursed her lips because she was NOT told about this part of hanging out prior to this point, planting her hands on her hips and stepping out of her slippers. "You know... technically I'm wearing less than both of you, so that's really what we should be going based off of. Logistically you just have more opportunities to remove clothing before you're actually naked and therefore this is entirely unfair to me."-
  37. Tsaaq: Penelope shook her head and went to sit down beside Quinn, putting her hands on the other girl's shoulders. "You my friend, are at an advantage." She smiled before giggling. She looked very excited once Thorn began to undress. She went to take off her heels. "You're lucky I'm wearing a robe." She tilted her head at him. "May we touch your abs, Thorny?" She asked, holding out her well manicured hand and tickling the air.
  38. Covet: Thorn looked around then down at his chest then back over to Penelope and Quinn. "Girls suck." He said in a general blanketing tone. "If you must, just don't go filing your claws on this washboard. I like my scars to be well earned." He told them putting his hands on his hips in fists.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I think I'll pass on the groping, thanks." She spoke, leaning to one side and raking her fingers through her hair to pull it over her shoulder. "To be fair, guys suck just as much, if not more than girls. Everyone sucks in their own respect and I resent your globalization."-
  40. Tsaaq: "Women do in fact suck. There's a time and a place for everything." Penelope replied as she went to trail her fingers along his abdominal muscles. "So do men. Again, on certain occasions." She tilted her head. "Oh. Quinn. You don't want to partake?" Penelope began to pout. "They're so warm." She pleaded. "We're just having fun. You're not mad at me are you Thorny?" She looked up at him.
  41. Covet: "You might resent it, but you still resemble it." He told Quinn with a grin, then flinched when he felt Penelope's fingers on his body, giving a chuckle, "Are we still talking about the same kind of sucking here? No, not mad at all. Hell, I'd be an idiot not to enjoy the attention, and appreciation you have for someone who works hard at everything in life." He told her flexing his muscles again.
  42. Alexithymiaa: "And of course don't forget humble." She said with a small laugh, shaking her fingers through her hair as she watched Penelope feel over Thorn's abs. "Not particularly. Awkwardly touching Thorn's abs as a group activity isn't really my idea of a fun night."-
  43. Tsaaq: She pouted as she looked over to Quinn. "Do you want me to leave the room?" She asked hurriedly as she rose to her feet and looked between the two of them.
  44. Covet: "What? Wait why are we leaving, I thought we were all hanging out together?" Thorn said looking at the two girls. "C'mon Quinn, it's just a little flesh..." He said walking over to her so he could get his muscles all up in her face, taking Peneleope's hand with him as he held her close, "Everyone can get in on this, I'll do it too." He said as he stroked his chest.
  46. Alexithymiaa: "What? No. That's not what I meant." She said quickly to Penelope, rolling her eyes at Thorn when he came over to try to persuade her to fucking touch him. Jesus. Letting out a sigh, she reached her hand out and laid it flat on his abs, raising a brow and glancing up at him. "Happy? I don't know why this is supposed to be fun..."-
  47. Tsaaq: "Because it's hot. Don't you like a little excitement?" Penelope started to giggle. Her hands rubbed Thorn up and down once more. "Now. You've been a good boy. You'll get one reward so choose wisely." Penelope told Thorn as she gave him a smile. She went to sit once more and crossed her legs.
  48. Covet: "Yes, very happy." Thorn said then grinned looking like a dog getting his belly rubbed by all the hands. "It's fun because I'm not pressuring you ladies into anything, other than touching my sexy body." He said then looked at Penelope, "A good boy? Do I need to sit and roll over too? Hmm.. Can I sit on my reward? Save it for a time when I really really want it?" He said with his own devilish grin. "I think I'm going to do that regardless of what your answer is."
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, at least your smart about this. I have to at least respect that." She pulled her hand off of him, setting both her hands into her lap. "I do like excitement, but this is just not my idea of exciting. Do I get a reward for participating, and can that reward be like... food or something? Because I'm hungry and could definitely go for chicken fingers and fries right about now."-
  50. Tsaaq: Penelope inhaled deeply and nodded her head. "Very well. I'll accept that. At least it means I don't have to show you my breasts. Which is usually the common request." She said. "I suppose that's also an option. But only because I actually like you sorority sister." Penelope told Quinn. "Even though I frown upon late night snacking..."
  51. Covet: "When I want to see your lady bits, don't worry It's gonna be during a time when we're not just hanging out." Thorn said to Penelope with a grin as he stepped away from the girls, "I could nosh. Get some protien in my system. You ladies want to go on an adventure? We'll take my Renegade and hunt something down. I'll even leave my shirt off."
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Yes. Yes yes yes." She said a little too excitedly because Quinn is hungry and its time for her to eat. She pushed up from her bed and walked to her dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans and jumping into them. "You're going to be cold, but that's entirely up to you. I don't think we're going to be the ones complaining about that."-
  53. Tsaaq: "Oh you." she waved her hand at him. "Fiiiine." Penelope said, slipping on her heels once more. "I have to put on actual clothes now though..." She complained. "Or just a coat?" She smiled. "Let's find some chicken fingers..." Penelope turned to Thorn. "I'm fine with him being cold."
  54. Covet: "You got a trenchcoat? Cause that would be hot." He said with a grin, then laughed at Quinn's excitement over food. "C'mon Ladies, get your shit together." He said clapping his hands as he threw his jacket and his t-shirt into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.
  55. Tsaaq: ((Of course she has a trenchcoat Thorn she's extra as fuck.))
  56. Covet: [HAHAHA He assumed as]
  57. Alexithymiaa: -She grabbed her hoodie and pulled it onto her arms, zipping it halfway up her cami before spinning around. "Okay, let's go go go. The sooner we go, the sooner we get food, the sooner we can come back here and eat it." She said quickly, walking towards her bedroom door and stepping into the hall so she could run down the stairs excited for food. "Shotgun!" She's just excited for food.-
  58. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "Don't be daft Thorny. Of course I have a trenchcoat." Penelope went down the stairs after Quinn and went to the closet near the door and pulled it over her before stepping outside to Thorn's car for foods.
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