
RNN on the house of reps

Jul 24th, 2015
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  1. Seed: boats
  3. to find out providers in contrary to the students of Australia and they will be in the suburbs of Bendigo. They were making people with the job seekers in our community. The changes are all the requirements that they do not support the system and then they have been working together. The member for Reid asked the member for Wentworth and saying that they need to see that they can do the happen by scares their properties and conducted them in the part of the debate. They were all going to negotiate their time.</span>
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  7.                   <span class="HPS-GeneralIInterjecting">Opposition members interjecting</span>โ€”</span>
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  11.                   <span class="HPS-GeneralIInterjecting">Opposition members interjecting</span>โ€”</span>
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  21.                   <span style="font-weight:bold;">Temporary Regulation </span>
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  28.                     <span style="font-weight:bold;">The Leader of the Opposition and the member for Reid and the member for Flynn, the member for McMahon and the member for Watson in this House. I am sure that we have spent $100 million to the raised special box. It is a joke of war of a small money that will be a surplus that we were asked to see the parents of their future. It is a bit of the responsibility of the international career that was reported by the Minister for Finance in the House that the Australian people are an important comprehension to the state of Australia. The government is so provided by the coalition government to find $100 million to stop the budget more important to what is committed to all producers, and the most important thing that we give to the office and the coalition government's change in the coalition government. The government is removing the party in the world that we do not want to stand up for the paid parental leave scheme. The budget will not stand for the response to the coalition government's program, which is a government that is the case that the government was in place and there are providers and the children of the local students attach and the red tape of their losses. The Australian people are not standing to stay in the interests of the country as a result of the state of the House that they have taken any promotion of the previous government. They will be a lot of party to their position and it is not a worthy of the government to do in the last six years for the prosperity of the National security of the population. They are still saying that they will find that they were asking them of their savings and into the future.</span>
  29.                 </p>
  30.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  31.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">There are many times of the experienced principle to the state of Resources 2014. It is a good man and the removal of the budget with the team and to support the motion of the House today and the government proposed that we will be able to be taken back to meeting the right thing to completely completely assist our nation. It is important that the government does not get the activities of the company. There are also the cost of living start of a budget of $1.7 million a year. There is no cuts to healthโ€”the carbon tax. The government can see the right thing to get the training program but who should not be able to see the opportunity to repair the money that they have seen in the car industry in the world, and they do not want to see them and to do and they were all contributed to their lives. </span>
  32.                 </p>
  33.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  34.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The Leader of the Opposition was in a very important part of the coalition to stand up for the parliament. He was a champion to the warning of the Australian people for the people who have been on the first and successful position that they have a look at the program and all of the businesses were given the footy of our nation. They were really placed to stand up for the completion of this bill to the Parliamentary Joint Standards) Act. The government is reporting on the family of the House, and I will not let them be seen about the fact that the coalition government is saying that the government is the policy of the published specific commitment to some of the people who stand and in particular the state of the party that we do not want to say that the Labor Party is not companied. They are the program that is what we have an opportunity to be supported by the coalition to provide genuinely and consider of the party and other people in the community and so it is not short-term and the strong suppliers of compliance with the airport. It is not what we were seeing a complication and the strong debt of the budget. The third coalition government is still about completion that the government did not want to put it into office, because of the coalition government. They were not concerned about a couple of time and they can be paid to them. They are not in the world and the thing is the government's government that will be over the time they see it down and they have provided their pensioners to move to the expenditure and to their part in the economy. </span>
  35.                 </p>
  36.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  37.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">I am pleased to speak on the comments of the House that the Prime Minister can debate the passing of the surplus of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Agency. One of the first one of the concerns will be under priority to the Australian people and we have taken a serious program to ensure that students are not seeing and they need to be paid off to their places. It is a proud of the 223 completions of the coalition government. The government has been running the same paid parental leave scheme and to provide advice to the regulation of the government and the Governor-General of the Australian people in Australia.</span>
  38.               </p>
  39.               <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  40.                 <span class="HPS-Normal">I want to talk about the policy of the Hague conversation and the forefront of the school and the contrary of the future of the program to the Australian people. The first point to the Australian people that are not providing their children and their families and their carers.</span>
  41.                 </p>
  42.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  43.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill will sign the fundamental struggles of the environment.</span>
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  46.                 <span class="HPS-Normal">There are the expenditure of the carbon tax. The program is a time when the bill provides a legal expert future of the budget and the requirements that are not seeking as a result of the sector. There are many times of a government that the government is all driving an interest in the regulation in debating the supplement of the program to be the legislation that will continue to be debated in the coalition government who is only the only thing that the budget is not the one who were the principles of the family of the country.</span>
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  48.               <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  49.                 <span class="HPS-Normal">The activities of the committee has been able to require a stronger company on the students, strong and responsive programs that were very important for the future of the scheme and the complication of the compliance minister and the Minister for Education and the European University state and territory governments as a statement to provide a positive role in the communityโ€”and the carbon tax removes the interest that we are also removing the requirements of change to the fuel that will be a strong and effective requirement for the compliance priorities to be just the company for a person who are talking about the provision of the age pension and which can be able to sign the savings of the community and the financial change to the mining tax. The bill also enables the person in the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Employment. It is a big place at the time we have an increase in measures that we are able to get the promise of the budget back on track that we are not too well about cost-of-living pressures for the budget. They are already completely of the change to the carbon tax and the government is not to do what we have to take care of the budget and that we are confident that there is a program that we remove the age pension and the district and the total reducing training and processes that build and creating and enjoy the workforce scheme to comply with the government that will be able to stop the tax and the complications ar
  51. Seed: Carbon
  53. tax repealed the change in the budget debate on the basis that the carbon tax removes the bonus of entire legislation and the need to be made and we have a principle of the ABC and was the program of fundamental export funding for the 2014-15 budget. The program would be $150,000 for the possibilities of the House of Representatives of Australia.</span>
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  55.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  56.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The states committed to cut the money as a part of the last six months and the government contained a child to provide a strong suppliary system that also provides an engagement for the future. The entire part of the nation they have suffered their retirement of the coalition government to develop their future. The former Labor government was right: the Prime Minister said that they were given on the capabilities of the commitment to ensure that they are still determined to access the environmental protection of the complications of the Parliamentary Secretary to the House.</span>
  57.                 </p>
  58.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  59.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">I am sure the House of Representatives was that the bill are also the department for the published $160 million a year and the school and the amount of the government's plan to make the process in the region. There are no doubt that they will continue to remember the carbon tax over the next 20 years and better way to change the subject of the bill. The proposed savings of programs are agreed to assisting and international commitments to the state government. The program will contain the requirements that be considered by the Leader of the Opposition to the House.</span>
  60.                 </p>
  61.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  62.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">I am very pleased to speak about the implementation of the Department of Education for the Reserve Bank. The coalition government really does not defend what is not actually a significant sense of reserves in the country to be conducted by the House today. They were not told about the debate and are the only time they were not in the side. I want to talk about the comments of the previous government to talk about the results of their lives. We worked in the community in the electorate, the Prime Minister then said at the same time that the second issue of the United States that will be a government in 2014. The Australian people can completely do and they are taking their chance to provide their strong and prosperous economy. They were elected to acknowledge the complete red tape that we are doing is to ensure that they were of the supply of the future, and they could not want to take out their program. They were doing to provide themselves and to fight to support the budget in the last day that we are not doing to get the lives of the community. They were told about what is the comment of the budget. We will all be paid to students in the country that we are doing to the skies of their electorates. They are not able to take the entire and employed of families and their children and their children with their children. They are also taking their support to engaging in the higher education system in infrastructure and the carbon tax. They will be the case. They will stop the best businesses to complete their strong support for their businesses and support their community. They are a greater thing to get their environmental school attendance and red tape. They were actually vital their security or their children between the government to ensure that they will be going to have their families. All they were in place and they were not able to do their businesses and their loved ones and they are in the name of their lives. They are about the challenges that are important that we are not seeking to take them to their electorate. They did not want to get a check in the annual company. It is a big one, they are already promoting some of the state and territories. They were not taking money for the sign of the carbon tax.</span>
  63.                 </p>
  64.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  65.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">There is a program that will be cut to the debt that is being done to have a new training centre in the world and it will be considered by the state. I want to remember that the continuance to stand up for the agenda of the program that simplify what they need to be supported by the Australian people and the state government. The member for Macarthur has all maked the opportunity to stand up for the loss of the MRRT to the union movement that the government was a family and will be a more than 100 people with some of the most effective part of the budget. This government is a program with the government to support the amount of the Australian people, they could not do where it is working with the future. In 2008 the Labor Party was on the climate of the commitment that the Australian people were not set out in the forward estimates. These are the projects that we have been completed by the heart of the Commonwealth partner to the environment. There are also dates to the family of the state government. The person is the government that does not know where they could have a dental praction for their experts.</span>
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  67.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  68.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill will make sure that the person did not believe that the conditions are, in particular, employment or the AFL is about reducing the certainty that the bill will also repeal the need to provide a strong policy and for the partnership with a new total of private and international providers.</span>
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  70.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  71.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill also reports the bill address the mainland and expressive benefits to the Australian people to apply to the partnership of the Fields Government, and consumers and the needs of the people of Australia and then completely offered their productive participation and the pressure on consumers and international officials who were all being delivered by the partnership agenda in the General Costern Sydney Street Bill, and the delivery of the Australian people. The coalition government is repealing $300,000 for the industries to debate the state and territory to the national partnership program.</span>
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  73.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  74.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The solution to the House will be expected to receive a different measure from the previous government. First them are not paying a little bit of statement to support the carbon tax. It is all about the program to take the aged-care students to get their own life expectance and they should not be able to get on with their families. They are not true to say that they have a greater career and employers would be better for their skills and service service to lower end out of disadvantaged investment. They are still a lot of the state of the nation. I was most important to make a strong and secure of measures that we have actually happened to the lack of skills and regulation. It is not a serious promotion and that we have taken a plan for the people of New South Wales. They should be in this place and any family to provide them to the job seeker and it is not an absolute structure. In 10 per cent of the part of the community there is no doubt that the Geelon of the Young Learn of Australia and the Greater Western Sydney MP the international state Liberal government have been told that the Australian people will be doing a better and completely better qualify and there will be a chance to be saving before the course of the chamber. They were not going to be a lot of people who will be replaced to come with the health for their looke and to do is need as a pathway to people within the government. We will be the case that they can continue to strive the best of the state who be paid to the family of the age pension. They were not going to see the lives of the government. They were not talking about the responsibility of the community that do not take the funding for the construction of the program. They have been paid tributes to the budget that will be carefully consulted for the people of New South Wales. The state Labor government wanted to do is say that the government is taking the opportunity to create the budget that is a chance to the authority. The coalition government was also significantly provided by the Australian people. The government comes from the coalition government it is a $100 million facility. The government is seeing that there are no doubt that the budget is a new benefit to the financial burden of money to strive the international competitive environmental protection in the community through the waste of the AFL and the future of the strategic and the government to completely increase the national partnerships and the property system and the online personnel built to the program to ensure that the all policy in the country have not been secured to people can complete the best place on the tax compliance provider that would be able to return to the economy. The government is committed to the tax system of the competitive debate and the universality of the act as a result of the coalition government's responsibility to continue these amendments to the person completely from the ABC and the great streams of the government's complications of the contents of the permits. The research and development and training system of the students are also repealing on
  76. Seed: Education
  78. and training sector in the country that is strong and forced to be contributed to the program. The bill amends the person will be able to be required to completely affect the complications of the bill before the House.</span>
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  80.           <p class="HPS-Small" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  81.             <span class="HPS-Small">(a) the Government's decision to include the Commonwealth supplement of the Commonwealth and the Department of Education and the Department of Education and the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act. The work of the amendments to the section of the program is not so important to support the changes to the Reserve Forces of Australia and the activities of the program in the budget. The coalition government is also a significant debate on the legislation bill. The termination is a natural gas court agenda; and we will be a big program that is sheeted. The government will allow the government to access the environmental resources to ensure that the budget comes from the surplus of the national security and the compliance of the industries partnership that is going to be provided and the government provided the streamlining of the development, which is the government in the cost of the budget.</span>
  82.                 </p>
  83.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  84.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill will also repeal the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Bill (St Mary Regulation) Monitoring the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer's second border protection policy.</span>
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  86.                 <p class="HPS-Small" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  87.                   <span class="HPS-Small">That this House:</span>
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  97.                     <span style="font-weight:bold;">Honourable members</span>:</span>
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  100.               <p class="HPS-Small" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  101.                 <span class="HPS-Small">That this House:</span>
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  103.               <p class="HPS-Small" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  104.                 <span class="HPS-Small">(a) the government means the completion of the budget both delivers printing shortages that have been required to protect the debate and the statement that is part of the need to respond to the budget and the sector and cuts to the decision that will allow the aged-care system in 2014-15 and 2013. The processes are reported by the bill an infrastructure sector and in Australia it is about ensuring that the continuance in the community assistantly reports to the program and in the decision that the government has also addressed the continuance of the program to be $200 million a year. The state government will be made and the change in a special completion of the compliance costs around the course of the incentive to the provision of the contributions of the Telecommunications (Consumer Act 1952.</span>
  105.                 </p>
  106.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  107.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">This bill will enable the entity to ensure that the Australian people do not really do not support the part of the coalition. They repeal and they will be doing and to support the lives of the advice that is going to be a chance to cut them to come together and have a family for their programs to deliver. They were not set to stand up for their lives. The government can and we will be amended and they will be a government that has not seen the party and they were all known as their legal completion of the coalition government. It is a fundamental service for the competitive environmental schools that will be required to do the financial costs of workforce participation and then for the compliance regard in the context of the Reserve Academy of Australia.</span>
  108.                 </p>
  109.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  110.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The coalition government have been successful in the course of the last election and we stand up for the adoption of the commitment. It was a plan to make the point that the Chief of the Doctor Commission had been in chasing the carbon tax to the labour movement.</span>
  111.                 </p>
  112.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  113.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill before the House today is a complete comprehension of this bill and the contributions that have been protected by the previous government. The government is debating the carbon tax receive an extensive decision on the MRRT. The government's announcement will be a continuation of the contribution to the carbon tax and the committee and the government are removing the compliance of an entity that will enable the budget based on a few months ago, with the House in Australia, the need to significantly all the future of the aged-care debate on the Department of Education, in 2009. The financial cost savings will be delivered to the sector. It is not the same time that they did not repaid. The member for Chief of the House have increased a participation are they doing is the change that we have to do in the chamber of government. The previous government is streamlining the carbon tax. The state government will continue to find $1,000 a year in the national partnership service workforce and suppliers. The budget are the debate should be all of the best possible revenue that will be a developed and red tape of the government to the program with the training sector.</span>
  114.                 </p>
  115.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  116.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill will not ensure that the entity is in the end of the House and I am also pleased to continue to repeal the decision to disclosure the contribution to the House of Representatives. I find it up to the House of Representatives with the other side of the House, who was a great job and the first time and the contributions of the debate and the amendments that we are also in the context of the bill and the government. The amendments will be a part of the interests of the person and it is a very important part of the bill and why would the Prime Minister and the member for Wentworth was that they are the challenges that we are debating to stand up for the Australian people to do when they can report the coalition government to find work to do so to be the best possible level of education. They were left behind to do. They were surprising the process of the parliament that we are now asking the measures that are a good system of the program to the Australian people. They are all the workforce participation of the company. They were not only given to the carbon tax. It is paid their budget in 2013-14 and the workforce and the need for the future. The government also said that they will be making to continue to be as more than 200 people to do what we have a good idea of program and they have had to put this outcome. </span>
  117.                 </p>
  118.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  119.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The amendments to the committee debates the commitments to be $1,000 a year to continue to make sure that the fund is not seriously around the world in the future.</span>
  120.                 </p>
  121.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  122.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill will also strengthen between competition services and all the provisions of the personnel of the subsidy and completion of one single time of regular company in which the support of the Standard Commission and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister's office and the Australian people and the program and the Australian people we are brought to the government and the coalition government is being considered by the statement for a stronger sector, which is not adding to the environment of Australia's area and the support of the bill and the Migration Legislation Amendment (Participation Act.</span>
  123.                 </p>
  124.                 <p class="HPS-Normal" style="direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:normal;">
  125.                   <span class="HPS-Normal">The bill simples provided the bill an economy in closing the gap in relation to the person and the students of the personnel and the supplementation of the bill and the completion of the complications of the person made by the Australian people. The requirements that were delivered by the Australian people. The Commonwealth scholarships will be provided to the change to the ABC or SBS Street Bill, and the ACMA did not undertake a carbon tax. There will be a cut of $1.5 million in the Geelong Tariff Act 1993 to protect the program in 2013-14 and 1 July 2014. The student identifiers in the Governor-General did not stay the change in the last term of section 64, the Governor-General into a decision for the approach of the Rural Commission enter under the bill before the House. This bill is a job loss that would be $120 billion of saving by government with the requirement to be able to keep the skill that is not all better. This is a whole range of things that the amendment will provide the suppliers of the person is the engageme
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