

Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. key turns 7-9
  3. Battle between Raish and Marcoasd is underway!
  5. Tier: RBY OU
  6. Mode: Singles
  7. Rule: Rated
  8. Rule: Sleep Clause
  9. Rule: Freeze Clause
  10. Rule: Species Clause
  11. Piexplode is watching the battle.
  13. Raish: so I expect you to win haha
  14. Piexplode: battle of the masters
  15. Piexplode: what chat did I miss?
  16. Raish: lol nothing
  17. Raish: except me saying I've got a horrible tea
  18. Raish: m
  19. Piexplode: Raish are you trying out that new team or not?
  20. Marcoasd: asd
  21. Piexplode: o
  22. Piexplode: lol
  23. Raish: yeah
  24. Piexplode: ah
  25. Piexplode: best of luck
  26. Marcoasd: me too
  27. Piexplode: :_
  28. Raish: it's got a 0% win rate so far
  29. Piexplode: * :)
  30. Raish: haha
  31. Marcoasd: time to show some mercy lol
  33. Start of turn 1
  34. Raish's Starmie used Blizzard!
  35. It's super effective!
  36. Marcoasd's Exeggutor lost 41% of its health!
  38. Marcoasd's Exeggutor used Sleep Powder!
  39. Raish's Starmie fell asleep!
  41. Marcoasd: maybe not
  43. Start of turn 2
  44. Marcoasd called Exeggutor back!
  45. Marcoasd sent out Lapras!
  47. Raish's Starmie is fast asleep.
  49. Start of turn 3
  50. Raish called Starmie back!
  51. Raish sent out Lapras!
  53. Marcoasd's Lapras used Blizzard!
  54. It's not very effective...
  55. Raish's Lapras lost 7% of its health!
  57. Marcoasd: arcgh
  59. Start of turn 4
  60. Raish's Lapras used Thunderbolt!
  61. It's super effective!
  62. Marcoasd's Lapras lost 33% of its health!
  64. Marcoasd's Lapras used Thunderbolt!
  65. It's super effective!
  66. Raish's Lapras lost 32% of its health!
  68. Start of turn 5
  69. Marcoasd's Lapras used Thunderbolt!
  70. A critical hit!
  71. It's super effective!
  72. Raish's Lapras lost 59% of its health!
  73. Raish's Lapras fainted!
  74. Raish: ouch
  75. Marcoasd: strong
  76. Raish sent out Snorlax!
  77. Marcoasd: well trained
  79. Start of turn 6
  80. Marcoasd's Lapras used Blizzard!
  81. Raish's Snorlax lost 32% of its health!
  83. Raish's Snorlax used Body Slam!
  84. Marcoasd's Lapras lost 25% of its health!
  85. Piexplode: lapras wins all
  87. Raish: yeah I haven't trained a lapras or starmie yet
  88. Piexplode: now to freeze
  89. Raish: that's probably why ahha
  91. Start of turn 7
  92. Marcoasd's Lapras used Blizzard!
  93. Raish's Snorlax lost 35% of its health!
  95. Raish's Snorlax used Hyper Beam!
  96. Marcoasd's Lapras lost 41% of its health!
  97. Marcoasd's Lapras fainted!
  98. Marcoasd sent out Tauros!
  100. Start of turn 8
  101. Marcoasd's Tauros used Body Slam!
  102. Raish's Snorlax lost 25% of its health!
  104. Raish's Snorlax used Self-Destruct!
  105. Marcoasd's Tauros lost 97% of its health!
  106. Raish's Snorlax fainted!
  107. Raish sent out Tauros!
  108. Marcoasd: you always go to egg -.-
  109. Piexplode: rolls :p
  110. Raish: I know
  111. Raish: haha
  113. Start of turn 9
  114. Marcoasd called Tauros back!
  115. Marcoasd sent out Snorlax!
  117. Raish's Tauros used Body Slam!
  118. Marcoasd's Snorlax lost 25% of its health!
  119. Marcoasd's Snorlax is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
  121. Raish: I'm trying to be unpredictable
  122. Marcoasd: dio porcoscontro
  125. ###########################################
  126. Exctract from PM's afterwards
  127. ###########################################
  128. (19:48) Raish: I almost never run teams without chansey
  129. (19:48) Raish: so I'm trying to learn them
  130. (19:48) Piexplode: ah
  131. (19:48) Piexplode: they can work
  132. (19:48) Raish: it'll make me better for times when my chansey gets frozen or haxed
  133. (19:48) Piexplode: but they change the way you play
  134. (19:48) Raish: yeah
  135. (20:45) Raish: well finally got a win haha
  136. (20:45) Raish: he's used to me switching to egg to put tauros to sleep when he hbeams
  137. (20:45) Raish: but this team can't afford to do that
  138. (20:45) Raish: especially knowing he had a golem when I had a zapdos
  139. (20:45) Piexplode: ah okay
  140. (20:47) Raish: got a lucky roll on zapdos's tbolt though
  141. (20:48) Raish: even though I probably would have won anyway
  142. (20:48) Raish: but if I hadn't high rolled
  143. (20:48) Raish: he could have hit with starmie bliz plus eggy psychic
  144. (20:48) Raish: and if either crit, it would come down to a speed tie
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