

May 6th, 2014
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  1. build.board: MSM8974
  2. build.bootloader:
  3. build.brand: htc
  4. build.cpu_abi: armeabi-v7a
  5. build.cpu_abi2: armeabi
  6. build.device: m8spr
  7. build.display: du_m8-userdebug 4.4.2 KVT49L b20b3987e9 test-keys
  8. build.fingerprint: htc/sprint_wwe/htc_m8whl:4.4.2/KOT49H/326598.8:user/release-keys
  9. build.hardware: qcom
  10. nychitman1-custom
  11. KVT49L
  12. build.manufacturer: HTC
  13. build.model: One M8
  14. build.product: du_m8
  15. unknown
  16. build.serial: FA43DSF00574
  17. build.tags: test-keys
  18. build.time: 1399386916000
  19. build.type: userdebug
  20. build.user: android-build
  21. version.codename: REL
  22. version.incremental: b20b3987e9
  23. version.release: 4.4.2
  24. version.sdk_int: 19
  26. 05-06 13:37:53.285 I/System.out(15304): tainted command part 0: su
  27. 05-06 13:37:53.285 I/System.out(15304): Now test tainted command: su
  28. 05-06 13:37:53.545 D/AndroidRuntime(15419):
  29. 05-06 13:37:53.545 D/AndroidRuntime(15419): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  30. 05-06 13:37:53.545 D/AndroidRuntime(15419): CheckJNI is OFF
  31. 05-06 13:37:53.555 D/dalvikvm(15419): Trying to load lib 0x0
  32. 05-06 13:37:53.565 D/dalvikvm(15419): Added shared lib 0x0
  33. 05-06 13:37:53.565 D/dalvikvm(15419): Trying to load lib 0x0
  34. 05-06 13:37:53.565 D/dalvikvm(15419): Added shared lib 0x0
  35. 05-06 13:37:53.565 D/dalvikvm(15419): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
  36. 05-06 13:37:53.595 D/dalvikvm(15419): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  37. 05-06 13:37:53.775 D/AndroidRuntime(15419): Calling main entry
  38. 05-06 13:37:53.795 D/AndroidRuntime(15419): Shutting down VM
  39. 05-06 13:37:53.795 D/dalvikvm(15419): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 15% free 600K/700K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms
  40. 05-06 13:37:53.825 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  41. 05-06 13:37:53.985 D/dalvikvm(15304): GC_CONCURRENT freed 8999K, 33% free 20870K/31128K, paused 3ms+42ms, total 152ms
  42. 05-06 13:37:54.345 I/System.out(15304): tainted command part 0: su
  43. 05-06 13:37:54.345 I/System.out(15304): Now test tainted command: su
  44. 05-06 13:37:54.665 D/AndroidRuntime(15435):
  45. 05-06 13:37:54.665 D/AndroidRuntime(15435): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  46. 05-06 13:37:54.675 D/AndroidRuntime(15435): CheckJNI is OFF
  47. 05-06 13:37:54.685 D/dalvikvm(15435): Trying to load lib 0x0
  48. 05-06 13:37:54.695 D/dalvikvm(15435): Added shared lib 0x0
  49. 05-06 13:37:54.695 D/dalvikvm(15435): Trying to load lib 0x0
  50. 05-06 13:37:54.695 D/dalvikvm(15435): Added shared lib 0x0
  51. 05-06 13:37:54.695 D/dalvikvm(15435): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
  52. 05-06 13:37:54.725 D/dalvikvm(15435): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  53. 05-06 13:37:54.895 D/AndroidRuntime(15435): Calling main entry
  54. 05-06 13:37:54.905 D/AndroidRuntime(15435): Shutting down VM
  55. 05-06 13:37:54.905 D/dalvikvm(15435): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 15% free 600K/700K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 1ms
  56. 05-06 13:37:54.945 W/ContextImpl(15304): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  57. 05-06 13:37:54.945 W/ContextImpl(15304): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  58. 05-06 13:37:54.965 W/ContextImpl(982): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  59. 05-06 13:37:54.985 I/System.out(15304): tainted command part 0: su
  60. 05-06 13:37:54.985 I/System.out(15304): Now test tainted command: su
  61. 05-06 13:37:54.995 W/ContextImpl(982): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  62. 05-06 13:37:55.115 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  63. 05-06 13:37:55.425 D/AndroidRuntime(15454):
  64. 05-06 13:37:55.425 D/AndroidRuntime(15454): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  65. 05-06 13:37:55.425 D/AndroidRuntime(15454): CheckJNI is OFF
  66. 05-06 13:37:55.455 D/dalvikvm(15454): Trying to load lib 0x0
  67. 05-06 13:37:55.455 D/dalvikvm(15454): Added shared lib 0x0
  68. 05-06 13:37:55.455 D/dalvikvm(15454): Trying to load lib 0x0
  69. 05-06 13:37:55.455 D/dalvikvm(15454): Added shared lib 0x0
  70. 05-06 13:37:55.455 D/dalvikvm(15454): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
  71. 05-06 13:37:55.475 W/ActivityManager(805): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{425dd038 u0 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.ShowRecordLogDialogActivity t38 f}
  72. 05-06 13:37:55.505 D/dalvikvm(15454): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  73. 05-06 13:37:55.605 V/PhoneStatusBar(982): setLightsOn(true)
  74. 05-06 13:37:55.725 D/AndroidRuntime(15454): Calling main entry
  75. 05-06 13:37:55.735 W/InputMethodManagerService(805): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@429f2d10 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@424ccca0
  76. 05-06 13:37:55.745 D/AndroidRuntime(15454): Shutting down VM
  77. 05-06 13:37:55.745 D/dalvikvm(15454): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 15% free 600K/700K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms
  78. 05-06 13:37:56.035 W/ContextImpl(982): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  79. 05-06 13:37:56.035 W/ContextImpl(982): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  80. 05-06 13:37:56.085 D/dalvikvm(10563): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2887K, 46% free 16927K/31132K, paused 41ms, total 42ms
  81. 05-06 13:37:56.085 I/dalvikvm-heap(10563): Grow heap (frag case) to 22.041MB for 2453776-byte allocation
  82. 05-06 13:37:56.165 D/dalvikvm(10563): GC_CONCURRENT freed 37K, 43% free 19360K/33532K, paused 2ms+53ms, total 78ms
  83. 05-06 13:37:56.205 D/dalvikvm(15304): GC_CONCURRENT freed 5610K, 44% free 17610K/31128K, paused 3ms+11ms, total 146ms
  84. 05-06 13:37:56.205 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  85. 05-06 13:37:56.205 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  86. 05-06 13:37:56.295 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  87. 05-06 13:37:56.295 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  88. 05-06 13:37:58.215 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  89. 05-06 13:37:58.215 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  90. 05-06 13:37:58.285 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  91. 05-06 13:37:58.285 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  92. 05-06 13:37:58.345 D/dalvikvm(805): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1642K, 41% free 29803K/49996K, paused 75ms, total 75ms
  93. 05-06 13:37:58.385 D/dalvikvm(982): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3260K, 18% free 31983K/38576K, paused 22ms, total 23ms
  94. 05-06 13:37:58.435 I/ActivityManager(805): START u0 { flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from pid 982
  95. 05-06 13:37:58.545 D/dalvikvm(805): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3914K, 41% free 29929K/49996K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 108ms
  96. 05-06 13:37:58.845 D/dalvikvm(982): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2380K, 18% free 32471K/39220K, paused 20ms, total 20ms
  97. 05-06 13:37:58.955 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  98. 05-06 13:37:59.695 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  99. 05-06 13:37:59.695 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  100. 05-06 13:37:59.725 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  101. 05-06 13:37:59.725 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  102. 05-06 13:37:59.795 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  103. 05-06 13:37:59.805 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  104. 05-06 13:37:59.805 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  105. 05-06 13:37:59.815 V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(1293): onSetRequest: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 0
  106. 05-06 13:37:59.815 V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(1293): SET-REQUEST
  107. 05-06 13:37:59.815 V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(1293): in Handler: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 20000
  108. 05-06 13:37:59.875 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  109. 05-06 13:37:59.885 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  110. 05-06 13:37:59.935 W/ContextImpl(14865): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
  111. 05-06 13:38:00.035 D/CwMcuSensor(805): CwMcuSensor::setEnable: debug.sensorhal.fill.block= 0
  112. 05-06 13:38:00.035 D/CwMcuSensor(805): CwMcuSensor::setEnable: [v09-Add debug logs when open inputs], handle = 7, en = 1, what = 7
  113. 05-06 13:38:00.045 D/CwMcuSensor(805): CwMcuSensor::setDelay: handle = 7, delay_ns = 66666000
  114. 05-06 13:38:00.765 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  115. 05-06 13:38:00.765 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  116. 05-06 13:38:00.805 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  117. 05-06 13:38:00.815 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  118. 05-06 13:38:00.825 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  119. 05-06 13:38:00.825 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  120. 05-06 13:38:01.205 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  121. 05-06 13:38:03.615 I/dalvikvm(14865): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
  122. 05-06 13:38:05.165 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  123. 05-06 13:38:07.965 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  124. 05-06 13:38:14.855 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  125. 05-06 13:38:17.855 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  126. 05-06 13:38:19.935 I/PrivacyTelephonyManager(805): getSubscriberId() - android
  127. 05-06 13:38:19.935 I/PrivacyCDMALTEPhone(1107): Package: asked for getSubscriberId()
  128. 05-06 13:38:19.935 I/PrivacyCDMALTEPhone(1107): Package: asked for getServiceState()
  129. 05-06 13:38:19.935 I/PrivacyCDMALTEPhone(1107): Package: asked for getServiceState()
  130. 05-06 13:38:19.935 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404 android.os.BinderProxy.transact:-2
  131. 05-06 13:38:19.935 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManager.notification:119 android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManager.notification:108 android.privacy.surrogate.PrivacyTelephonyManager.getSubscriberId:271
  132. 05-06 13:38:19.935 D/MobileDataStateTracker(805): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  133. 05-06 13:38:19.935 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  134. 05-06 13:38:19.935 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404
  135. 05-06 13:38:19.945 I/PrivacyTelephonyManager(805): getSubscriberId() - android
  136. 05-06 13:38:19.945 I/PrivacyCDMALTEPhone(1107): Package: asked for getSubscriberId()
  137. 05-06 13:38:19.945 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:98 android.os.Binder.execTransact:404 android.os.BinderProxy.transact:-2
  138. 05-06 13:38:19.945 W/ContextImpl(805): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:129 android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManager.notification:119 android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManager.notification:108 android.privacy.surrogate.PrivacyTelephonyManager.getSubscriberId:271
  139. 05-06 13:38:20.725 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  140. 05-06 13:38:23.295 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  141. 05-06 13:38:25.845 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  142. 05-06 13:38:26.175 D/dalvikvm(14865): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3422K, 32% free 21829K/31692K, paused 17ms+7ms, total 97ms
  143. 05-06 13:38:28.405 I/PrivacyTelephonyRegistry(805): package: blocked for Cellinfo
  144. 05-06 13:38:29.755 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  145. 05-06 13:38:29.755 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  146. 05-06 13:38:29.795 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  147. 05-06 13:38:29.795 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  148. 05-06 13:38:29.795 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  149. 05-06 13:38:29.795 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  150. 05-06 13:38:29.805 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  151. 05-06 13:38:29.805 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  152. 05-06 13:38:29.815 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  153. 05-06 13:38:29.815 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  154. 05-06 13:38:29.825 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  155. 05-06 13:38:29.825 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  156. 05-06 13:38:29.835 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  157. 05-06 13:38:29.835 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  158. 05-06 13:38:29.845 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  159. 05-06 13:38:29.845 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  160. 05-06 13:38:29.855 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  161. 05-06 13:38:29.855 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  162. 05-06 13:38:29.855 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  163. 05-06 13:38:29.855 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  164. 05-06 13:38:29.865 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  165. 05-06 13:38:29.865 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  166. 05-06 13:38:29.875 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  167. 05-06 13:38:29.875 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  168. 05-06 13:38:29.885 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  169. 05-06 13:38:29.885 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  170. 05-06 13:38:29.895 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  171. 05-06 13:38:29.895 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  172. 05-06 13:38:29.905 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  173. 05-06 13:38:29.905 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  174. 05-06 13:38:29.905 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  175. 05-06 13:38:29.905 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  176. 05-06 13:38:29.915 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  177. 05-06 13:38:29.915 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  178. 05-06 13:38:30.565 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  179. 05-06 13:38:30.565 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  180. 05-06 13:38:30.605 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  181. 05-06 13:38:30.605 E/PowerHAL(805): touch_boost: failed to send: No such file or directory
  182. 05-06 13:38:30.635 I/System.out(15304): tainted command part 0: su
  183. 05-06 13:38:30.635 I/System.out(15304): Now test tainted command: su
  184. 05-06 13:38:30.675 W/InputMethodManagerService(805): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@436dc860 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@436d36a0
  185. 05-06 13:38:31.025 D/AndroidRuntime(15486):
  186. 05-06 13:38:31.025 D/AndroidRuntime(15486): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  187. 05-06 13:38:31.025 D/AndroidRuntime(15486): CheckJNI is OFF
  188. 05-06 13:38:31.035 D/dalvikvm(15486): Trying to load lib 0x0
  189. 05-06 13:38:31.045 D/dalvikvm(15486): Added shared lib 0x0
  190. 05-06 13:38:31.045 D/dalvikvm(15486): Trying to load lib 0x0
  191. 05-06 13:38:31.055 D/dalvikvm(15486): Added shared lib 0x0
  192. 05-06 13:38:31.055 D/dalvikvm(15486): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
  193. 05-06 13:38:31.085 D/dalvikvm(15486): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  194. 05-06 13:38:31.215 I/System.out(15304): tainted command part 0: su
  195. 05-06 13:38:31.255 I/System.out(15304): Now test tainted command: su
  196. 05-06 13:38:31.295 D/AndroidRuntime(15486): Calling main entry
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