

Jul 13th, 2016
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  1. 10-08 05:53:12.065 2923 2923 I Netd : Netd 1.0 starting
  2. 10-08 05:53:12.065 2923 2923 I QtiConnectivityAdapter: Failed to open libconnctrl, some features may not be present.
  3. 10-08 05:53:12.066 2923 2923 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
  4. 10-08 05:53:12.372 2924 2924 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xb7869be0
  5. 10-08 05:53:12.372 2924 2924 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  6. 10-08 05:53:12.372 2924 2924 E BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  7. 10-08 05:53:12.372 2924 2924 E BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  8. 10-08 05:53:12.373 2924 2924 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=2924)
  9. 10-08 05:53:12.373 2924 2924 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
  10. 10-08 05:53:12.373 2924 2924 E BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  11. 10-08 05:53:12.373 2924 2924 E BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  12. 10-08 05:53:12.374 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: camera_get_number_of_cameras
  13. 10-08 05:53:12.374 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: check_vendor_module
  14. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 E HAL : load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  15. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 E HAL : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  16. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 E CameraWrapper: failed to open vendor camera module -22
  17. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 I CameraService: Loaded "GT5 Camera Wrapper" camera module
  18. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: camera_get_number_of_cameras
  19. 10-08 05:53:12.375 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: check_vendor_module
  20. 10-08 05:53:12.377 2924 2924 E HAL : load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  21. 10-08 05:53:12.377 2924 2924 E HAL : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  22. 10-08 05:53:12.377 2924 2924 E CameraWrapper: failed to open vendor camera module -22
  23. 10-08 05:53:12.377 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: camera_get_number_of_cameras
  24. 10-08 05:53:12.377 2924 2924 V CameraWrapper: check_vendor_module
  25. 10-08 05:53:12.378 2924 2924 E HAL : load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  26. 10-08 05:53:12.378 2924 2924 E HAL : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  27. 10-08 05:53:12.378 2924 2924 E CameraWrapper: failed to open vendor camera module -22
  28. 10-08 05:53:12.378 2924 2924 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
  29. 10-08 05:53:12.983 2922 2922 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
  30. 10-08 05:53:13.004 2922 2922 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  31. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[0]=-Xzygote
  32. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[1]=-Xstacktracefile:/data/anr/traces.txt
  33. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[2]=exit
  34. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[3]=vfprintf
  35. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[4]=sensitiveThread
  36. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[5]=-verbose:gc
  37. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[6]=-Xms16m
  38. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[7]=-Xmx512m
  39. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[8]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=192m
  40. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[9]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
  41. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[10]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
  42. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[11]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
  43. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[12]=-Xusejit:true
  44. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[13]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
  45. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[14]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
  46. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[15]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  47. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[16]=--runtime-arg
  48. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[17]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  49. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[18]=-Xms64m
  50. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[19]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  51. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[20]=--runtime-arg
  52. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[21]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  53. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[22]=-Xmx64m
  54. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[23]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  55. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[24]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
  56. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[25]=-Xcompiler-option
  57. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[26]=--runtime-arg
  58. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[27]=-Xcompiler-option
  59. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[28]=-Xms64m
  60. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[29]=-Xcompiler-option
  61. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[30]=--runtime-arg
  62. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[31]=-Xcompiler-option
  63. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[32]=-Xmx512m
  64. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[33]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  65. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[34]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
  66. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[35]=-Xcompiler-option
  67. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[36]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
  68. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[37]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  69. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[38]=--instruction-set-features=default
  70. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[39]=-Xcompiler-option
  71. 10-08 05:53:13.005 2922 2922 I art : option[40]=--instruction-set-features=default
  72. 10-08 05:53:13.006 2922 2922 I art : option[41]=-Xcompiler-option
  73. 10-08 05:53:13.006 2922 2922 I art : option[42]=--no-watch-dog
  74. 10-08 05:53:13.006 2922 2922 I art : option[43]=-Duser.locale=en-US
  75. 10-08 05:53:13.006 2922 2922 I art : option[44]=--cpu-abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi
  76. 10-08 05:53:13.006 2922 2922 I art : option[45]=-Xfingerprint:samsung/gtelwifiue/gt510wifi:6.0.1/MMB29M/T550XXU1BPE1:user/release-keys
  77. 10-08 05:53:13.178 2922 2922 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  78. 10-08 05:53:13.303 2922 2922 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  79. 10-08 05:53:13.331 2922 2922 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
  80. 10-08 05:53:13.332 2922 2922 D Zygote : begin preload
  81. 10-08 05:53:13.332 2922 2922 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
  82. 10-08 05:53:13.379 2924 2924 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
  83. 10-08 05:53:13.631 2922 2922 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  84. 10-08 05:53:13.631 2922 2922 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  85. 10-08 05:53:13.631 2922 2922 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  86. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'isub' died
  87. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'phone' died
  88. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'iphonesubinfo' died
  89. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'isms' died
  90. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'simphonebook' died
  91. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'carrier_config' died
  92. 10-08 05:53:13.668 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'sip' died
  93. 10-08 05:53:13.787 2922 2922 V DngCreator_JNI: DngCreator_nativeClassInit:
  94. 10-08 05:53:13.918 2922 2922 I art : Thread[1,tid=2922,Native,Thread*=0xb7aae728,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
  95. 10-08 05:53:13.919 2922 2922 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
  96. 10-08 05:53:13.919 2922 2922 I art : Thread[1,tid=2922,Native,Thread*=0xb7aae728,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
  97. 10-08 05:53:13.919 2922 2922 I art : Thread[1,tid=2922,Native,Thread*=0xb7aae728,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
  98. 10-08 05:53:13.957 2922 2922 E EmojiFactory_jni: Failed to load dlopen failed: library "" not found
  99. 10-08 05:53:14.104 2922 2922 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 44ms (42ms in ICU)
  100. 10-08 05:53:14.134 2922 2922 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 30ms (27ms in ICU)
  101. 10-08 05:53:14.147 2922 2922 I Zygote : ...preloaded 3831 classes in 814ms.
  102. 10-08 05:53:14.147 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
  103. 10-08 05:53:14.245 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=246924 before=44342 after=44342
  104. 10-08 05:53:14.245 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=20284 before=6883 after=6911
  105. 10-08 05:53:14.245 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=99489 before=35976 after=36196
  106. 10-08 05:53:14.245 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=171793 before=71059 after=71576
  107. 10-08 05:53:14.245 2922 2922 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
  108. 10-08 05:53:14.279 3079 3079 D idmap : error: no read access to /vendor/overlay: No such file or directory
  109. 10-08 05:53:14.284 2922 2922 I Zygote : Preloading resources...
  110. 10-08 05:53:14.379 2924 2924 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
  111. 10-08 05:53:14.468 2922 2922 I Zygote : ...preloaded 342 resources in 184ms.
  112. 10-08 05:53:14.475 2922 2922 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 7ms.
  113. 10-08 05:53:14.477 2922 2922 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  114. 10-08 05:53:14.499 2922 2922 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  115. 10-08 05:53:14.514 2922 2922 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  116. 10-08 05:53:14.524 2922 2922 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries...
  117. 10-08 05:53:14.531 2922 2922 D Zygote : end preload
  118. 10-08 05:53:14.532 2922 2922 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
  119. 10-08 05:53:14.571 2922 2922 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 35925(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 122(2MB) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 383us total 28.977ms
  120. 10-08 05:53:14.572 2922 2922 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
  121. 10-08 05:53:14.584 2922 2922 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3288(152KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 297us total 11.235ms
  122. 10-08 05:53:14.584 2922 3007 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
  123. 10-08 05:53:14.593 2922 2922 I art : Starting a blocking GC Background
  124. 10-08 05:53:14.738 2922 2922 I Zygote : System server process 3109 has been created
  125. 10-08 05:53:14.739 2922 2922 I Zygote : Accepting command socket connections
  126. 10-08 05:53:14.749 3109 3109 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  127. 10-08 05:53:14.750 259 259 I installd: new connection
  128. 10-08 05:53:14.753 3109 3109 I InstallerConnection: disconnecting...
  129. 10-08 05:53:14.753 259 259 E installd: eof
  130. 10-08 05:53:14.753 259 259 E installd: failed to read size
  131. 10-08 05:53:14.753 259 259 I installd: closing connection
  132. 10-08 05:53:14.764 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
  133. 10-08 05:53:14.801 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
  134. 10-08 05:53:14.814 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
  135. 10-08 05:53:14.827 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -F natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING) res=0
  136. 10-08 05:53:14.832 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  137. 10-08 05:53:14.833 3109 3109 I Installer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
  138. 10-08 05:53:14.833 3109 3109 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  139. 10-08 05:53:14.833 259 259 I installd: new connection
  140. 10-08 05:53:14.833 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
  141. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  142. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  143. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  144. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  145. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  146. 10-08 05:53:14.842 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  147. 10-08 05:53:14.842 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  148. 10-08 05:53:14.846 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 192
  149. 10-08 05:53:14.857 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  150. 10-08 05:53:14.860 3109 3109 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
  151. 10-08 05:53:14.865 3109 3109 I AppOps : No existing app ops /data/system/appops.xml; starting empty
  152. 10-08 05:53:14.871 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  153. 10-08 05:53:14.887 2923 2923 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t mangle -A natctrl_mangle_FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu) res=0
  154. 10-08 05:53:14.901 3109 3109 W ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid 3133
  155. 10-08 05:53:14.906 3109 3109 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  156. 10-08 05:53:14.917 3109 3109 D AppOps : AppOpsService published
  157. 10-08 05:53:14.917 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  158. 10-08 05:53:14.923 3109 3109 W libsuspend: Error writing 'on' to /sys/power/state: Invalid argument
  159. 10-08 05:53:14.923 3109 3109 I libsuspend: Selected wakeup count
  160. 10-08 05:53:14.925 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  161. 10-08 05:53:14.927 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  162. 10-08 05:53:14.934 3109 3138 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 800 x 1280, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=800, height=1280, fps=60.0}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1, colorTransform=0}], density 160, 157.519 x 157.825 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  163. 10-08 05:53:14.935 246 246 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb8281e80
  164. 10-08 05:53:14.935 246 246 D SurfaceFlinger: Screen type=0 is already mode=2
  165. 10-08 05:53:14.935 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
  166. 10-08 05:53:14.936 3109 3138 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  167. 10-08 05:53:14.936 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Package Manager
  168. 10-08 05:53:14.950 3109 3109 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/etc/sysconfig, skipping
  169. 10-08 05:53:14.974 3109 3109 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  170. 10-08 05:53:15.095 3109 3109 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.jar' does not exist
  171. 10-08 05:53:15.095 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.jar
  172. 10-08 05:53:15.096 3109 3109 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
  173. 10-08 05:53:15.096 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
  174. 10-08 05:53:15.111 3109 3109 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vendor/overlay
  175. 10-08 05:53:15.379 2924 2924 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
  176. 10-08 05:53:15.453 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  177. 10-08 05:53:15.455 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.SET_KEYGUARD_WALLPAPER from package android in an unknown group android.permission-group.WALLPAPER
  178. 10-08 05:53:15.475 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  179. 10-08 05:53:15.486 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  180. 10-08 05:53:15.500 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  181. 10-08 05:53:15.513 3109 3109 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #388
  182. 10-08 05:53:15.672 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  183. 10-08 05:53:15.700 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  184. 10-08 05:53:15.711 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  185. 10-08 05:53:15.730 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  186. 10-08 05:53:15.731 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  187. 10-08 05:53:15.763 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  188. 10-08 05:53:15.785 2923 2923 E Netd : netlink response contains error (File exists)
  189. 10-08 05:53:15.785 2923 2923 E Netd : Can't add IPv4 default route to dummy0: File exists
  190. 10-08 05:53:15.786 2923 2923 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
  191. 10-08 05:53:15.786 2923 3206 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
  192. 10-08 05:53:15.787 2923 3206 D MDnsDS : Going to poll with pollCount 1
  193. 10-08 05:53:15.801 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  194. 10-08 05:53:15.828 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  195. 10-08 05:53:15.841 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  196. 10-08 05:53:15.854 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  197. 10-08 05:53:15.866 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  198. 10-08 05:53:15.892 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  199. 10-08 05:53:15.893 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  200. 10-08 05:53:15.893 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  201. 10-08 05:53:15.893 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  202. 10-08 05:53:15.910 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  203. 10-08 05:53:15.923 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  204. 10-08 05:53:15.933 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  205. 10-08 05:53:15.949 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  206. 10-08 05:53:15.966 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  207. 10-08 05:53:16.011 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  208. 10-08 05:53:16.020 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  209. 10-08 05:53:16.036 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS in package: at: Binary XML file line #55
  210. 10-08 05:53:16.037 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: at: Binary XML file line #60
  211. 10-08 05:53:16.037 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: at: Binary XML file line #61
  212. 10-08 05:53:16.173 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  213. 10-08 05:53:16.187 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  214. 10-08 05:53:16.196 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  215. 10-08 05:53:16.202 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS in package: at: Binary XML file line #101
  216. 10-08 05:53:16.211 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  217. 10-08 05:53:16.232 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  218. 10-08 05:53:16.242 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY in package: at: Binary XML file line #121
  219. 10-08 05:53:16.342 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  220. 10-08 05:53:16.380 2924 2924 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
  221. 10-08 05:53:16.386 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  222. 10-08 05:53:16.414 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  223. 10-08 05:53:16.426 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  224. 10-08 05:53:16.442 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  225. 10-08 05:53:16.453 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  226. 10-08 05:53:16.464 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  227. 10-08 05:53:16.474 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  228. 10-08 05:53:16.485 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  229. 10-08 05:53:16.496 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  230. 10-08 05:53:16.520 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  231. 10-08 05:53:16.526 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS in package: at: Binary XML file line #64
  232. 10-08 05:53:16.528 3109 3109 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #235
  233. 10-08 05:53:16.548 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  234. 10-08 05:53:16.562 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  235. 10-08 05:53:16.603 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  236. 10-08 05:53:16.672 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  237. 10-08 05:53:16.683 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  238. 10-08 05:53:16.696 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  239. 10-08 05:53:16.706 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH in package: at: Binary XML file line #36
  240. 10-08 05:53:16.706 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN in package: at: Binary XML file line #37
  241. 10-08 05:53:16.953 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  242. 10-08 05:53:16.957 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS
  243. 10-08 05:53:17.030 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  244. 10-08 05:53:17.055 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  245. 10-08 05:53:17.066 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  246. 10-08 05:53:17.077 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  247. 10-08 05:53:17.089 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  248. 10-08 05:53:17.110 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  249. 10-08 05:53:17.135 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  250. 10-08 05:53:17.144 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS in package: at: Binary XML file line #40
  251. 10-08 05:53:17.231 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  252. 10-08 05:53:17.244 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  253. 10-08 05:53:17.255 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  254. 10-08 05:53:17.265 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #275
  255. 10-08 05:53:17.265 3109 3109 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #278
  256. 10-08 05:53:17.343 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  257. 10-08 05:53:17.354 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  258. 10-08 05:53:17.365 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  259. 10-08 05:53:17.375 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  260. 10-08 05:53:17.381 2924 2924 I AudioPolicyService: AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
  261. 10-08 05:53:17.382 2924 2924 I APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
  262. 10-08 05:53:17.388 2924 2924 E HAL : load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  263. 10-08 05:53:17.388 2924 2924 E HAL : dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "direct_mixer_set_value" referenced by "/system/lib/hw/"...
  264. 10-08 05:53:17.388 2924 2924 E AudioFlinger: int android::load_audio_interface(const char*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.primary (Invalid argument)
  265. 10-08 05:53:17.388 2924 2924 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() error -22 loading module primary
  266. 10-08 05:53:17.388 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: could not open HW module primary
  267. 10-08 05:53:17.389 2924 2924 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
  268. 10-08 05:53:17.389 2924 2924 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1
  269. 10-08 05:53:17.391 2924 2924 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 2
  270. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 I r_submix: adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
  271. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 I r_submix: adev_init_check()
  272. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 3
  273. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 D r_submix: adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
  274. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
  275. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 D r_submix: now using address 0 for route 9
  276. 10-08 05:53:17.392 2924 2924 E MonoPipe: Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
  277. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 3213 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xb46d0008 ready to run
  278. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 D r_submix: adev_close_input_stream()
  279. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
  280. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
  281. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 00000001 unreachable
  282. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 00000002 unreachable
  283. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 80000004 unreachable
  284. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 80000080 unreachable
  285. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 80000040 unreachable
  286. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 W APM::AudioPolicyManager: Input device 80002000 unreachable
  287. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyManager: Default device 00000002 is unreachable
  288. 10-08 05:53:17.393 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyManager: Failed to open primary output
  289. 10-08 05:53:17.394 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  290. 10-08 05:53:17.394 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  291. 10-08 05:53:17.394 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  292. 10-08 05:53:17.394 2924 2924 E SoundTriggerHwService: couldn't load sound trigger module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
  293. 10-08 05:53:17.395 2924 2924 I RadioService: RadioService
  294. 10-08 05:53:17.395 2924 2924 I RadioService: onFirstRef
  295. 10-08 05:53:17.395 2924 2924 E RadioService: couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
  296. 10-08 05:53:17.545 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  297. 10-08 05:53:17.570 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  298. 10-08 05:53:17.581 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  299. 10-08 05:53:17.592 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  300. 10-08 05:53:17.601 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  301. 10-08 05:53:17.612 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  302. 10-08 05:53:17.625 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  303. 10-08 05:53:17.635 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  304. 10-08 05:53:17.650 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  305. 10-08 05:53:17.660 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  306. 10-08 05:53:17.672 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  307. 10-08 05:53:17.681 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  308. 10-08 05:53:17.691 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  309. 10-08 05:53:17.700 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  310. 10-08 05:53:17.734 3109 3109 E NativeLibraryHelper: Failed to load assets verifier: 0
  311. 10-08 05:53:17.741 3109 3109 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /system/vendor/app
  312. 10-08 05:53:17.741 3109 3109 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /oem/app
  313. 10-08 05:53:17.743 3109 3109 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app
  314. 10-08 05:53:17.743 3109 3109 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app-private
  315. 10-08 05:53:17.743 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Package desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
  316. 10-08 05:53:17.743 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Package desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
  317. 10-08 05:53:17.743 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.widgets to armeabi-v7a
  318. 10-08 05:53:17.744 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  319. 10-08 05:53:17.744 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  320. 10-08 05:53:17.744 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.qualcomm.timeservice to armeabi-v7a
  321. 10-08 05:53:17.745 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  322. 10-08 05:53:17.745 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.dsi.ant.server to armeabi-v7a
  323. 10-08 05:53:17.745 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : org.davis.inputdisabler to armeabi-v7a
  324. 10-08 05:53:17.752 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.qualcomm.location to armeabi-v7a
  325. 10-08 05:53:17.752 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  326. 10-08 05:53:17.752 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  327. 10-08 05:53:17.753 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.toolbox to armeabi-v7a
  328. 10-08 05:53:17.753 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
  329. 10-08 05:53:17.754 3109 3109 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 2.661 seconds
  330. 10-08 05:53:17.755 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  331. 10-08 05:53:17.755 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  332. 10-08 05:53:17.755 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  333. 10-08 05:53:17.755 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  334. 10-08 05:53:17.756 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3058bc45)
  335. 10-08 05:53:17.756 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  336. 10-08 05:53:17.756 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  337. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  338. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  339. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  340. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  341. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
  342. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  343. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  344. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  345. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  346. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  347. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  348. 10-08 05:53:17.757 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  349. 10-08 05:53:17.758 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
  350. 10-08 05:53:17.758 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.qualcomm.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_API in package com.qualcomm.location
  351. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  352. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling
  353. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable
  354. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling$Receiver
  355. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable$Receiver
  356. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling$SecretCodeReceiver
  357. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
  358. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling
  359. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable
  360. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling$Receiver
  361. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable$Receiver
  362. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling$ActiveReceiver
  363. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable$ActiveReceiver
  364. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Disabling$SecretCodeReceiver
  365. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
  366. 10-08 05:53:17.759 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Enabling
  367. 10-08 05:53:17.760 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to enable
  368. 10-08 05:53:17.760 3109 3109 V PackageManager: Enabling
  369. 10-08 05:53:17.760 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to enable
  370. 10-08 05:53:17.947 3109 3109 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
  371. 10-08 05:53:17.978 3109 3109 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 36511(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(348KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 4MB/6MB, paused 574us total 29.852ms
  372. 10-08 05:53:17.979 3109 3109 I SystemServer: User Service
  373. 10-08 05:53:17.989 244 244 I lowmemorykiller: ActivityManager connected
  374. 10-08 05:53:17.992 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  375. 10-08 05:53:17.993 3109 3216 I : System server: starting sensor init.
  376. 10-08 05:53:17.993 3109 3216 D SensorService: nuSensorService starting...
  377. 10-08 05:53:18.017 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  378. 10-08 05:53:18.039 3109 3109 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 1970-10-09 00:00:00(24278400000)
  379. 10-08 05:53:18.040 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  380. 10-08 05:53:18.041 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
  381. 10-08 05:53:18.041 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Scheduling Policy
  382. 10-08 05:53:18.042 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  383. 10-08 05:53:18.042 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Telephony Registry
  384. 10-08 05:53:18.046 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Entropy Mixer
  385. 10-08 05:53:18.051 3109 3109 I EntropyMixer: Added HW RNG output to entropy pool
  386. 10-08 05:53:18.051 3109 3109 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
  387. 10-08 05:53:18.109 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Camera Service
  388. 10-08 05:53:18.109 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  389. 10-08 05:53:18.112 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Account Manager
  390. 10-08 05:53:18.115 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Content Manager
  391. 10-08 05:53:18.117 3109 3109 I SystemServer: System Content Providers
  392. 10-08 05:53:18.120 3109 3109 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/lib/arm
  393. 10-08 05:53:18.132 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Vibrator Service
  394. 10-08 05:53:18.134 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Consumer IR Service
  395. 10-08 05:53:18.134 3109 3109 E ConsumerIrService: Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2
  396. 10-08 05:53:18.134 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  397. 10-08 05:53:18.139 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Init Watchdog
  398. 10-08 05:53:18.139 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Input Manager
  399. 10-08 05:53:18.140 3109 3109 I InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  400. 10-08 05:53:18.140 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Window Manager
  401. 10-08 05:53:18.150 3109 3138 I WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  402. 10-08 05:53:18.157 3109 3131 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service sensorservice...
  403. 10-08 05:53:19.007 3109 3216 E Sensors : couldn't find 'grip_sensor' input device
  404. 10-08 05:53:19.007 3109 3216 E Sensors : Couldn't open grip_sensor.
  405. 10-08 05:53:19.007 3109 3216 E SensorService: >>>> WARNING <<< Upgrade sensor HAL to version 1_3
  406. 10-08 05:53:19.007 3109 3216 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor enable: mEnabled 0, handle 0, en 0
  407. 10-08 05:53:19.008 3109 3216 I : System server: sensor init done.
  408. 10-08 05:53:19.008 3109 3220 D SensorService: nuSensorService thread starting...
  409. 10-08 05:53:19.009 3109 3219 D SensorService: new thread SensorEventAckReceiver
  410. 10-08 05:53:19.163 3109 3129 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=long android.hardware.SystemSensorManager.nativeCreate(java.lang.String) from waiters=0 for 911ms
  411. 10-08 05:53:19.174 3109 3109 I InputManager: Starting input manager
  412. 10-08 05:53:19.176 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Bluetooth Service
  413. 10-08 05:53:19.176 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  414. 10-08 05:53:19.179 3109 3109 D BluetoothService: onStart: publishing BluetoothManagerService
  415. 10-08 05:53:19.179 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Input Method Service
  416. 10-08 05:53:19.185 246 246 E qdhwcomposer: qdcmApplyDefaultAfterBootAnimationDone: Not able to load
  417. 10-08 05:53:19.187 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'qpnp_pon'.
  418. 10-08 05:53:19.193 3109 3222 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event4: Function not implemented
  419. 10-08 05:53:19.194 3109 3222 I EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=68, path='/dev/input/event4', name='qpnp_pon', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
  420. 10-08 05:53:19.194 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'grip_sensor_wifi'.
  421. 10-08 05:53:19.206 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Accessibility Manager
  422. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  423. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  424. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  425. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  426. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  427. 10-08 05:53:19.210 3109 3109 I XXXXXX : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  428. 10-08 05:53:19.212 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w800dp h1280dp 160dpi xlrg port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  429. 10-08 05:53:19.220 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w800dp h1256dp 160dpi xlrg port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  430. 10-08 05:53:19.221 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
  431. 10-08 05:53:19.230 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  432. 10-08 05:53:19.232 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w800dp h1256dp 160dpi xlrg port -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  433. 10-08 05:53:19.236 3109 3109 I SystemServer: LockSettingsService
  434. 10-08 05:53:19.239 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  435. 10-08 05:53:19.241 3109 3223 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  436. 10-08 05:53:19.241 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
  437. 10-08 05:53:19.245 3109 3223 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  438. 10-08 05:53:19.245 3109 3223 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
  439. 10-08 05:53:19.246 208 218 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  440. 10-08 05:53:19.246 208 218 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  441. 10-08 05:53:19.246 3109 3225 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 1 -1}
  442. 10-08 05:53:19.247 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Status Bar
  443. 10-08 05:53:19.247 3109 3223 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  444. 10-08 05:53:19.247 3109 3223 D VoldConnector: SND -> {1 asec list}
  445. 10-08 05:53:19.247 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
  446. 10-08 05:53:19.248 3109 3223 I PackageManager: No secure containers found
  447. 10-08 05:53:19.248 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  448. 10-08 05:53:19.248 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  449. 10-08 05:53:19.248 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  450. 10-08 05:53:19.248 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  451. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3058bc45)
  452. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  453. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  454. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  455. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  456. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  457. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  458. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
  459. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  460. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  461. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  462. 10-08 05:53:19.249 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  463. 10-08 05:53:19.250 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  464. 10-08 05:53:19.250 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  465. 10-08 05:53:19.250 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  466. 10-08 05:53:19.250 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
  467. 10-08 05:53:19.250 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.qualcomm.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_API in package com.qualcomm.location
  468. 10-08 05:53:19.251 3109 3223 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
  469. 10-08 05:53:19.256 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Clipboard Service
  470. 10-08 05:53:19.258 3109 3109 I SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service
  471. 10-08 05:53:19.277 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'accelerometer_sensor'.
  472. 10-08 05:53:19.288 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service
  473. 10-08 05:53:19.354 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Network Score Service
  474. 10-08 05:53:19.354 3109 3109 I SystemServer: NetworkStats Service
  475. 10-08 05:53:19.357 3109 3223 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
  476. 10-08 05:53:19.358 3109 3223 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
  477. 10-08 05:53:19.359 3109 3223 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  478. 10-08 05:53:19.359 3109 3223 D VoldConnector: SND -> {2 asec list}
  479. 10-08 05:53:19.359 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
  480. 10-08 05:53:19.361 3109 3109 I SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service
  481. 10-08 05:53:19.368 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  482. 10-08 05:53:19.383 3109 3109 I WifiP2pService: Registering wifip2p
  483. 10-08 05:53:19.385 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  484. 10-08 05:53:19.387 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'meta_event'.
  485. 10-08 05:53:19.497 3109 3222 E EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
  486. 10-08 05:53:19.501 3109 3109 D HS20 : Passpoint is disabled
  487. 10-08 05:53:19.512 3109 3109 D WifiController: isAirplaneModeOn = false, isWifiEnabled = false, isScanningAvailable = false
  488. 10-08 05:53:19.513 3109 3109 I WifiService: Registering wifi
  489. 10-08 05:53:19.514 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  490. 10-08 05:53:19.514 3109 3109 I WifiScanningService: Creating wifiscanner
  491. 10-08 05:53:19.515 3109 3109 I WifiScanningService: Starting wifiscanner
  492. 10-08 05:53:19.515 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  493. 10-08 05:53:19.515 3109 3109 I RttService: Creating rttmanager
  494. 10-08 05:53:19.516 3109 3109 I RttService: Starting rttmanager
  495. 10-08 05:53:19.517 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  496. 10-08 05:53:19.519 3109 3109 I EthernetServiceImpl: Creating EthernetConfigStore
  497. 10-08 05:53:19.520 3109 3109 E IpConfigStore: Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/ethernet/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  498. 10-08 05:53:19.520 3109 3109 W EthernetConfigStore: No Ethernet configuration found. Using default.
  499. 10-08 05:53:19.520 3109 3109 I EthernetServiceImpl: Read stored IP configuration: IP assignment: DHCP
  500. 10-08 05:53:19.520 3109 3109 I EthernetServiceImpl: Proxy settings: NONE
  501. 10-08 05:53:19.520 3109 3109 I EthernetService: Registering service ethernet
  502. 10-08 05:53:19.521 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Connectivity Service
  503. 10-08 05:53:19.523 3109 3109 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up
  504. 10-08 05:53:19.527 3109 3109 D ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=true
  505. 10-08 05:53:19.528 3109 3109 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  506. 10-08 05:53:19.528 3109 3109 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  507. 10-08 05:53:19.528 3109 3109 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  508. 10-08 05:53:19.528 3109 3109 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  509. 10-08 05:53:19.528 3109 3109 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
  510. 10-08 05:53:19.533 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service
  511. 10-08 05:53:19.535 3109 3109 D NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true
  512. 10-08 05:53:19.538 3109 3109 I SystemServer: UpdateLock Service
  513. 10-08 05:53:19.539 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  514. 10-08 05:53:19.556 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  515. 10-08 05:53:19.557 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'gpio-keys'.
  516. 10-08 05:53:19.560 3109 3222 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event5: Function not implemented
  517. 10-08 05:53:19.561 3109 3222 I EventHub: New device: id=5, fd=95, path='/dev/input/event5', name='gpio-keys', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
  518. 10-08 05:53:19.561 3109 3222 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'sec_touchscreen'.
  519. 10-08 05:53:19.564 3109 3222 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event1: Function not implemented
  520. 10-08 05:53:19.564 3109 3222 I EventHub: New device: id=6, fd=96, path='/dev/input/event1', name='sec_touchscreen', classes=0x15, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/sec_touchscreen.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
  521. 10-08 05:53:19.571 3109 3222 I InputReader: Device added: id=-1, name='Virtual', sources=0x00000301
  522. 10-08 05:53:19.572 3109 3222 I InputReader: Touch device 'sec_touchscreen' could not query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable until the display size becomes available.
  523. 10-08 05:53:19.572 3109 3222 I InputReader: Device added: id=6, name='sec_touchscreen', sources=0x00001103
  524. 10-08 05:53:19.572 3109 3222 I InputReader: Device added: id=5, name='gpio-keys', sources=0x00000101
  525. 10-08 05:53:19.572 3109 3222 I InputReader: Device added: id=1, name='qpnp_pon', sources=0x00000101
  526. 10-08 05:53:19.572 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Location Manager
  527. 10-08 05:53:19.578 3109 3221 I ActivityManager: Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w800dp h1256dp 160dpi xlrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  528. 10-08 05:53:19.579 3109 3222 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
  529. 10-08 05:53:19.579 3109 3222 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=6, name='sec_touchscreen', size 800x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
  530. 10-08 05:53:19.582 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Country Detector
  531. 10-08 05:53:19.583 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Search Service
  532. 10-08 05:53:19.585 3109 3109 I SystemServer: DropBox Service
  533. 10-08 05:53:19.587 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Wallpaper Service
  534. 10-08 05:53:19.591 3109 3109 W WallpaperManagerService: no current wallpaper -- first boot?
  535. 10-08 05:53:19.592 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Audio Service
  536. 10-08 05:53:19.599 3109 3109 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found.
  537. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (1690 us)
  538. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  539. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  540. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  541. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  542. 10-08 05:53:19.602 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  543. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  544. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  545. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  546. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  547. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  548. 10-08 05:53:19.603 2924 3238 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (1728 us)
  549. 10-08 05:53:19.626 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  550. 10-08 05:53:19.628 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager
  551. 10-08 05:53:19.629 3109 3109 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support
  552. 10-08 05:53:19.629 3109 3109 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
  553. 10-08 05:53:19.629 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
  554. 10-08 05:53:19.647 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Serial Service
  555. 10-08 05:53:19.648 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  556. 10-08 05:53:19.650 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  557. 10-08 05:53:19.661 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
  558. 10-08 05:53:19.665 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  559. 10-08 05:53:19.672 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  560. 10-08 05:53:19.674 2924 3238 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=1000 => granted (147 us)
  561. 10-08 05:53:19.675 3109 3109 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of modules=0
  562. 10-08 05:53:19.678 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Gesture Launcher Service
  563. 10-08 05:53:19.678 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  564. 10-08 05:53:19.678 3109 3109 I SystemServer: DiskStats Service
  565. 10-08 05:53:19.679 3109 3109 I SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service
  566. 10-08 05:53:19.771 3109 3230 D WifiApConfigStore: 2G band allowed channels are:1,6,11
  567. 10-08 05:53:19.772 3109 3109 I SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService
  568. 10-08 05:53:19.773 3109 3109 I SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService
  569. 10-08 05:53:19.774 3109 3109 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
  570. 10-08 05:53:19.775 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  571. 10-08 05:53:19.776 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Assets Atlas Service
  572. 10-08 05:53:19.782 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  573. 10-08 05:53:19.784 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  574. 10-08 05:53:19.785 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  575. 10-08 05:53:19.787 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Theme Service
  576. 10-08 05:53:19.789 3109 3240 D AssetAtlas: Loaded configuration: SliceMinArea (832x2048) flags=0x2 count=360
  577. 10-08 05:53:19.797 3109 3109 I Spawned worker thread
  578. 10-08 05:53:19.807 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Media Router Service
  579. 10-08 05:53:19.808 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  580. 10-08 05:53:19.810 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  581. 10-08 05:53:19.812 3109 3109 W FingerprintService: fingerprint service not available
  582. 10-08 05:53:19.812 3109 3109 V FingerprintService: Fingerprint HAL id: 0
  583. 10-08 05:53:19.812 3109 3109 I SystemServer: BackgroundDexOptService
  584. 10-08 05:53:19.813 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  585. 10-08 05:53:19.814 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  586. 10-08 05:53:19.831 3109 3109 I WindowManager: SAFE MODE not enabled
  587. 10-08 05:53:19.831 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
  588. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_64_LA.BR.1.2.6_RB1__release_AU (I5d4b06969f)
  589. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.02
  590. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 11/12/15 Thu
  591. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch16305188
  592. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.3
  593. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  594. 10-08 05:53:19.854 3109 3240 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  595. 10-08 05:53:19.857 3109 3109 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  596. 10-08 05:53:19.857 3109 3109 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  597. 10-08 05:53:19.858 3109 3109 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  598. 10-08 05:53:19.858 3109 3109 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  599. 10-08 05:53:19.858 3109 3109 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  600. 10-08 05:53:19.858 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
  601. 10-08 05:53:19.869 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
  602. 10-08 05:53:19.878 3109 3109 D BluetoothService: onBootPhase: PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY
  603. 10-08 05:53:19.883 3109 3109 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
  604. 10-08 05:53:19.909 3109 3240 D AssetAtlas: Rendered atlas in 97.58ms (41.26+56.31ms)
  605. 10-08 05:53:19.918 3109 3231 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  606. 10-08 05:53:19.919 3109 3109 I WifiScanningService: Registering wifiscanner
  607. 10-08 05:53:19.922 3109 3109 I RttService: Registering rttmanager
  608. 10-08 05:53:19.924 3109 3109 I EthernetServiceImpl: Starting Ethernet service
  609. 10-08 05:53:19.927 3109 3109 D Ethernet: Registering NetworkFactory
  610. 10-08 05:53:19.928 3109 3232 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Ethernet
  611. 10-08 05:53:19.929 3109 3247 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
  612. 10-08 05:53:19.951 3109 3109 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file_contexts contexts from /file_contexts.
  613. 10-08 05:53:19.954 3109 3109 V BackupManagerService: No ancestral data
  614. 10-08 05:53:20.039 3109 3109 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 247 minutes
  615. 10-08 05:53:20.048 3109 3109 V BackupManagerService: Starting with transport
  616. 10-08 05:53:20.048 3109 3109 V BackupManagerService: Found transports: 1
  617. 10-08 05:53:20.051 3109 3109 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  618. 10-08 05:53:20.087 3109 3141 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
  619. 10-08 05:53:20.083 3109 3109 W PackageManager: Unable to get pkg for processing system
  620. 10-08 05:53:20.088 3109 3109 E PackageManager: Unable to find icon pack: system
  621. 10-08 05:53:20.101 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: System now ready
  622. 10-08 05:53:20.108 3109 3109 I SystemServer: Making services ready
  623. 10-08 05:53:20.108 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
  624. 10-08 05:53:20.111 3109 3223 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
  625. 10-08 05:53:20.111 3109 3223 D VoldConnector: SND -> {3 volume reset}
  626. 10-08 05:53:20.111 3109 3130 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10005 user=-1: vold reset
  627. 10-08 05:53:20.112 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 5}
  628. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 2]
  629. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 1]
  630. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 2]
  631. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 1]
  632. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 2, type: 2]
  633. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 2, type: 1]
  634. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 3, type: 2]
  635. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 3, type: 1]
  636. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 4, type: 1]
  637. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 5, type: 1]
  638. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 6, type: 2]
  639. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 6, type: 1]
  640. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 7, type: 1]
  641. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 8, type: 2]
  642. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 10, type: 2]
  643. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 10, type: 1]
  644. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 11, type: 2]
  645. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 12, type: 2]
  646. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 12, type: 1]
  647. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 13, type: 2]
  648. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 13, type: 1]
  649. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 14, type: 2]
  650. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 14, type: 1]
  651. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 15, type: 2]
  652. 10-08 05:53:20.113 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 15, type: 1]
  653. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 16, type: 2]
  654. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 16, type: 1]
  655. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 17, type: 2]
  656. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 17, type: 1]
  657. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 18, type: 2]
  658. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 18, type: 1]
  659. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 19, type: 2]
  660. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 20, type: 2]
  661. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 21, type: 2]
  662. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 22, type: 2]
  663. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 23, type: 2]
  664. 10-08 05:53:20.114 3109 3109 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 25, type: 1]
  665. 10-08 05:53:20.198 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
  666. 10-08 05:53:20.199 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 8}
  667. 10-08 05:53:20.199 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 emulated}
  668. 10-08 05:53:20.199 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
  669. 10-08 05:53:20.200 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 emulated emulated}
  670. 10-08 05:53:20.200 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
  671. 10-08 05:53:20.200 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
  672. 10-08 05:53:20.200 3109 3223 D VoldConnector: SND -> {4 volume user_added 0 0}
  673. 10-08 05:53:20.201 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
  674. 10-08 05:53:20.203 3109 3132 V MountService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated}:
  675. 10-08 05:53:20.203 3109 3132 V MountService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  676. 10-08 05:53:20.203 3109 3132 V MountService: state=UNMOUNTED
  677. 10-08 05:53:20.203 3109 3132 V MountService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  678. 10-08 05:53:20.203 3109 3132 V MountService: path=null internalPath=null
  679. 10-08 05:53:20.205 3109 3109 I SystemServer: WebViewFactory preparation
  680. 10-08 05:53:20.207 3109 3223 D VoldConnector: SND -> {5 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
  681. 10-08 05:53:20.208 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
  682. 10-08 05:53:20.208 208 217 V vold : Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
  683. 10-08 05:53:20.208 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
  684. 10-08 05:53:20.208 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 emulated /storage/emulated}
  685. 10-08 05:53:20.210 3109 3109 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported ABIS: armeabi-v7a,armeabi
  686. 10-08 05:53:20.217 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3254:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
  687. 10-08 05:53:20.234 3254 3254 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  688. 10-08 05:53:20.237 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
  689. 10-08 05:53:20.237 3109 3109 D NetworkManagement: enabling bandwidth control
  690. 10-08 05:53:20.245 3262 3262 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  691. 10-08 05:53:20.258 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
  692. 10-08 05:53:20.259 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
  693. 10-08 05:53:20.264 3254 3254 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  694. 10-08 05:53:20.267 3268 3268 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  695. 10-08 05:53:20.286 3262 3262 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  696. 10-08 05:53:20.287 3109 3130 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  697. 10-08 05:53:20.299 3109 3130 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  698. 10-08 05:53:20.302 3277 3277 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  699. 10-08 05:53:20.312 3268 3268 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  700. 10-08 05:53:20.316 3254 3254 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = false), 32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/, 64-bit lib:
  701. 10-08 05:53:20.343 3277 3277 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  702. 10-08 05:53:20.442 3268 3268 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm
  703. 10-08 05:53:20.448 3262 3262 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SystemUI/lib/arm
  704. 10-08 05:53:20.462 3268 3268 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm
  705. 10-08 05:53:20.464 3254 3254 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
  706. 10-08 05:53:20.464 3254 3254 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
  707. 10-08 05:53:20.470 3262 3262 V SystemUIService: Starting SystemUI services.
  708. 10-08 05:53:20.612 2924 2924 E OMXMaster: A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  709. 10-08 05:53:20.627 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  710. 10-08 05:53:20.627 2924 2924 E OMX-VENC: get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 2
  711. 10-08 05:53:20.627 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
  712. 10-08 05:53:20.627 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  713. 10-08 05:53:20.628 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit
  714. 10-08 05:53:20.633 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  715. 10-08 05:53:20.633 2924 2924 E OMX-VENC: get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 1
  716. 10-08 05:53:20.633 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
  717. 10-08 05:53:20.633 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  718. 10-08 05:53:20.633 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit
  719. 10-08 05:53:20.638 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  720. 10-08 05:53:20.638 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
  721. 10-08 05:53:20.638 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  722. 10-08 05:53:20.639 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit
  723. 10-08 05:53:20.644 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  724. 10-08 05:53:20.644 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
  725. 10-08 05:53:20.644 2924 2924 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  726. 10-08 05:53:20.645 2924 2924 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit
  727. 10-08 05:53:20.646 2924 2924 E QC_EVRCENC: component init: role =
  728. 10-08 05:53:20.646 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: component init: role =
  729. 10-08 05:53:20.646 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC:
  730. 10-08 05:53:20.646 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: component_init: Component LOADED
  731. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: Driver in Non Tunnel mode open
  732. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: Returning the state 1
  733. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: Returning the state 1
  734. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: Component-deinit being processed
  735. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: ********************************
  736. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: STATS: in-buf-len[0]out-buf-len[0] tot-pb-time[0]
  737. 10-08 05:53:20.649 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: STATS: fbd-cnt[0]ftb-cnt[0]etb-cnt[0]ebd-cnt[0]
  738. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: ************************************
  739. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: DEINIT COMPLETED
  740. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 I QC_EVRCENC: ************************************
  741. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 E QC_EVRCENC: component_deinit:COMPONENT DEINIT...
  742. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 E QC_EVRCENC: EVRC Object getting destroyed comp-deinit=1
  743. 10-08 05:53:20.650 2924 2924 E QC_EVRCENC: OMX EVRC component destroyed
  744. 10-08 05:53:20.652 2924 2924 E QC_QCELP13ENC: component init: role =
  745. 10-08 05:53:20.652 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: component init: role =
  746. 10-08 05:53:20.652 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC:
  747. 10-08 05:53:20.652 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: component_init: Component LOADED
  748. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: Driver in Non Tunnel mode open
  749. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: Returning the state 1
  750. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: Returning the state 1
  751. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: Component-deinit being processed
  752. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: ********************************
  753. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: STATS: in-buf-len[0]out-buf-len[0] tot-pb-time[0]
  754. 10-08 05:53:20.654 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: STATS: fbd-cnt[0]ftb-cnt[0]etb-cnt[0]ebd-cnt[0]
  755. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: ************************************
  756. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: DEINIT COMPLETED
  757. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 I QC_QCELP13ENC: ************************************
  758. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 E QC_QCELP13ENC: component_deinit:COMPONENT DEINIT...
  759. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 E QC_QCELP13ENC: QCELP13 Object getting destroyed comp-deinit=1
  760. 10-08 05:53:20.655 2924 2924 E QC_QCELP13ENC: OMX QCELP13 component destroyed
  761. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.amr.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  762. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.amr.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  763. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.mp3.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  764. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.mp3.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  765. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.mp3.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  766. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.aac.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  767. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.flac.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  768. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.wma.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  769. 10-08 05:53:20.656 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.adpcm.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  770. 10-08 05:53:20.657 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component '' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  771. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: Enabling Non-Tunnel mode
  772. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: MIME type: aud
  773. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: component init: role =
  774. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC:
  775. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: component_init: Component LOADED
  776. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: Created thread for INP
  777. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: Created thread for CMD
  778. 10-08 05:53:20.658 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: omx_Qcelp13_thread_stop stop server
  779. 10-08 05:53:20.659 2924 2924 I OMX_QCELP13_DEC: omx_Qcelp13_thread_stop stop server
  780. 10-08 05:53:20.661 2924 2924 E OMX_EVRC_DEC: COMPONENT INIT
  781. 10-08 05:53:20.661 2924 2924 E OMX_EVRC_DEC: COMPONENT DEINIT
  782. 10-08 05:53:20.662 3109 3122 W AppWidgetServiceImpl: Failed to read state, clearing widgets and hosts.
  783. 10-08 05:53:20.669 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  784. 10-08 05:53:20.669 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  785. 10-08 05:53:20.677 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  786. 10-08 05:53:20.677 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(9:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  787. 10-08 05:53:20.677 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(9:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  788. 10-08 05:53:20.677 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  789. 10-08 05:53:20.678 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  790. 10-08 05:53:20.679 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  791. 10-08 05:53:20.680 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  792. 10-08 05:53:20.680 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  793. 10-08 05:53:20.688 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  794. 10-08 05:53:20.688 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  795. 10-08 05:53:20.688 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  796. 10-08 05:53:20.688 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  797. 10-08 05:53:20.689 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  798. 10-08 05:53:20.690 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  799. 10-08 05:53:20.691 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  800. 10-08 05:53:20.691 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  801. 10-08 05:53:20.696 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  802. 10-08 05:53:20.696 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(b:qcom.decoder.mpeg4, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  803. 10-08 05:53:20.696 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(b:qcom.decoder.mpeg4, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  804. 10-08 05:53:20.696 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  805. 10-08 05:53:20.696 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  806. 10-08 05:53:20.697 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  807. 10-08 05:53:20.698 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  808. 10-08 05:53:20.698 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  809. 10-08 05:53:20.702 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  810. 10-08 05:53:20.703 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(c:qcom.decoder.h263, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  811. 10-08 05:53:20.703 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(c:qcom.decoder.h263, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  812. 10-08 05:53:20.703 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  813. 10-08 05:53:20.703 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  814. 10-08 05:53:20.704 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  815. 10-08 05:53:20.704 3262 3262 I vol.Events: writeEvent collection_started
  816. 10-08 05:53:20.705 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  817. 10-08 05:53:20.705 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  818. 10-08 05:53:20.712 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed normal
  819. 10-08 05:53:20.713 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent internal_ringer_mode_changed normal
  820. 10-08 05:53:20.719 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  821. 10-08 05:53:20.720 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore for codec:
  822. 10-08 05:53:20.720 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(d:qcom.decoder.vc1, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  823. 10-08 05:53:20.720 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(d:qcom.decoder.vc1, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  824. 10-08 05:53:20.720 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  825. 10-08 05:53:20.720 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  826. 10-08 05:53:20.721 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  827. 10-08 05:53:20.727 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  828. 10-08 05:53:20.727 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  829. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  830. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore for codec:
  831. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(e:qcom.decoder.vc1, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  832. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(e:qcom.decoder.vc1, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  833. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  834. 10-08 05:53:20.732 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  835. 10-08 05:53:20.733 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  836. 10-08 05:53:20.733 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  837. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  838. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  839. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  840. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  841. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Feature specified outside of a Type
  842. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=11
  843. 10-08 05:53:20.734 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
  844. 10-08 05:53:20.738 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=11
  845. 10-08 05:53:20.738 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(f:qcom.decoder.vp8, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  846. 10-08 05:53:20.738 2924 2924 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(f:qcom.decoder.vp8, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  847. 10-08 05:53:20.738 2924 2924 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
  848. 10-08 05:53:20.738 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
  849. 10-08 05:53:20.748 2924 2924 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=11
  850. 10-08 05:53:20.748 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.h263.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  851. 10-08 05:53:20.748 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.avc.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  852. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.mpeg4.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  853. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.vc1.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  854. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.vc1.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  855. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.wmv7.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  856. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.wmv8.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  857. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.mp43.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  858. 10-08 05:53:20.749 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.hevc.sw.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  859. 10-08 05:53:20.750 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.h263sr.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  860. 10-08 05:53:20.750 2924 2924 E OMX : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.SEC.vp8.dec' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  861. 10-08 05:53:20.750 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /etc/media_codecs_google_video.xml
  862. 10-08 05:53:20.757 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /etc/media_codecs_performance.xml
  863. 10-08 05:53:20.757 2924 2924 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /data/misc/media/media_codecs_profiling_results.xml
  864. 10-08 05:53:20.758 3262 3347 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  865. 10-08 05:53:20.758 3262 3347 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  866. 10-08 05:53:20.758 3262 3347 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  867. 10-08 05:53:20.759 3262 3347 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  868. 10-08 05:53:20.760 3262 3337 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  869. 10-08 05:53:20.780 3262 3411 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  870. 10-08 05:53:20.780 3262 3411 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  871. 10-08 05:53:20.780 3262 3411 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  872. 10-08 05:53:20.780 3262 3411 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  873. 10-08 05:53:20.781 3262 3337 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  874. 10-08 05:53:20.813 3262 3413 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  875. 10-08 05:53:20.815 3262 3413 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  876. 10-08 05:53:20.816 3262 3413 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  877. 10-08 05:53:20.816 3262 3413 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  878. 10-08 05:53:20.817 3262 3337 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  879. 10-08 05:53:20.827 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 6
  880. 10-08 05:53:20.828 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 7
  881. 10-08 05:53:20.829 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 11
  882. 10-08 05:53:20.833 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 5
  883. 10-08 05:53:20.834 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 5
  884. 10-08 05:53:20.837 3262 3396 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 4
  885. 10-08 05:53:20.843 3262 3262 D StorageNotification: Notifying about private volume: VolumeInfo{private}:
  886. 10-08 05:53:20.843 3262 3262 D StorageNotification: type=PRIVATE diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  887. 10-08 05:53:20.843 3262 3262 D StorageNotification: state=MOUNTED
  888. 10-08 05:53:20.843 3262 3262 D StorageNotification: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  889. 10-08 05:53:20.843 3262 3262 D StorageNotification: path=/data internalPath=null
  890. 10-08 05:53:20.866 3277 3277 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/lib/arm
  891. 10-08 05:53:20.882 3277 3277 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots
  892. 10-08 05:53:20.885 3277 3277 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots
  893. 10-08 05:53:20.897 3277 3277 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots
  894. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: Drawable has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int).
  895. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException
  896. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
  897. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  898. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at<init>(
  899. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at<init>(
  900. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  901. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  902. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  903. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  904. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  905. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at$1.handleMessage(
  906. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  907. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  908. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  909. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  910. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at$
  911. 10-08 05:53:21.000 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  912. 10-08 05:53:21.013 3109 3121 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@5e9d8e3
  913. 10-08 05:53:21.087 3109 3131 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout. Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
  914. 10-08 05:53:21.144 3109 3231 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  915. 10-08 05:53:21.240 3262 3445 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  916. 10-08 05:53:21.308 3109 3137 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@1c8710e:true
  917. 10-08 05:53:21.325 3262 3262 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
  918. 10-08 05:53:21.327 3262 3262 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  919. 10-08 05:53:21.336 3262 3262 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  920. 10-08 05:53:21.342 3109 3122 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10016/3262 for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
  921. 10-08 05:53:21.352 3262 3262 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  922. 10-08 05:53:21.402 3109 3109 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {3 strict enable} took too long (759ms)
  923. 10-08 05:53:21.409 3109 3109 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/ConnectivityExt.jar
  924. 10-08 05:53:21.409 3109 3109 W ConnectivityExtension: Connectivity extension is not available
  925. 10-08 05:53:21.426 3262 3445 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled
  926. 10-08 05:53:21.426 3262 3445 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50
  927. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: Drawable has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int).
  928. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException
  929. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
  930. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  931. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  932. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  933. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  934. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  935. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  936. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  937. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  938. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  939. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  940. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  941. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at$1.handleMessage(
  942. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  943. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  944. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  945. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  946. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at$
  947. 10-08 05:53:21.428 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  948. 10-08 05:53:21.438 3262 3262 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  949. 10-08 05:53:21.459 3109 3121 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3465:android.process.acore/u0a3 for content provider
  950. 10-08 05:53:21.463 3465 3465 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  951. 10-08 05:53:21.478 3465 3465 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  952. 10-08 05:53:21.518 3262 3262 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
  953. 10-08 05:53:21.580 3109 3109 D PermissionMonitor: Monitoring
  954. 10-08 05:53:21.590 3109 3109 D PermissionMonitor: Users: 1, Apps: 55
  955. 10-08 05:53:21.599 3109 3109 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
  956. 10-08 05:53:21.601 2924 3238 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  957. 10-08 05:53:21.604 3109 3137 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter$1@9efe3ee:true
  958. 10-08 05:53:21.616 2924 3214 I AudioFlinger: systemReady
  959. 10-08 05:53:21.621 3109 3109 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => false
  960. 10-08 05:53:21.640 3109 3109 E InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring updateSystemUiLocked due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
  961. 10-08 05:53:21.661 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
  962. 10-08 05:53:21.661 3109 3109 V InputMethodManagerService: Adding window token: android.os.Binder@dfafb7c
  963. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_read_conf: using /etc/sap.conf
  964. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 22
  965. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_ACCEL_BATCHES_PER_SEC = 3
  966. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_ACCEL_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH = 5
  967. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_GYRO_BATCHES_PER_SEC = 3
  968. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_GYRO_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH = 5
  969. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_ACCEL_BATCHES_PER_SEC_HIGH = 4
  970. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_ACCEL_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH_HIGH = 25
  971. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_GYRO_BATCHES_PER_SEC_HIGH = 4
  972. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_GYRO_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH_HIGH = 25
  973. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_CONTROL_MODE = 0
  974. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_USAGE = 1
  975. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_PROVIDER = 2
  976. 10-08 05:53:21.687 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SENSOR_ALGORITHM_CONFIG_MASK = 1
  977. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  978. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 2
  979. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  980. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  981. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  982. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  983. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  984. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  985. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/Target name check returned UNKNOWN with SSC
  986. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps-xtra
  987. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = agps
  988. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps-ni
  989. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps-debug
  990. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: E/get_extension: Invalid interface passed in
  991. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = agps_ril
  992. 10-08 05:53:21.688 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps_geofencing
  993. 10-08 05:53:21.705 3488 3488 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  994. 10-08 05:53:21.716 3488 3488 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  995. 10-08 05:53:21.735 3465 3465 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  996. 10-08 05:53:21.743 3262 3262 D ViewRootImpl: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
  997. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSProxy: D/static bool lbs_core::LBSProxy::checkIfComQualcommLocationApkExists()] File Exists
  998. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps_measurement
  999. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: E/get_extension: Invalid interface passed in
  1000. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gps_navigation_message
  1001. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: E/get_extension: Invalid interface passed in
  1002. 10-08 05:53:21.764 3109 3109 E LocSvc_afw: D/const void* loc_get_extension(const char*):742] For Interface = gnss_configuration
  1003. 10-08 05:53:21.766 3109 3119 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 17616(1306KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(6MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 6MB/9MB, paused 2.663ms total 180.965ms
  1004. 10-08 05:53:21.790 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1005. 10-08 05:53:21.792 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1006. 10-08 05:53:21.794 3109 3495 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1007. 10-08 05:53:21.794 3109 3495 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  1008. 10-08 05:53:21.794 3109 3495 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  1009. 10-08 05:53:21.794 3109 3495 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  1010. 10-08 05:53:21.795 3109 3486 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  1011. 10-08 05:53:21.804 3109 3237 W AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -2147483648 while loading samples
  1012. 10-08 05:53:21.806 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1013. 10-08 05:53:21.809 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1014. 10-08 05:53:21.809 3109 3109 E LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found
  1015. 10-08 05:53:21.810 3109 3109 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:<init>:86
  1016. 10-08 05:53:21.811 3109 3109 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.location.IGeoFencer pkg=com.qualcomm.location } U=0: not found
  1017. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_flp: I/===> const FlpLocationInterface* get_flp_interface() line 69
  1018. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_read_conf: using /etc/flp.conf
  1019. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 4
  1020. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM BATCH_SIZE = 20
  1021. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM CAPABILITIES = 3
  1022. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM ACCURACY = 0
  1023. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  1024. 10-08 05:53:21.812 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 2
  1025. 10-08 05:53:21.813 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  1026. 10-08 05:53:21.813 3109 3109 E LocSvc_flp: D/const void* flp_get_extension(const char*):251] For Interface = flp_diagnostic
  1027. 10-08 05:53:21.813 3109 3109 E LocSvc_flp: D/const void* flp_get_extension(const char*):251] For Interface = flp_geofencing
  1028. 10-08 05:53:21.813 3109 3109 E LocSvc_flp: D/const void* flp_get_extension(const char*):251] For Interface = flp_device_context
  1029. 10-08 05:53:21.815 3109 3109 E LocSvc_CtxBase: D/static loc_core::LBSProxyBase* loc_core::ContextBase::getLBSProxy(const char*):46]: getLBSProxy libname:
  1030. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_CtxBase: D/static loc_core::LBSProxyBase* loc_core::ContextBase::getLBSProxy(const char*):58]: Exiting
  1031. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1032. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1033. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1034. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1035. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1036. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1037. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1038. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1039. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1040. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1041. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_read_conf: using /etc/gps.conf
  1042. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 2
  1043. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM DEBUG_LEVEL = 4
  1044. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  1045. 10-08 05:53:21.816 3109 3109 E LocSvc_IzatApiBase: D/izat_core::IzatApiBase::IzatApiBase(loc_core::LocApiProxyBase*):24]: IzatApiBase created
  1046. 10-08 05:53:21.817 3109 3109 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02: D/izat_core::IzatApiV02::IzatApiV02(lbs_core::LocApiProxyV02*):29]: IzatApiV02 created. locApiProxy:0xb7da3838, izatApiV02:0xb7d73620
  1047. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: Drawable has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int).
  1048. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException
  1049. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
  1050. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at$AllInOneBatteryMeterDrawable.loadBatteryDrawables(
  1051. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at$AllInOneBatteryMeterDrawable.<init>(
  1052. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1053. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1054. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1055. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1056. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1057. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.View.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1058. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1059. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1060. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1061. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1062. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1063. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
  1064. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(
  1065. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(
  1066. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$
  1067. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.Choreographer$
  1068. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
  1069. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
  1070. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.view.Choreographer$
  1071. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  1072. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1073. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1074. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1075. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1076. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at$
  1077. 10-08 05:53:21.818 3262 3262 W Resources: at
  1078. 10-08 05:53:21.820 3262 3262 D BatteryMeterView: mTextGravity=17
  1079. 10-08 05:53:21.832 3262 3262 D BatteryMeterView: mTextGravity=17
  1080. 10-08 05:53:21.834 3262 3262 D BatteryMeterView: mTextGravity=17
  1081. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: Reset GPS properties, previous size = 0
  1082. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
  1083. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource: SUPL_PORT=7275
  1084. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
  1085. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource: SUPL_VER=0x20000
  1086. 10-08 05:53:21.847 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource: SUPL_MODE=1
  1087. 10-08 05:53:21.848 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GPS properties reloaded, size = 20
  1088. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> int loc_eng_set_server_proxy(loc_eng_data_s_type&, LocServerType, const char*, int) line 2523
  1089. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: W/set_server called before init. save the address, type: 3, hostname:, port: 7275
  1090. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: GPS configuration:
  1091. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: #Thu Oct 08 05:53:21 GMT+00:00 1970
  1092. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: DEL_EPH_ONLY=0
  1093. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider:
  1094. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_3=http\://
  1095. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_1=http\://
  1096. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_PORT=7275
  1097. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=0
  1098. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: DEBUG_LEVEL=4
  1099. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_2=http\://
  1100. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_ES=0
  1101. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: NMEA_PROVIDER=1
  1102. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: CAPABILITIES=0x37
  1103. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_VER=0x10000
  1104. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: ERR_ESTIMATE=0
  1105. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 \#Sensor R&D \: This will not be injected to MODEM
  1106. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: INTERMEDIATE_POS=0
  1107. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SGLTE_TARGET=0
  1108. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: LPP_PROFILE=0 \# Sensor R&D \: This will not be injected to MODEM
  1109. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1
  1110. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider:
  1111. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_MODE=0x3
  1112. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> void loc_eng_configuration_update(loc_eng_data_s_type&, const char*, int32_t) line 2648
  1113. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_update_conf(const char*, int32_t, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):341]: num_params: 10
  1114. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM NMEA_PROVIDER = 1
  1115. 10-08 05:53:21.849 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM CAPABILITIES = 55
  1116. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SUPL_VER = 65536
  1117. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 0
  1118. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM INTERMEDIATE_POS = 0
  1119. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM LPP_PROFILE = 0
  1120. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL = 1
  1121. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM SUPL_MODE = 3
  1122. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: final config = #Thu Oct 08 05:53:21 GMT+00:00 1970
  1123. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: DEL_EPH_ONLY=0
  1124. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider:
  1125. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_3=http\://
  1126. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_1=http\://
  1127. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_PORT=7275
  1128. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=0
  1129. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: DEBUG_LEVEL=4
  1130. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: XTRA_SERVER_2=http\://
  1131. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_ES=0
  1132. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: NMEA_PROVIDER=1
  1133. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: CAPABILITIES=0x37
  1134. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_VER=0x10000
  1135. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: ERR_ESTIMATE=0
  1136. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 \#Sensor R&D \: This will not be injected to MODEM
  1137. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: INTERMEDIATE_POS=0
  1138. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SGLTE_TARGET=0
  1139. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: LPP_PROFILE=0 \# Sensor R&D \: This will not be injected to MODEM
  1140. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1
  1141. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider:
  1142. 10-08 05:53:21.850 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: SUPL_MODE=0x3
  1143. 10-08 05:53:21.872 3109 3506 V FlpHardwareProvider: Callback thread attached: 0xb7d991e8
  1144. 10-08 05:53:21.872 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 0 listening ...
  1145. 10-08 05:53:21.872 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1146. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3262 3303 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4765(374KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 10% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 23.451ms total 34.927ms
  1147. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E : D/lbs_core::LocApiProxyV02::LocApiProxyV02(lbs_core::LBSApiV02*):22]: LocApiProxyV02 created:0xb7da3838, mLBSApi:0xb7d8ef60, mIzatApi:0xb7d73620,
  1148. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSApiBase: D/lbs_core::LBSApiBase::LBSApiBase(loc_core::LocApiProxyBase*):22]:LBSApiBase created. lbsApi:0xb7d8efbc
  1149. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSApiV02: D/lbs_core::LBSApiV02::LBSApiV02(const loc_core::MsgTask*, LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T, loc_core::ContextBase*):32]: LBSApiV02 created. lbsapi: 0xb7d8ef60; locApiProxy:0xb7da3838
  1150. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_DualCtx: D/static loc_core::ContextBase* loc_core::LocDualContext::getLocBgContext(loc_core::MsgTask::tAssociate, const char*):140]: mInjectContext is BgContext
  1151. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_DualCtx: D/static void loc_core::LocDualContext::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*):149]: Enter
  1152. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_DualCtx: D/static void loc_core::LocDualContext::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*):152]: Calling LBSProxy (0xb7dbcc78) to inject feature config
  1153. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSProxy: D/virtual void lbs_core::LBSProxy::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*) const:220]: Enter
  1154. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DA4228
  1155. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DA4228
  1156. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DA4228
  1157. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSApiBase: D/void lbs_core::LBSApiBase::addAdapter(lbs_core::LBSAdapterBase*):30]: Adapter added: 0xb7dbcd54
  1158. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E locSvc_LBSAdapterBase: D/lbs_core::LBSAdapterBase::LBSAdapterBase(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T, loc_core::ContextBase*):22]: LBSAdapterBase created: 0xb7dbcd54
  1159. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSProxy: D/virtual void lbs_core::LBSProxy::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*) const::LBSProxyInjectFeatureConfig::locallog():217]:LBSProxyInjectFeatureConfig
  1160. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBCD50
  1161. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DBCD50
  1162. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBCD50
  1163. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSProxy: D/virtual void lbs_core::LBSProxy::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*) const:222]: Exit
  1164. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_DualCtx: D/static void loc_core::LocDualContext::injectFeatureConfig(loc_core::ContextBase*):155]: Exit
  1165. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE690
  1166. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DBE690
  1167. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE690
  1168. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE1E8
  1169. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DBE1E8
  1170. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE1E8
  1171. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_flp: D/gFlpData client, id = 0xb7d73570, event mask: 1572864n
  1172. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_read_conf: using /etc/flp.conf
  1173. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 1
  1174. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM FLP_GEOFENCE_RESPONSIVENESS_OVERRIDE = 0
  1175. 10-08 05:53:21.873 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 2
  1176. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  1177. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE5D8
  1178. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DBE5D8
  1179. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DBE5D8
  1180. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_CtxBase: D/static loc_core::LBSProxyBase* loc_core::ContextBase::getLBSProxy(const char*):46]: getLBSProxy libname:
  1181. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_CtxBase: D/static loc_core::LBSProxyBase* loc_core::ContextBase::getLBSProxy(const char*):58]: Exiting
  1182. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1183. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1184. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1185. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1186. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1187. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1188. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1189. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1190. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1191. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1192. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_read_conf: using /etc/gps.conf
  1193. 10-08 05:53:21.874 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):283]: num_params: 2
  1194. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/loc_set_config_entry: PARAM DEBUG_LEVEL = 4
  1195. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_cfg: D/int loc_read_conf_r(FILE*, loc_param_s_type*, uint32_t):287]: fgets returned NULL
  1196. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_api_v02: D/loc_sync_req_init:109]:already initialized
  1197. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_IzatApiBase: D/izat_core::IzatApiBase::IzatApiBase(loc_core::LocApiProxyBase*):24]: IzatApiBase created
  1198. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02: D/izat_core::IzatApiV02::IzatApiV02(lbs_core::LocApiProxyV02*):29]: IzatApiV02 created. locApiProxy:0xb7d95538, izatApiV02:0xb7d95548
  1199. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E : D/lbs_core::LocApiProxyV02::LocApiProxyV02(lbs_core::LBSApiV02*):22]: LocApiProxyV02 created:0xb7d95538, mLBSApi:0xb7d954a0, mIzatApi:0xb7d95548,
  1200. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSApiBase: D/lbs_core::LBSApiBase::LBSApiBase(loc_core::LocApiProxyBase*):22]:LBSApiBase created. lbsApi:0xb7d954fc
  1201. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_LBSApiV02: D/lbs_core::LBSApiV02::LBSApiV02(const loc_core::MsgTask*, LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T, loc_core::ContextBase*):32]: LBSApiV02 created. lbsapi: 0xb7d954a0; locApiProxy:0xb7d95538
  1202. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7D955A8
  1203. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7D955A8
  1204. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7D955A8
  1205. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E Geofence_Adapter: I/===> void GeofenceAdapter::addGfClients(GeoFencer*) line 65
  1206. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E Geofence_Adapter: I/===> void GeofenceAdapter::updateRegisteredEvents() line 81
  1207. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7D955D0
  1208. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7D955D0
  1209. 10-08 05:53:21.875 3109 3109 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7D955D0
  1210. 10-08 05:53:21.876 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1211. 10-08 05:53:21.876 3109 3109 E LocationManagerService: Unable to bind FusedProxy.
  1212. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1213. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DA4228 rv = 0
  1214. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/static locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::convertMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):2002]: adapter mask = 0
  1215. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::open(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):216]: Enter mMask: 0; mask: 0; newMask: 0 mQmiMask: 0 qmiMask: 0
  1216. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::adjustMaskForNoSession(locClientEventMaskType):308]: before qmiMask=0
  1217. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::adjustMaskForNoSession(locClientEventMaskType):322]: after qmiMask=0
  1218. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1219. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1220. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1221. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1222. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1223. 10-08 05:53:21.877 3109 3506 E LocSvc_api_v02: I/locClientOpen:2279]: Service instance id is -1
  1224. 10-08 05:53:21.883 3465 3465 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
  1225. 10-08 05:53:21.885 3109 3505 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1226. 10-08 05:53:21.885 3109 3505 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  1227. 10-08 05:53:21.885 3109 3505 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  1228. 10-08 05:53:21.885 3109 3505 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  1229. 10-08 05:53:21.886 3109 3486 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  1230. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1231. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1232. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1233. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1234. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  1235. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1236. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1237. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1238. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1239. 10-08 05:53:21.887 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  1240. 10-08 05:53:21.894 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1241. 10-08 05:53:21.896 3109 3109 E LocationManagerService: Unable to bind FLP Geofence proxy.
  1242. 10-08 05:53:21.897 3109 3109 E ActivityRecognitionHardware: Error hw_get_module: -2
  1243. 10-08 05:53:21.897 3109 3109 E LocationManagerService: Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
  1244. 10-08 05:53:21.898 3109 3109 W ServiceWatcher: not found
  1245. 10-08 05:53:21.898 3109 3109 E ActivityRecognitionProxy: ServiceWatcher could not start.
  1246. 10-08 05:53:21.898 3109 3109 E LocationManagerService: Unable to bind ActivityRecognitionProxy.
  1247. 10-08 05:53:21.937 3109 3109 I CommonTimeManagementService: No common time service detected on this platform. Common time services will be unavailable.
  1248. 10-08 05:53:21.939 3109 3222 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000020
  1249. 10-08 05:53:21.943 3109 3222 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
  1250. 10-08 05:53:21.944 3109 3109 I MmsServiceBroker: systemRunning
  1251. 10-08 05:53:21.953 3109 3109 D Prev api level was: 23, api is now: 23
  1252. 10-08 05:53:21.953 3109 3109 E PackageManager: Unable to find icon pack: system
  1253. 10-08 05:53:21.955 3109 3109 D MountService: onStartUser 0
  1254. 10-08 05:53:21.956 3109 3109 D VoldConnector: SND -> {6 volume user_started 0}
  1255. 10-08 05:53:21.956 208 217 D vold : Linking /storage/emulated/0 to /mnt/user/0/primary
  1256. 10-08 05:53:21.956 3109 3224 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
  1257. 10-08 05:53:21.958 3109 3223 D MountService: Volume emulated broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
  1258. 10-08 05:53:21.959 3109 3109 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
  1259. 10-08 05:53:21.959 3109 3109 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
  1260. 10-08 05:53:21.967 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3512:org.cyanogenmod.audiofx/u0a0 for added application org.cyanogenmod.audiofx
  1261. 10-08 05:53:21.974 3512 3512 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1262. 10-08 05:53:21.983 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for added application
  1263. 10-08 05:53:21.984 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000} from uid 0 on display 0
  1264. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_64_LA.BR.1.2.6_RB1__release_AU (I5d4b06969f)
  1265. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.02
  1266. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 11/12/15 Thu
  1267. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch16305188
  1268. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.3
  1269. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1270. 10-08 05:53:21.992 3262 3445 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  1271. 10-08 05:53:21.993 3262 3445 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1272. 10-08 05:53:22.013 3109 3231 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1273. 10-08 05:53:22.022 3517 3517 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1274. 10-08 05:53:22.049 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
  1275. 10-08 05:53:22.061 3523 3523 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1276. 10-08 05:53:22.072 3512 3512 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1277. 10-08 05:53:22.075 3488 3488 I LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true
  1278. 10-08 05:53:22.495 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1279. 10-08 05:53:22.495 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1280. 10-08 05:53:22.495 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1281. 10-08 05:53:22.495 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1282. 10-08 05:53:22.495 2924 2924 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  1283. 10-08 05:53:23.693 3109 3231 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1284. 10-08 05:53:23.695 3517 3517 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 12 phoneId: 0
  1285. 10-08 05:53:23.975 3523 3660 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1286. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_64_LA.BR.1.2.6_RB1__release_AU (I5d4b06969f)
  1287. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.02
  1288. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 11/12/15 Thu
  1289. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch16305188
  1290. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.3
  1291. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1292. 10-08 05:53:24.050 3523 3660 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  1293. 10-08 05:53:24.052 3523 3660 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1294. 10-08 05:53:24.195 3109 3138 I ActivityManager: Displayed +2s184ms
  1295. 10-08 05:53:24.210 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> int loc_eng_init(loc_eng_data_s_type&, LocCallbacks*, LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T, loc_core::ContextBase*) line 1650
  1296. 10-08 05:53:24.210 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: set_capabilities_callback: 55u
  1297. 10-08 05:53:24.210 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DACD38
  1298. 10-08 05:53:24.210 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DACD38
  1299. 10-08 05:53:24.242 3268 3268 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/emulated/0
  1300. 10-08 05:53:24.265 3109 3130 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard started
  1301. 10-08 05:53:24.268 3109 3109 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard connected (yay!)
  1302. 10-08 05:53:24.273 3109 3130 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor(0) setDelay : 66667000(ns)
  1303. 10-08 05:53:24.277 3109 3333 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  1304. 10-08 05:53:24.284 3109 3130 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor enable: mEnabled 0, handle 0, en 1
  1305. 10-08 05:53:24.284 3109 3130 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp()
  1306. 10-08 05:53:24.287 3109 3130 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@500e46e)
  1307. 10-08 05:53:24.287 3109 3130 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()
  1308. 10-08 05:53:24.288 3109 3109 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor enable: mEnabled 1, handle 0, en 0
  1309. 10-08 05:53:24.299 3262 3262 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand* icons alerts system_info back* home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  1310. 10-08 05:53:24.342 3665 3665 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1311. 10-08 05:53:24.347 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  1312. 10-08 05:53:24.353 3109 3592 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  1313. 10-08 05:53:24.393 3665 3665 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1314. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1315. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DACD38 rv = 0
  1316. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/static locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::convertMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):2002]: adapter mask = 2114039
  1317. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::open(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):216]: Enter mMask: 204070; mask: 1f7; newMask: 2041f7 mQmiMask: 6692984 qmiMask: 6815487
  1318. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::adjustMaskForNoSession(locClientEventMaskType):308]: before qmiMask=6815487
  1319. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::adjustMaskForNoSession(locClientEventMaskType):322]: after qmiMask=6815352
  1320. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/bool LocApiV02::registerEventMask(locClientEventMaskType):301]: mQmiMask=6692984 qmiMask=6815352
  1321. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DACD38
  1322. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_EngAdapter: D/LocEngAdapter created
  1323. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: D/loc_eng_init created client, id = 0xb7e349f0
  1324. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0510
  1325. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DF0510
  1326. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0510
  1327. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0B10
  1328. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DF0B10
  1329. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0B10
  1330. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0A68
  1331. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DF0A68
  1332. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF0A68
  1333. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1334. 10-08 05:53:24.411 3109 3129 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1335. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1336. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1337. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1338. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_afw: D/loc_eng_init() success!
  1339. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> void loc_eng_agps_init(loc_eng_data_s_type&, AGpsExtCallbacks*) line 2221
  1340. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: D/ Enter getServicer type:1
  1341. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: D/ Enter getServicer type:1
  1342. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/qca1530: detected=false
  1343. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/void loc_get_target_baseband(char*, int):155]: Baseband: apq
  1344. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform: MTP
  1345. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/cat /sys/devices/soc0/soc_id: 247
  1346. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E : D/HAL: loc_get_target returned -1
  1347. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: D/ Enter getServicer type:1
  1348. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> void loc_eng_ni_init(loc_eng_data_s_type&, GpsNiExtCallbacks*) line 327
  1349. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E Geofence_Adapter: I/===> void GeofenceAdapter::addGfClients(GeoFencer*) line 65
  1350. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E Geofence_Adapter: I/===> void GeofenceAdapter::updateRegisteredEvents() line 81
  1351. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DAD170
  1352. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DAD170
  1353. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DAD170
  1354. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_eng: I/===> int loc_eng_set_server_proxy(loc_eng_data_s_type&, LocServerType, const char*, int) line 2523
  1355. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DACEA0
  1356. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::open(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):290]: Exit mMask: 2041f7; mask: 1f7 mQmiMask: 6815487 qmiMask: 6815487
  1357. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 22 listening ...
  1358. 10-08 05:53:24.412 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1359. 10-08 05:53:24.430 3109 3131 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor(0) setDelay : 66667000(ns)
  1360. 10-08 05:53:24.431 3109 3131 I Sensors : AccelerometerSensor enable: mEnabled 0, handle 0, en 1
  1361. 10-08 05:53:24.440 246 402 I SurfaceFlinger: Boot is finished (167437 ms)
  1362. 10-08 05:53:24.443 3109 3138 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
  1363. 10-08 05:53:24.471 3109 3138 I ActivityManager: Start proc for on-hold
  1364. 10-08 05:53:24.490 3679 3679 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1365. 10-08 05:53:24.511 3679 3679 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1366. 10-08 05:53:24.587 3109 3494 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false oatDir = null bootComplete=true
  1367. 10-08 05:53:24.604 2924 2924 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  1368. 10-08 05:53:24.605 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1369. 10-08 05:53:24.605 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1370. 10-08 05:53:24.605 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1371. 10-08 05:53:24.605 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1372. 10-08 05:53:24.605 2924 3238 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  1373. 10-08 05:53:24.606 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1374. 10-08 05:53:24.606 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1375. 10-08 05:53:24.606 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1376. 10-08 05:53:24.606 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION
  1377. 10-08 05:53:24.606 2924 3214 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_TRANSMITTED_THROUGH_SPEAKER
  1378. 10-08 05:53:24.634 3694 3694 I dex2oat : Adjusted thread count (for runtime dex2oat): 4, 4
  1379. 10-08 05:53:24.634 3694 3694 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat -j4 --no-watch-dog
  1380. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DACEA0
  1381. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1382. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DF0510 rv = 0
  1383. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E38420
  1384. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E38420
  1385. 10-08 05:53:24.648 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E38420
  1386. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DAD4A0
  1387. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DAD4A0
  1388. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DAD4A0
  1389. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D178
  1390. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E3D178
  1391. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D178
  1392. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D1A8
  1393. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E3D1A8
  1394. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D1A8
  1395. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E38338
  1396. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E38338
  1397. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E38338
  1398. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D1E8
  1399. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E3D1E8
  1400. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D1E8
  1401. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D218
  1402. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7E3D218
  1403. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7E3D218
  1404. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_eng: D/loc_eng_reinit reinit() successful
  1405. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 23 listening ...
  1406. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1407. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1408. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DF0B10 rv = 0
  1409. 10-08 05:53:24.649 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual int LocApiV02::setGpsLock(LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK):3214]: Set Gps Lock: 0
  1410. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_ENGINE_LOCK_REQ_V02
  1411. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual int LocApiV02::setGpsLock(LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK):3231]: exit
  1412. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 24 listening ...
  1413. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1414. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1415. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DF0A68 rv = 0
  1416. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 25 listening ...
  1417. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1418. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1419. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DAD170 rv = 0
  1420. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF27B8
  1421. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0xB7DF27B8
  1422. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DF27B8
  1423. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 26 listening ...
  1424. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1425. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1426. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DACEA0 rv = 0
  1427. 10-08 05:53:24.651 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setServer(const char*, int):1208]:, url =, len = 20
  1428. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_SERVER_REQ_V02
  1429. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 27 listening ...
  1430. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1431. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1432. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E38420 rv = 0
  1433. 10-08 05:53:24.653 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setSUPLVersion(uint32_t):1558]: supl version = 65536
  1434. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_PROTOCOL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS_REQ_V02
  1435. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 28 listening ...
  1436. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1437. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1438. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DAD4A0 rv = 0
  1439. 10-08 05:53:24.655 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setLPPConfig(uint32_t):1605]: lpp profile = 0
  1440. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_PROTOCOL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS_REQ_V02
  1441. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 29 listening ...
  1442. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1443. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1444. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E3D178 rv = 0
  1445. 10-08 05:53:24.657 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setSensorControlConfig(int, int):1644]: sensors disabled = 1
  1446. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_SENSOR_CONTROL_CONFIG_REQ_V02
  1447. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 30 listening ...
  1448. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1449. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1450. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E3D1A8 rv = 0
  1451. 10-08 05:53:24.658 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setAGLONASSProtocol(long unsigned int):1881]: aGlonassProtocolMask = 0x0
  1452. 10-08 05:53:24.659 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_PROTOCOL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS_REQ_V02
  1453. 10-08 05:53:24.659 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 31 listening ...
  1454. 10-08 05:53:24.659 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1455. 10-08 05:53:24.659 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1456. 10-08 05:53:24.659 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E38338 rv = 0
  1457. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/setSensorPerfControlConfig:1765]: Sensor Perf Control Config (performanceControlMode)(0) accel(#smp,#batches) (5,3) gyro(#smp,#batches) (5,3) accel_high(#smp,#batches) (25,4) gyro_high(#smp,#batches) (25,4) algorithmConfig(1)
  1458. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3599 E LocSvc_ApiV02: I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, locClientRespIndUnionType, void*) line 125 QMI_LOC_SET_SENSOR_PERFORMANCE_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_REQ_V02
  1459. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 32 listening ...
  1460. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1461. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1462. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E3D1E8 rv = 0
  1463. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_LocApiBase: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err loc_core::LocApiBase::enableData(int): default implementation invoked
  1464. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 33 listening ...
  1465. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1466. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1467. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7E3D218 rv = 0
  1468. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_eng: D/void LocEngSetXtraVersionCheck::locallog() const:97]: mCheck: 0
  1469. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_eng: D/void LocEngSetXtraVersionCheck::locallog() const:97]: mCheck: 0
  1470. 10-08 05:53:24.660 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setXtraVersionCheck(loc_core::xtra_version_check):3285]: Enter. check: 0
  1471. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: E/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setXtraVersionCheck(loc_core::xtra_version_check):3316]: Set xtra version check failed. status: eLOC_CLIENT_FAILURE_INTERNAL, ind status:eQMI_LOC_SUCCESS_V02
  1472. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::setXtraVersionCheck(loc_core::xtra_version_check):3320]: Exit. ret: 1
  1473. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 34 listening ...
  1474. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1475. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_ll: D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
  1476. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0xB7DF27B8 rv = 0
  1477. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/static locClientEventMaskType LocApiV02::convertMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):2002]: adapter mask = 2114039
  1478. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::open(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):216]: Enter mMask: 2041f7; mask: 2041f7; newMask: 2041f7 mQmiMask: 6815487 qmiMask: 6815487
  1479. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_ApiV02: D/virtual loc_api_adapter_err LocApiV02::open(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T):290]: Exit mMask: 2041f7; mask: 2041f7 mQmiMask: 6815487 qmiMask: 6815487
  1480. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_MsgTask: D/MsgTask::loop() 35 listening ...
  1481. 10-08 05:53:24.661 3109 3506 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
  1482. 10-08 05:53:24.650 3109 3129 E LocSvc_utils_q: D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0xB7DACEA0
  1483. 10-08 05:53:24.679 3109 3236 D NotificationSQLiteLog: Pruned event entries: 0
  1484. 10-08 05:53:24.803 3465 3504 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, , А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, , א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, , ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, , ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, , ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, , あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, ]
  1485. 10-08 05:53:25.059 3465 3504 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows which don't have any relevant directory
  1486. 10-08 05:53:25.091 3465 3504 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact directories in 129ms
  1487. 10-08 05:53:28.880 3109 3709 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1488. 10-08 05:53:28.881 3109 3709 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  1489. 10-08 05:53:28.881 3109 3709 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  1490. 10-08 05:53:28.881 3109 3709 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  1491. 10-08 05:53:28.882 3109 3707 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  1492. 10-08 05:53:28.884 3109 3237 W AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -2147483648 while loading samples
  1493. 10-08 05:53:28.917 3109 3710 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1494. 10-08 05:53:28.917 3109 3710 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.
  1495. 10-08 05:53:28.917 3109 3710 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
  1496. 10-08 05:53:28.917 3109 3710 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
  1497. 10-08 05:53:28.926 3109 3707 E SoundPool: Unable to load sample
  1498. 10-08 05:53:29.025 3694 3704 I dex2oat : Skipping compilation of$PostalData$PostalData.constructPostalData(java.util.List, int, java.lang.String, boolean, int): it contains a non natural loop
  1499. 10-08 05:53:29.062 3694 3694 W dex2oat : No verified method for method calling String.<init>: java.lang.String android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.toString()
  1500. 10-08 05:53:29.258 3694 3694 I dex2oat : Skipping compilation of java.util.List, int): it contains a non natural loop
  1501. 10-08 05:53:30.798 3694 3694 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 6.156s (threads: 4) arena alloc=3MB java alloc=4MB native alloc=24MB free=2MB
  1502. 10-08 05:53:30.815 3109 3130 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=0 for 6.160s
  1503. 10-08 05:53:30.816 3109 3122 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=1 for 6.159s
  1504. 10-08 05:53:30.816 3109 3333 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=2 for 6.067s
  1505. 10-08 05:53:30.816 3109 3592 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=3 for 6.060s
  1506. 10-08 05:53:30.817 3109 3696 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=4 for 6.028s
  1507. 10-08 05:53:30.817 3109 3109 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=6 for 5.977s
  1508. 10-08 05:53:30.818 3109 3121 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=7 for 5.886s
  1509. 10-08 05:53:30.818 3109 3697 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=8 for 5.882s
  1510. 10-08 05:53:30.818 3109 3699 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=9 for 5.824s
  1511. 10-08 05:53:30.818 3109 3701 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=10 for 5.723s
  1512. 10-08 05:53:30.823 3109 3129 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=5 for 6.033s
  1513. 10-08 05:53:30.853 3109 3129 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
  1514. 10-08 05:53:30.858 3711 3711 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1515. 10-08 05:53:30.871 3711 3711 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1516. 10-08 05:53:30.938 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HeadsetService
  1517. 10-08 05:53:30.938 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
  1518. 10-08 05:53:30.938 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName A2dpService
  1519. 10-08 05:53:30.938 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
  1520. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HidService
  1521. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidService
  1522. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HealthService
  1523. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HealthService
  1524. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName PanService
  1525. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
  1526. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName GattService
  1527. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
  1528. 10-08 05:53:30.939 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName BluetoothMapService
  1529. 10-08 05:53:30.940 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
  1530. 10-08 05:53:30.940 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Could not find profile bit mask
  1531. 10-08 05:53:30.940 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HidDevService
  1532. 10-08 05:53:30.940 3679 3679 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidDevService
  1533. 10-08 05:53:30.957 3711 3711 I PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state.
  1534. 10-08 05:53:30.987 3109 3137 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@6f7aca6:true
  1535. 10-08 05:53:30.988 3679 3679 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
  1536. 10-08 05:53:30.990 3679 3679 I bt_bluedroid: init
  1537. 10-08 05:53:30.991 3679 3725 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
  1538. 10-08 05:53:30.993 3679 3726 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf': No such file or directory
  1539. 10-08 05:53:30.993 3679 3726 W bt_btif_config: init unable to load config file; attempting to transcode legacy file.
  1540. 10-08 05:53:30.993 3679 3726 E bt_btif_config_transcode: config_t* btif_config_transcode(const char*) unable to load XML file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.xml': 3
  1541. 10-08 05:53:30.993 3679 3726 W bt_btif_config: init unable to transcode legacy file, starting unconfigured.
  1542. 10-08 05:53:30.996 3488 3579 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US ; version = 24213210 ; date = ?
  1543. 10-08 05:53:30.999 3665 3665 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm
  1544. 10-08 05:53:31.002 3679 3726 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
  1545. 10-08 05:53:31.002 3679 3726 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
  1546. 10-08 05:53:31.002 3679 3726 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
  1547. 10-08 05:53:31.002 3679 3726 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
  1548. 10-08 05:53:31.008 3679 3679 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface socket
  1549. 10-08 05:53:31.009 3679 3679 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface sdp
  1550. 10-08 05:53:31.011 3679 3729 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Address is:F0:5B:7B:A0:BD:3D
  1551. 10-08 05:53:31.028 3679 3729 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: Samsung Galaxy Tab E
  1552. 10-08 05:53:31.032 3109 3109 E NlpProxy: No NLPs exist to bind to!
  1553. 10-08 05:53:31.056 3679 3693 I bt_bluedroid: config_hci_snoop_log
  1554. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3230 D WIFI : Registering NetworkFactory
  1555. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3230 D WIFI_UT : Registering NetworkFactory
  1556. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3232 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI
  1557. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3232 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI_UT
  1558. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3230 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
  1559. 10-08 05:53:31.070 3109 3230 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
  1560. 10-08 05:53:31.079 3109 3109 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  1561. 10-08 05:53:31.094 3734 3734 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1562. 10-08 05:53:31.097 3109 3733 I RecoverySystem: Deleted: /cache/recovery/.version
  1563. 10-08 05:53:31.097 3109 3733 I RecoverySystem: Deleted: /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
  1564. 10-08 05:53:31.097 3109 3733 I RecoverySystem: Deleted: /cache/recovery/storage.fstab
  1565. 10-08 05:53:31.098 3109 3733 I RecoverySystem: Deleted: /cache/recovery/log
  1566. 10-08 05:53:31.098 3109 3733 I RecoverySystem: Deleted: /cache/recovery/intent
  1567. 10-08 05:53:31.119 3734 3734 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1568. 10-08 05:53:31.120 3679 3679 W BluetoothAdapterService: onUnbind, calling cleanup
  1569. 10-08 05:53:31.125 3679 3679 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
  1570. 10-08 05:53:31.125 3679 3679 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
  1571. 10-08 05:53:31.125 3679 3679 I BluetoothServiceJni: cleanupNative: return from cleanup
  1572. 10-08 05:53:31.135 3109 3733 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox
  1573. 10-08 05:53:31.135 3109 3733 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
  1574. 10-08 05:53:31.151 3109 3701 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Calendar/Calendar.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false oatDir = null bootComplete=true
  1575. 10-08 05:53:31.152 3679 3726 D bt_stack_manager: event_clean_up_stack is cleaning up the stack.
  1576. 10-08 05:53:31.158 3679 3679 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
  1577. 10-08 05:53:31.158 3679 3679 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
  1578. 10-08 05:53:31.197 3750 3750 I dex2oat : Adjusted thread count (for runtime dex2oat): 4, 4
  1579. 10-08 05:53:31.197 3750 3750 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat -j4 --no-watch-dog
  1580. 10-08 05:53:31.675 3603 3647 E ELEVEN : calling refresh!
  1581. 10-08 05:53:31.886 3750 3753 W dex2oat : No verified method for method calling String.<init>: void android.provider.SearchRecentSuggestions.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, int)
  1582. 10-08 05:53:31.915 3750 3751 W dex2oat : No verified method for method calling String.<init>: void android.provider.SearchRecentSuggestions.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, int)
  1583. 10-08 05:53:31.917 3750 3751 W dex2oat : No verified method for method calling String.<init>: void android.provider.SearchRecentSuggestions.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, int)
  1584. 10-08 05:53:32.617 3750 3750 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.418s (threads: 4) arena alloc=5MB java alloc=1697KB native alloc=10MB free=502KB
  1585. 10-08 05:53:32.629 3109 3494 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=1 for 1.473s
  1586. 10-08 05:53:32.629 3109 3696 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=4 for 1.457s
  1587. 10-08 05:53:32.629 3109 3592 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=5 for 1.408s
  1588. 10-08 05:53:32.630 3109 3121 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=6 for 954ms
  1589. 10-08 05:53:32.631 3109 3592 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 3679) has died
  1590. 10-08 05:53:32.636 3109 3129 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=0 for 1.481s
  1591. 10-08 05:53:32.637 3109 3731 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=2 for 1.480s
  1592. 10-08 05:53:32.637 3109 3732 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=3 for 1.480s
  1593. 10-08 05:53:32.641 3488 3579 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US ; version = 24213212 ; date = ?
  1594. 10-08 05:53:32.660 3109 3129 D GpsLocationProvider: received SIM change, new known MCC/MNC: []
  1595. 10-08 05:53:32.661 3109 3109 V UlpService: +startAdditionalServices
  1596. 10-08 05:53:32.661 3109 3109 V UlpService: -startAdditionalServices
  1597. 10-08 05:53:32.674 3754 3754 I art : Late-enabling JIT
  1598. 10-08 05:53:32.685 3754 3754 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1599. 10-08 05:53:32.712 3109 3731 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
  1600. 10-08 05:53:32.717 3109 3109 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  1601. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main
  1602. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Supported SQL:
  1603. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: uri content://some_table/some_property with null where and where args
  1604. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: uri content://some_table with query name=? and single name as arg
  1605. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: uri content://some_table with query name=some_name and null args
  1606. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: but got - uri:content://settings/secure, where:(name=?) or (name=?) whereArgs:[location_providers_allowed, enhLocationServices_on]
  1607. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at$Arguments.<init>(
  1608. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1609. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(
  1610. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(
  1611. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(
  1612. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(
  1613. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at com.qualcomm.location.ulp.UlpEngine.handleEnable(
  1614. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at com.qualcomm.location.ulp.UlpEngine.access$700(
  1615. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at com.qualcomm.location.ulp.UlpEngine$UlpEngineHandler.handleMessage(
  1616. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1617. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1618. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1619. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1620. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1621. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at$
  1622. 10-08 05:53:32.718 3109 3109 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1623. 10-08 05:53:32.729 3109 3109 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 3109 SIG: 9
  1624. 10-08 05:53:32.849 246 246 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb8281e80
  1625. 10-08 05:53:32.850 246 246 D SurfaceFlinger: Screen type=0 is already mode=2
  1626. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: Could not get display information from display manager.
  1627. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1628. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1629. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1630. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager$Stub$Proxy.getDisplayInfo(
  1631. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal.getDisplayInfo(
  1632. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.view.Display.updateDisplayInfoLocked(
  1633. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.view.Display.getMetrics(
  1634. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1635. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1636. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1637. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1638. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at<init>(
  1639. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1640. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1641. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1642. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at$H.handleMessage(
  1643. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1644. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1645. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1646. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1647. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at$
  1648. 10-08 05:53:32.850 3754 3754 E DisplayManager: at
  1649. 10-08 05:53:32.849 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'account' died
  1650. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'display' died
  1651. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'appops' died
  1652. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'permission' died
  1653. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'telecom' died
  1654. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'restrictions' died
  1655. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'power' died
  1656. 10-08 05:53:32.850 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'batterystats' died
  1657. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media_router' died
  1658. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'network_score' died
  1659. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'input' died
  1660. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'wifip2p' died
  1661. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'wifiscanner' died
  1662. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  1663. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'launcherapps' died
  1664. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'textservices' died
  1665. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'graphicsstats' died
  1666. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'dbinfo' died
  1667. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'usagestats' died
  1668. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'usb' died
  1669. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'wallpaper' died
  1670. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'uimode' died
  1671. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'trust' died
  1672. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'gfxinfo' died
  1673. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'processinfo' died
  1674. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'country_detector' died
  1675. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'servicediscovery' died
  1676. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'connectivity' died
  1677. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'dreams' died
  1678. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'updatelock' died
  1679. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'meminfo' died
  1680. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'scheduling_policy' died
  1681. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'cpuinfo' died
  1682. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'print' died
  1683. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'commontime_management' died
  1684. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'bluetooth_manager' died
  1685. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'netpolicy' died
  1686. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: Error reporting crash
  1687. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1688. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1689. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1690. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1691. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  1692. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1693. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1694. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'location' died
  1695. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'ethernet' died
  1696. 10-08 05:53:32.851 3754 3754 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 3754 SIG: 9
  1697. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'notification' died
  1698. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'dropbox' died
  1699. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'consumer_ir' died
  1700. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'fingerprint' died
  1701. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'netstats' died
  1702. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'telephony.registry' died
  1703. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'device_policy' died
  1704. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'webviewupdate' died
  1705. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'user' died
  1706. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'vibrator' died
  1707. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'battery' died
  1708. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'devicestoragemonitor' died
  1709. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'voiceinteraction' died
  1710. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service '' died
  1711. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'statusbar' died
  1712. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'activity' died
  1713. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'network_management' died
  1714. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'procstats' died
  1715. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'input_method' died
  1716. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'DockObserver' died
  1717. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'sensorservice' died
  1718. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'content' died
  1719. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'mount' died
  1720. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'deviceidle' died
  1721. 10-08 05:53:32.851 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'package' died
  1722. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'lock_settings' died
  1723. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'jobscheduler' died
  1724. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'alarm' died
  1725. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'clipboard' died
  1726. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'appwidget' died
  1727. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'backup' died
  1728. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'window' died
  1729. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'accessibility' died
  1730. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'serial' died
  1731. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'wifi' died
  1732. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'rttmanager' died
  1733. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'search' died
  1734. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'imms' died
  1735. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media_session' died
  1736. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'audio' died
  1737. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'samplingprofiler' died
  1738. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'diskstats' died
  1739. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'assetatlas' died
  1740. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'themes' died
  1741. 10-08 05:53:32.852 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media_projection' died
  1742. 10-08 05:53:32.856 3517 3655 E WifiManager: Channel connection lost
  1743. 10-08 05:53:32.857 3262 3437 E WifiManager: Channel connection lost
  1744. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: Error reporting crash
  1745. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1746. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1747. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1748. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1749. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  1750. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1751. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1752. 10-08 05:53:32.862 3603 3647 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 3603 SIG: 9
  1753. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: Can't get key themeConfig from content://settings/secure
  1754. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1755. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1756. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1757. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
  1758. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$NameValueCache.getStringForUser(
  1759. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$Secure.getStringForUser(
  1760. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootThemeForUser(
  1761. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootTheme(
  1762. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1763. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1764. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1765. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at<init>(
  1766. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1767. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1768. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1769. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at$H.handleMessage(
  1770. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1771. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1772. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1773. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1774. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at$
  1775. 10-08 05:53:32.898 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1776. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: Can't get key persist.sys.themePackageName from content://settings/secure
  1777. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1778. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1779. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1780. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
  1781. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$NameValueCache.getStringForUser(
  1782. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$Secure.getStringForUser(
  1783. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootThemeForUser(
  1784. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootTheme(
  1785. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1786. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1787. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1788. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at<init>(
  1789. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1790. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1791. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1792. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at$H.handleMessage(
  1793. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1794. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1795. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1796. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1797. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at$
  1798. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1799. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: Can't get key themeIconPackPkgName from content://settings/secure
  1800. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1801. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1802. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1803. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
  1804. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$NameValueCache.getStringForUser(
  1805. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$Secure.getStringForUser(
  1806. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootThemeForUser(
  1807. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootTheme(
  1808. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1809. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1810. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1811. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at<init>(
  1812. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1813. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1814. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1815. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at$H.handleMessage(
  1816. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1817. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1818. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1819. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1820. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at$
  1821. 10-08 05:53:32.899 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1822. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: Can't get key themeFontPackPkgName from content://settings/secure
  1823. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1824. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1825. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1826. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
  1827. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$NameValueCache.getStringForUser(
  1828. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$Secure.getStringForUser(
  1829. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootThemeForUser(
  1830. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.content.res.ThemeConfig.getBootTheme(
  1831. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1832. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1833. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1834. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at<init>(
  1835. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1836. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1837. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1838. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at$H.handleMessage(
  1839. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1840. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1841. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1842. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1843. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at$
  1844. 10-08 05:53:32.900 3734 3734 W Settings: at
  1845. 10-08 05:53:33.025 3488 3579 I ContactsContentObserver: No permission to read contacts. Not updating the contacts.
  1846. 10-08 05:53:33.036 3769 3776 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  1847. 10-08 05:53:33.057 3769 3776 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  1848. 10-08 05:53:33.071 3769 3776 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
  1849. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_64_LA.BR.1.2.6_RB1__release_AU (I5d4b06969f)
  1850. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.02
  1851. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 11/12/15 Thu
  1852. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch16305188
  1853. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.3
  1854. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1855. 10-08 05:53:33.084 3769 3776 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  1856. 10-08 05:53:33.087 244 244 I lowmemorykiller: ActivityManager disconnected
  1857. 10-08 05:53:33.087 244 244 I lowmemorykiller: Closing Activity Manager data connection
  1858. 10-08 05:53:33.089 259 259 E installd: eof
  1859. 10-08 05:53:33.089 259 259 E installd: failed to read size
  1860. 10-08 05:53:33.089 259 259 I installd: closing connection
  1861. 10-08 05:53:33.103 3769 3776 E BootAnimation: couldn't find audio_conf.txt
  1862. 10-08 05:53:33.140 3734 3734 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Calendar/lib/arm
  1863. 10-08 05:53:33.141 3734 3734 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  1864. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: Error reporting crash
  1865. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1866. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1867. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1868. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at
  1869. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  1870. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1871. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1872. 10-08 05:53:33.143 3734 3734 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 3734 SIG: 9
  1873. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: exception in MediaScanner.scan()
  1874. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1875. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1876. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1877. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1878. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1879. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1880. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1881. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1882. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.bulkInsert(
  1883. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1884. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1885. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1886. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1887. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1888. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
  1889. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1890. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1891. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1892. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1893. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: Caused by: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1894. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1895. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1896. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at$Stub$Proxy.getPackageUid(
  1897. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1898. 10-08 05:53:33.148 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: ... 17 more
  1899. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: Can't get key time_12_24 from content://settings/system
  1900. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1901. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1902. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1903. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
  1904. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$NameValueCache.getStringForUser(
  1905. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.provider.Settings$System.getStringForUser(
  1906. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateFormat.is24HourFormat(
  1907. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateFormat.is24HourFormat(
  1908. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateUtils.formatDateRange(
  1909. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateUtils.formatDateRange(
  1910. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateUtils.formatDateRange(
  1911. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.text.format.DateUtils.formatDateTime(
  1912. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1913. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1914. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.delete(
  1915. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.content.ContentResolver.delete(
  1916. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1917. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1918. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
  1919. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1920. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1921. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1922. 10-08 05:53:33.150 3268 3684 W Settings: at
  1923. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: Could not get user list
  1924. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1925. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1926. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1927. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.IUserManager$Stub$Proxy.getUsers(
  1928. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.UserManager.getUsers(
  1929. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at$6.doInBackground(
  1930. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at$6.doInBackground(
  1931. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.AsyncTask$
  1932. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at
  1933. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
  1934. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1935. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1936. 10-08 05:53:33.158 3262 3779 W UserManager: at
  1937. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: Could not get user list
  1938. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1939. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1940. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1941. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.IUserManager$Stub$Proxy.getUsers(
  1942. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.UserManager.getUsers(
  1943. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at$6.doInBackground(
  1944. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at$6.doInBackground(
  1945. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.AsyncTask$
  1946. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at
  1947. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
  1948. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1949. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1950. 10-08 05:53:33.159 3262 3779 W UserManager: at
  1951. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: Exception in handleMessage
  1952. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure from system
  1953. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1954. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast(
  1955. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1956. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1957. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
  1958. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1959. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1960. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1961. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1962. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: Caused by: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1963. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1964. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1965. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1966. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: at
  1967. 10-08 05:53:33.186 3268 3684 E MediaScannerService: ... 8 more
  1968. 10-08 05:53:34.764 2922 2922 E Zygote : Exit zygote because system server (3109) has terminated
  1969. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media.resource_manager' died
  1970. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  1971. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media.player' died
  1972. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
  1973. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service '' died
  1974. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
  1975. 10-08 05:53:34.832 245 245 I ServiceManager: service '' died
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