
Hiei's profile code

Jun 15th, 2018
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  94. <div class="navbar">
  95. <a class="link1" href="#1"><font color="black">Dossier</font></a>
  96. <a class="link2" href="#2"><font color="black">Abilities</font></a>
  97. <a class="link3" href="#3"><font color="black">Friends</font></a>
  98. <a class="link4" href="#4"><font color="black">Out of Character</font></a>
  99. <a class="link5" href="#5"><font color="black">Reset</font></a>
  100. </div></div>
  102. <div class="Quote">Let's avoid fighting. You're not worth it.</div>
  104. <div id="1" class="slide">
  105. <div class="abox">
  106. <h1>Stats</h1>
  108. <li>Name: Hiei</i>
  109. <br>
  110. <br>
  111. <li>Gender: Male</i>
  112. <br>
  113. <br>
  114. <li>Age: N/A</i>
  115. <br>
  116. <br>
  117. <li>Height: 4'10 - 5'3</i>
  118. <br>
  119. <br>
  120. <li>Weight: N/A</i>
  121. <br>
  122. <br>
  123. <li>Species: Demon</i>
  124. <br>
  125. <br>
  126. <li>Orientation: Heterosexual</i>
  127. <br>
  128. <br>
  129. <li>Hair: Spiky black hair with blue outlining and white streaks</i>
  130. <br>
  131. <br>
  132. <li>Eyes: Crimson (Blood Red)</i>
  133. <br>
  134. <br>
  135. <li>Marital: <a target="_blank" href=""><font color="red">Single</font></a> </i>
  138. </div></div>
  140. <div id="2" class="slide">
  141. <div class="abox">
  142. <h1> Techniques </h1>
  144. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  146. <center>Master Swordsman<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">Hiei is adept in the art of swordsmanship and carries his trademark "bushido-style" katana. At some point prior to acquiring the Jagan, he acquired a taste for bladed combat, and received lessons in sword technique from Shigure. In the time since then, Hiei presumably developed his own style and exhibits an incredible degree of skill as a swordsman, being capable of delivering multiple precision strikes at lightning-fast speed. Combined with his hyperspeed he attacks his opponent with his sword and if successful can hit up to sixteen times in a second, as just C class, which improves vastly as his powers emerge. Also, Hiei is shown to be able to throw his sword with pin-point accuracy, as evidenced by his using it as an anchor for Kurama's rose whip in Maze castle, or even stab through an opponent, completely missing every vital organ and muscle. In the anime, Hiei is shown to be able to cut through and, by extension, redirect Seiryu's energy by using sword combined with an energy barrier. Near the end of the series, Hiei uses his sword to cut through Mukuro's energy geysers. <br><br>
  148. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  150. <center>Jagan Eye<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">With his surgically-implanted third eye, thanks to the demonic osteopath Shigure, Hiei can display wide array psychic abilities- including telepathy, telekinesis, remote-viewing, and erasing memories. The eye also allows him to control the minds of both weaker demons and humans. Hiei's abilities with this eye are formidable. It's been noticed that whenever he uses any of his flame techniques, the Jagan opens. This suggests a need to use this implant as a way to bridge his nature, as a fire demon, with his blood from a Koorime. <br><br>
  152. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  154. <center>Dragon of the Darkness Flame<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">Hiei uses his demon energy to lure the flames of Demon World and create a dragon from them. The dragon cannot be controlled, unless the user is capable of absorbing it, but it can be more or less directed at a target. Initially, it damaged his arm horribly, but Hiei has surpassed that by discovering that in order to completely control the dragon's power, and have its power at his full disposal, he had to trap it within his own being. Because it composed entirely of black, demonic flames, it completely consumes all it devours. Essentially, it sends its targets to oblivion as a result. Hiei is the only demon to have ever mastered this technique, which is a form of summoning technique, harnessing both the elemental power of a rushing flame and the demonic power of evil. <br><br>
  156. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  158. <center>Fist of the Mortal Flame<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">Hiei can channel the less-powerful flames of Human World into one or both of his hands. He uses this technique to enhance his hand-to-hand combat abilities, and it also allows him to disintegrate objects merely by touch, as shown by Bui's axe. There seems to be some degree of difference in how the single-handed and two-handed versions of the attack work, since Kuro Momotaru had to gain immunity to both of them. In other media such as the video games, Hiei can channel either flames (human-realm or demon-realm) into this attack, and like when he first used it, the attack is often used as a rushing flurry of rapid punches engulfed with flame, with varying degrees of effect. <br><br>
  160. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  162. <center>Elemental Resistance<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">hiei is resistant to both extreme heat and severe cold (in the anime). This is demonstrated by Hiei's ability to withstand a direct hit from Seiryu the Blue Dragon's Ice Dragon technique, an attack which turned Byakko, another Saint Beast, into a giant ice cube. It has been speculated that Hiei was completely unaffected by the subzero temperature of the surrounding air, and even when Seiryu's attack contacted his body. This was due in part to his formidable speed. Also, due to his nature as a fire demon, Hiei is unable to be burned by weaker fire-based attacks. During the Dark Tournament, Hiei takes the full brunt of Zeru's flame attacks which seem to bore Hiei rather than hurt him. In the manga, Zeru comments that he had thought it impossible for anyone to survive his demonic fire, Hiei having proven him wrong. It is speculated that this may be because he has a unique physiology as the son of a Koorime and presumably a male fire demon.<br><br><br>
  164. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" height="70" width="78" border="1" align="left"></a>
  166. <center>Super Speed<br> <font color="#AAAAAA">Hiei is one of the fastest characters in the Yu Yu Hakusho universe, being able to slice an opponent sixteen times in a blink of an eye. This has caused some to mistakenly believe he can teleport, when in fact he is just moving very fast. This incredible speed gives him an edge in battle against slower or close-range fighters.<br><br>
  169. </div></div>
  171. <div id="3" class="slide">
  172. <div class="abox">
  174. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="pic" height="68" width="75" border="1" align="left"></a>
  176. <center>- Connection Name -<br> <font color="#77B83F">Friend</font>, <font color="red">Foe</font>, Neutral.</center><br> Description of the connection or whatever the hell, doesn't really matter. Super short just to the bottom of the picture so that it looks semi-decent.<br>
  178. <h2>"Short quote goes here."</h2><br>
  179. </div></div>
  181. <div id="4" class="slide">
  182. <div class="abox">
  183. <h1> OUT OF CHARACTER</h1>
  184. <li>Pm friendly. </li>
  185. <br>
  186. <li>I have a Skype. If you want it then just ask.</li>
  187. <br>
  188. <li>Let me know ahead of time if you have to leave.</li>
  189. <br>
  190. <li>If I leave suddenly, probably had something important to do. </li>
  191. <br>
  192. <li>IC=/=OOC </li>
  193. <br>
  194. <li> I will play Hiei to the best of my ability. If you think I'm playing him wrong, let me know. </li>
  195. <br>
  196. <li>No drama</li>
  197. <br>
  198. <br>
  199. <li>Clean/Smut. Doesn't matter
  201. </div></div>
  204. <div class="musicplayer">
  205. <div class="song">
  206. <audio controls>
  207. <source src="…/Yu_Yu_Hakusho_English_opening_Smile…">
  208. </audio>
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