
here geet

Jul 8th, 2015
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  2. Alright, sorry for crappy writing but it is what it is.
  4. Where we left off in CGRP, Father’s Army had successfully taken the Gargoyle Island and had restored the first of 12 different pieces of Father’s power back to him. Although this was the result of heavy losses to the original force of 700 which dwindled to around 400 after the siege, thanks to the division leaders and specifically the coalition Jock Shock force under the command of Emilio Santiago, you guys managed to slay the Gargoyle god and were rewarded with six months of peace and the time to recover while Father trained the second reinforcement wave of the army.
  6. After the six months ended, you guys along with the 400 or so other surviving kids climbed back onto your ship and sailed back to Father’s island where you were met with 10,000 kids trained and ready to go! The 10,000 were split amongst the three divisions evenly and they along with the 200 gargoyles also on board the ship (Under the command of omega), were sent to slay the second nearest God who owned a piece of Father who happened to have command over a continent of ice and all ice themed mythical creatures. Father had hinted that this god was from the same generation he was in and so might have also recruited kids from your realm to aid him so you guys also had that to look forward too!
  8. So after being prepped with tents, food, winter clothing, fuel, speedy transportation, and surplus ammunition, siege weapons, and explosives, you guys set out onto sea with four days to come up with an appropriate siege plan to not just take a castle this time but an entire walled city! During these four days, Emilio broke out of his depression and created a new shock jock force 1,000 strong to once more hold the Shock Jock insignia! Lucas and Peony made a lot of love, and Alpha’s Leaders hosted a meeting trying to come up with a plan. From what I remember, after picking straws it fell upon Omega to be the ones to bum rush the wall and use ladders to get in through windows/the top of the wall and take it for the rest of Father’s Army (I.E the most dangerous thing they could ever look forward to do), While Beta and Alpha get to pierce the wall with giant drilling machines and have to protect the machines on the ground! Varick is going in with his suicide squad and wing suits to infiltrate the city and attempt to open the wall to the army from within!
  10. So after arriving on the giant ice island, you guys marched across that shit for five days where you were attacked by dire wolves, wyverns, and yetis and managed to survive those with few casualties! This brings us to the present day with you guys now in clear sight of the wall and prepared to begin the siege at your own discretion!
  12. Your massive invasion force is currently split into three camps, far enough away from the wall to protect you from their projectiles and to give you a pretty good fighting chance incase they open their gates to try and send an offensive force against your three camps. Omega’s army of course lies between Beta and Alpha and is slightly larger because of the Gargoyle camp and the Shock Jock forces located in the back of their own.
  14. On this wonderfully freezing cold and windy winter-like morning, Lucas and Peony would wake up within their own private command tent likely holding each other close due to the extreme cold which they would be still horribly un-use too! Their armor and weapon racks as well as winter clothes would be set up in the tent and they’d know that they were expected to ride into Alpha’s camp along with the other members of Omega to discuss plans. Two mechanical horses were tethered out their tent.
  16. Argenzio, Kiland, Varick, and Gerad would have a tent for themselves because they weren’t banging anyone and would have their own armor, clothes, and weapons prepared for themselves in that tent with four horses outside for them to ride into Alpha’s camp for war-talk. Varick would know that soon enough it’d be time for him to go off with his Suicide Squad and likely put himself at extreme risk to make things easier for the rest of the army. Maybe even today, the other divisions would agree to send him off!
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