
Den of Snakes - Fuyuki Verase

Feb 24th, 2018
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  2. [04:58:09] <Ratty_GM> The corridor is, unsurprisingly, dark and dank. Your enhanced senses let you orient yourself, but avoiding any traps in here will be very difficult.
  3. [04:59:52] <Ratty_GM> The bunker at the point where you met up with Elysia and Jordan's groups was made out of concrete, while the one leading out of the fortress had a neatness to it, magically sculpted out of stone.
  4. [05:00:50] <Ratty_GM> This one seems almost natural, if a kilometer long tunnel conveniently placed just ten-some meters under the forest bed could ever be natural. It was probably made by human hands a long time ago - possibly, even before the war.
  5. [05:01:44] <Ratty_GM> There was some trash near the exit, probably from tourists and hobos daring to sleep in the wild, but once you descend, the tunnel is pristinely dark and you don't see either trash or traps.
  6. [05:01:57] <Ratty_GM> The coolness of it is very refreshing.
  7. [05:03:38] <Ratty_GM> With no idea of what to look out for, the going is slow. After about five hundred meters, the first two obsatacles show themselves - a pair of metal door, both closed shut. There is also a camera in the corner of it.
  8. [05:04:09] <Ratty_GM> It can be assumed that the door leading further forward leads into the compound, but the other door wasn't on the map. What could be behind it?
  9. [05:04:25] Fuyuki_Ramses whips out her Spy Glasses, quietly thanking Hye as she slips them on. Maybe with that, she'll have a better chance of spotting traps than with her naked, Magically-enhanced eyes.
  10. [05:05:11] Fuyuki_Ramses crawls up underneath the camera, thankfully invisible, and checks if it was actually active or just a Decoy.
  11. [05:07:59] <Ratty_GM> It's definitely real. It's doubtful that it can see a concealed Magical Girl, especially considering how big and old it is. A pair of wires seems to be driven through the wall behind it, leading furhter through the forward tunnel.
  12. [05:08:33] <Ratty_GM> There is also a big reflector under it, with its own set of wires, which you didn't even see at first. It's turned off right now.
  13. [05:09:11] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (Reflector?)
  14. [05:09:56] <Ratty_GM> (A big halogen light)
  15. [05:10:04] <Fuyuki_Ramses> Mhm.
  16. [05:10:40] <Ratty_GM> (Like a searchlight, or something you'd see lightening something up at night.)
  17. [05:11:03] <Ratty_GM> The light looks pretty strong. If it came on, it would probably blind everyone.
  18. [05:11:19] <Ratty_GM> Especially considering the darkness of the tunnel.
  19. [05:11:58] Fuyuki_Ramses gets an idea, pulling out her Smartphone as she takes a photo from as close as she can get to the Security Cam's angle. She then tries to sneak it up between the Searchlight and the Camera, so that the Camera would only see the picture she took... after making sure that the Phone was set to not go on Screen Saver or had any UI elements popping up.
  20. [05:12:47] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (Basically replicating the Camera footage using her Phone, so that she can use that to fool the Camera.)
  21. [05:13:59] <Ratty_GM> Something bzzts inside, but it does not turn the light on. The other two use the opportunity to quickly follow you.
  22. [05:17:45] <Ratty_GM> Both of the gates are still closed. They are not blast doors, or anything, and there isn't a microphone sensitive to sounds that you can see.
  23. [05:18:05] <Ratty_GM> The keyholes look fairly big, probably requiring a pretty large, special key.
  24. [05:20:20] Fuyuki_Ramses walks up to the Door that didn't look like it lead deeper into the Bunker first, motioning wordlessly for Pham and Alex to work on the other as she tries to get an idea of how to quietly pry her door open.
  25. [05:25:06] <Ratty_GM> Pham and Alex bring up their Magic weapons, which happen to be an axe and a bat. Seems you are the only one with a blade.
  26. [05:25:35] <Ratty_GM> Alex tries to look through the keyhole, though, and motions for you to come near.
  27. [05:26:25] Fuyuki_Ramses looks away from her door and walks up to Alex, quirking her brow as she wordlessly asks what's up.
  28. [05:26:51] <Ratty_GM> She points to the keyhole. Apparently, there is something interesting going on in there.
  29. [05:27:33] <Ratty_GM> It would probably be possible for you to open the door by force by severing the lock with your sword, if that's a question. It's magical properties give it an edge when dealing with crude matter.
  30. [05:28:19] Fuyuki_Ramses takes a knee as she peers through the Keyhole with her Spy-Glasses first, before she made an attempt to break the lock forcefully.
  31. [05:29:09] <Ratty_GM> It seems a little brighter inside. The corridor is no longer straight, but instead seems to go down.
  32. [05:29:24] <Ratty_GM> The room at the end seems to be lit up by purple light, coming from below.
  33. [05:31:31] Fuyuki_Ramses frowns at that as she motions for Alex and Pham to stand back before jamming her Sabre into the keyhole, jerking it around until the lock came loose. She couldn't do much about the noise, but it was what it was.
  34. [05:31:56] <Ratty_GM> Nobody is inside, but considering the room's contents, keeping it behind a big fat iron gate is probably wise. It opens, revealing the full corridor.
  35. [05:34:35] <Ratty_GM> On the ground, though, there is a little bit of movement.
  36. [05:36:19] <Ratty_GM> (are you alive?)
  37. [05:46:48] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (I am now, apologies.)
  38. [05:47:38] Fuyuki_Ramses motions for Alex and Pham to move in first, staying behind for now as she works on getting the other gate open. They had to move fast.
  39. [05:49:52] <Ratty_GM> The purple hole at the end is not blinding, but it's still pretty clear what this is.
  40. [05:50:13] <Ratty_GM> Just when it is too late, you make out the shapes writhing about.
  41. [05:51:31] Fuyuki_Ramses realizes, too little too late, what exactly the Purple Light was. She immediately lunges for Pham and Alex, praying that it wasn't too late to save them from the mistake she made...
  42. [05:51:57] <Ratty_GM> A mass of black snakes assaults you. They fall off the walls. Rather than biting, they try to restrain your limbs.
  43. [05:52:27] <Ratty_GM> ...these are strong familiars, but they are still only familiars. Only Alex gets one wrapped around her leg, trying to shake it off.
  44. [05:52:48] <Ratty_GM> You have seen these snakes before. In fact, Jordan has one in an aquarium at home.
  45. [05:53:29] Fuyuki_Ramses starts hacking away at the Familiars, not even caring that she was making a racket now. She was *not* going to lose someone today. Not on her watch.
  46. [05:54:13] <Ratty_GM> There is not that much space to back off to, and as you notice, there aren't that many chokers to deal with either.
  47. [05:54:35] <Ratty_GM> The girls try to get themselves together.
  48. [05:55:28] Fuyuki_Ramses is the last one out, fighting back the wave of Familiars while giving Pham and Alex time to pull back and regroup. She didn't dare run for it until she was sure the other two were safe.
  49. [05:56:44] <Ratty_GM> Pham hacks one of the snakes in twain, while the other ones seem to focus on Alex.
  50. [05:59:30] <Ratty_GM> Before Alex knows it, she is overwhelmed, one of the chokers quickly springing up, and wrapping itself around its arms.
  51. [06:00:17] Fuyuki_Ramses hacks at a Snake on her leg with a muffled curse, cussing under her breath constantly as she goes for Alex.
  52. [06:04:12] <Ratty_GM> The snakes hold onto each other, forming a sort of chain towards the pit, dragging Alex for a bit, before you manage to sever the connection.
  53. [06:04:28] <Ratty_GM> Pham hacks into another one, and they seem to realize it's not going to work.
  54. [06:04:41] <Ratty_GM> They withdraw towards the pit, hissing at you in Witch letters.
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