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  2. Zero - Yesterday at 2:34 AM
  3. >More ridiculous ways to kill people in this serious stealth game
  4. azzman is fucking great
  5. it's mostly because
  6. >yanderedev raged at him
  7. >tried to get a video removed
  8. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:34 AM
  9. makes me wonder
  10. Zero - Yesterday at 2:34 AM
  11. >insulted him and other youtubers
  12. azzman doesn't really like him
  13. +
  14. I've spoken to Azzman b4
  15. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:35 AM
  16. how much more progress would we have made if yandev had only kept 1 elimination method and focused purely on rivals?
  17. Zero - Yesterday at 2:35 AM
  18. He's alright tbh
  19. none
  20. he has to add le elimination methods
  21. Kethus - Yesterday at 2:36 AM
  22. Oh, that's right, I've read there was a video azzman made that yanderedev commented on that he didn't like it, but I don't see it, what was it about?
  23. In the exposed video both of them are friendly sort of.
  24. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
  25. rip sizemod(edited)
  26. Zero - Yesterday at 2:38 AM
  27. no they aren't
  28. yanderedev lied on the comment
  29. everywhere
  30. I pm'd Azzman about it
  31. and he explained why he pinned it
  32. even though it was lying
  33. I understand why he did so
  34. :/
  35. "People who said anything negative about the game were deleted straight away."
  36. This is not true. Trolls were banned, people who started drama were banned, people who shared my personal information were banned. Then they cried things like "I was banned just for criticizing the game!" and created a false narrative that the subreddit was censoring people for their opinions or for criticizing me.
  37. so uh
  38. I wrote an email to
  39. Azzman
  40. full of evidence cited
  41. I could post it on the reddit and see how it goes
  43. Imgur
  44. Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
  46. I caught him out hard
  47. please explain why the fuck it is okay for yanderedev to lie.
  48. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:45 AM
  49. do me a favor and just write the comment
  50. I can't look at it
  51. Kethus - Yesterday at 2:45 AM
  52. So what is this message and what's wrong with it? Did he send that to a moderator? Unless the entire sub-reddit is full of white knights the rule would make sense, voting down isn't simply a disagree button.
  53. Zero - Yesterday at 2:45 AM
  54. can't look at what?
  55. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:46 AM
  56. the... comment.
  57. Zero - Yesterday at 2:46 AM
  58. He sent that to a moderator
  59. Just go to:
  60. Imgur
  61. Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
  63. + I just checked my images
  64. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:46 AM
  65. also, on r/clashroyale people need a reminder that downvote is not disagree button
  66. Zero - Yesterday at 2:46 AM
  67. Everything that was on
  68. got fucked
  69. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  70. every time you hover on the downvote button it says "This is not a disagree button. Reserve downvotes for comments which do not contribute to the discussion."
  71. Zero - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  72. An example of this
  75. wtf
  76. discord loaded it fine?
  77. wtf
  78. does it work for you guys?
  79. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  80. yep
  81. Zero - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  82. oh
  83. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  84. thanks
  85. Zero - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  86. weird
  87. Animadoria - Yesterday at 2:47 AM
  88. wait
  89. how can you approve?
  90. Kethus - Yesterday at 2:48 AM
  91. @Zero you weren't linking your previous image directly.
  92. Zero - Yesterday at 2:48 AM
  93. ohh
  94. it seems the prntscr was offline for a bit
  95. I was just refering to posting an email
  96. where I roasted yanderedev
  97. and I thought that my image links that I was using as proof
  98. were dead
  99. @Zeep Direct link:
  101. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:49 AM
  102. That proposition though
  103. Drama and negativity is natural and is bound to happen
  104. Zero - Yesterday at 2:49 AM
  105. inb4 the defense is
  106. >it happened ages ago
  107. or some shitty hyperbole to make me sound bad
  108. Kethus - Yesterday at 2:50 AM
  109. If the downvote button is used correctly and the person has nothing but downvoted comments, I don't see what's wrongwit the rule. Am I not understanding it correctly?
  110. Zero - Yesterday at 2:50 AM
  111. lol
  112. no
  113. "negative posts"
  114. he means that if you say anything negative
  115. however in his youtube comment he says
  116. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
  117. kind of general imo
  118. Zero - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
  119. This is not true. Trolls were banned, people who started drama were banned, people who shared my personal information were banned. Then they cried things like "I was banned just for criticizing the game!" and created a false narrative that the subreddit was censoring people for their opinions or for criticizing me.
  120. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
  121. what counts as negative?
  122. Zero - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
  123. I also literally have bans from moderators
  124. that show I was banned for that reason
  125. Kethus - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
  126. I thought it was a post with negative score.
  127. Zero - Yesterday at 2:52 AM
  128. nope
  129. I read the context
  130. he later goes on to say
  131. that
  132. But what counts as negative posts
  133. I guess that could be up to the discrestion of the moderators
  134. etc
  135. etc
  136. discretion*
  137. fuck my spelling
  138. ITR - Yesterday at 2:53 AM
  139. discord is weird with whether or not images work
  140. Zero - Yesterday at 2:53 AM
  142. reddit
  143. Quick question for YandereDev • /r/yandere_simulator
  144. What is the name of the music used in [this]( video.
  146. this
  147. is
  148. not
  149. fair
  150. somebody make a petition
  151. for yanderedev
  152. to respond(edited)
  153. ITR - Yesterday at 2:54 AM
  154. ?
  155. Zero - Yesterday at 2:54 AM
  156. pls
  157. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:54 AM
  158. so my stupid question is answered but that question isn't
  159. ITR - Yesterday at 2:54 AM
  160. Maybe it's Tsubasa Wo Kudasai sped up, lol
  161. Zero - Yesterday at 2:56 AM
  162. lmao
  163. wow
  164. ITR - Yesterday at 2:57 AM
  165. idk why, but I started looking through the comments to see if somebody had found the music
  166. somebody said it sounded like wii sports music, somebody else said it was copyrighted
  167. Zero - Yesterday at 2:58 AM
  168. o
  169. that is not wii sports music
  170. just checked
  171. ITR - Yesterday at 2:59 AM
  172. somebody else mentioned the title screen of a game named "free ice cream"
  173. Zeep - Yesterday at 2:59 AM
  174. wow
  175. ITR - Yesterday at 3:00 AM
  176. but seems like nobody has actually found it
  177. Zero - Yesterday at 3:02 AM
  178. oh
  179. They dox people, they harass people, and as recently as yesterday, they hack people.
  180. YandereDev was aware I was the one who did
  181. but blamed the whole of KF
  182. totally not shady
  183. Zeep - Yesterday at 3:05 AM
  184. ._.
  185. Zero - Yesterday at 3:14 AM
  186. lol
  187. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 3:33 AM
  188. Maybe he didn't want people trying to confront a single person about this. Said person being you.
  189. Zero - Yesterday at 3:40 AM
  190. why not
  191. it'd be funny for me
  192. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 3:45 AM
  193. Hundreds of people hunting after you and sending you death threats?
  194. What part of that would be funny?
  195. Zero - Yesterday at 3:48 AM
  196. fucking lulz
  197. I could read the best ones
  198. and call victim just like yanderedev
  199. and I could copy and paste half the shit he says on tumblr
  200. which would be funny as fuck for me
  201. +
  202. He also villianifies KF which is shady.
  203. Just to prove a point(he failed).
  204. If your sole argument is based on lies, then don't bother making the point.(edited)
  205. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 3:55 AM
  206. To be fair, KF has never had a history of being nice.
  207. The fact that they point and laugh at "Lolcows" proves that.
  208. I don't know about you, but if someone creates an entire website and dedicates it to mocking, roasting, and basically crucifying random people for random reasons, people are not going to look at that site with favor.
  209. Zero - Yesterday at 4:01 AM
  210. lol
  211. Skeleton Tit Farmer - Yesterday at 4:01 AM
  212. That implies any of those people didn't deserve to be there. They did. Not one of those cows was a good person. And while it's understandable that people would have a kneejerk "cyberbullies" reaction, spending even five seconds looking at a random thread would prove that basically all of them were garbage and deserved what they got
  213. Zero - Yesterday at 4:02 AM
  214. The information given from the website shouldn't be disregard beacuse of where it came from
  215. especially when it was related to his programming.
  216. He groups everyone on KiwiFarms together:
  217. "Kiwifarms says that YandereDev writes bad code." Kiwifarms is a forum about ridiculing mentally disabled people. That's how they describe themselves: They dox people, they harass people, and as recently as yesterday, they hack people. That place is the anus of the internet. They are not a reliable source of information. They are not a group of seasoned programmers who are qualified to give meaningful critiques of anyone's code. They are a bunch of obnoxious teenage kids who enjoy doxing and harassing people. They will look or any reason to tear someone down, and they will exaggerate every flaw that someone has. You shouldn't be formulating opinions based on what these people say about someone's code. There are two scripts in the game that are poorly written, and require a complete re-write. Kiwifarms like to claim that these two scripts are representative of every script that I write, or that the entire project is doomed. That is not true. If the crowdfunding campaign is successful, I'll be able to hire an experienced veteran programmer to replace me as the lead programmer of the game, and this will become a non-issue.
  220. >They are not a group of seasoned programmers who are qualified to give meaningful critiques of anyone's code.
  221. I agree KiwiFarms as a group shouldn't be taken seriously
  222. but rather what people individually have said
  223. There are two scripts in the game that are poorly written
  224. lel already spoke about this
  225. If the crowdfunding campaign is successful, I'll be able to hire an experienced veteran programmer to replace me as the lead programmer of the game, and this will become a non-issue.
  226. He already has enough money to hire an experienced veteran programmer the only question is why hasn't he done it yet?
  227. Skeleton Tit Farmer - Yesterday at 4:06 AM
  228. Doesn't even have to hire them, there are plenty of people who would jump at the chance to become another one of his "volunteers" since he can't stand giving people what they're worth
  229. Zero - Yesterday at 4:08 AM
  230. that's true
  231. His reasons for not doing so is retarded
  232. let me post them:
  233. 1. I'm not willing to share the game's project files with anyone at this point in time. I have an extremely deep fear of the game's project files being leaked. Even if you signed a contract vowing not to release the game's project files under severe legal consequences, I still wouldn't want to share it. Being able to take legal action against someone wouldn't magically bring all the project files back.
  235. 2. I learned, during my time at a game company, that sharing a project with other programmers is a headache. Merging scripts is a massive pain in the ass that I don't have to deal with right now, and I'd rather not have to deal with it anytime in the foreseeable future. (Sure, there's black-boxing, but it's honestly not a silver bullet solution.)
  237. 3. Bringing another programmer onboard the project at this point in time would require me to spend weeks bringing them up to speed with the project, showing them where all of the most important scripts is located, explaining how things work, etc. I'm sure that you'd probably want to refactor a lot of the code upon seeing it, too. All of that would cause several weeks of delays to the game's progress, and probably irritate the fans.
  239. 4. It would be horrible if my progress was halted because I had to wait hours or days for a programming volunteer to get online so that he could fix a bug in his code that was impeding my ability to develop the game.
  241. 5. I strongly desire to stop being a programmer and become Yandere Simulator's project manager instead. Considering everything said above, I wouldn't want to bring another programmer onboard the project unless he was going to completely replace me and work in a full-time capacity - and that probably can't happen until I have a budget that would allow me to pay someone full-time.
  242. I've highlighed the autistic sections :smiley:
  243. You're welcome.
  244. I put "weeks" in italics because that's beyond stupid, it should never have to take weeks for a programmer to understand your project.
  245. This also means the "veteran programmer" is going to have to spend weeks getting up to speed with the project.
  246. ApolloJustice - Yesterday at 4:14 AM
  247. Exactly, idk why it's so different hiring a programmer during the kikstarter than now
  248. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 4:16 AM
  249. See, first of all, the fact that you autism as an insult is the very reason why people have that kneejerk "cyberbullies" reaction in the first place.
  250. Second, the Patreon funding and YT funding alone isn't a stable enough budget to hire a programmer. A Kickstarter would be safer, in that regard.
  251. Zero - Yesterday at 4:48 AM
  252. See, first of all, the fact that you autism as an insult is the very reason why people have that kneejerk "cyberbullies" reaction in the first place.
  253. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I couldn't understand that autistic sentence. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  254. No, but seriously I don't know what you were trying to say.
  255. Second, the Patreon funding and YT funding alone isn't a stable enough budget to hire a programmer.
  256. It isn't stable, but he should have more than enough to hire them for the time period required to rewrite his codebase.
  257. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 4:54 AM
  258. Good point. But I don't think he wants to take any chances.
  259. totally a master at programming - Yesterday at 5:01 AM
  260. fucking hell
  261. is the circlejerk still going on?
  262. TheGameFreak - Yesterday at 5:03 AM
  263. Apparently.
  264. Though, that would depend on your definition of circlejerk.
  265. totally a master at programming - Yesterday at 5:05 AM
  266. I don't like YD that much but at this point it's gotten quite petty to constantly hear the same stuff instead of actual valid complaints (like the money, which is quite a valid complaint).
  267. Zero - Yesterday at 5:47 AM
  268. oh
  269. I'm just talking about why he didn't want other programmers
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