

Feb 25th, 2018
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text 63.87 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  3. -- _____ __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ --
  4. -- |_ _| / _(_) (_) | \ \ / (_) | | | | --
  5. -- | | _ __ | |_ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ \ V / _ ___| | __| | --
  6. -- | || '_ \| _| | '_ \| | __/ _ \ \ / | |/ _ \ |/ _` | --
  7. -- _| || | | | | | | | | | | || __/ | | | | __/ | (_| | --
  8. -- \___/_| |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|\__\___| \_/ |_|\___|_|\__,_| --
  9. -- --
  10. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  11. ----------------------Edge#1934-Moon#6245----------------------
  12. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  14. local Version = '9.0.3'
  15. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  16. SAVEFILE = {
  17. colorR = 0.121569;
  18. colorG = 0.121569;
  19. colorB = 0.121569;
  20. cmdprefix = ';';
  21. suggestionstoggle = true;
  22. allowfriends = true;
  23. JLnotify = true;
  24. Mseconds = '7';
  25. Nfriends = true;
  26. cmdbarbind = ';';
  27. chatsV = false;
  28. whispersV = false;
  29. commandsV = false;
  30. aliasSave = {}
  31. }
  32. defaults = HttpService:JSONEncode(SAVEFILE)
  34. loaded = false
  35. function run()
  36. local function writeF()
  37. writefile("IY.txt", defaults)
  38. wait(1)
  39. local newjson = readfile("IY.txt")
  40. local CREATEFILE = HttpService:JSONDecode(newjson)
  41. colorR = CREATEFILE.colorR
  42. colorG = CREATEFILE.colorG
  43. colorB = CREATEFILE.colorB
  44. cmdprefix = CREATEFILE.cmdprefix
  45. suggestionstoggle = CREATEFILE.suggestionstoggle
  46. allowfriends = CREATEFILE.allowfriends
  47. JLnotify = CREATEFILE.JLnotify
  48. Mseconds = CREATEFILE.Mseconds
  49. Nfriends = CREATEFILE.Nfriends
  50. cmdbarbind = CREATEFILE.cmdbarbind
  51. chatsV = CREATEFILE.chatsV
  52. whispersV = CREATEFILE.whispersV
  53. commandsV = CREATEFILE.commandsV
  54. aliasSave = CREATEFILE.aliasSave
  55. loaded = true end
  56. function pcWRITE()
  57. local file, err = pcall(writeF)
  58. if not file then
  59. warn("READ/WRITE ERROR: "..err)
  60. R_W = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://01587976911")[1] R_W.Parent = game.CoreGui
  61. function Click(mouse) R_W:Destroy()
  62. for _, child in pairs(game.CoreGui:GetChildren()) do
  63. if child.Name == "IYrun" then
  64. child:Destroy() end end end
  65. R_W.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.Exit.MouseButton1Down:connect(Click) end end
  66. if is_protosmasher_caller ~= nil or elysianexecute ~= nil or Synapse ~= nil then
  67. local function sfile()
  68. local checktxt = readfile("IY.txt")
  69. if checktxt == nil then pcWRITE() writeF()
  70. else return end end
  71. local success, message2 = pcall(sfile)
  72. if success then
  73. local json = readfile("IY.txt")
  74. local LOADFILE = HttpService:JSONDecode(json)
  75. colorR = LOADFILE.colorR
  76. colorG = LOADFILE.colorG
  77. colorB = LOADFILE.colorB
  78. cmdprefix = LOADFILE.cmdprefix
  79. suggestionstoggle = LOADFILE.suggestionstoggle
  80. allowfriends = LOADFILE.allowfriends
  81. JLnotify = LOADFILE.JLnotify
  82. Mseconds = LOADFILE.Mseconds
  83. Nfriends = LOADFILE.Nfriends
  84. cmdbarbind = LOADFILE.cmdbarbind
  85. chatsV = LOADFILE.chatsV
  86. whispersV = LOADFILE.whispersV
  87. commandsV = LOADFILE.commandsV
  88. aliasSave = LOADFILE.aliasSave
  89. loaded = true else
  90. pcWRITE() writeF() end
  91. else
  92. colorR = 0.121569
  93. colorG = 0.121569
  94. colorB = 0.121569
  95. cmdprefix = ';'
  96. suggestionstoggle = true
  97. allowfriends = true
  98. JLnotify = true
  99. Mseconds = '7'
  100. Nfriends = true
  101. cmdbarbind = ';'
  102. chatsV = false
  103. whispersV = false
  104. commandsV = false
  105. aliasSave = {}
  106. loaded = true
  107. end
  108. repeat wait() until loaded == true
  109. local gCoreGui = game:GetService('CoreGui') local gPlayers = game:GetService('Players') local gLighting = game:GetService('Lighting') local Player = gPlayers.LocalPlayer
  110. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local char = Player.Character local LP = gPlayers.LocalPlayer local gPlayers = game:GetService("Players") local _players = game:GetService('Players') MSGhook = false local services={} local cmds={}
  111. local std={} local loopkillT = {} local rainbowT = {} local disabletoolsT = {} local banT = {} local adminT = {} function FIND_CHILD(PATH, NAME) if PATH:FindFirstChild(NAME) then return true end return false end
  112. = {} local user = gPlayers.LocalPlayer local bringT = {} agelock = nil isagelocked = false local scriptprefix='\\'
  113. local split=" " slock = false
  114. function updatefile()
  115. local update = {
  116. colorR = colorR;
  117. colorG = colorG;
  118. colorB = colorB;
  119. cmdprefix = cmdprefix;
  120. suggestionstoggle = suggestionstoggle;
  121. allowfriends = allowfriends;
  122. JLnotify = JLnotify;
  123. Mseconds = Mseconds;
  124. Nfriends = Nfriends;
  125. cmdbarbind = cmdbarbind;
  126. chatsV = chatsV;
  127. whispersV = whispersV;
  128. commandsV = commandsV;
  129. aliasSave = aliasSave
  130. }
  131. local updated = HttpService:JSONEncode(update)
  132. wait(0.1)
  133. writefile("IY.txt", updated) end
  134. function isNumber(str)
  135. return tonumber(str) ~= nil end
  136. function msghook()
  137. for _, child in pairs( workspace:GetChildren()) do
  138. if MSGhook == false and child.ClassName == "Message" and child.Name ~= "IYmessage" then
  139. child.Name = "IYmessage" child.Text = '' MSGhook = true end end
  140. if workspace:FindFirstChild("IYmessage") then MSGhook = true
  141. else MSGhook = false end end
  142. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  143. game:GetService("GuiService"):SetGlobalGuiInset(0,72,0,0)
  144. if r15noclip then
  145. if LP.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then LP.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11) end end
  146. if LP.Character and LP.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  147. LP.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() FLYING = false end)
  148. if MSGhook == true and workspace:FindFirstChild("IYmessage") then
  149. if workspace.IYmessage.Text == '' then
  150. for _, child in pairs( LightingService:GetChildren()) do
  151. if child.Name == "IYmblur" then
  152. child:Destroy() end end end
  153. else MSGhook = false end
  154. for i,v in pairs(_players:GetPlayers()) do
  155. if FindTable(loopkillT, v.Name) then
  156. v.Character:BreakJoints() end
  157. if FindTable(disabletoolsT, v.Name) and v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  158. v.Backpack:Destroy()
  159. for i,n in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  160. if n:IsA('Tool') or n:IsA('HopperBin') then
  161. n:destroy() end end end
  162. if FindTable(rainbowT, v.Name) then
  163. v.Neutral = false
  164. v.TeamColor = BrickColor.random()
  165. end end end end)
  166. LightingService = game:GetService("Lighting")
  167. origsettings = {abt = LightingService.Ambient, oabt = LightingService.OutdoorAmbient, brt = LightingService.Brightness, time =
  168. LightingService.TimeOfDay, fclr = LightingService.FogColor, fe = LightingService.FogEnd, fs = LightingService.FogStart}
  169. function lponly(player) game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(player.Character, 'That is a LocalPlayer only command!', 2) end
  170. function FindTable(Table, Name)
  171. for i,v in pairs(Table) do
  172. if v == Name then
  173. return true
  174. end end
  175. return false
  176. end
  177. function GetInTable(Table, Name)
  178. for i = 1, #Table do
  179. if Table[i] == Name then
  180. return i
  181. end end
  182. return false end
  183. _players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)
  184. for a,b in pairs(injail) do if b == player.Name then table.remove(injail, a) workspace["JAIL_" .. player.Name]:Destroy() end end
  185. for a,b in pairs(hastab) do if b == player.Name then table.remove(hastab, a) workspace[player.Name .. "TAB"]:Destroy() end end
  186. if JLnotify == true and Nfriends == true and player:IsFriendsWith(user.userId) then
  187. game:FindService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  188. Title = player.Name,
  189. Text = 'has left the server.\n[AGE: ' ..player.AccountAge.. ']',
  190. Icon = [[]]..player.Name..[[&RAND]] .. math.random(1,100000000),
  191. Duration = 5,
  192. })
  193. elseif JLnotify == true and Nfriends == false then
  194. game:FindService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  195. Title = player.Name,
  196. Text = 'has left the server.\n[AGE: ' ..player.AccountAge.. ']',
  197. Icon = [[]]..player.Name..[[&RAND]] .. math.random(1,100000000),
  198. Duration = 5,
  199. })
  200. end
  201. end)
  202. FLYING = false
  203. iyflyspeed = 1
  204. function sFLY() -- from rocky2u cmdscript
  205. repeat wait() until LP and LP.Character and LP.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and LP.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  206. repeat wait() until Mouse
  208. local T = LP.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  209. local CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  210. local lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  211. local SPEED = 0
  213. local function FLY()
  214. FLYING = true
  215. local BG ='BodyGyro', T)
  216. local BV ='BodyVelocity', T)
  217. BG.P = 9e4
  218. BG.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
  219. BG.cframe = T.CFrame
  220. BV.velocity =, 0.1, 0)
  221. BV.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
  222. spawn(function()
  223. repeat wait()
  224. LP.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  225. if CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0 then
  226. SPEED = 50
  227. elseif not (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0) and SPEED ~= 0 then
  228. SPEED = 0
  229. end
  230. if (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) ~= 0 or (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) ~= 0 then
  231. BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + CONTROL.R, (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
  233. elseif (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) == 0 and (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) == 0 and SPEED ~= 0 then
  234. BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + lCONTROL.R, (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
  235. else
  236. BV.velocity =, 0.1, 0)
  237. end
  238. BG.cframe = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
  239. until not FLYING
  240. CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  241. lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  242. SPEED = 0
  243. BG:destroy()
  244. BV:destroy()
  245. LP.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  246. end)
  247. end
  248. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(KEY)
  249. if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
  250. CONTROL.F = iyflyspeed
  251. elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
  252. CONTROL.B = -iyflyspeed
  253. elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
  254. CONTROL.L = -iyflyspeed
  255. elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
  256. CONTROL.R = iyflyspeed
  257. end
  258. end)
  259. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(KEY)
  260. if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
  261. CONTROL.F = 0
  262. elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
  263. CONTROL.B = 0
  264. elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
  265. CONTROL.L = 0
  266. elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
  267. CONTROL.R = 0
  268. end
  269. end)
  270. FLY()
  271. end
  272. function NOFLY()
  273. FLYING = false
  274. LP.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  275. end
  276. HK = {
  277. '-HOTKEYS-',
  278. 'F4 - Toggle Fly',
  279. 'F5 - Toggle Noclip',
  280. 'HOLD F2 - Click TP',
  281. '-COMMANDS-'
  282. }
  283. CMDs = {
  284. 'ff [plr]',
  285. 'invisibleff / invisff [plr]',
  286. 'unff [plr]',
  287. 'fire [plr] [R G B]',
  288. 'unfire [plr]',
  289. 'burn [plr]',
  290. 'sparkles / sp [plr] [R G B]',
  291. 'unsparkles / unsp [plr]',
  292. 'smoke [plr]',
  293. 'unsmoke [plr]',
  294. 'btools [plr]',
  295. 'god [plr]',
  296. 'ungod [plr]',
  297. 'smite [plr]',
  298. 'bleach [plr]',
  299. 'begone / thot [plr]',
  300. 'crucify [plr]',
  301. 'hang [plr]',
  302. 'heal [plr]',
  303. 'freeze / fr [plr]',
  304. 'thaw / unfr [plr]',
  305. 'kill [plr]',
  306. 'sound / music [ID/Name]',
  307. 'playhash / hash [hash]',
  308. 'volume / vol [num]',
  309. 'pitch [num]',
  310. 'distortsound / distort [num]',
  311. 'explode [plr]',
  312. 'invisible / invis [plr]',
  313. 'visible / vis [plr]',
  314. 'goto [plr]',
  315. 'bring [plr]',
  316. 'tp [plr] [plr]',
  317. 'pipetp [plr] [plr]',
  318. 'savepos / spos [name]',
  319. 'loadpos / lpos [plr] [name]',
  320. 'deletepos / dpos [name]',
  321. 'positions / pos',
  322. 'char [plr] [ID]',
  323. 'charplr / cp [plr] [plr]',
  324. 'unchar [plr]',
  325. 'speed / ws [plr] [num]',
  326. 'sgod [plr]',
  327. 'unlockws',
  328. 'lockws',
  329. 'unanchor',
  330. 'anchor',
  331. 'clear',
  332. 'loadm',
  333. 'message / m [msg]',
  334. 'servermessage / sm [msg]',
  335. 'light [plr] [R G B]',
  336. 'unlight [plr]',
  337. 'flashlight [plr]',
  338. 'glowstick [plr] [R G B]',
  339. 'decalspam [ID]',
  340. 'undecalspam',
  341. 'thirdp [plr]',
  342. 'firstp [plr]',
  343. 'name [plr]',
  344. 'unname [plr]',
  345. 'loopname / lname [plr]',
  346. 'unloopname / unlname [plr]',
  347. 'stun [plr]',
  348. 'unstun [plr]',
  349. 'copytools / ctools [plr]',
  350. 'keeptools / ktools [plr]',
  351. 'nokeeptools / noktools [plr]',
  352. 'notools [plr]',
  353. 'serverinfo / info',
  354. 'damage [plr]',
  355. 'maxhealth [plr] [num]',
  356. 'sethealth [plr] [num]',
  357. 'spectate / view [plr]',
  358. 'unspectate / unview',
  359. 'esp [plr]',
  360. 'noesp [plr]',
  361. 'nolimbs [plr]',
  362. 'torso [plr]',
  363. 'box [plr]',
  364. 'nobox [plr]',
  365. 'ghost [plr]',
  366. 'unghost [plr]',
  367. 'sphere [plr]',
  368. 'loadmap [ID]',
  369. 'savemap / smap',
  370. 'restoremap / rmap',
  371. 'sky [ID]',
  372. 'skygif [ID],[ID]... [interval]',
  373. 'unskygif',
  374. 'ambient [R G B]',
  375. 'clrterrain',
  376. 'jail [plr]',
  377. 'unjail [plr]',
  378. 'shutdown',
  379. 'starman [plr]',
  380. 'unstarman [plr]',
  381. 'tppos [plr] [coordinate]',
  382. 'offset [plr] [coordinate]',
  383. 'animation [plr] [anim]',
  384. 'normal [plr]',
  385. 'creeper [plr]',
  386. 'uncreeper [plr]',
  387. 'shrek [plr]',
  388. 'unshrek [plr]',
  389. 'respawn [plr]',
  390. 'refresh / re [plr]',
  391. 'base',
  392. 'control [plr]',
  393. 'nuke [plr]',
  394. 'infect [plr]',
  395. 'uninfect [plr]',
  396. 'duck [plr]',
  397. 'unduck [plr]',
  398. 'knuckles [plr]',
  399. 'cape [plr] [R G B]',
  400. 'uncape [plr]',
  401. 'disable [plr]',
  402. 'enable [plr]',
  403. 'size [plr] [num]',
  404. 'confuse [plr]',
  405. 'unconfuse [plr]',
  406. 'clone [plr]',
  407. 'dummy [name]',
  408. 'nodummies',
  409. 'spin [plr]',
  410. 'unspin [plr]',
  411. 'dog [plr]',
  412. 'undog [plr]',
  413. 'loopheal [plr]',
  414. 'unloopheal [plr]',
  415. 'fling [plr]',
  416. 'skydive [plr]',
  417. 'alien / ayylmao [plr]',
  418. 'seizure [plr]',
  419. 'unseizure [plr]',
  420. 'paper [plr]',
  421. 'fat [plr]',
  422. 'punish [plr]',
  423. 'unpunish [plr]',
  424. 'fogend [num]',
  425. 'fogcolor [R G B]',
  426. 'disco',
  427. 'undisco',
  428. 'fix',
  429. 'fixlighting / fixl',
  430. 'savelighting / slighting',
  431. 'flood',
  432. 'iyspam',
  433. 'spookyify',
  434. 'explorer / dex',
  435. 'particles [plr] [ID]',
  436. 'noparticles [plr]',
  437. 'draw',
  438. 'devuzi',
  439. 'knife',
  440. 'mage',
  441. 'ban [plr]',
  442. 'unban [plr]',
  443. 'clrbans',
  444. 'float [plr]',
  445. 'unfloat [plr]',
  446. 'noclip',
  447. 'clip',
  448. 'hat [plr] [ID]',
  449. 'hatsize [plr] [num]',
  450. 'removehats / rhats [plr]',
  451. 'cripple [plr]',
  452. 'uncripple [plr]',
  453. 'blur [num]',
  454. 'unblur',
  455. 'hipheight / hheight [plr] [num]',
  456. 'bgui [plr] [text]',
  457. 'unbgui [plr]',
  458. 'loopkill [plr]',
  459. 'unloopkill [plr]',
  460. 'trip [plr]',
  461. 'sit [plr]',
  462. 'loopsit / lsit [plr]',
  463. 'unloopsit / unlsit [plr]',
  464. 'jump [plr]',
  465. 'loopjump / ljump [plr]',
  466. 'unloopjump / unljump [plr]',
  467. 'jumppower / jpower [plr] [num]',
  468. 'strength [plr]',
  469. 'unstrength [plr]',
  470. 'weaken [plr]',
  471. 'unweaken [plr]',
  472. 'shiny [plr]',
  473. 'serverlock / slock',
  474. 'unserverlock / unslock',
  475. 'agelock [age num]',
  476. 'unagelock',
  477. 'headshake [plr]',
  478. 'addstat [plr] [text]',
  479. 'change [plr] [stat] [num]',
  480. 'headsize [plr] [num]',
  481. 'bang [plr] [plr] / bang [plr]',
  482. 'chat [plr] [msg]',
  483. 'gravity [num]',
  484. 'disabletools [plr]',
  485. 'enabletools [plr]',
  486. 'nil [plr]',
  487. 'rainbow [plr]',
  488. 'rainbowname [plr]',
  489. 'unrainbowname [plr]',
  490. 'mesh [plr] [mesh] [texture]',
  491. 'rain [mesh] [texture]',
  492. 'norain',
  493. 'neon [plr]',
  494. 'glass [plr]',
  495. 'longneck [plr]',
  496. 'unlongneck [plr]',
  497. 'time [num]',
  498. 'day',
  499. 'night',
  500. 'blackandwhite',
  501. 'invert',
  502. 'sun [intense] [spread]',
  503. 'spasm [plr]',
  504. 'meteor [plr]',
  505. 'countdown [num]',
  506. 'bomb [plr]',
  507. 'terrain',
  508. 'rocket [plr]',
  509. 'ball [plr]',
  510. 'unball [plr]',
  511. 'hidename [plr]',
  512. 'unhidename [plr]',
  513. 'face [plr] [ID]',
  514. 'fly',
  515. 'unfly',
  516. 'flyspeed [num]',
  517. 'zinnia [plr]',
  518. 'arrest [plr]',
  519. 'kidnap [plr]',
  520. 'seagull / gull [plr]',
  521. 'team [plr] [team]',
  522. 'age [plr]',
  523. 'f3x',
  524. 'tools [plr]',
  525. 'dong [plr]',
  526. 'nodong [plr]',
  527. 'filtering',
  528. 'remotespy',
  529. 'crash [plr]',
  530. 'kick [plr]',
  531. 'admin [plr]',
  532. 'unadmin [plr]',
  533. 'admins',
  534. 'bans',
  535. 'bait',
  536. 'removebait / nobait',
  537. 'strobe',
  538. 'unstrobe',
  539. 'blind [plr]',
  540. 'unblind [plr]',
  541. 'globalshadows / gshadows',
  542. 'noglobalshadows / nogshadows',
  543. 'outlines',
  544. 'nooutlines',
  545. 'brightness [num]',
  546. 'delete [part name]',
  547. 'deleteclass / dc [class name]',
  548. 'fart [plr]',
  549. 'partdisco',
  550. 'unpartdisco',
  551. 'discomesh [plr]',
  552. 'chickenarms / chicken [plr]',
  553. 'earthquake [power] [intensity]',
  554. 'car [plr]',
  555. 'uncar [plr]',
  556. 'insert [ID]',
  557. 'spawnpoint [plr]',
  558. 'removespawns',
  559. 'fegod',
  560. 'feinvisible / feinvis',
  561. 'fekill [plr] (need a tool)',
  562. 'loopoof',
  563. 'unloopoof',
  564. 'disablereset [plr]',
  565. 'enablereset [plr]',
  566. 'loopbring [plr]',
  567. 'unloopbring [plr]',
  568. 'lock [plr]',
  569. 'unlock [plr]',
  570. 'sword [plr]',
  571. 'maxzoom [plr] [num]',
  572. 'fixcam',
  573. 'freecam / fc',
  574. 'unfreecam / unfc',
  575. 'freecamspeed / fcspeed [num]',
  576. 'plrsound [plr] [ID]',
  577. 'noplrsound [plr]',
  578. 'playlist / player [ID],[ID]...',
  579. 'setsong [num]',
  580. 'prevsong',
  581. 'nextsong',
  582. 'hideplaylist / hideplayer',
  583. 'keybind [key] [cmd]',
  584. 'unkeybind [key]',
  585. 'addalias [cmd] [alias]',
  586. 'removealias [alias]',
  587. 'aliases',
  588. 'clraliases',
  589. 'trail [plr] [R G B]',
  590. 'untrail [plr]',
  591. 'hub',
  592. 'script [script]',
  593. 'prefix [string]',
  594. 'rejoin',
  595. 'tablet',
  596. 'settings',
  597. 'cmds',
  598. 'logs',
  599. 'breakloops/break (cmd loops)',
  600. 'version',
  601. 'exit'
  602. }
  603. function updateevents(player) local C = player.Chatted:connect(function(M) if isAdmin(player) then do_exec(M, player) end end) table.insert(, C) end
  605. std.inTable=function(tbl,val)
  606. if tbl==nil then return false end
  608. for _,v in pairs(tbl)do
  609. if v==val then return true end
  610. end
  611. return false
  612. end
  613. std.out=function(str)
  614. print(str)
  615. end
  616. std.list=function(tbl)
  617. local str=''
  618. for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
  619. str=str..tostring(v)
  620. if i~=#tbl then str=str..', ' end
  621. end
  622. return str
  623. end
  624. std.endat=function(str,val)
  625. local z=str:find(val)
  626. if z then
  627. return str:sub(0,z-string.len(val)),true
  628. else
  629. return str,false
  630. end
  631. end
  632. std.first=function(str) return str:sub(1,1) end
  634. function isAdmin(name) if FindTable(adminT, name.userId) then return true elseif name.userId == LP.userId then return true end end
  636. local exec=function(str)
  637. spawn(function()
  638. local script, loaderr = loadstring(str)
  639. if not script then
  640. error(loaderr)
  641. else
  642. script()
  643. end
  644. end)
  645. end
  646. local findCmd=function(cmd_name)
  647. for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
  648. if v.NAME:lower()==cmd_name:lower() or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd_name:lower())then
  649. return v
  650. end
  651. end
  652. end
  653. local getCmd=function(msg)
  654. local cmd,hassplit=std.endat(msg:lower(),split)
  655. if hassplit then
  656. return {cmd,true}
  657. else
  658. return {cmd,false}
  659. end
  660. end
  661. local getprfx=function(strn)
  662. if strn:sub(1,string.len(cmdprefix))==cmdprefix then return{'cmd',string.len(cmdprefix)+1}
  663. elseif strn:sub(1,string.len(scriptprefix))==scriptprefix then return{'exec',string.len(scriptprefix)+1}
  664. end return
  665. end
  666. function dragGUI(gui)
  667. spawn(function()
  668. local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  669. local dragging
  670. local dragInput
  671. local dragStart
  672. local startPos
  673. local function update(input)
  674. local delta = input.Position - dragStart
  675. gui:TweenPosition(, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y), "InOut", "Quart", 0.04, true, nil)
  676. end
  677. gui.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
  678. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
  679. dragging = true
  680. dragStart = input.Position
  681. startPos = gui.Position
  683. input.Changed:Connect(function()
  684. if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
  685. dragging = false
  686. end
  687. end)
  688. end
  689. end)
  690. gui.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
  691. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
  692. dragInput = input
  693. end
  694. end)
  695. UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
  696. if input == dragInput and dragging then
  697. update(input)
  698. end
  699. end)
  700. end)
  701. end
  702. maincolor =, colorG, colorB)
  703. function updatecolors(color)
  704. colorR = maincolor.r colorG = maincolor.g colorB = maincolor.b
  705. maincolor = color
  706. for _, child in pairs( game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:GetChildren()) do
  707. if child.Name == "TopBarContainer" then
  708. child.BackgroundColor3 = color
  709. end end
  710. FeedbackMain.BackgroundColor3 = maincolor
  711. MAIN.BackgroundColor3 = maincolor
  712. bar.BackgroundColor3 = maincolor
  713. game.CoreGui.sugg.suggestions.BackgroundColor3 = color
  714. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Updates') then
  715. game.CoreGui.Updates.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  716. game.CoreGui.Updates.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  717. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Sinfo') then
  718. game.CoreGui.Sinfo.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  719. game.CoreGui.Sinfo.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  720. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('cp') then
  721. = color
  722. game.CoreGui.cp.Frame.holder.FeedbackMain.BackgroundColor3 = color
  723. game.CoreGui.cp.Frame.holder.size.MAIN.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  724. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Bans') then
  725. game.CoreGui.Bans.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  726. game.CoreGui.Bans.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  727. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Pos') then
  728. game.CoreGui.Pos.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  729. game.CoreGui.Pos.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  730. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Admins') then
  731. game.CoreGui.Admins.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  732. game.CoreGui.Admins.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  733. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Logs') then
  734. game.CoreGui.Logs.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  735. game.CoreGui.Logs.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  736. if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Aliases') then
  737. game.CoreGui.Aliases.drag.PromptDialog.ContainerFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  738. game.CoreGui.Aliases.drag.PromptDialog.shadow.BackgroundColor3 = color end
  739. end
  741. function respawn(plr)
  742. local M ='Model', workspace) M.Name = 'respawn_iy'
  743. local H ='Humanoid', M)
  744. local T ='Part', M) T.Name = 'Torso' T.CanCollide = false T.Transparency = 1
  745. plr.Character = M end
  747. local dummy = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadLocalAsset("rbxassetid://1498924930")
  748. WL = {'IoIman616','Conceptual_Nullifier','Thomasbudge','N3xuI','MoonlightTears','DesiredUsername1233','marie','0xRose',LP.Name}
  749. function kickF(plr)
  750. spawn(function()
  751. if plr.Parent ~= nil then
  752. if FindTable(WL, plr.Name) then Notify('Error: '..plr.Name..' is whitelisted') else
  753. local newChar = dummy:Clone() newChar.Parent = workspace
  754. newChar.HumanoidRootPart.Position =, 1001000), 10000, 0)
  755. for i = 1,4 do
  756. local Plat ='SkateboardPlatform', newChar)
  757. Plat.Position = newChar.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  758. Plat.Name = 'IYplat'
  759. Plat.Size =, 1.2, 10)
  760. Plat.Transparency = 1 end
  761. plr.Character = newChar
  762. local PART ='Part', newChar)
  763. PART.CFrame = newChar.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame -, 3, 0)
  764. PART.Size =, 1.2, 10)
  765. PART.Anchored = true
  766. PART.Transparency = 1
  767. if newChar:FindFirstChild("SkateboardPlatform") then
  768. newChar.SkateboardPlatform.CFrame = newChar.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end
  769. wait(0.4)
  770. if newChar then newChar:Destroy() end
  771. kickF(plr) end
  772. end end) end
  774. function refresh(plr)
  775. spawn(function()
  776. local rpos = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  777. wait(0.1) plr.Character:Destroy() respawn(plr) wait(0.1)
  778. repeat wait() until plr.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  779. plr.Character:MoveTo(rpos) end) end
  781. function getArgs(str) local A = {} local NA = nil local HS = nil local S = str repeat NA, HS = std.endat(S:lower(), split) if NA ~= '' then table.insert(A, NA) S = S:sub(string.len(NA) + string.len(split) + 1) end until not HS return A end
  782. function getCapArgs(str) local A = {} local NA = nil local HS = nil local S = str repeat NA, HS = std.endat(S, split) if NA ~= '' then table.insert(A, NA) S = S:sub(string.len(NA) + string.len(split) + 1) end until not HS return A end
  783. _players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)
  784. if JLnotify == true and Nfriends == true and player:IsFriendsWith(user.userId) then
  785. game:FindService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  786. Title = player.Name,
  787. Text = 'has joined the server.\n[AGE: ' ..player.AccountAge.. ']',
  788. Icon = [[]]..player.Name..[[&RAND]] .. math.random(1,100000000),
  789. Duration = 5,
  790. })
  791. elseif JLnotify == true and Nfriends == false then
  792. game:FindService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  793. Title = player.Name,
  794. Text = 'has joined the server.\n[AGE: ' ..player.AccountAge.. ']',
  795. Icon = [[]]..player.Name..[[&RAND]] .. math.random(1,100000000),
  796. Duration = 5,
  797. })
  798. end
  799. if slock == true and allowfriends == false then player.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  800. spawn(function()
  801. repeat wait() until player.Character
  802. kickF(player)
  803. end)
  804. end)
  805. elseif slock == true and allowfriends == true and not player:IsFriendsWith(user.userId) then
  806. spawn(function()
  807. repeat wait() until player.Character
  808. kickF(player)
  809. end)
  810. end
  811. if FindTable(banT, player.userId) then
  812. spawn(function()
  813. repeat wait() until player.Character
  814. Notify('Banned player, ' .. player.Name .. ' attempted to join')
  815. kickF(player)
  816. end)
  817. end
  818. if isagelocked == true and allowfriends == false and player.AccountAge <= agelock then
  819. spawn(function()
  820. repeat wait() until player.Character
  821. kickF(player)
  822. end)
  823. else
  824. if isagelocked == true and allowfriends == true and not player:IsFriendsWith(user.userId) and player.AccountAge <= agelock then
  825. spawn(function()
  826. repeat wait() until player.Character
  827. kickF(player)
  828. end)
  829. end
  830. end
  831. end)
  832. local customAlias = {}
  833. local findCmd=function(cmd_name)
  834. for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
  835. if v.NAME:lower()==cmd_name:lower() or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd_name:lower()) then
  836. return v
  837. end
  838. end
  839. return customAlias[cmd_name:lower()]
  840. end
  841. local function splitString(str,delim)
  842. local broken = {}
  843. if delim == nil then delim = "," end
  844. for w in string.gmatch(str,"[^"..delim.."]+") do
  845. table.insert(broken,w)
  846. end
  847. return broken
  848. end
  849. local historyCount = 0
  850. local cmdHistory = {}
  851. lastBreakTime = 0
  852. local function execCmd(cmdStr,speaker)
  853. local rawCmdStr = cmdStr
  854. cmdStr = string.gsub(cmdStr,"\\\\","%%BackSlash%%")
  855. local commandsToRun = splitString(cmdStr,"\\")
  856. for i,v in pairs(commandsToRun) do
  857. v = string.gsub(v,"%%BackSlash%%","\\")
  858. local x,y,num = v:find("^(%d+)%^")
  859. local cmdDelay = 0
  860. if num then
  861. v = v:sub(y+1)
  862. local x,y,del = v:find("^([%d%.]+)%^")
  863. if del then
  864. v = v:sub(y+1)
  865. cmdDelay = tonumber(del) or 0
  866. end
  867. end
  868. num = tonumber(num or 1)
  869. local args = splitString(v,split)
  870. local cmd = findCmd(args[1])
  871. if cmd then
  872. table.remove(args,1)
  873. cargs = args
  874. if speaker == gPlayers.LocalPlayer then
  875. if cmdHistory[1] ~= rawCmdStr then table.insert(cmdHistory,1,rawCmdStr) end
  876. end
  877. if #cmdHistory > 20 then table.remove(cmdHistory) end
  878. local cmdStartTime = tick()
  879. for rep = 1,num do
  880. if lastBreakTime > cmdStartTime then break end
  881. pcall(function()
  882. cmd.FUNC(args, speaker)
  883. end)
  884. if cmdDelay ~= 0 then wait(cmdDelay) end
  885. end
  886. end
  887. end
  888. end
  889. logsloaded = false
  890. ChatLog = function(plr)
  891. plr.Chatted:Connect(function(Message)
  892. if logsloaded == true then
  893. if whispersV == true and Message:lower():sub(1,2) == '/w' then
  894. CreateLabel(plr.Name,Message)
  895. elseif commandsV == true and isAdmin(plr) and Message:lower():sub(1,1) == cmdprefix then
  896. CreateLabel(plr.Name,Message)
  897. elseif commandsV == true and isAdmin(plr) and Message:lower():sub(1,4) == '/e '..cmdprefix then
  898. CreateLabel(plr.Name,Message)
  899. elseif chatsV == true and Message:lower():sub(1,2) ~= '/e' and Message:lower():sub(1,2) ~= '/w' and Message:lower():sub(1,1) ~= cmdprefix then
  900. CreateLabel(plr.Name,Message)
  901. end end end) end
  902. function do_exec(str, plr) if not isAdmin(plr) then return end str = str:gsub('/e ', '') local t = getprfx(str) if not t then return end str = str:sub(t[2]) if t[1]=='exec' then exec(str) elseif t[1]=='cmd' then execCmd(str, plr) end end
  903. for _, plr in pairs(gPlayers:GetChildren()) do
  904. if plr.ClassName == "Player" then
  905. updateevents(plr) ChatLog(plr) end end
  906. _players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)
  907. updateevents(player) ChatLog(player)
  908. end)
  909. _G.exec_cmd = execCmd
  910. --gPlayers.LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(doexec)
  911. function GLS(lower, start) local AA = '' for i,v in pairs(cargs) do if i > start then if AA ~= '' then AA = AA .. ' ' .. v else AA = AA .. v end end end if not lower then return AA else return string.lower(AA) end end
  912. local _char=function(plr_name)
  913. for i,v in pairs(gPlayers:GetChildren())do
  914. if v:IsA'Player'then
  915. if v.Name==plr_name then return v.Character end
  916. end
  917. end
  918. return
  919. end
  920. local _plr=function(plr_name)
  921. for i,v in pairs(gPlayers:GetChildren())do
  922. if v:IsA'Player'then
  923. if v.Name==plr_name then return v end
  924. end
  925. end
  926. return
  927. end
  928. function addcmd(name,desc,alias,func)
  929. cmds[#cmds+1]=
  930. {
  931. NAME=name;
  932. DESC=desc;
  933. ALIAS=alias;
  934. FUNC=func;
  935. }
  936. end
  937. SPC = {'all', 'others', 'random', 'allies', 'enemies', 'team', 'nonteam', 'friends', 'nonfriends', 'admins', 'nonadmins','bacons'}
  938. local SpecialPlayerCases = {
  939. ["all"] = function(speaker)return game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() end,
  940. ["others"] = function(speaker)
  941. local plrs = {}
  942. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  943. if v ~= speaker then
  944. table.insert(plrs,v)
  945. end
  946. end
  947. return plrs
  948. end,
  949. ["me"] = function(speaker)return {speaker} end,
  950. ["#(%d+)"] = function(speaker,args,currentList)
  951. local returns = {}
  952. local randAmount = tonumber(args[1])
  953. local players = {unpack(currentList)}
  954. for i = 1,randAmount do
  955. if #players == 0 then break end
  956. local randIndex = math.random(1,#players)
  957. table.insert(returns,players[randIndex])
  958. table.remove(players,randIndex)
  959. end
  960. return returns
  961. end,
  962. ["random"] = function(speaker,args,currentList)
  963. local players = currentList
  964. return {players[math.random(1,#players)]}
  965. end,
  966. ["%%(.+)"] = function(speaker,args) -- This is team Ex:[;kill %green]
  967. local returns = {}
  968. local team = args[1]
  969. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  970. if plr.Team and string.sub(string.lower(plr.Team.Name),1,#team) == string.lower(team) then
  971. table.insert(returns,plr)
  972. end
  973. end
  974. return returns
  975. end,
  976. ["allies"] = function(speaker)
  977. local returns = {}
  978. local team = speaker.Team
  979. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  980. if plr.Team == team then
  981. table.insert(returns,plr)
  982. end
  983. end
  984. return returns
  985. end,
  986. ["enemies"] = function(speaker)
  987. local returns = {}
  988. local team = speaker.Team
  989. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  990. if plr.Team ~= team then
  991. table.insert(returns,plr)
  992. end
  993. end
  994. return returns
  995. end,
  996. ["team"] = function(speaker)
  997. local returns = {}
  998. local team = speaker.Team
  999. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1000. if plr.Team == team then
  1001. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1002. end
  1003. end
  1004. return returns
  1005. end,
  1006. ["nonteam"] = function(speaker)
  1007. local returns = {}
  1008. local team = speaker.Team
  1009. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1010. if plr.Team ~= team then
  1011. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. return returns
  1015. end,
  1016. ["friends"] = function(speaker,args)
  1017. local returns = {}
  1018. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1019. if plr:IsFriendsWith(speaker.UserId) and plr ~= speaker then
  1020. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1021. end
  1022. end
  1023. return returns
  1024. end,
  1025. ["nonfriends"] = function(speaker,args)
  1026. local returns = {}
  1027. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1028. if not plr:IsFriendsWith(speaker.UserId) and plr ~= speaker then
  1029. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1030. end
  1031. end
  1032. return returns
  1033. end,
  1034. ["guests"] = function(speaker,args)
  1035. local returns = {}
  1036. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1037. if plr.Guest then
  1038. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1039. end
  1040. end
  1041. return returns
  1042. end,
  1043. ["bacons"] = function(speaker,args)
  1044. local returns = {}
  1045. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1046. if plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Pal Hair') or plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Kate Hair') then
  1047. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1048. end
  1049. end
  1050. return returns
  1051. end,
  1052. ["admins"] = function(speaker)
  1053. local returns = {}
  1054. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1055. if isAdmin(plr) then
  1056. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1057. end
  1058. end
  1059. return returns
  1060. end,
  1061. ["nonadmins"] = function(speaker)
  1062. local returns = {}
  1063. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1064. if not isAdmin(plr) then
  1065. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1066. end
  1067. end
  1068. return returns
  1069. end,
  1070. ["age(%d+)"] = function(speaker,args)
  1071. local returns = {}
  1072. local age = tonumber(args[1])
  1073. if not age == nil then return end
  1074. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1075. if plr.AccountAge <= age then
  1076. table.insert(returns,plr)
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1079. return returns
  1080. end,
  1081. ["rad(%d+)"] = function(speaker,args)
  1082. local returns = {}
  1083. local radius = tonumber(args[1])
  1084. local speakerChar = speaker.Character
  1085. if not speakerChar or not speakerChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then return end
  1086. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1087. if plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  1088. local magnitude = (plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position-speakerChar.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  1089. if magnitude <= radius then table.insert(returns,plr) end
  1090. end
  1091. end
  1092. return returns
  1093. end
  1094. }
  1095. local function toTokens(str)
  1096. local tokens = {}
  1097. for op,name in string.gmatch(str,"([+-])([^+-]+)") do
  1098. table.insert(tokens,{Operator = op,Name = name})
  1099. end
  1100. return tokens
  1101. end
  1102. local function onlyIncludeInTable(tab,matches)
  1103. local matchTable = {}
  1104. local resultTable = {}
  1105. for i,v in pairs(matches) do matchTable[v.Name] = true end
  1106. for i,v in pairs(tab) do if matchTable[v.Name] then table.insert(resultTable,v) end end
  1107. return resultTable
  1108. end
  1109. local function removeTableMatches(tab,matches)
  1110. local matchTable = {}
  1111. local resultTable = {}
  1112. for i,v in pairs(matches) do matchTable[v.Name] = true end
  1113. for i,v in pairs(tab) do if not matchTable[v.Name] then table.insert(resultTable,v) end end
  1114. return resultTable
  1115. end
  1116. local function getPlayersByName(name)
  1117. local found = {}
  1118. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  1119. if string.sub(string.lower(v.Name),1,#name) == string.lower(name) then
  1120. table.insert(found,v)
  1121. end
  1122. end
  1123. return found
  1124. end
  1125. local function getPlayer(list,speaker)
  1126. if list == nil then return {speaker.Name} end
  1127. local nameList = splitString(list,",")
  1129. local foundList = {}
  1131. for _,name in pairs(nameList) do
  1132. if string.sub(name,1,1) ~= "+" and string.sub(name,1,1) ~= "-" then name = "+" end
  1133. local tokens = toTokens(name)
  1134. local initialPlayers = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  1136. for i,v in pairs(tokens) do
  1137. if v.Operator == "+" then
  1138. local tokenContent = v.Name
  1139. local foundCase = false
  1140. for regex,case in pairs(SpecialPlayerCases) do
  1141. local matches = {string.match(tokenContent,"^"..regex.."$")}
  1142. if #matches > 0 then
  1143. foundCase = true
  1144. initialPlayers = onlyIncludeInTable(initialPlayers,case(speaker,matches,initialPlayers))
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1147. if not foundCase then
  1148. initialPlayers = onlyIncludeInTable(initialPlayers,getPlayersByName(tokenContent))
  1149. end
  1150. else
  1151. local tokenContent = v.Name
  1152. local foundCase = false
  1153. for regex,case in pairs(SpecialPlayerCases) do
  1154. local matches = {string.match(tokenContent,"^"..regex.."$")}
  1155. if #matches > 0 then
  1156. foundCase = true
  1157. initialPlayers = removeTableMatches(initialPlayers,case(speaker,matches,initialPlayers))
  1158. end
  1159. end
  1160. if not foundCase then
  1161. initialPlayers = removeTableMatches(initialPlayers,getPlayersByName(tokenContent))
  1162. end
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1166. for i,v in pairs(initialPlayers) do table.insert(foundList,v) end
  1167. end
  1169. local foundNames = {}
  1170. for i,v in pairs(foundList) do table.insert(foundNames,v.Name) end
  1172. return foundNames
  1173. end
  1174. function fWeld(zName, zParent, zPart0, zPart1, zCoco, A, B, C, D, E, F)
  1175. local funcw ='Weld') funcw.Name = zName funcw.Parent = zParent funcw.Part0 = zPart0 funcw.Part1 = zPart1
  1176. if (zCoco) then
  1177. funcw.C0 =, B, C) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(D, E, F)
  1178. else
  1179. funcw.C1 =, B, C) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(D, E, F)
  1180. end
  1181. return funcw
  1182. end
  1183. function _G.msg(txt)
  1184. spawn(function()
  1185. msghook()
  1186. if MSGhook == true then
  1187. workspace.IYmessage.Text = ''
  1188. wait(0.1)
  1189. local b ="BlurEffect", LightingService)
  1190. b.Name = "IYmblur"
  1191. b.Size = 18
  1192. workspace.IYmessage.Text = txt
  1193. wait(Mseconds)
  1194. b:Destroy()
  1195. if workspace.IYmessage.Text == txt then
  1196. workspace.IYmessage.Text = '' end
  1197. elseif MSGhook == false then
  1198. execCmd("loadm")
  1199. repeat wait() until workspace:FindFirstChild("IYmessage")
  1200. workspace.IYmessage.Text = ''
  1201. wait(0.1)
  1202. local b ="BlurEffect", LightingService)
  1203. b.Name = "IYmblur"
  1204. b.Size = 18
  1205. workspace.IYmessage.Text = txt
  1206. wait(Mseconds)
  1207. b:Destroy()
  1208. if workspace.IYmessage.Text == txt then
  1209. workspace.IYmessage.Text = '' end
  1210. end
  1211. end)
  1212. end
  1213. function bleach(plr)
  1214. spawn(function()
  1215. local char = plr.Character
  1216. local hit1 ="Sound", workspace)
  1217. hit1.SoundId = ""
  1218. local hit ="Sound", workspace)
  1219. hit.SoundId = ""
  1220. local Bleach ="Part", char["Left Arm"])
  1221. Bleach.CanCollide = false
  1222. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Bleach)
  1223. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  1224. Mesh.Scale =, 0.005, 0.005)
  1225. Mesh.TextureId = ""
  1226. local Handy ="Weld", Bleach)
  1227. Handy.Part0 = Bleach
  1228. Handy.Part1 = char["Left Arm"]
  1229. Handy.C0 =,1.8,0)
  1230. Handy.C1 = CFrame.Angles(0,4,1)
  1231. local drink ="Sound", char.Head)
  1232. drink.SoundId = ""
  1233. wait(3)
  1234. game.Chat:Chat(char.Head,"I need to die","Red")
  1235. for i = 1,10 do
  1236. wait()
  1237. char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 = char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.018,0,0)
  1238. Handy.C0 = Handy.C0 *,-0.07,0.09)
  1239. Handy.C0 = Handy.C0 * CFrame.Angles(0.12,0,0)
  1240. char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 = char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 * CFrame.Angles(0.2,0,-0.1)
  1241. end
  1242. drink:Play()
  1243. wait(3.4)
  1244. drink:Stop()
  1245. for i = 1,10 do
  1246. wait()
  1247. char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 = char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 *,-0.50,0)
  1248. char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 = char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 * CFrame.Angles(0.175,0,0)
  1249. Handy.C0 = Handy.C0 *,0.07,-0.09)
  1250. Handy.C0 = Handy.C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.1,0,0)
  1251. char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 = char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.15,-0.04,0.2)
  1252. char.Torso["Right Shoulder"].C0 = char.Torso["Right Shoulder"].C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.05,0.03,0)
  1253. char.Torso["Right Hip"].C0 = char.Torso["Right Hip"].C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.02,0,0)
  1254. char.Torso["Left Hip"].C0 = char.Torso["Left Hip"].C0 * CFrame.Angles(-0.01,0,0)
  1255. end
  1256. wait(0.01)
  1257. char.Torso.Anchored = true
  1258. char["Left Arm"].Anchored = true
  1259. char["Right Arm"].Anchored = true
  1260. char["Left Leg"].Anchored = true
  1261. char["Right Leg"].Anchored = true
  1262. char.Head.Anchored = true
  1263. hit:Play()
  1264. hit1:Play()
  1265. wait(4)
  1266. local bl00d ="Part", char.Head)
  1267. bl00d.Size =,0.1,0.1)
  1268. bl00d.Rotation =,0,-90)
  1269. bl00d.CanCollide = false
  1270. bl00d.Anchored = true
  1271. bl00d.BrickColor ="Maroon")
  1272. bl00d.Position = char.Head.Position
  1273. bl00d.CFrame = bl00d.CFrame *,-0.65,0)
  1274. bl00d.Shape = "Cylinder"
  1275. bl00d.Material = "Pebble"
  1276. for i = 1,100 do
  1277. wait()
  1278. bl00d.Size = bl00d.Size +,0.05,0.05)
  1279. end
  1280. wait(1)
  1281. char.Humanoid.Health = 0
  1282. end)
  1283. end
  1284. function rape(victim, speaker) -- from rocky2u cmdscript
  1285. spawn(function()
  1286. local P1 = game:GetService("Players")[speaker].Character.Torso
  1287. local V1 = game:GetService("Players")[victim].Character.Torso
  1288. V1.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1289. P1['Left Shoulder']:destroy() local LA1 ='Weld', P1) LA1.Part0 = P1 LA1.Part1 = P1.Parent['Left Arm'] LA1.C0 =, 0, 0) LA1.Name = 'Left Shoulder'
  1290. P1['Right Shoulder']:destroy() local RS1 ='Weld', P1) RS1.Part0 = P1 RS1.Part1 = P1.Parent['Right Arm'] RS1.C0 =, 0, 0) RS1.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
  1291. V1['Left Shoulder']:destroy() local LS2 ='Weld', V1) LS2.Part0 = V1 LS2.Part1 = V1.Parent['Left Arm'] LS2.C0 =, 0, 0) LS2.Name = 'Left Shoulder'
  1292. V1['Right Shoulder']:destroy() local RS2 ='Weld', V1) RS2.Part0 = V1 RS2.Part1 = V1.Parent['Right Arm'] RS2.C0 =, 0, 0) RS2.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
  1293. V1['Left Hip']:destroy() local LH2 ='Weld', V1) LH2.Part0 = V1 LH2.Part1 = V1.Parent['Left Leg'] LH2.C0 =, -2, 0) LH2.Name = 'Left Hip'
  1294. V1['Right Hip']:destroy() local RH2 ='Weld', V1) RH2.Part0 = V1 RH2.Part1 = V1.Parent['Right Leg'] RH2.C0 =, -2, 0) RH2.Name = 'Right Hip'
  1295. local D ='Part', P1) D.TopSurface = 0 D.BottomSurface = 0 D.CanCollide = false D.BrickColor ='Pastel brown') D.Shape = 'Ball' D.Size =, 1, 1)
  1296. local DM1 ='SpecialMesh', D) DM1.MeshType = 'Sphere' DM1.Scale =, 0.4, 0.4)
  1297. fWeld('weld', P1, P1, D, true, -0.2, -1.3, -0.6, 0, 0, 0)
  1298. local D2 = D:Clone() D2.Parent = P1
  1299. fWeld('weld', P1, P1, D2, true, 0.2, -1.3, -0.6, 0, 0, 0)
  1300. local C ='Part', P1) C.TopSurface = 0 C.BottomSurface = 0 C.CanCollide = false C.BrickColor ='Pastel brown') C.Size =, 1.3, 0.4)
  1301. fWeld('weld', P1, P1, C, true, 0, -1, -0.52 + (-C.Size.y / 2), math.rad(-80), 0, 0)
  1302. local C2 = D:Clone() C2.BrickColor ='Pink') C2.Mesh.Scale =, 0.62, 0.4) C2.Parent = P1
  1303. fWeld('weld', C, C, C2, true, 0, 0 + (C.Size.y / 2), 0, math.rad(-10), 0, 0)
  1304. local CM ='CylinderMesh', C)
  1305. local BL ='Part', V1) BL.TopSurface = 0 BL.BottomSurface = 0 BL.CanCollide = false BL.BrickColor ='Pastel brown') BL.Shape = 'Ball' BL.Size =, 1, 1)
  1306. local DM2 ='SpecialMesh', BL) DM2.MeshType = 'Sphere' DM2.Scale =, 1.2, 1.2)
  1307. fWeld('weld', V1, V1, BL, true, -0.5, 0.5, -0.6, 0, 0, 0)
  1308. local BR ='Part', V1) BR.TopSurface = 0 BR.BottomSurface = 0 BR.CanCollide = false BR.BrickColor ='Pastel brown') BR.Shape = 'Ball' BR.Size =, 1, 1)
  1309. local DM3 ='SpecialMesh', BR) DM3.MeshType = 'Sphere' DM3.Scale =, 1.2, 1.2)
  1310. fWeld('weld', V1, V1, BR, true, 0.5, 0.5, -0.6, 0, 0, 0)
  1311. local BLN ='Part', V1) BLN.TopSurface = 0 BLN.BottomSurface = 0 BLN.CanCollide = false BLN.BrickColor ='Pink') BLN.Shape = 'Ball' BLN.Size =, 1, 1)
  1312. local DM4 ='SpecialMesh', BLN) DM4.MeshType = 'Sphere' DM4.Scale =, 0.2, 0.2)
  1313. fWeld('weld', V1, V1, BLN, true, -0.5, 0.5, -1.2, 0, 0, 0)
  1314. local BRN ='Part', V1) BRN.TopSurface = 0 BRN.BottomSurface = 0 BRN.CanCollide = false BRN.BrickColor ='Pink') BRN.Shape = 'Ball' BRN.Size =, 1, 1)
  1315. local DM5 ='SpecialMesh', BRN) DM5.MeshType = 'Sphere' DM5.Scale =, 0.2, 0.2)
  1316. fWeld('weld', V1, V1, BRN, true, 0.5, 0.5, -1.2, 0, 0, 0)
  1317. LH2.C1 =, 1.6, 0.4) * CFrame.Angles(3.9, -0.4, 0) RH2.C1 =, 1.6, 0.4) * CFrame.Angles(3.9, 0.4, 0)
  1318. LS2.C1 =, 0.9, 0.6) * CFrame.Angles(3.9, -0.2, 0) RS2.C1 =, 0.9, 0.6) * CFrame.Angles(3.9, 0.2, 0)
  1319. LA1.C1 =, 0.7, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9, -0.4, 0) RS1.C1 =, 0.7, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9, 0.4, 0)
  1320. if P1:FindFirstChild('weldx') then P1.weldx:destroy() end
  1321. WE = fWeld('weldx', P1, P1, V1, true, 0, -0.9, -1.3, math.rad(-90), 0, 0)
  1322. local N = V1.Neck N.C0 =, 1.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-210), math.rad(180), 0)
  1323. end)
  1324. spawn(function() while wait() do for i = 1, 6 do WE.C1 = WE.C1 *, -0.3, 0) end for i = 1, 6 do WE.C1 = WE.C1 *, 0.3, 0) end end end)
  1325. end
  1327. addcmd('addalias','Adds an alias to a command',{},
  1328. function(args,speaker)
  1329. if #args < 2 then return end
  1330. local cmd = string.lower(args[1])
  1331. local alias = string.lower(args[2])
  1332. for i,v in pairs(cmds) do
  1333. if v.NAME:lower()==cmd or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd) then
  1334. customAlias[alias] = v
  1335. if not aliasSave or aliasSave == nil then aliasSave = {} end
  1336. aliasSave[#aliasSave + 1] = {CMD = cmd, ALIAS = alias}
  1337. Notify("Added "..alias.." as an alias to "..cmd)
  1338. updatefile()
  1339. updatealiases()
  1340. break
  1341. end
  1342. end
  1343. end)
  1345. addcmd('877241loadalias','dab',{},
  1346. function(args,speaker)
  1347. if #args < 2 then return end
  1348. local cmd = string.lower(args[1])
  1349. local alias = string.lower(args[2])
  1350. for i,v in pairs(cmds) do
  1351. if v.NAME:lower()==cmd or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd) then
  1352. customAlias[alias] = v
  1353. updatealiases()
  1354. break
  1355. end
  1356. end
  1357. end)
  1359. addcmd('removealias','Removes a custom alias',{},
  1360. function(args,speaker)
  1361. if #args < 1 then return end
  1362. local alias = string.lower(args[1])
  1363. if customAlias[alias] then
  1364. local cmd = customAlias[alias].NAME
  1365. customAlias[alias] = nil
  1366. for i,v in pairs(aliasSave) do
  1367. if v.ALIAS == tostring(alias) then
  1368. table.remove(aliasSave, i)
  1369. end end
  1370. Notify("Removed the alias "..alias.." from "..cmd)
  1371. updatefile()
  1372. updatealiases()
  1373. end
  1374. end)
  1376. addcmd('clraliases','Removes all custom alias',{},
  1377. function(args,speaker)
  1378. customAlias = {}
  1379. aliasSave ={}
  1380. updatefile()
  1381. updatealiases()
  1382. Notify('Removed all aliases')
  1383. end)
  1385. addcmd('s','runs a script in the chat or cmdbar',{'script'},
  1386. function(args, speaker)
  1387. loadstring(tostring(GLS(false, 0)))()
  1388. end)
  1390. function hub()
  1391. if not game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('ScriptHub') then
  1392. loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))() end end
  1393. addcmd('hub','opens script hub',{'scripts'},
  1394. function(args, speaker)
  1395. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1396. lponly(speaker) else
  1397. hub()
  1398. end end)
  1400. addcmd('ff','gives ff to player',{},
  1401. function(args, speaker)
  1402. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1403. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1404. local pchar=_char(v)
  1405."ForceField", pchar)
  1406. end
  1407. end)
  1409. addcmd('maxhealth','sets a limit of health to player',{},
  1410. function(args, speaker)
  1411. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1412. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1413. local pchar=_char(v)
  1414. pchar.Humanoid.MaxHealth = args[2]
  1415. end
  1416. end)
  1418. addcmd('sethealth','sets the health of a player',{},
  1419. function(args, speaker)
  1420. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1421. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1422. local pchar=_char(v)
  1423. pchar.Humanoid.Health = args[2]
  1424. end
  1425. end)
  1427. addcmd('breakloops','stops any cmd loops',{'break'},
  1428. function(args, speaker)
  1429. lastBreakTime = tick()
  1430. end)
  1432. addcmd('invisibleff','gives invisible ff to player',{'invisff'},
  1433. function(args, speaker)
  1434. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1435. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1436. local pchar=_char(v)
  1437. local invisff ="ForceField", pchar)
  1438. invisff.Visible = false
  1439. end
  1440. end)
  1442. addcmd('rocket','attaches a player to a rocket',{'missile'},
  1443. function(args, speaker)
  1444. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1445. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1446. local pchar=_char(v)
  1447. spawn(function()
  1448. local m = missile:Clone()
  1449. m.Parent = workspace
  1450. local W ='Weld', m)
  1451. W.Part0 = W.Parent
  1452. W.Part1 = pchar.HumanoidRootPart
  1453. W.C1 =, 0.5, 1)
  1454. m.force.Force =, 15000, 0)
  1455. wait(0.01)
  1456. pchar.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = pchar.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 5, 0)
  1457. wait(5)
  1458.'Explosion', m).Position = m.Position
  1459. wait(0.01)
  1460. pchar:BreakJoints()
  1461. wait(1)
  1462. m:destroy()
  1463. end)
  1464. end
  1465. end)
  1467. addcmd('kidnap', 'Kidnaps the player in a candy van',{},
  1468. function(args, speaker)
  1469. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1470. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1471. loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))()
  1472. game:GetService("CoreGui").VanEvent:Fire(gPlayers[v])
  1473. end
  1474. end)
  1476. addcmd('rejoin','makes you rejoin the game',{'rj'},
  1477. function(args, speaker)
  1478. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1479. lponly(speaker)
  1480. else
  1481. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(game.PlaceId)
  1482. end
  1483. end)
  1485. addcmd('unff', 'takes away ff from player',{'noff'},
  1486. function(args, speaker)
  1487. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1488. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1489. local pchar=_char(v)
  1490. for j,v1 in pairs(pchar:GetChildren()) do
  1491. if v1:IsA("ForceField") then
  1492. v1:Destroy()
  1493. end
  1494. end
  1495. end
  1496. end)
  1498. addcmd('insert', 'inserts a model',{'ins'},
  1499. function(args, speaker)
  1500. local modelid = args[1]
  1501. local model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadLocalAsset("rbxassetid://" .. modelid)
  1502. model.Parent = workspace
  1503. model.Name = "IYmodel"
  1504. model:MakeJoints()
  1505. model:MoveTo(speaker.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  1506. local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(modelid)
  1507. Notify('Inserted ' .. Asset.Name)
  1508. end)
  1510. addcmd('flashlight', 'gives a player a flashlight',{},
  1511. function(args, speaker)
  1512. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1513. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1514. spawn(function()
  1515. local flashlight = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadLocalAsset("rbxassetid://01679418710")
  1516. flashlight.Parent = gPlayers[v].Backpack
  1517. flashlight.Name = "IYflashlight"
  1518. end)
  1519. end
  1520. end)
  1522. addcmd('car', 'inserts a car',{'vehicle'},
  1523. function(args, speaker)
  1524. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1525. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1526. spawn(function()
  1527. local pchar=_char(v)
  1528. local model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadLocalAsset("rbxassetid://01172688590")
  1529. model.Parent = workspace
  1530. model:MakeJoints()
  1531. model:MoveTo(pchar.HumanoidRootPart.Position +, 5, 0))
  1532. model.Name = "IYcar" .. gPlayers[v].Name wait(0.2)
  1533. for _, child in pairs( model:GetChildren()) do
  1534. if child.ClassName == "Part" then
  1535. child.Anchored = true
  1536. wait(1)
  1537. child.Anchored = false
  1538. end end end) end end)
  1540. addcmd('uncar', 'removes a players car',{'unvehicle','nocar','novehicle'},
  1541. function(args, speaker)
  1542. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1543. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1544. for _, child in pairs( workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1545. if child.Name == "IYcar" .. gPlayers[v].Name then
  1546. child:Destroy()
  1547. end
  1548. end
  1549. end
  1550. end)
  1552. addcmd('team','team [plr] [team]',{},
  1553. function(args, speaker)
  1554. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1555. local teamname = nil
  1556. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1557. for a,b in pairs(game.Teams:GetChildren()) do local L_name = b.Name:lower() local F = L_name:find(GLS(true, 1)) if F == 1 then teamname = b end end
  1558. _players[v].Team = teamname
  1559. end
  1560. end)
  1562. addcmd('maxzoom','maximum camera zoom',{},
  1563. function(args, speaker)
  1564. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1565. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1566. _players[v].CameraMaxZoomDistance = args[2]
  1567. end
  1568. end)
  1570. function spawnrain(mesh,texture)
  1571. spawn(function()
  1572. for i,v in pairs(gPlayers:GetChildren()) do
  1573. if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1574. if raining == true then
  1575. local rain ="Part",workspace)
  1576. rain.CanCollide = true
  1577. local m ="SpecialMesh",rain)
  1578. m.MeshId = ""..mesh
  1579. m.TextureId = ""..texture
  1580. rain.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +,250),100,math.random(-250,250))
  1581. wait(5) rain:Destroy()
  1582. end
  1583. end
  1584. end
  1585. end)
  1586. end
  1588. raining = false
  1589. addcmd('rain','make it rain a mesh',{},
  1590. function(args, speaker)
  1591. raining = true
  1592. repeat
  1593. wait(0.5)
  1594. spawnrain(args[1],args[2])
  1595. until raining == false
  1596. end)
  1598. addcmd('norain','make it rain a mesh',{'unrain'},
  1599. function(args, speaker)
  1600. raining = false
  1601. end)
  1603. local rad = math.rad
  1604. addcmd('earthquake','earthquake [power] [intensity]',{}, -- credit to DontAddMeh
  1605. function(args, speaker)
  1606. for i = 1,args[1] do
  1607. wait()
  1608. local function ear(instance)
  1609. for i,v in pairs(instance:GetChildren())do
  1610. if v:IsA("Part") then
  1611. if v.Size.x > 1 then
  1612. v.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(rad(math.random(-args[2],args[2])),rad(math.random(-args[2],args[2])),rad(math.random(-args[2],args[2])))
  1613. end end ear(v) end end ear(workspace)
  1614. end
  1615. end)
  1617. addcmd('cape','Gives the target player(s) a cape',{},
  1618. function(args, speaker)
  1619. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1620. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1621. spawn(function()
  1622. if _char(v):FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1623. local plr = _players[v]
  1624. repeat wait() until plr and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1625. local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1626. local p ="Part", torso.Parent) p.Name = "IYcape" p.Anchored = false
  1627. p.CanCollide = false p.TopSurface = 0 p.BottomSurface = 0
  1628. if not args[2] then
  1629. p.Color =,0,0)
  1630. p.Color =,0,0) else
  1631. p.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1632. p.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4])) end
  1633. p.formFactor = "Custom"
  1634. p.Size =,.2,.2)
  1635. local msh ="BlockMesh", p) msh.Scale =,17.5,.5)
  1636. local motor1 ="Motor", p)
  1637. motor1.Part0 = p
  1638. motor1.Part1 = torso
  1639. motor1.MaxVelocity = .01
  1640. motor1.C0 =,1.75,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)
  1641. motor1.C1 =,1,.45)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)
  1642. local wave = false
  1643. repeat wait(1/44)
  1644. local ang = 0.1
  1645. local oldmag = torso.Velocity.magnitude
  1646. local mv = .002
  1647. if wave then ang = ang + ((torso.Velocity.magnitude/10)*.05)+.05 wave = false else wave = true end
  1648. ang = ang + math.min(torso.Velocity.magnitude/11, .5)
  1649. motor1.MaxVelocity = math.min((torso.Velocity.magnitude/111), .04) + mv
  1650. motor1.DesiredAngle = -ang
  1651. if motor1.CurrentAngle < -.2 and motor1.DesiredAngle > -.2 then motor1.MaxVelocity = .04 end
  1652. repeat wait() until motor1.CurrentAngle == motor1.DesiredAngle or math.abs(torso.Velocity.magnitude - oldmag) >= (torso.Velocity.magnitude/10) + 1
  1653. if torso.Velocity.magnitude < .1 then wait(.1) end
  1654. until not p or p.Parent ~= torso.Parent
  1655. end
  1656. end)
  1657. end
  1658. end)
  1660. addcmd('uncape','Removes cape',{'nocape'},
  1661. function(args, speaker)
  1662. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1663. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1664. local pchar=_char(v)
  1665. for _, child in pairs( pchar:GetChildren()) do
  1666. if child.Name == "IYcape" then
  1667. child:Destroy() end end
  1668. end
  1669. end)
  1671. addcmd('spasm','makes someone c r a z y',{},
  1672. function(args, speaker)
  1673. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1674. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1675. local pchar=_char(v)
  1676. local AnimationId = "33796059"
  1677. local Anim ="Animation")
  1678. Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..AnimationId
  1679. local k = pchar.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)
  1680. k:Play()
  1681. k:AdjustSpeed(99)
  1682. end
  1683. end)
  1685. addcmd('plrsound','creates a sound inside of someone',{'playersound'},
  1686. function(args, speaker)
  1687. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1688. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1689. if not args[1] and args[2] then return end
  1690. local pchar=_char(v)
  1691. for _, child in pairs( pchar:GetDescendants()) do
  1692. if child.ClassName == "Sound" then
  1693. child:Destroy() end end
  1694. local s ="Sound")
  1695. s.Name = "IYplrsound"
  1696. s.SoundId = "" .. args[2]
  1697. s.Volume = 1
  1698. s.Pitch = 1
  1699. s.Looped = true
  1700. s.archivable = true
  1701. s.Parent = pchar.HumanoidRootPart
  1702. s:Play()
  1703. end
  1704. end)
  1706. addcmd('noplrsound','creates a sound inside of someone',{'noplayersound','unplayersound','unplrsound'},
  1707. function(args, speaker)
  1708. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1709. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1710. if not args[1] then return end
  1711. local pchar=_char(v)
  1712. for _, child in pairs( pchar:GetDescendants()) do
  1713. if child.ClassName == "Sound" then
  1714. child:Destroy() end end
  1715. end
  1716. end)
  1718. addcmd('fly','makes you fly',{},
  1719. function(args, speaker)
  1720. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1721. lponly(speaker)
  1722. else
  1723. sFLY()
  1724. end
  1725. end)
  1727. addcmd('flyspeed','set the fly speed',{'flysp'},
  1728. function(args, speaker)
  1729. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1730. lponly(speaker)
  1731. else
  1732. if isNumber(args[1]) then
  1733. iyflyspeed = args[1]
  1734. end end end)
  1736. addcmd('unfly','takes away fly',{'nofly'},
  1737. function(args, speaker)
  1738. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1739. lponly(speaker)
  1740. else
  1741. NOFLY()
  1742. end
  1743. end)
  1745. addcmd('exit','kills roblox process',{},
  1746. function(args, speaker)
  1747. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1748. lponly(speaker)
  1749. else
  1750. game:shutdown()
  1751. end
  1752. end)
  1754. addcmd('fire', 'set a player on fire',{},
  1755. function(args, speaker)
  1756. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1757. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1758. spawn(function()
  1759. local pchar=_char(v)
  1760. local Fire1 ="Fire", pchar.Head)
  1761. local Fire2 ="Fire", pchar.HumanoidRootPart)
  1762. local Fire3 ="Fire", pchar["Left Arm"])
  1763. local Fire4 ="Fire", pchar["Right Arm"])
  1764. local Fire5 ="Fire", pchar["Left Leg"])
  1765. local Fire6 ="Fire", pchar["Right Leg"])
  1766. if not args[2] then return end
  1767. Fire1.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1768. Fire1.SecondaryColor =[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1769. Fire2.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1770. Fire2.SecondaryColor =[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1771. Fire3.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1772. Fire3.SecondaryColor =[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1773. Fire4.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1774. Fire4.SecondaryColor =[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1775. Fire5.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1776. Fire5.SecondaryColor =[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1777. Fire6.Color = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1778. Fire6.SecondaryColor = Color3.fromRGB((args[2]),(args[3]),(args[4]))
  1779. end)
  1780. end
  1781. end)
  1783. addcmd('discomesh', 'body parts get f u n k y',{},
  1784. function(args, speaker)
  1785. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1786. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1787. spawn(function()
  1788. local plr = _players[v]
  1789. local meshes = {"Brick","Cylinder","Head","Sphere","Torso","Wedge"}
  1790. local h = _players[v].Character.Head.Mesh
  1791. local t ="SpecialMesh",_players[v].Character.Torso)
  1792. local la ="SpecialMesh",_players[v].Character["Left Arm"])
  1793. local ra ="SpecialMesh",_players[v].Character["Right Arm"])
  1794. local ll ="SpecialMesh",_players[v].Character["Left Leg"])
  1795. local rl ="SpecialMesh",_players[v].Character["Right Leg"])
  1796. while true do wait()
  1797. h.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1798. h.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1799. h.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1800. t.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1801. t.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1802. t.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1803. la.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1804. la.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1805. la.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1806. ra.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1807. ra.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1808. ra.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1809. ll.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1810. ll.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1811. ll.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1812. rl.MeshType = meshes[math.random(1,#meshes)]
  1813. rl.Offset = * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1,math.random() * 2 - 1);
  1814. rl.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  1815. end end) end end)
  1817. addcmd('chickenarms', 'I can fly!!1',{'chicken'},
  1818. function(args, speaker)
  1819. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1820. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1821. spawn(function()
  1822. local Chicken = _players[v].Character
  1823. Chicken.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.pi/2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi/2, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-math.pi/2,0)
  1824. Chicken.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C1 =, 0.5, 0)
  1825. Chicken.Torso["Right Shoulder"].C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-math.pi/2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi/2, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-math.pi/2,0)
  1826. Chicken.Torso["Right Shoulder"].C1 =, 0.5, 0)
  1827. end) end end)
  1829. addcmd('esp', 'view a player and a players status',{},
  1830. function(args, speaker)
  1831. if speaker.userId ~= LP.userId then
  1832. lponly(speaker)
  1833. else
  1834. local players = getPlayer(args[1], speaker)
  1835. for i,v in pairs(players)do
  1836. spawn(function()
  1837. for _, child in pairs( game["CoreGui"]:GetChildren()) do
  1838. if child.Name == gPlayers[v].Name then
  1839. child:Destroy()
  1840. end end wait(0.5)
  1841. local m = game["Players"].LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  1842. local rs = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
  1843. local espplr = gPlayers[v]
  1844. if espplr.Character and espplr.Name ~= _players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  1845. for b,n in pairs (espplr.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1846. if (n:IsA("BasePart")) then
  1847. local a ="BoxHandleAdornment", game.CoreGui)
  1848. a.Name = espplr.Name
  1849. a.Adornee = n
  1850. a.AlwaysOnTop = true
  1851. a.ZIndex = 0
  1852. a.Size = n.Size
  1853. a.Transparency = 0.7
  1854. local resetting = false
  1855. if espplr.TeamColor == _players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
  1856. a.Color ="Lime green")
  1857. else
  1858. a.Color ="Really red")
  1859. end
  1860. if espplr.Character and espplr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  1861. local BillboardGui ="BillboardGui", game.CoreGui)
  1862. local TextLabel ="TextLabel")
  1863. BillboardGui.Adornee = espplr.Character.Head
  1864. BillboardGui.Name = espplr.Name
  1865. BillboardGui.Size =, 100, 0, 150)
  1866. BillboardGui.StudsOffset =, 1, 0)
  1867. BillboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true
  1868. TextLabel.Parent = BillboardGui
  1869. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1870. TextLabel.Position =, 0, 0, -50)
  1871. TextLabel.Size =, 100, 0, 100)
  1872. TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold
  1873. TextLabel.TextSize = 20
  1874. TextLabel.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1875. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1876. TextLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom
  1877. espplr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:connect(function()
  1878. BillboardGui:Destroy() a:Destroy() end)
  1879. _players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)
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