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Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. local int exPartitionNumber = 1; //must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 (or up to 127 on gpt)
  2. local char exDir1[9] = "FRED";
  3. local char exDir1_LENGTH = Strlen(exDir1);
  4. local char exDir2[9] = "";
  5. local char exDir2_LENGTH = Strlen(exDir2);
  6. local char exDir3[9] = "";
  7. local char exDir3_LENGTH = Strlen(exDir3);
  8. local uint32 exClusterList = 0x7205; // 0 is off, non-zero builds list
  10. typedef struct {
  11. char stuff[446];
  12. struct PARTs {
  13. uchar boot_flag;
  14. uchar CHS_Begin[3];
  15. uchar type_code <format = hex>;
  16. uchar CHS_End[3];
  17. uint32 LBA_Begin <format = hex>;
  18. uint32 Number_of_Sectors;
  19. } part[4];
  20. ushort expectAA55 <format = hex>;
  21. } MBR;
  23. typedef struct {
  24. char signature[8]; //must be EFI PART
  25. char revision[4];
  26. uint32 headersize;
  27. uint32 crc32;
  28. uint32 reserved;
  29. uint64 currentLBA <format = hex>;
  30. uint64 backupLBA <format = hex>;
  31. uint64 firstUsableLBA <format = hex>;
  32. uint64 lastUsableLBA <format = hex>;
  33. uchar disk_GUID[16] <format = hex>;
  34. uint64 startingLBAofPartitionEntries <format = hex>;
  35. uint32 numberOfPartitionEntries;
  36. uint32 sizeOfPartitionEntry;
  37. uint32 crc32x;
  39. } GPT_HEADER <size = 512>;
  41. typedef struct {
  42. byte partition_type_guid[16];
  43. byte unique_guid[16];
  44. uint64 first_lba;
  45. uint64 last_lba;
  46. uint64 flags;
  47. wchar_t name[36];
  48. } GPT_Partition_Entry;
  50. local int i;
  51. local uint64 FAT32_start=0;
  52. local uint32 Partition_LBA_Begin=0;
  53. local byte MS_GPT_Basic_data_partition[16] = {
  54. 0xa2, 0xa0, 0xd0, 0xeb, 0xe5, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x44,
  55. 0x87, 0xc0, 0x68, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0x26, 0x99, 0xc7 };
  57. LittleEndian();
  59. void ExploreGPT( )
  60. {
  61. FSeek(0x200);
  62. GPT_HEADER gpt;
  63. GPT_Partition_Entry partitions[128];
  64. if (Memcmp(gpt.signature, "EFI PART", 8)) {
  65. Printf("ERROR: EFI PART signature not found\n");
  66. Exit(3);
  67. }
  68. for (i=0; i<gpt.numberOfPartitionEntries; i++) {
  69. if (!Memcmp(partitions[i].partition_type_guid,
  70. MS_GPT_Basic_data_partition, 16)) {
  71. Printf("Partition %d is MS Basic data\n", i);
  72. if (i == exPartitionNumber) {
  73. Partition_LBA_Begin = partitions[i].first_lba;
  74. FAT32_start = Partition_LBA_Begin * 512;
  75. }
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  80. struct {
  81. MBR mbr;
  82. if (mbr.expectAA55 != 0xAA55) {
  83. Printf("error MBR record does not end with AA55!\n");
  84. Exit(1);
  85. } else {
  86. Printf("MBR seems okay, scanning partitions\n");
  87. }
  89. if (mbr.part[0].type_code == 0xEE) { //use routine above to find GPT stuff
  90. Printf("Protective MBR found, searching for GPT partitions instead\n");
  91. ExploreGPT();
  92. //all done, try to load VOLUME ID next
  94. } else { //MBR is home base, use contents for partition info
  96. for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
  97. if (mbr.part[i].type_code == 0x0b) {
  98. Printf("Partition %d is FAT32 and LBA Begins at 0x%08x offset in file\n",
  99. i, mbr.part[i].LBA_Begin * 512);
  100. if (i == exPartitionNumber) {
  101. Partition_LBA_Begin = mbr.part[i].LBA_Begin;
  102. FAT32_start = Partition_LBA_Begin * 512;
  103. }
  104. } else {
  105. Printf("Partition %d is type 0x%02x, LBA Begins: 0x%08x offset in file\n",
  106. i, mbr.part[i].type_code, mbr.part[i].LBA_Begin * 512);
  107. }
  108. }
  109. }
  110. if (Partition_LBA_Begin == 0) {
  111. Printf("WARNING: no partition selected for FAT32 exploration\n");
  112. Printf(" Do you need to set exPartitionNumber?\n");
  113. Exit(2);
  114. }
  115. } vhd_file;
  117. typedef struct {
  118. char pad[11];
  119. ushort BPB_BytsPerSec; /* offset 11,12 */
  120. uchar BPB_SecPerClus; /* offset 13 */
  121. ushort BPB_RsvdSecCnt; /* offset 14,15 */
  122. uchar BPB_NumFATs; /* offset 16 */
  123. ushort FAT16_RootEntries; //supposed to be 0 for FAT32
  124. ushort FAT16_SmallSectors; //supposed to be 0 for FAT32
  125. uchar pad2[11]; /* offset 17-31 */
  126. uchar pad3[4];
  127. uint32 BPB_FATSz32; /* offset 36 0x24 */
  128. uchar pad4[4];
  129. uint32 BPB_RootClus; /* offset 0x2c */
  130. uchar pad5[0x1ce];
  131. ushort expectAA55 <format = hex>;
  132. } FAT32VOLUMEID;
  135. local uint32 fat_begin_lba;
  136. local uint32 fat2_begin_lba;
  137. local uint32 cluster_begin_lba;
  138. local uint32 sectors_per_cluster;
  139. local uint32 clusters_per_fat;
  140. local uint32 root_dir_first_cluster;
  141. local uint64 ROOT_start;
  143. FSeek(FAT32_start);
  144. struct {
  145. FAT32VOLUMEID fvol;
  147. if (fvol.expectAA55 != 0xAA55) {
  148. Printf("error FAT32 VolumeID record does not end with AA55!\n");
  149. Exit(1);
  150. } else if ((fvol.FAT16_RootEntries !=0) || (fvol.FAT16_SmallSectors != 0)) {
  151. Printf("Error: FAT16 information found in VolumeID structure.\n");
  152. Printf(" This is NOT a valid FAT32 Volume.\n");
  153. Exit(1);
  154. } else {
  155. Printf("FAT32 VolumeID seems okay\n");
  156. }
  157. Printf("%d bytes per sector (MUST BE 512!!)\n", fvol.BPB_BytsPerSec);
  158. Printf("%d sectors per cluster\n", fvol.BPB_SecPerClus);
  159. Printf("0x%04x (%d) reserved sectors\n", fvol.BPB_RsvdSecCnt, fvol.BPB_RsvdSecCnt);
  160. Printf("%d FATs (There better be 2!!)\n", fvol.BPB_NumFATs);
  161. Printf("0x%08x (%d) sectors per FAT\n", fvol.BPB_FATSz32, fvol.BPB_FATSz32);
  162. Printf("Root Directory Cluster (supposed to be 2) == %d\n", fvol.BPB_RootClus);
  164. fat_begin_lba = Partition_LBA_Begin + fvol.BPB_RsvdSecCnt;
  165. fat2_begin_lba = fat_begin_lba + fvol.BPB_FATSz32;
  166. cluster_begin_lba = Partition_LBA_Begin + fvol.BPB_RsvdSecCnt + (fvol.BPB_NumFATs * fvol.BPB_FATSz32);
  167. sectors_per_cluster = fvol.BPB_SecPerClus;
  168. clusters_per_fat = fvol.BPB_FATSz32 * (512/4);
  169. Printf("There are %d. cluster indices in each FAT\n", clusters_per_fat);
  170. root_dir_first_cluster = fvol.BPB_RootClus;
  172. Printf("FAT 1 LBA = 0x%08x, FAT 1 raw file offset = 0x%08x\n", fat_begin_lba, fat_begin_lba * 512);
  173. Printf("FAT 2 LBA = 0x%08x, FAT 2 raw file offset = 0x%08x\n", fat2_begin_lba, fat2_begin_lba*512);
  174. Printf("First Cluster LBA = 0x%08x, First Cluster raw file offset = %08x\n", cluster_begin_lba, cluster_begin_lba*512);
  175. ROOT_start = cluster_begin_lba * 512;
  176. } fatvolume;
  178. FSeek(fat_begin_lba * 512);
  179. uint32 FAT1[clusters_per_fat];
  180. FSeek(fat2_begin_lba * 512);
  181. uint32 FAT2[clusters_per_fat];
  184. typedef struct {
  185. char filename[8];
  186. char extension[3];
  187. uchar attrib <format = hex>;
  188. uchar ulcase;
  189. uchar creationTimeMS;
  190. DOSTIME creationTime;
  191. DOSDATE creationDate;
  192. DOSDATE lastAccessDate;
  193. uint16 first_cluster_hi <format = hex>;
  194. DOSTIME timeStamp;
  195. DOSDATE dateStamp;
  196. uint16 first_cluster_lo <format= hex>;
  197. uint32 filesize;
  198. } DIRENTRY;
  200. void PrintDirEntry( DIRENTRY &ent)
  201. {
  202. local uchar slotkey;
  203. slotkey = ent.filename[0];
  204. if ((slotkey == 0) || (ent.attrib == 0x0f)) { // slot is empty OR long filename
  205. return;
  206. } else if (slotkey == 0xe5) {
  207. Printf(" DELETED ");
  208. }
  209. Printf(" %8s.%3s attrib:0x%02x ", ent.filename, ent.extension, ent.attrib);
  210. if (ent.attrib & 0x01) Printf("Read_Only ");
  211. if (ent.attrib & 0x02) Printf("Hidden ");
  212. if (ent.attrib & 0x04) Printf("System ");
  213. if (ent.attrib & 0x08) Printf("VolumeID ");
  214. if (ent.attrib & 0x10) Printf("Directory ");
  215. if (ent.attrib & 0x20) Printf("Archive ");
  216. Printf("\n");
  217. }
  219. uint32 ConvertClusterHiLo2LBA( uint16 clusterHi, uint16 clusterLo)
  220. {
  221. local uint32 lba, cluster;
  223. cluster = clusterHi << 16 | clusterLo;
  224. lba = cluster_begin_lba;
  225. lba = lba + ((cluster - 2) * sectors_per_cluster);
  226. return lba;
  227. }
  229. local uint64 DIR1_start=0;
  230. local uint32 DIR1_LBA = 0;
  231. local uint64 DIR2_start=0;
  232. local uint32 DIR2_LBA = 0;
  233. local uint64 DIR3_start=0;
  234. local uint32 DIR3_LBA = 0;
  236. local int NumDirEntriesPerCluster = (sectors_per_cluster * 512)/32;
  238. FSeek(ROOT_start);
  239. struct {
  240. DIRENTRY entry[NumDirEntriesPerCluster];
  241. Printf("Volume ID Name: %s\n", entry[0].filename);
  242. Printf("Root Directory Contents:\n");
  243. for (i=0; i<NumDirEntriesPerCluster; i++) {
  244. PrintDirEntry( entry[i]);
  245. if (exDir1_LENGTH != 0) {
  246. if (!Memcmp(entry[i].filename, exDir1, exDir1_LENGTH)) { //look for dir1 in root
  247. //Printf("Found %s!, 0x%04x, 0x%04x\n", exDir1, entry[i].first_cluster_hi, entry[i].first_cluster_lo);
  248. DIR1_LBA = ConvertClusterHiLo2LBA(entry[i].first_cluster_hi, entry[i].first_cluster_lo);
  249. DIR1_start = DIR1_LBA * 512;
  250. }
  251. }
  252. }
  253. } root;
  256. if (DIR1_start != 0) {
  257. Printf("DIR 1 is %s, at LBA 0x%08x, at raw file offset 0x%08x\n", exDir1, DIR1_LBA, DIR1_start);
  258. FSeek(DIR1_start);
  259. struct {
  260. DIRENTRY entry[NumDirEntriesPerCluster];
  261. for (i=0; i<NumDirEntriesPerCluster; i++) {
  262. PrintDirEntry( entry[i]);
  263. if (exDir2_LENGTH != 0) {
  264. if (!Memcmp(entry[i].filename, exDir2, exDir2_LENGTH)) { //look for dir2 in dir1
  265. //Printf("Found %s!\n", exDir2);
  266. DIR2_LBA = ConvertClusterHiLo2LBA(entry[i].first_cluster_hi, entry[i].first_cluster_lo);
  267. DIR2_start = DIR2_LBA * 512;
  268. }
  269. }
  270. }
  271. } DirOne;
  272. }
  274. if (DIR2_start != 0) {
  275. Printf("DIR 2 is %s, at LBA 0x%08x, at raw file offset 0x%08x\n", exDir2, DIR2_LBA, DIR2_start);
  276. FSeek(DIR2_start);
  277. struct {
  278. DIRENTRY entry[NumDirEntriesPerCluster];
  279. for (i=0; i<NumDirEntriesPerCluster; i++) {
  280. PrintDirEntry( entry[i]);
  281. if (exDir3_LENGTH != 0) {
  282. if (!Memcmp(entry[i].filename, exDir3, exDir3_LENGTH)) { //look for dir3 in dir2
  283. //Printf("Found %s!\n", exDir3);
  284. DIR3_LBA = ConvertClusterHiLo2LBA(entry[i].first_cluster_hi, entry[i].first_cluster_lo);
  285. DIR3_start = DIR3_LBA * 512;
  286. }
  287. }
  288. }
  289. } DirTwo;
  290. }
  292. if (DIR3_start != 0) {
  293. Printf("DIR 3 is %s, at LBA 0x%08x, at raw file offset 0x%08x\n", exDir3, DIR3_LBA, DIR3_start);
  294. FSeek(DIR3_start);
  295. struct {
  296. DIRENTRY entry[NumDirEntriesPerCluster];
  297. for (i=0; i<NumDirEntriesPerCluster; i++) {
  298. PrintDirEntry( entry[i]);
  299. }
  300. } DirTwo;
  301. }
  303. void PrintClusterList( uint32 first)
  304. {
  305. local uint32 c, nextAddress;
  306. local uint32 fat_start;
  307. local uint32 fat_end;
  309. fat_start = fat_begin_lba * 512;
  310. fat_end = fat2_begin_lba * 512;
  311. c = first;
  313. Printf("Cluster # FAT start ClusterIdx: Next Cluster\n");
  314. Printf(" 0x%08x (%d.)\n", c, c);
  315. while (1) {
  316. if ((c == 0x0fffffff) || (c == 0xffffffff)) { // normal end of cluster list
  317. return;
  318. }
  319. if (c > clusters_per_fat) {
  320. Printf("ERROR: unable to follow cluster list. It goes beyond FAT limit\n");
  321. return;
  322. }
  323. nextAddress = (c * 4) + fat_start;
  324. FSeek(nextAddress);
  325. uint32 nextCluster;
  326. Printf("0x%08x (* 4) + 0x%08x = 0x%08x: 0x%08x (%d.)\n", c, (fat_begin_lba *512), nextAddress, nextCluster, nextCluster);
  327. c = nextCluster;
  328. }
  329. }
  331. if (exClusterList != 0) {
  332. PrintClusterList( exClusterList);
  333. }
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