

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. # Fitness Framework
  3. ## General Rules
  5. - If you are tired you should do something anyway. Just something.
  6. - Low sleep is not really a good excuse.
  7. - You never get the quality of sleep you want--maybe rarely.
  8. - Put on some new, good, music.
  9. - Loop one favorite track over and over.
  10. - If your neighbors might be around, just wear headphones.
  11. - This is why the Dropbox script is important.
  12. - Stretch before starting.
  13. - Stretch the right muscles.
  14. - Do hardest exercise first.
  15. - Drink water during exercise.
  16. - Be very careful about maxing stuff. Avoid injury.
  17. - Prefer reps, generally.
  18. - If it's getting really hard, rest a bit longer.
  19. - When you start to slack off, check for plateaus.
  20. - If it's a plateau, see below.
  22. ## In a plateau
  24. Not enjoying, or not progressing?
  26. - Not enjoying at all
  27. - Say: What I'm doing isn't fun anymore, or it's just not working.
  28. - Give yourself freedom to make things up and be creative.
  29. - "Oooh, push-ups on pillows. What would that be like?"
  30. - Google: "Signs of exercise plateau"
  31. - Watch Youtube: Look up "exercise plateau tips"
  32. - Write down your best ideas
  33. - Figure out if you're just in beginner mode for too long
  34. - Look up ways to take it to the next level.
  35. - Figure out what the Intermediates are doing!
  36. - Change your rep range! This is common. Instead of 4x10, do 4x12. Or 1x6 to 1x4
  37. - Change little variables. Grip position. Style. etc.
  38. - Not progressing at all
  39. - Take a week off.
  40. - Grease the groove.
  41. - Get in another set of as many reps as you can.
  42. - Go to failure.
  43. - Drop sets: Drop the weight / intensity down every set.
  45. ## Getting Stronger by Building Bigger Muscles
  47. - Just do 100 reps
  48. - Pushups learned:
  49. - Do 10 each time, but half of those in a different configuration.
  50. - Easy as you like; it's better than not doing 100.
  51. - Super heavy dumbbell rows
  52. - Very high volume of e.g. pushups at the end of a workout
  54. ## In a new plan
  56. - Take it easy.
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