

Jun 23rd, 2021
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  1. command /givequestitem:
  2. trigger:
  3. player has permission "questitem.get":
  4. give 1 bone named "&8&oSummon &f&lSkelety" with lore "", and "&7&oUse to summon &f&l&oSkelety" to player
  6. on rightclick with bone:
  7. name of player's tool contains "&8&oSummon &f&lSkelety":
  8. if "%region at player%" contains "graveyard":
  9. remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory
  10. set {_loc} to location of player
  11. set {_loc2} to {_loc}
  12. add 20 to y-coordinate of {_loc2}
  13. loop 60 times:
  14. show 10 flame with offset of 2, 2, 2 and speed 0.1 at {_loc}
  15. show 20 cloud with offset of 0, 4, 0 and speed 0 at block above {_loc}
  16. remove 0.33 from y-coordinate of {_loc2}
  17. show 20 explosion with speed 0.5 at {_loc2}
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. loop 3 times:
  20. show 100 explosion with offset of 4, 4, 4 and speed 0.5 at {_loc2}
  21. loop all players in radius 15 around {_loc}:
  22. push loop-player upwards with force 0.5
  23. push loop-player (direction from {_loc} to player) with force 3
  24. spawn skeleton at {_loc}
  25. set {_x} to last spawned skeleton
  26. set display name of {_x} to "&f&lSkelety"
  27. set maximum health of {_x} to 50
  28. heal {_x}
  29. set helmet of {_x} to gold helmet
  30. enchant helmet of {_x} with unbreaking 3 and protection 3
  31. enchant tool of {_x} with power 2 and punch 2
  32. while {_x} is alive:
  33. wait 1 second
  34. set {_rdm} to a random integer between 0 and 100
  35. if {_rdm} is between 0 and 10:
  36. loop all players in radius 10 around {_x}:
  37. add location of loop-player to {_spiderwebs::*}
  38. loop {_spiderwebs::*}:
  39. set block at location of loop-value to cobweb
  40. wait 3 second
  41. loop {_spiderwebs::*}:
  42. set block at location of loop-value to air
  43. delete {_spiderwebs::*}
  44. if {_rdm} is between 11 and 30:
  45. loop all players in radius 7.5 around {_x}:
  46. push loop-player upwards with force 0.2
  47. push loop-player (direction from {_x} to player) with force 1
  48. else:
  49. send "&eBoss &8| &7You need to be on a graveyard for this!"
  51. on damage:
  52. victim is a skeleton:
  53. name of victim is "&f&lSkelety":
  54. attacker is a player:
  55. wait 1 tick
  56. set {bossentity::%victim%} to victim
  57. add damage to {bossentity::%victim%::%attacker's uuid%}
  58. send action bar "&f&lSkelety &8| &f%health of victim%&7/&f%max health of victim%" to attacker
  60. on death:
  61. victim is a skeleton:
  62. name of victim is "&f&lSkelety":
  63. cancel drops
  64. drop blaze rod named "&e&l&oGolden Bone" at event-location
  65. if {bossentity::%victim%} is set:
  66. send "%nl%&f&lSkelety &7&ohas been defeated!%nl%" to all players
  67. set {_bestdmg::*} to sorted {bossentity::%victim%::*}
  68. loop {_bestdmg::*}:
  69. set {_current} to loop-index parsed as integer - 1
  70. set {_listentry} to size of {_bestdmg::*} - {_current}
  71. add "%{_bestdmg::%{_listentry}%}%" to {_bestdmginv::*}
  72. loop {_bestdmginv::*}:
  73. loop {bossentity::%victim%::*}:
  74. if "%loop-value-2%" contains "%loop-value-1%":
  75. send "&f%loop-index-1%. &7%loop-index-2 parsed as offlineplayer% &8| &c%loop-value-1%" to all players
  76. delete {bossentity::%victim%::*}
  77. delete {bossentity::%victim%}
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