
Kiss Prompt February (46; syls)

Feb 12th, 2019
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  1. [ 46 - kiss of jealousy feat. SayoLisa ]
  3. It never come into Sayo's mind that she is pulled the first time she arrived at the Live House.
  5. Roselia is indeed reserving a studio for four hours like usual for practice and she came right after she is finished with her archery practice. Sayo was walking together with Rinko, this is also the usual thing she did - they are in the same band and coming from the same school (not to mention, same class and same student council room, so to speak).
  7. When arriving nearby the live house's ground, a crowd of Afterglow members happened to walk along and joined them, together with Poppin' Party members. Usually, Sayo is not really good with crowded girls (especially when Kasumi started talking), but she went through the road with everyone as they also wanted to go to the live house. Sayo even answered some of the girls' question about student council, and keeping Rinko in check in case she's overwhelmed by Moca or Kasumi.
  9. As the crowd arrived to the live house, they started to separate based on the band. Rinko spotted Ako waving by one of the tables, Yukina and Lisa already presented there as well.
  11. Well, Sayo should have realized something is wrong as Lisa is not there to join Ako.
  13. "Now that we all gathered, we -- huh? Wait, Imai-san?"
  15. Lisa pulled her to the direction of the studio rooms, going straight to their booked studio and close the door. Sayo wanted to try asking why Lisa pulled her out of sudden, but then the brunette's lips silenced her trail of questioning.
  17. The kiss itself is a desperate move - Sayo could feel the tremble of Lisa's lips on her own, yet the brunette didn't stop for just one chaste kiss. The presses went longer, sloppier as Lisa heaves in her breaths and reached for her lower lips more than kissing Sayo fully. The guitarist caught a slur of murmur here and there, calling her name while their lips just keep crashing, as if 'action speaks louder than words' is true for this kind of condition.
  19. As the rush of adrenaline seemed to wear down on Lisa's end, the brunette stopped. Lisa then buried her head on Sayo's shoulders, placed her hands to claw on the collar of her uniform.
  21. Sayo needed explanation; Lisa might be surprising all the time, but never she would be so ... aggressive, especially during the time they needed to do band practices.
  23. "... Sorry."
  25. Another unexpected response coming from her, Sayo suppressed a sigh. The guitarist ran her fingers through the bassist's fluffy brown tresses, hoping it to comfort Lisa somehow.
  27. "Is something wrong, Imai-san?"
  29. Lisa looked up. Sayo found that those mint green eyes aren't wet with tears - close, but she didn't shed any.
  31. "Will you laugh if I say that I'm jealous?"
  33. Sayo shook her head. Lisa prompted herself to continue.
  35. "Sometimes I feel ... sad because I'm not in the same school as you, Sayo. We can't spend too much time together now as we're busy, right? I was hoping that we can go get lunch together, and-" Lisa huffed. "-And, well. You're always surrounded by people, too. I feel like I shouldn't approach you."
  37. The distance perhaps is small, but small things can affect someone greatly. True, they have been busy with each other's schedule and rarely be able to meet up aside from band practice.
  39. Lisa has always been honest with her feelings; Sayo should answer her with honesty as well.
  41. "I feel the same way too."
  43. "Eh?"
  45. "About not being in the same school," Sayo smiled. "Also ... you are more popular than me in any way, Imai-san. Everyone is looking up to you and can casually talk to you."
  47. "Y-You're exaggerating it~"
  49. "I'm not."
  51. Lisa bumped their foreheads together and they were bursting into a merry laughter. The brunette repeated of her reasoning sounds so stupid, in which Sayo replied that it was not the case. They continued with a little banter between depreciating and appreciating before their lips found each other again - this time is softer, tender than the previous ones they shared out of the fruit of jealousy.
  53. A little adrenaline push isn't always a bad thing, no?
  56. .
  57. .
  58. .
  62. Yukina already ordered a cup of hot coffee long before Rinko and Sayo arrived there. After Yukina suddenly said something for Ako and Rinko to buy drinks before practicing. Rinko noticed this cue and play along, making a setup where Ako volunteered to go to the counter and line up.
  64. Her order of warm milk should take a bit long since the cafe usually didn't have a warmed milk ready.
  66. "Umm, Yukina-san ...?"
  68. "Yes?"
  70. "H-How long we can k-keep Ako-chan here ... from coming to our booked studio room? I-I mean, Imai-san and Hikawa-san right now must be ..."
  72. Yukina sighed to her cup of over-sweetened coffee. She took the last sip of it before taking off. "I'll try to knock the door, somehow. Just ... keep an eye on Ako, okay?"
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