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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. Adding Tasks Via Email
  2. To add a task, send an email to your secret Toodledo email address with the task in the subject. In addition to the name of the task, you can also set the priority, due-date, folder, context and other values using a special syntax.
  4. Priority - The default priority is "0 - Low". To set a higher priority use the ! character as many times as necessary. Typing !! would give your task a priority of "2-High".
  5. Due-Date - To set a due-date, use the # symbol and then type the due-date. For example: "#today" or "#Next thursday" or "#5/12/08".
  6. Start Date - To set the start date, use the > symbol and then the date. For example: ">tomorrow".
  7. Star - To star a task use the * symbol by itself. For example: "My Task *".
  8. Folder - To set the folder use the * symbol and then type the name of your folder. For example: "*ProjectA".
  9. Context - To set the context use the @ symbol and then type the name of your context. For example: "@home". Remember that the @ symbol is a special instruction to Toodledo and is not part of your context name. If your context is actually named "@home" then you would need to type "@@home" to set the context, since the first @ is the symbol and the second @ is part of your context.
  10. Goal - To set the goal use the symbol and then type the name of your goal. For example: " Exercise More".
  11. Status - To set the status use the $ symbol and then the status. For example: "$Next Action".
  12. Tag - To set the tag use the % symbol followed by the tag or tags that you want to add. For example: "%tag1, tag2".
  13. Due Time - To set the due time for a task, use the = symbol followed by the time. For example: "=3:45pm".
  14. Start Time - To set the start time for a task, use the ^ symbol followed by the time. For example: "^3:45pm".
  15. Length - To set the length that you think a task will take, use the ~ symbol followed by the length. For example: "~4hours".
  16. Repeat - To set how a task repeats, use the
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