
Yoshihiro - Sweet Dumplings

Jan 31st, 2014
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  1. [03:27] <Deedles> As Yoshihiro returns to the Fire Temple he can find Leewan meditating in front of its altar, a small flame flickering in the palm of his hand.
  2. [03:28] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi tried to walk quietly upon his approach, so as not to dusturn his mentor's medatative state, sipping from his gourd while idly watching.
  3. [03:31] <Deedles> It seems that Leewan is quite focused as he doesn't move at all at his students approach.
  4. [03:33] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi leaves him in peace, for the time being, proceeding further into the temple.
  5. [03:33] <Deedles> As he does he can hear faint grunting and shouts as he gets closer to the yard.
  6. [03:34] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi raises a curious brow at the sound and decides to investigate, slowly stepping out into the yard...
  7. [03:36] <Deedles> He can see Chiyoko standing by one of the practice dummies in the back of the yard, sweat trinkling down her back as she's kicking and punching her wooden foe.
  8. [03:39] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi smiles at this and starts to make his way over. "Working hard I see."
  9. [03:41] <Deedles> Chiyoko comes to a stop, her long hair swishing behind her as she turns to look at Yoshi with a broad smile. "Yeah! Can't waste this chance I'm given, after all!"
  10. [03:45] <Zero_Atma> "I trust Master Leewan has been keeping you on your toes?" Yoshi asks, grinning over the edge of his gourd.
  11. [03:48] <Deedles> "That he has, the old coot..." Chiyoko says, smiling despite her words.
  12. [03:50] <Zero_Atma> "Good, I trust he's taught you a thing or two while we've been away?" Yoshi assumes.
  13. [03:51] <Deedles> "He has, he's taught me a lot!" She replies honestly
  14. [03:53] <Zero_Atma> "Has he tried to drown you in wine yet?" Yoshi asks with a chuckle.
  15. [03:54] <Deedles> "He tried, but only once." She chuckles
  16. [04:02] <Zero_Atma> "Hope the wine was good, at least." Yoshi says with a smile. "Didn't wasn't all your energy on that dummy, did you?
  17. [04:02] <Deedles> Chiyoko flicks back her hair as she grins "No. Why you asking?"
  18. [04:11] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi plugs the cork back into his gourd before letting it hang at his side. "How about a little sparring, in that case?
  19. [04:14] <Deedles> "Sure thing!" she smiles as she moves a bit closer to him.
  20. [04:21] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro cranes his neck to both sides, stretching out his arms and legs so he doesn't pull anything, then cracks his knuckles.
  21. [04:53] <Deedles> Chiyoko lifts her hands as she falls into a stance, smiling confidently "I'm ready..."
  22. [05:25] <Deedles> Chiyoko bursts forward, her right hand coming in for a jab at Yoshihiro's gut while a sword of fire appeared in her left one, which swings in for a blow moments after her punch.
  23. [05:29] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's eyes widen from the sudden, speedy blow that comes his way. The drunkard's first instict is to block, but it's too little too late, the swift strike hitting him his as his arm collides with her own.
  24. [05:30] <Deedles> "Now it's your turn to dodge." Chiyoko giggles as she smiles across at the drunken master.
  25. [05:31] <Zero_Atma> The firey sword, however, is something different entirely that he had not expected! "Holy shi-!" he has to cut his words short just to avoid being sliced in two by a firey sword, pushing himself off of her quickly to just barely avoid it. This does, however, leave a nice burn across the front of his robe and the shirt beneath...
  26. [05:38] <Zero_Atma> "Gah!" Yoshi desperatly blows on his shirt so it doesn't catch fire. "This is my good shirt!" he narrows his eyes as she throws his own words back at him, she was definitely much stronger now. "It appears so..."
  27. [05:43] <Deedles> "Well, come at me~" Chiyoko replies melodically as she grins "I'm ready to show what I've learnt!"
  28. [05:48] <Zero_Atma> "Alright then!" Yoshi grins as he pulls his hands up with fingers curled, his body starting to stagger in a drunken sway, throwing a swift kick toward her side which was followed by his own sudden jab.
  29. [05:49] <Deedles> Chiyoko tries to slide out of the way of the attacks, but the kick grazes her arm even though the punch misses.
  30. [05:52] <Zero_Atma> "You've gotten a lot faster." Yoshi admits, though he smiles at that fact. "Jian is going to have kittens when he finds out you're using a fire sword!"
  31. [05:58] <Deedles> "I saw Leewan using one and it seemed cool at the time." Chiyoko gives the sword a twirl as she giggles "Glad ya like it!"
  32. [06:14] <Deedles> Chiyoko moves with grace as she shifts around in front of Yoshihiro, her moves almost dance like as she remains light on her feet and elegant.
  33. [06:55] <Deedles> With a spin she comes in again, a lethal dance, not beautiful and soft like most things beautiful, but balanced and precise, like a sword. Her right hand comes in for a jab of her fingers at his solar plexus before she spins away again, slashing her sword at him as she does.
  34. [07:04] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi tries for another block, but again his hand isn't quich enough to stop her jab. This is the least of his worries as the flaming sword comes swinging at him again and licks him across the chest.
  35. [07:05] <Zero_Atma> The drunkard sucks in air through his teeth, patting out the flames quickly. "Hothothot!"
  36. [07:05] <Deedles> Chiyoko giggles softly as she moves on light feet.
  37. [07:08] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro stumbles toward her before leaning over to extend his reach, throwing both fists toward her at once, hands parellel to one another as they strike at her.
  38. [07:12] <Deedles> She dodges to the side to avoid his blows, though they do get close, the girl taking a deep breath as she moves.
  39. [07:15] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi looks down at his robes, pulling at the fabric just below his belt-line. "At this rate I may not have a shirt..."
  40. [07:16] <Deedles> "I'm sure the ladies of the village will thank me for it~" Chiyoko teases with a grin
  41. [07:34] <Deedles> She comes in again, this time her jab is weak, but to make up for it the ensuing slash of her sword is wide and fast, giving little time to block or avoid it.
  42. [07:43] <Zero_Atma> "Very funny..." Yoshi mutters, only for the next strike to come around, still not quick enough to block. The sword, however, sets the front of his robe ablaze! "Ahhh!" Yoshihiro quickly drops to the ground and begins to roll around vigorously.
  43. [07:44] <Deedles> Chiyoko makes the sword disappear as Yoshi throws himself on the ground "Hold still!" she tells him as she tries to get ontop of him to help put out the flames!
  44. [07:46] <Zero_Atma> "What are you doing? get off of me!" Yoshi insisted, trying to wriggle free. "You already took my shirt, what more do you want?!"
  45. [07:47] <Deedles> "Trying to help put the flames out, you dumbass!" Chiyoko scolds him in return as she gets back to her feet
  46. [20:09] <Zero_Atma> "I think you've helped quite enough with the fire already..." Yoshi mutters as he pulls himself to his feet, dusting himself off. "Looks like I'm going to need a tailor." he muses, taking a sip from his gourd to console himself.
  47. [20:10] <Deedles> "I didn't take you for the type that cares about his clothes." Chiyoko comments from where she stands, arms folded with her side turned to him.
  48. [20:12] <Zero_Atma> "Normally I'm not, but when they're on fire while I'm wearing them that's a different story." Yoshi explains.
  49. [20:12] <Deedles> She laughs faintly "I thought you'd be used to it, being Leewan's students..." she says as she turns her head slightly with a smile.
  50. [20:15] <Zero_Atma> "Well, you caught me off guard with that flaming sword, that's for sure." Yoshi admits.
  51. [20:15] <Deedles> Her smile widens as she looks quite happy "Really?" she asks him sincerely as she unfolds her arms and moves up to him.
  52. [20:17] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah, you've come a long way since Jiangan." Yoshi insisted. "I got the burns to prove it."
  53. [20:18] <Deedles> Chiyoko throws her arms around him as she hugs him tightly "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she smiles brightly
  54. [20:23] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's arms flail to either side of him at the sudden hug, nearly falling over again, swiftly returning the hug and patting her on the back. "You're welcome!"
  55. [20:26] <Deedles> She moves away as she jumps slightly on the same spot "I really wanted to get strong and show you guys how much I'd improved when you came back." she tells him honestly
  56. [20:28] <Zero_Atma> "Well, color me impressed!" Yoshi replies. "I think Shen and Jian will be too." he adds. "I'm sure Jian could teach you a few things about swords too, it's sort of his thing."
  57. [20:42] <Deedles> "Yeah, I thought I'd ask him for advice." Chiyoko admits with a broad smile "But sparring with you first felt most fitting." she says
  58. [20:45] <Zero_Atma> "Oh yeah? why's that?" Yoshi asks mid-drink.
  59. [20:45] <Deedles> "Because you use fire, like me!" She proclaims
  60. [20:49] <Zero_Atma> "Heh, glad I could help, guess we're both fortunate that we have the same type of chi."
  61. [20:51] <Deedles> "I think so..." Chiyoko replies with a smile as she lays a hand on his shoulder "What you want to do now?" she wonders
  62. [20:54] <Zero_Atma> "Hmm, not really sure, I came to see how everyone was doing. I really missed this place." Yoshi admits with a soft smile. "Oh! I know!" he takes her hand and starts to lead her off to the kitchen. "I picked up a few recipes on our journey and I'd like to try them out!"
  63. [20:55] <Deedles> "Ohh, can I help?" Chiyoko wonders as she smiles brightly while being pulled along by him.
  64. [20:58] <Zero_Atma> "Sure! this way you can learn how to make them too!" Yoshi replies. "Haizhou had some great sea-food dishes."
  65. [20:59] <Deedles> "Oh, awesome, I love seafood!" Chiyoko cheers, throwing a fist into the air.
  66. [21:04] <Zero_Atma> Once they reach the kitchen Yoshihiro begins to gather up the utensils he'll need for each dish. After that he starts listing off the ingredients needed for each of them so Chiyoko can gather them together, grabbig a few of them himself while preparing the cooking area.
  67. [21:05] <Deedles> Chiyoko practically bounces through the kitchen as she gathers everything she's told to get, obviously still filled with energy even after their sparring.
  68. [21:11] <Zero_Atma> After everything had been gathered he hands Chiyoko a knife, his free hand holding another one, then turns toward a fish that had been placed on one of the cuttong boards. From there he demonstrates a very particular way to cut the fish and carefully remove the bones without mutilating the rest of the meat. This also makes it easier to shop into smaller pieces.
  69. [21:13] <Deedles> Chiyoko watches him for a while before she imitates the actions on another fish. It doesn't go as good as it did for Yoshi, but it still went well.
  70. [21:20] <Zero_Atma> "Not bad" Yoshi comments. Next comes the rice, which was easy enough, frying it up with some very particular spices. Finally, the vegetables! After some quick chopping he tosses them in with the rice, blending them together with the spices. "Let that simmer for a bit so it soaks up the flavor."
  71. [21:21] <Deedles> "It smells really good." Chiyoko praises him with a broad smile
  72. [21:28] <Zero_Atma> "I thought so too, the inn-keeper in Haizhou showed me how to make it after I offered to help out in the kitchen." he explains before moving to another part of the counter. "While that's settling lets make a little something for Shen."
  73. [21:38] <Deedles> Chiyoko giggles "Dumplings, eh?" she smiles
  74. [22:07] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah, but these ones are a bit different." Yoshi explains while starting to kneadthe dough. "See those beans there? I want you to mash them up into a paste.
  75. [22:08] <Deedles> "Right on it!" Chiyoko says as she smiles and gets the beans, beginning to make it into a fine paste in a bowl.
  76. [22:15] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi adds a dash of sugar to the dough to sweeten it up a bit, then starts to scoop spoonfuls of the paste onto the dough and wraps it up in a dome-shaped mass before plopping them all into rows on a pan and tosses them in the oven to bake.
  77. [22:18] <Deedles> "I bet that'll be real tasty..." She says as she moves back to lean her rear against the large dinner table as the food cooks.
  78. [22:20] <Zero_Atma> "Hopefully, it should come out as a sweet treat." Yoshi tells her.
  79. [22:21] <Deedles> "I'm sure it will. You're making it, after all." She smiles sweetly at him.
  80. [22:27] <Zero_Atma> "D'aww, that's nice of you to say." Yoshi returns the smile before turning back to the stove, making sure nothing is burning.
  81. [22:28] <Deedles> "I'm just being honest, you cooked some really lovely meals while you were in Jiangan." Chiyoko tells him sincerely.
  82. [22:30] <Zero_Atma> "I learned from the best." Yoshi says with a proud grin. "More than just cooking."
  83. [22:33] <Deedles> "Yeah, I noticed." she grins in return
  84. [22:34] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pulls up his gourd and offers it to her. "Care for a drink?"
  85. [22:35] <Deedles> "Yes, please." Chiyoko reaches forward to accept it, before taking a swig.
  86. [22:37] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi leaves the gourd in her hands while tending to the dish, which had reached the point of needing to be set aside, filling a couple of plates with the fishy food.
  87. [22:40] <Deedles> Chiyoko has a couple of more swigs while he sees to the food. "Hmm, this is nice..." she comments on the wine.
  88. [22:42] <Zero_Atma> "Why do you think I'm always drinking it?" Yoshi asks with a playful smile. "I'll have to ask Master Leewan to teach me how he made the sweet wine from last night, everyone seemed to like it."
  89. [22:43] <Deedles> "Yeah, it was really tasty." She agrees with a smile
  90. [22:44] <Zero_Atma> "Not everyone cares for the sort of strong wine I usually drink, it would be nice to make something the others can enjoy." Yoshi adds with a smile of his own. "Try the fish dish." he insisted. "The dumplings should be ready soon."
  91. [22:46] <Deedles> Chiyoko hands back his gourd before she picks up the plate and tries a forkful of it "Mmm~" she smiles
  92. [22:47] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi takes it back and sips from it while she samples the food. "Good?" he asks.
  93. [22:48] <Deedles> "Very..." she replies honestly once she swallowed, quickly followed by her having some more. "So tasty~"
  94. [22:57] <Zero_Atma> "After the dumplings are done would you want to go with me to give them to Shen?"
  95. [22:58] <Deedles> "Of course, always nice to talk to him." Chiyoko says with a smile
  96. [22:59] <Zero_Atma> "Great! I hope he likes them." Yoshi smiles, then looks a bit thoughtful. "I wonder how he's doing..."
  97. [22:59] <Deedles> She looks thoughtful at that "... I think he's doing fine." she says after a moment
  98. [23:02] <Zero_Atma> "He's been spending a lot of time with Blossom." Yoshi adds. "They seem to be getting on well together."
  99. [23:04] <Deedles> "The blind girl?" Chiyoko asks for clarification.
  100. [23:14] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro nods. "Yeah, Mingxia, thats her nick-name." he explains. "I guess it makes sense, though, he's a Storm Dragon and she's the Imperial Heir. It's no wonder they're like two peas in a pod."
  101. [23:18] <Deedles> Chiyoko nods slowly as she smiles "Yeah, I guess that makes sense... cute." she grins faintly
  102. [23:23] <Zero_Atma> "Isn't it?" Yoshi chuckles. "He even went and blinded himself, though it couldn't have been intentional, now they have even more in common." it was a bad jest, but there was a bit of truth to it.
  103. [23:25] <Deedles> "Yeah, I guess she can help him then... How did she become blind, by the by?" She wonders with a curious look
  104. [23:32] <Zero_Atma> "She was born that way." Yoshi tells her simply. "So, she's had plenty of time to adjust, if anyone can help him get through this it'll be her."
  105. [23:35] <Deedles> "Sure sounds like it." Chiyoko says with a slight smile
  106. [23:37] <Zero_Atma> "Good thing, too, I can't imagine how we would continue our journey without him." Yoshi states honestly.
  107. [23:40] <Deedles> "You won't." She assures him as her smile widens "The one lesson Shen made sure to knock into my head is that kung fu takes hard work, I know he'll get through whatever obstacles are put before him."
  108. [23:52] <Zero_Atma> "You're right, it's one of his best qualities." Yoshi admits. "Besides, you know what they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."
  109. [23:56] <Deedles> Her smile widens as she nods "Yeah, and I know what he's going to be." she states
  110. [23:58] <Zero_Atma> "Oh yeah?" Yoshi inquires, sipping from his gourd.
  111. [23:59] <Deedles> "He's definetly going to be stronger." Chiyoko says with confidence.
  112. [00:07] <Zero_Atma> "I think we all are." Yoshi replies. "Although, I'm the only one who made it back without a serious injury."
  113. [00:07] <Deedles> Chiyoko looks thoughtful "... What about Jinlong?" she asks softly
  114. [00:08] <Zero_Atma> "I wouldn't call it an injury, it just pissed me off." Yoshi says, taking a quick swig from his gourd.
  115. [00:09] <Deedles> "Injuries aren't all physical, ya know." She replies as she looks to the side, pushing her hair back.
  116. [00:12] <Zero_Atma> "I know." Yoshi assures her. "It did hurt, yeah, but it only made me mad."
  117. [00:12] <Deedles> Chiyoko seems unsure on how to react to that "I see...."
  118. [00:15] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pulls up his own plate before speaking again. "Next time we go to Jinlong we'll be ready." he concludes before taking a big bite.
  119. [00:15] <Deedles> "Mhm..." Chiyoko ponders on something as she eats quietly.
  120. [00:17] <Zero_Atma> "Wha?" Yoshi asks with his mouth full.
  121. [00:20] <Deedles> She pokes at the food and puts her plate to the side "I'm worried about Shiina..." she admits as she turns away.
  122. [00:22] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro swallows before he speaks up. "Shiina is tough, she can take care of herself."
  123. [00:25] <Deedles> "I know, but she can only do so much against a virtual army..."
  124. [00:30] <Zero_Atma> "That's why we all need to prepare as much as we can, grow stronger and gather more support, so we can help her and Haru."
  125. [00:36] <Deedles> "Haru is your friend, right?" Chiyoko asks softly
  126. [00:41] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah, we grew up together, the Black Lotus has his sister..."
  127. [00:42] <Deedles> Chiyoko's eyes widen slightly "How? Why?" she asks
  128. [00:45] <Zero_Atma> "For political gain." Yoshi tells her simply. "Her parents are presumed dead, but my cousin is keeping them under his thumb so she doesn't run away." he grips his gourd tightly. "As for how I don't really know."
  129. [00:47] <Deedles> "... And all you are is angry?" Chiyoko replies as she peers at him sadly.
  130. [00:52] <Zero_Atma> "You're damn right I'm angry!" Yoshi replies, knocking back a heavy drink of wine. "I'm sad that all of this had to happen, but not nearly as much as I'm angry about it..." he wipes his mouth on his sleeve. "Takeshi better hope I don't get my hands on him, or he'll get the pummeling of his life."
  131. [01:07] <Deedles> Chiyoko studies him quietly as he speaks, not sure what to say.
  132. [01:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi sighs. "Sorry, this whole thing just makes me mad. I don't regret coming here, but part of me thinks I never should have left."
  133. [01:12] <Deedles> "I just find it doubtful that it only makes you angry... I imagine you must be worried." She replies as she leans against the large dinner table, idly running one of her hands across the top of it.
  134. [01:16] <Zero_Atma> "I can't be." Yoshi insisted. "Doing so would mean doubting them, my uncle, Haru, Mizuki, even Shiina. But I don't, I have faith in all of them."
  135. [01:28] <Deedles> Chiyoko nods slowly as she ponders on that "I see..."
  136. [01:36] <Zero_Atma> "I believe in them, who believe in me, that makes us stronger than anything the Black Lotus can throw at us."
  137. [01:38] <Deedles> "Just because you believe in someone doesn't mean that they can't be harmed or killed." Chiyoko answers bluntly as she looks somber.
  138. [01:44] <Zero_Atma> "If I stopped believing in them they might." Yoshi shakes his head, pushing the thought from his mind. "If you believe in something that's worth fighting for it never truly dies."
  139. [01:46] <Deedles> Chiyoko pushes off the table as she begins walking towards the door "It's nice that you're still so idealistic." she says, her voice isn't happy, but he can tell she's sincere.
  140. [01:52] <Zero_Atma> "Where you going?" Yoshi asks, their philosophical debate set aside for the time being.
  141. [01:54] <Deedles> "I need to go punch something." She answers simply
  142. [01:55] <Zero_Atma> "Can't say I blame you..." Yoshi replies. "I'll call you when the dumplings are ready."
  143. [01:55] <Deedles> "Thanks." Chiyoko looks back at him, smiling faintly before she heads back towards the yard.
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