

Mar 6th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "Hey. No. That's my property, bought fair and square. If your masters cared that much, then they shouldn't have lost her in the first place.": (Vindictus)
  2. [X] 1 "Your directives are flawed. would not your masters have more to gain by adopting a wait and see policy to Silver? The data collected by leaving the unit with me would out weight the minimal risk of reverse engineering.": (Silversun17)
  3. -[X] 2 *sigh* "Okay, Kristal you're on defense, keep us alive. Silver, keep your head down, they're after you and I want no heroic self-sacrifices to happen today. Try to One-Hit-Kill them if at all possible, nothing fancy. Gold, guard my back. With their number they'll have an overwhelming advantage if we separate, so stick together": (Deathwings, CrossyCross)
  4. -[X] 2 Contact Moira for backup. "So hey ! There's a bunch of ninja bitches trying to fuck my shit up right now. Not from your village or whatever, don't worry. Still, could you give me a hand ?": (Deathwings, CrossyCross)
  5. [X] 2 Fight ?: (Deathwings, CrossyCross)
  6. [X] 1 Fight?: (Carrnage)
  7. -[X] 1 Get ninja-wizard backup: (Winged One)
  8. [X] 3 Retreat: (Jack Trade, Winged One, Jiven)
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