
Listen to Smarty 6

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. >You are Barney, a feral fluffy pony
  2. >While the rest of your herd plays under the watchful eye of your smarty friend, you are feeding your special friend Peach the delicious nummies the other stallions brought back
  3. >Even though Peach isn't big anymore, she still need lots of nummies to make milkies for the babbehs
  4. "Tank 'oo, Bawney! Yuu guud speshal fwiend."
  5. >You're glad you're helping your babbehs, but sad your special friend still won't let you hug them
  6. >Peach won't let anyone near your babbehs: she hugs them tight to keep them from wiggling away, stares daggers at the other mummas when they ask to see the foals, she even tried to bite Greenie when she tried to pick up a babbeh that rolled off Peach's fluff!
  7. >You've never seen Peach act like this before: she's normally so nice and kind, even if she does get frightened easily
  8. >You hope she goes back to being your nice special friend soon
  9. >Peach switches the two foals she's hugging for the two suckling at her teats, then turns back to you
  10. >She looks at your legs for a moment and her eyes get real wide
  11. "Speshal fwiend hab owwies! Wha' happen tu speshal fwiend?!"
  12. >You look at your legs: you got scraped up by some thorns when you got that flower so Lady would give you special hugs, but you don't want to tell Peach that
  13. >Even though Lady said it was okay and the special hugs felt so good, you still feel something was bad about them and you don't want Peach to think you're a bad fluffy
  14. "Bawney twip, ge' boo-boos."
  15. >Peach starts licking your cuts, though she still clings tight to your foals; the feel of your special friend's tongue on your fluff gives you a tingly feeling in your still sore no-nos
  16. >Suddenly, you get an idea: maybe if you and Peach have special hugs, she'll start feeling good and go back to being your nice special friend and let you hug your babbehs!
  17. >You can feel your tail wagging as you tell your special friend your super smarty idea
  18. "Peach! Wan hab speshal huggies wit' Bawney?"
  19. >Peach stops licking and gives you an annoyed look
  20. "Bawney nu be siwwy. Peach nu can hab speshal huggies, nee' watch babbehs."
  21. >You hadn't thought of that, luckily smarty idea number two comes to you almost instantly
  22. "Mebbeh wet Gweenie watch babbehs, den hab speshal huggies?"
  23. >Peach's face tells you she did not like smarty idea number two at all
  24. "NU! Babbehs Peach's babbehs, nu Gweenie's! Peach is mumma, Peach pwotect babbehs. Bawney stop bein' dummy!"
  25. >You start feeling very hot under your fluff
  26. >Now she won't let you hug your babbehs or have special hugs!
  27. >You leap to your feet and start walking away, a confused Peach yelling after you
  28. "Whewe speshal fwiend goin'?"
  29. >You respond by turning your head back and blow a large raspberry at her
  30. "Bawney nu wan be wit meanie speshal fwiend!"
  31. >Peach looks very confused, her voice becomes a mixture of sobbing and screaming
  32. "Weww… Peach nu wan be wit Bawney! Bawney bad speshal fwiend and bad fwuffy!"
  33. >As you trot away, you hear your babbehs crying and Peach blowing raspberries at you
  34. >Now you're really mad and you still want special hugs!
  35. ---
  36. >You are Listen, a Smarty Friend
  37. >You are currently sitting on your rock, overseeing your entire herd as it plays in the grassy field outside your cave
  38. >You enjoy the warmth of the stone and the feel of wind in your fluff
  39. >It saddens you that you may have to leave this rock and its beautiful view
  40. >After much deliberation, you have decided that next bright time you will send two parties of fluffies into the forest
  41. >The first group will be sent out to find a new source of food, in case you end up having to move the herd
  42. >The other group will return to the nummie bush and search for any hoomans, if they cannot find any, then the hoomans were just passing through and your herd will remain living in the cave
  43. >If this is hooman land, though, you will have to leave
  44. >Hoomans don't want fluffies
  45. >You stare at your herd, all the happy fluffies playing with their friends and loved ones
  46. >Many of them will not survive the trip
  47. >Your herd has too many mummas and soon-mummas, the herd will be slow and need too much food, you will lose at least a few to starvation
  48. >The others will likely be lost to munstas and accidents
  49. >You chest begins to feel very heavy and your start breathing heavily
  50. >It's not fair!
  51. >After all it took to find a safe place for your herd, where you wouldn't bother anyone, the hoomans just showed up and took it from you
  52. >You remember Look, how she died thinking you'd all live here forever, safe from danger
  53. >You remember all the friends you lost leaving the city, their names lost and faces blurred, but their deaths all clear in your mind
  54. >Your eyes begin to sting and you desperately hold your eyes shut, quietly begging the sad wa-was not to come
  55. >Smarties cannot cry: a smarty that cries is weak and weak smarties get their herds killed
  56. >You stay like that until the glowy sky ball starts returning to its home and the sky turns orange
  57. ---
  58. >You are Sweetie, a feral pegasus fluffy with pretty light yellow fluff and fuzzy blue mane
  59. >You have the best herd ever, there's always nummies to eat and fluffies to play with
  60. >You even have a super duper extra special friend named Slugger!
  61. >He's a great big fluffy, but he always gives you lots of huggies and plays with you a lot
  62. >There's just one problem
  63. "Swugga, pwease gib speshal huggies tu Sweetee!"
  64. "Swugga aweady gib speshal huggies. Swugga wan' nap."
  65. >You just can't seem to get Slugger to give you babbehs!
  66. >You used to have babbehs all the time, back in the Scary Place but meanie Hooman-munstas kept taking your babbehs from you
  67. >Now you can have babbehs and not lose them, yet no matter how many times you have special hugs, no babbehs!
  68. >You've tried doing all the things the meanie stallions did in the Scary Place, you've talked to all the soon-mummas to find out what they did, you even let Lady check your no-nos to see if you were "spayed", whatever that means, but still nothing
  69. "Pwease Swugga? Sweetee wan't twy 'gain, suwe ged babbehs dis time!"
  70. >Slugger gives you a smile that makes your little fluffy heart melt
  71. "Swugga wan' gib speshal huggies, buh Swugga tu tiwed. Wet Swugga hab nap, den Swugga gib speshal fwiend biggest speshal huggies!"
  72. >You're a little disappointed, but Slugger did have to go get nummies today and you know that can be hard work
  73. "Swugga pwomise?"
  74. >Slugger scoops you up in one of his giant, super fluffy, big hugs
  75. "Swugga pwomise."
  76. >You hang around Slugger for a little while, just in case he takes a super short nap, but you eventually wander off when you realize its going to be a long one
  77. >You see Lady and Barney talking nearby, you start trotting over to invite them to a game of tag
  78. >You can't hear what they're talking about, but Barney keeps look more and more upset the longer they talk, while Lady keeps giggling and patting Barney on the head
  79. >You're about to call out to them when Lady runs off and joins a group of mares, who start oohing and aahing over her pretty flower
  80. >Aww, tag's way more fun with more fluffies
  81. >Barney's now really upset, puffing his cheeks and stomping in place
  82. >Suddenly, you struck with an idea
  83. >Maybe if you can make Barney happy again, he'll tell you how he made Peach a mumma!
  84. ---
  85. >You are once again Listen
  86. >As the glowy sky ball heads back home for sleep, so too does your herd
  87. >You watch over your fluffies as they slowly file into the cave, some eager for sleep, others complaining about wanting more play time
  88. >Many of the special friend groups have mixed together and babble about all the games they played and what they should play when they wake up
  89. >A few special friends remain together, such as Slugger and Sweetie, snuggling and cooing
  90. >Though taking a closer look you realize only Slugger is snuggling and cooing, while Sweetie appears disturbed and upset
  91. >Huh
  92. >Your attention is diverted when you see Barney enter the cave by himself, you look around for Peach, hoping she hasn't gone missing
  93. >You see her towards the back of the line, desperately struggling to move towards the cave while all of her babbehs
  94. >The problem is Peach's foals are too young and weak to hold on to their mumma's fluff: while she was able to move her babbehs when they were all sleepy and just lay on her back, now the foals are fed and wiggling around
  95. >For every couple of steps Peach takes, one of her babbehs rolls off her back onto the grass; when she tries to pick up that babbeh, another babbeh rolls off, and the cycle continues
  96. >You watch with mild amusement as Peach continues chasing around her babbehs, becoming more and more distressed, waiting for her to finally breakdown and ask for help
  97. >Finally, it becomes unbearable; you see Greenie stop pushing Purple and run back towards Peach
  98. >It makes you feel a little ashamed of yourself, giggling like a colt at a mumma's frustrations instead of offering help
  99. >Greenie picks up one of Peach's errant babies and offers it back to her, adding that she'd be glad to help Peach carry her babies back to the cave
  100. >Peach responds by snatching the foal from Greenie and then bucking her in the face
  101. >You hear numerous horrified gasps come from behind you as Greenie tumbles over, boo-boo juice pouring from her nose
  102. >Peach begins screaming at Greenie
  104. >Greenie begins to cry and runs past you towards the cave, you hear the babbling of concerned fluffies who offer her hugs to make it all better
  105. >You, on the other hand, keep staring at Peach, who has resumed gathering up her babbehs
  106. >You feel the heavy, painful sad feelings in your chest turn to hot, burning anger; your wings stretching out to their limits
  107. "PEACH!"
  108. >Peach looks at you and her eyes go wide, she looks like she wants to run, but instead grabs all her babbehs and hugs them close, trying to shield them from you with her body
  109. >As you get closer, Peach looks at with puffed cheeks and fear filled eyes, her whole body shaking at the sight of you
  110. "S-Smawty nu huwt babbehs."
  111. >You respond by biting Peach hard on the ear, boo-boo juice filling your mouth as you drag her kicking and screaming off of her foals
  112. "Nu huwt mumma! Fwuffy sowwy! Nu huwt mumma! Nu huwt babbehs!"
  113. >You release Peach's ear and stand over her now wailing foals, your voice coming out a low growl
  114. "Why Peach be meanie tu Gweenie?"
  115. "Gweenie bad mumma, wet babbehs ge' owwies! Peach guud mumma, nu wan bad mumma gib owwies!"
  116. "Gweenie guud fwuffy, hewp mummas. Peach bad fwuffy, gib Gweenie owwies, be meanie tu hewd."
  117. >Peach puffs her at that, though she still doesn't move for fear of her babbehs
  118. "NU! Peach guud mumma! Smawty dummy! Smawty nu mumma, nu teww Peach wah du!"
  119. >You place your hoof over one of the babbehs, a little blue and red unicorn, and press down slightly causing it to squeak in distress
  120. >You growl violently at Peach
  121. "Mebbeh Smawty mek Peach nu mumma. Mabbeh Smawty gif owwies tu babbehs, mek Peach bad mumma wike Gweenie
  122. >You don't want to hurt the foals, but you're running out of options; if the herd has to move, the foals will almost certainly not survive the journey
  123. >It will take the entire herd watching out for and making sacrifices for them for any babbehs to have a chance of making it, and if Peach won't let the herd help her…
  124. >You feel the babbeh squirming under your hoof, so desperately seeking warmth and love
  125. >Better a big sleep now then one then one brought on by empty tummies
  126. >Luckily, Peach breaks before you have to make that decision
  127. "NU! Peach sowwy! Pwease nu huwt babbeh! Peach be guud fwuffy, nu be meanie nu mowe! Pwease nu huwt babbeh!!!"
  128. >You keep your hoof on top of the babbeh
  129. "Peach teww hewd Peach sowwy fu' be meanie, teww Gweenie Peach sowwy fu' owwies an' wet Gweenie gib Peach babbehs huggies. Den Peach ge' babbehs back."
  130. >Peach desperately runs towards the cave, screaming how she's sorry for mean and asking where Greenie is
  131. >You remove your hoof from the foal and stare at the two groups of two babbehs, crying and squirming for their mumma
  132. >Greenie and Peach come out of the cave, sniffling and sobbing as they make their way to the pile of foals
  133. >Peach pushes her babbehs into Greenie's embrace, who starts grooming them and cooing about what good little babbehs they are
  134. >Eventually Greenie puts two babbehs on her back and two on Peach's and the two mares make their way back to the cave
  135. >You watch the mares return to the cave and shoot a glare at the few fluffies who are still hanging around the entrance, sending them scurrying inside
  136. >You finally release a breath you didn't even realize you were holding and head back to the cave, eager for rest
  137. >You waddle past the other fluffies in the cave and sit down towards the center, the usual place for the fluffpile
  138. >You wait a little while, but none of the other fluffies come to join you; confused you look at your heard and you realize the reason
  139. >The herd is terrified of you
  140. >You've hurt mummas, screamed at stallions, threatened to give babbehs big sleepies, and now the herd has reached a breaking point
  141. >You stare at the herd blankly, your body feeling numb as you realize what's happening, the herd is too afraid to defy you and too scared to listen to you
  142. >Finally, the tension breaks and your fate is sealed
  143. >Cinder walks away from you and lays down, quickly joined by Holiday
  144. >Fluffies begin flocking to this new pile: Raindrop, Moss, Peach, Lady, Princess, Sky, even Purple join Cinder's pile
  145. >You close your eyes as you hear other fluffies head for the Not Scary Pile, your time as Smarty Friend is over
  146. >You feel something grab your neck and you wonder if this is how it ends: thrown out of the cave during the dark time, disappearing without a trace just like Shiny
  147. >You feel a squeeze on your neck and hear some sniffling in your ear
  148. >You open your eyes and are stunned
  149. >Heartstrings has joined your pile and is currently hugging you for all she's worth, trying not to cry into your ear
  150. >Before you can say anything, you feel another fluffy settle down and hugging you on the other side
  151. >You look over and see Rover snuggling into your fluff
  152. "Wobew wuv good fwiend."
  153. >You watched amazed as more fluffies start joining your pile: Greenie joins next, followed by Slugger and Sweetie, then Freddy and Ice
  154. >Eventually there are two fluffpiles in the cave, almost equal in size, both full of exhausted fluffies
  155. >You begin to doze off, lulled to sleep by the warmth of your fellow fluffies
  156. >You know things are not over
  157. >When you wake up, you will have to deal with Cinder
  158. >When you wake up, you will have to deal with the hoomans
  159. >When you wake up, you will have to be a Smarty Friend again
  160. >But right now, under the fluff of your herdmates, you are just Listen
  161. >And you have never been happier
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