
DomCadance story

Oct 16th, 2016
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  1. NC
  3. >Shining Armor
  4. "Cadance"
  5. 'Eighteen'
  6. <Spitfire>
  8. Shining Armor stood next to the portal, waiting nervously. He'd gotten a letter from Celestia an hour ago saying that Cadance was in Ponyville and about to head back to the Empire. Apparently, she had found Chrysalis and calmed her down.
  10. Shining felt another pang of guilt at the thought that he had failed to be there for someone he cared for yet again, a guilt tempered by pride for his wife. Cadance had saved the day again, and he couldn't wait to tell her how proud he was of her. Maybe get some snuggles in too; a stallion had needs, after all.
  12. Suddenly, the portal shimmered, and a moment later a familiar pink alicorn stepped through.
  14. >Cadance!
  16. Shining Armor rushed towards his wife and wrapped her in a tight hug.
  18. "Hi Shining."
  20. Shining released his grip on her as he heard the odd tone in her voice. Taking a closer look at her, he saw a confidence in her pose and a fire behind her eyes that he hadn't seen in a long time, and it warmed his heart to see it.
  22. >So, you found Chrysalis? Where is she?
  24. Cadance smiled at him, a wide grin that brimmed with happiness and excitement.
  26. "She's in Ponyville right now. I gave her some love to heal her wounds and she's hanging out with Applejack now."
  28. >Applejack? Are you sure that's good idea?
  30. It wasn't that he didn't trust the mare; he was sure Applejack was a good pony. But given the history the two of them had, he definitely had misgivings about leaving the Changeling Queen with the Princess who once broke her arm.
  32. "It'll be fine."
  34. Normally, those words would have set him on edge, as they were generally a sign that his wife was willfully neglecting something, but the tone of certainty in her voice convinced him to place his trust in her.
  36. >So, why was Chrysalis in Ponyville?
  38. "I'll tell you later. There's something I want to do now."
  40. The way Cadance was looking at him sent a shiver down his spine, and he had to quickly squash any hopes forming in his mind lest certain parts of his body turned even more blue.
  42. "Let's go see Eighteen."
  44. __________________
  46. 'Is it a pony?'
  48. <No.>
  50. 'Is it an object?'
  52. <Yes.>
  54. 'Can you write on it?'
  56. <Yes.>
  58. 'Is it a requisition form?'
  60. <No.>
  62. 'Damn. Is it a medical form?'
  64. <Yes.>
  66. 'Is it form twenty-three-dash-four-A: request for medical leave?'
  68. <No.>
  70. 'Is it form twenty-three-dash-five-C: reinstatement of duties following psychological evaluation?'
  72. <How the fuck did you figure that out?>
  74. Eighteen smiled at Spitfire's incredulity.
  76. 'You submitted form twenty-three-dash-five-C two days ago, after Wind Spear finished his last therapy session.'
  78. As if she didn't know each and every piece of paper that passed by her desk.
  80. 'Okay, your turn. Ask your questions.'
  82. <Is it Princess Cadance?>
  84. 'Fuck you.'
  86. <Tempting, but no. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's not me you want bending you over the bed.>
  88. She wasn't wrong; it had taken hours for Eighteen to, uhh, "settle down," after seeing Cadance in her new take-charge mode. Still, she wasn't about to take the teasing lying down.
  90. 'You're just jealous that I'm closer to getting some than you will ever be.'
  92. Spitfire laughed, then started coughing violently.
  94. 'Hahahaha-ow! Jeez, Eighteen, give a mare some warning before making jokes.'
  96. Before Eighteen could retort, the door to their room burst open and Cadance walked in, followed by Shining Armor.
  98. "Eighteen! There you are!"
  100. 'Cadance? What are you—mmph?!'
  102. Eighteen's attempt to question Cadance about her disappearance was cut short by said Princess' lips pressing roughly against her own. She felt a rush of warmth that spread through her whole body, washing away the aches and pains that had tormented her for the past day.
  104. There was also another warmth building up in a specific lower part of her body, but that was another story.
  106. Cadance broke the kiss, and gazed at Eighteen expectantly.
  108. "How are you feeling?"
  110. 'Much better. Thanks, Cadance.'
  112. Cadance nodded, a determined look on her face.
  114. "Good. Now, come with me."
  116. Eighteen found herself being lifted in Cadance's magical aura, and barely managed to right herself before the Princess deposited her on the ground. Cadance turned around and strode out the door, leaving Eighteen to follow behind in a confused daze.
  118. 'Where are we going?'
  120. "To the bedroom."
  122. Eighteen's steps quickened at those words, and soon Spitfire was left alone, with only an unconscious changeling to keep her company.
  124. <So, Forty-Two, you think they're actually gonna do it this time?>
  126. The soldier didn't reply, of course, and Spitfire sighed to herself.
  128. <Nah, probably not. A mare can have her fantasies though, right?>
  130. __________________
  132. 'So, you have any idea what's going on?'
  134. Eighteen and Shining Armor trotted behind Cadance, who was setting quite the fast pace through the hallways of the palace.
  136. >Nope. She's been like this since she came back through the portal.
  138. 'You know, after we finish whatever business Cadance has in the bedroom, we could do some other things in there.'
  140. Eighteen winked at Shining, who smiled back.
  142. >It's a bit hectic around here, but I guess we could fit in some Monopony before we have to go back to our duties.
  144. 'You know what? At this point, I'll take it.'
  146. Before they could say anything else, they reached their destination, Cadance throwing open the doors of the bedroom and walking in. As Shining and Eighteen entered the room, they heard the door slam shut behind them, and a moment later the sound of the door locking clicked through the room.
  148. >So, why did you want us in the bedroom?
  150. Cadance turned around to face them, a bright smile on her face.
  152. "Well, while I was gone, I was thinking about our relationship. We've grown a lot closer since we started this arrangement, and I think it's time we addressed one neglected aspect of our growing bond."
  154. Shining stared at her curiously.
  156. >And what aspect is that, dear?
  158. "Physical intimacy."
  160. 'No fucking way.'
  162. Cadance couldn't hear the words that Eighteen was muttering, but Shining could, and he had to concur with the sentiment.
  164. >Physical intimacy? Are you talking about...
  166. "Sex? Yes Shining, I am. Physical expressions of love are a healthy part of many relationships, and while they aren't as important as emotional or intellectual aspects, they shouldn't be ignored either."
  168. Cadance gave a sad sigh.
  170. "Eighteen, when you first joined our family, I was scared. I knew how much you meant to Shiny, how much you did for the Empire. You did everything I was supposed to do and more. You would have been a better Princess than I was."
  172. Shining and Eighteen both wanted to speak up, to reassure her that it wasn't true, but Cadance just held up a hoof.
  174. "I know what you're both going to say, and I thank you for it. But the truth is, I was scared that Eighteen was going to take my Shiny away from me. After all, what could I offer him that she couldn't? I didn't want the two of you to be intimate, because that was just another thing she could offer him that I couldn't.
  176. "But after all this, with me stopping Chitania and helping Chrysalis, I think I've found my place in the Empire. I can be their Princess; I can be somepony they can look up to."
  178. Cadance smiled at them, a confident grin on her face.
  180. "And I realized that Shining will always love me. Nothing will ever change that. His love is enough that he can love both of us with all his heart."
  182. She began walking towards Eighteen, who stared back at her, unsure as to where she was going with this.
  184. "And you, Eighteen. You beautiful, wonderful changeling. You stood beside me despite everything. You could have tried to take Shining away from me, but you didn't, because you love me too. And it's time I acknowledged that love."
  186. This time, when Cadance pressed her lips against Eighteen's, it was less forceful and frenzied, but no less firm. Eighteen eagerly reciprocated the kiss, allowing her tongue to dance against Cadance's and drinking in the warmth of her love.
  188. Meanwhile, Shining Armor was watching his wife make out with his marefriend, a long-denied part of him stirring to life. He could feel thirteen-year-old him cheering in his mind and telling him to step in and stick his dick into one of their pussies.
  190. He'd finally gotten The Talk after his thirteenth birthday.
  192. Finally, Cadance broke the kiss, leaving Eighteen gasping for breath and wearing a goofy grin on her face.
  194. "For too long, I've denied the three of us the chance to physically express our love for each other. It's time I stopped allowing fear to guide my actions."
  196. >Are you sure?
  198. Thirteen-year-old Shining Armor was mentally kicking his older self for asking such a stupid question, but his more mature self needed to make sure his wife was really okay with this.
  200. Cadance's smile faltered.
  202. "I... no, I'm not. Some part of me is still scared that you two will realize that you don't need me. But, I need to get past that. Stopping us three from sharing in each others' bodies is only creating frustration."
  204. 'You know, we don't have to do this if you're not completely comfortable with it.'
  206. Eighteen wasn't sure if she should be proud of herself for saying that or extremely angry at herself for saying that, and the stare she was getting from Shining Armor suggested that the stallion was also of two minds about the statement.
  208. >Or if there's anything we can do to make you more comfortable with it, just tell us. We want you to be able to enjoy this too.
  210. Eighteen made a mental note to thank Shining for that save. She was pretty sure she would have asked Forty-Two to punch her unconscious if her words had caused Cadance to reconsider.
  212. Cadance's face scrunched up adorably in a frown that indicated that she was thinking hard about something. Finally, an uncertain smile graced her visage.
  214. "Actually, there might. Part of my fear comes from the loss of control, but if I could do something to make myself feel more in control, it would probably make me feel a lot better."
  216. Shining nodded in understanding.
  218. >Okay, we can work with that. What ideas do you have for feeling in control?
  220. "Promise me you won't laugh or think less of me?"
  222. 'Of course. We'd never judge you for wanting to feel better about our relationship.'
  224. Cadance's horn glowed, and a moment later the bottom drawer of her nightstand opened. The sound of a wood panel sliding open could be heard as a few items floated out into the open.
  226. For a few seconds, Eighteen and Shining's minds went completely blank, unable to process the sight before them. Finally, Shining spoke.
  228. >Uhhbuhh...
  230. Well, okay, it wasn't words, but at least he said something!
  232. "You think it's weird, right? I shouldn't have brought this up."
  234. Cadance looked so forlorn that it made Eighteen's heart ache. But before she could deal with that, she needed to clarify one thing.
  236. 'Cadance, do you know what those things are?'
  238. "Of course! I know I don't focus very much on the physical aspects of love, but as the Princess of Love, I've still studied its many varied expressions."
  240. 'And you want to use them?'
  242. Cadance glanced at the collection of hoofcuffs, riding crops, whips, gags, and other toys floating in her magical grasp.
  244. "I think, I think it might help me feel more in control of the situation if we, umm, roleplayed a little. You know, pretend like I'm in total control of the situation. I'm not trying to say I should have all the say in our actual relationship! No, that never ends well. But just for tonight, could we maybe pretend?"
  246. As Cadance finished her explanation, she glanced uncertainly at Eighteen and Shining, waiting for a response.
  248. Both changeling and prince shared a glance between them, one that spoke volumes. In that one glance, they confirmed that: yes, Cadance had just said all those things. No, it probably wasn't a dream, but if it was, please don't wake us up. Yes, I have also experienced something like this in my dreams and had to grab a very cold shower upon waking up. And finally: yes, I am very okay with this, and if you try to back out because you think I might have a problem with it, something is going up someone's orifice and it isn't going to be as pleasant as this will be.
  250. Turning back to Cadance, they responded in unison.
  252. >'Okay.'
  254. Cadance smiled, but there was still some apprehension in her eyes.
  256. "Are you sure? I know we've never done anything like this before and I understand if you're a little weirded out and..."
  258. Shining Armor decided to take the quickest and easiest route to silencing his wife's fears, mainly by walking up to her and kissing her.
  260. >Believe me, honey, we're both very okay with this.
  262. Cadance took a deep breath and steadied herself.
  264. "Okay then! How should we start?"
  266. Eighteen decided to step in at this point, as the one who knew the most about this kind of stuff.
  268. 'However you want to... Mistress.'
  270. Cadance flinched at the words coupled with the seductive smile Eighteen gave her. It was not something she had ever seen from the changeling before.
  272. "W-what?"
  274. Eighteen's eyes widened as she saw the shock on Cadance's face.
  276. 'Sorry! I'm sorry! I just thought it would help if I started playing my role.'
  278. "Oh, I see! That makes sense."
  280. 'We can go back to talking about it if you want...'
  282. "No no no, this works. We can make it work. Why don't you just get on the bed... my love-slave."
  284. Shining Armor, who had been watching the painfully awkward exchange with no idea how to step in, marvelled at how quickly the atmosphere in the room changed. In that one moment, Cadance's smile went from awkward and earnest to something much more steamy.
  286. 'Yes Mistress.'
  288. As Eighteen meekly walked over towards the bed, Shining decided that now was the best time to jump in.
  290. >How about me, Mistress?
  292. Cadance glanced at Shining and he saw her sultry demeanor falter for a moment, but she recovered much more quickly this time, gazing at him with a fire that sent shivers down his spine.
  294. "Go join your fellow slave on the bed."
  296. Cadance punctuated that command by lashing out at the ground with her whip, sending a loud crack echoing through the room. Shining flinched at the sound but did as he was told, following Eighteen to the bed.
  298. As Eighteen and Shining climbed onto the bed, Cadance busied herself by laying out the objects she had pulled from the secret compartment in her drawer onto the table opposite the bed. She still wasn't sure what to do, and hoped that her extended period of laying out items would make it seem like she was building tension. Sure, she'd read about these kinds of relationships, but she hadn't really pried into the details, thinking that they wouldn't be useful.
  300. Should she start with the whip first? That seemed a little heavy-hoofed. Maybe the crop? Cadance wished Twilight was here; the always-organized princess would have had a checklist of everything needed to please Shining by now.
  302. Huh, that sounded weird in her head.
  304. Turning around, she saw that Eighteen and Shining were both now sitting on their stomachs at the edge of their ludicrously large bed, their forelegs dangling from the sides. They both looked at her with an expectant gaze that sent both a sense of panic and a much darker thrill through her brain. She was in control now, and they would listen to every command she gave.
  306. Deciding to start things off simply, she spoke, trying to infuse her voice with a stern tone.
  308. "Alright, my slaves. Let's see the goods. Roll over and present yourselves to me."
  310. Eighteen was the first to react, flipping herself onto her back and spreading her hind legs apart to expose her glistening folds. Shining followed soon after, his very erect cock pointing straight into the air as he lay on his back.
  312. Cadance took a moment to admire her two lovers. Eighteen looked beautiful sitting there on the bed, from the hungry look in her eyes to her sleek, black limbs stretched out to display her flower to Cadance. She still wore that tri-colored wig, which framed her face nicely. Cadance knew Eighteen wouldn't believe her, but she truly was sexy in her natural form, without any shapeshifting.
  314. And as for her dear, darling husband, Shining Armor looked as handsome as the day she married him, with his sharp features, toned muscles, and a large cock that Cadance longed to have inside herself. She could see the fires of lust in his eyes, and knew he would show her a night she would never forget, just like all the (admittedly few) other times he had taken her to bed. It was no wonder he had so many mares chasing after him; who wouldn't want a piece of that?
  316. Even more than their physical beauty, though, was the love she could feel emanating from both of them. Looks were fleeting (well, not for her, but still), and physical attributes could change so easily, through injury, disease, or simply the ravages of time, but the love the three of them had for each other was here to stay, and in this moment, Cadance knew neither of them would ever love her less.
  318. And now, it was time for Cadance to show her love for them.
  320. "Very good. Now, let's take a closer look, shall we?"
  322. On a whim, Cadance decided to grab a crop from the table, and she saw Eighteen shiver as it floated over towards the bed. Cadance slid the tip of the crop up Eighteen's right hind leg, tracing a path around her holes and delighting in watching the changeling squirm under the hard plastic. Finally, she came to a stop just below the juncture between her thighs.
  324. Cadance placed the tip of the crop against Eighteen's folds, stroking it lightly. Eighteen moaned at the contact, her hips twitching against the implement.
  326. "Oh my, someling is getting quite excited, isn't she?"
  328. 'Yes Mistress.'
  330. Eighteen wanted to scream at Cadance to press harder. The gentle teasing against her marehood was driving her insane, and she could feel the ache between her hind legs growing stronger. When Cadance removed the crop, Eighteen wanted to cry.
  332. Cadance brought the tip of the short whip to Eighteen's muzzle, letting her see how it glistened with a liquid sheen.
  334. "Look at how wet you are. You're getting my crop all messy, you dirty ling. Lick it clean."
  336. Eighteen stuck her tongue out, tasting the saltiness of her own juices. She felt degraded, having to clean off her own arousal, and that feeling only heightened her pleasure.
  338. Beside them, Shining watched as his wife dominated his marefriend. His cock had been twitching in time with Cadance's crop as it rubbed across Eighteen's pussy, and when Eighteen's tongue had brushed against the crop, he absently began stroking his member with his hoof.
  340. Crack!
  342. Shining yelped in pain as the crop suddenly flew over and snapped against his hind leg.
  344. "Did I say you could touch yourself?"
  346. >N-no, Mistress.
  348. Shining felt a frisson of fear as Cadance's stern glare bore down on him.
  350. "You don't get to feel pleasure until I say you can. I see you can't be trusted to obey me, so I'll have to do something about that."
  352. Two pairs of hoofcuffs snapped down on his forelegs, dragging him back towards the headboard. He heard a click as they fastened into placed. Turning his head, he saw that they had been fastened near the top of the board, keeping him in a sitting position on his rump.
  354. Cadance looked at him approvingly.
  356. "Good, no more touching yourself without my permission. Now, let's move on with your punishment."
  358. >Punishment?
  360. "Of course. After all, you need a reminder that only I can say who gets to touch your cock."
  362. Cadance's smile turned slightly cruel as she let the crop hover in front of Shining.
  364. "I think five strokes should be enough. Count them."
  366. The first lash hit him on the centre of his right hind leg, leaving a burning red mark in its wake.
  368. >Ow!
  370. "I don't hear any counting. Don't make me start over again."
  372. >O-one!
  374. Shining quickly shouted the first number before Cadance decided to punish him more. The second lash struck him on the other hind leg.
  376. >Two!
  378. When the third struck him a little higher up, he realized that each stroke was sending a thrill of pleasure through his body in addition to pain.
  380. >Three!
  382. The ache in his legs throbbed in time with his erection.
  384. >Four!
  386. Shining was even harder than before, and he felt like he would burst if no one touched him.
  388. >Five!
  390. When the last stroke hit, Shining groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
  392. Cadance tried to hide her disappointment as Shining counted out the last hit. She could have sworn that five was one of the higher numbers, but apparently it was only a little more than blue. The lust clouding her mind was making it hard to remember all that stuff she had learned while trying to become better at paperwork.
  394. Still, it was time to move on. Cadance's eyes were drawn to Shining's throbbing cock; it had been a while since she had indulged in him, and she longed to have that thick rod pounding inside of her. But first, there was another who had gone without for much longer, and Cadance wanted to make sure she was satisfied as well.
  396. "That's a good slave; I knew you could follow orders."
  398. The crop floated over towards his crotch, and Shining flinched in anticipation of another blow, but none came. Instead, the plastic tip gently stroked the tip of his cock, sending waves of pleasure through his body and making his erect member twitch.
  400. "Poor little thing. So neglected. Tell me, slave, do you want me to get you off?"
  402. >Yes Mistress.
  404. The crop flew away, and Cadance walked closer to Shining.
  406. "Do you want me to pleasure your cock? To put it inside of me until you cum?"
  408. >Yes Mistress.
  410. This time his plea was a little louder. Cadance leaned her head down towards Shining's crotch, taking a deep breath and savouring the smell of his musk.
  412. "You want me to take your dick in my mouth? To suck you off?"
  414. >Y-yes Mistress!
  416. This time, Shining shouted his agreement. Cadance opened her mouth breathed gently over Shining's member. The bound stallion bucked forward on instinct, his cock nearly entering her mouth. Cadance quickly pulled away, a playful smirk on her face.
  418. "Did you really think I was going to put that in my mouth? That dirty little cock that's been in my pussy before? I thought you knew better than that. I'm not going to sully my beautiful face with that thing."
  420. Cadance swore she heard Shining whimper as she spoke those words in a tone of disgust. Poor stallion. She has teased him enough. It was time for him to finally get some relief.
  422. "Of course, I'm not the only one with a mouth in this room, am I?"
  424. Cadance turned towards Eighteen, who was staring hungrily at Shining's cock.
  426. "You naughty little slut."
  428. Eighteen gasped in surprise as she felt Cadance's magic drag her forcefully towards Shining. A perfectly-manicured hoof pressed down on the back of her head, forcing her muzzle to rest within inches of Shining's erection.
  430. "You've wanted this cock for a while now, haven't you? Always trying to talk my Shiny into letting you take it."
  432. 'I-I-'
  434. Eighteen tried to stammer out a reply, but it seemed she couldn't form a coherent sentence. She had wanted Shining's cock for so long, and now that she was so close to it, all she could think of was having it inside of her.
  436. "I've heard you offering to suck him off. Well, I think it's time he took you up on that offer, isn't it?'
  438. Eighteen felt a surge of wetness between her legs as she heard those words. Her mouth started watering at the thought of being able to taste Shining's stallionhood.
  440. "Well, go on. Lick it."
  442. Eighteen did as instructed, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out towards the large rod in front of her. She gave Shining's cock a long, thorough lick, from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip, savouring the taste of his pre-cum and the sound of his moans.
  444. "How does he taste, slut?"
  446. 'Delicious, Mistress. May I please have some more?'
  448. "Of course you may. Open your mouth."
  450. Eighteen did as instructed, and Cadance slowly pushed her onto Shining's member. She wrapped her lips around the silky rod, allowing Cadance to slide it deeper and deeper insider of her until it hit the back of her throat. She forced her muscles to relax, letting his shaft glide all the way down her throat.
  452. "Good job, my little love-slave. How do you like having your mouth stuffed with cock?"
  454. 'Mmph-mmph!'
  456. Eighteen wanted to reply, but she was a little busy choking on Shining's cock. Not that she was complaining; she could think of much worse things to choke on.
  458. "I guess you're a bit busy. I'll ask you again later. How about you, husband? How does it feel to have your dick inside this cock-sleeve?"
  460. Cadance spoke to Shining casually, as if Eighteen wasn't right there with his cock buried in her mouth.
  462. >It feels really good Mistress.
  464. "And who do you have to thank for allowing you to use her?"
  466. >You Mistress. Thank you Mistress.
  468. Eighteen felt the grip on her head lessen, and she pulled back to grab a few precious gasps of air.
  470. "I think you can take it from here."
  472. Eighteen looked up to see Cadance's confident smirk.
  474. 'Yes Mistress.'
  476. Eighteen went back to Shining's cock, taking it back into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down on it. Shining moaned and bucked his hips in time with her, and Eighteen felt the burning in her nethers grow stronger as she sucked him off. The feeling of him filling her mouth made her long to be filled in other places, but she wasn't about to disobey Cadance by touching herself.
  478. Meanwhile, Cadance watched as Eighteen sucked Shining off. At first, she had thought that she'd be jealous at seeing another mare pleasure her husband, but instead, she felt a sense of joy deep within her heart.
  480. This was an expression of pure love between two ponies. As she pumped up and down on Shining's member, Eighteen gazed up at him with such a heartfelt adoration that Cadance was left wondering how she ever doubted the changeling's sincerity. And as for Shining, between the moaning and grunts, he still managed to give Eighteen a warm smile that conveyed a sense of eternal affection and undying devotion.
  482. This was more than just two infatuated teenagers or two lovers engaged in an inferno of passion that would soon die out. This was the joining of two beings who had so much love to give and were willing to share it with each other. And with her. As Cadance watched the physical expression of their love for each other, she felt a deep sense of contentment, one that gave her more pleasure than simple lust, though that was present as well.
  484. No, despite how hot and sexy her marefriend and husband looked right now, it paled in comparison to the emotional connection she could feel between them and her. For Cadance, watching the two lovers together and knowing that they were willing to share this moment with her felt like the fulfillment of her destiny, the ultimate purpose of her cutie mark. For the first time, she felt like she truly understood what it meant to be the Princess of Love, and she wondered how she had ever been so silly as to think that their love for her would diminish. They should have done this long ago.
  486. Cadance shook her head. That was enough soul-searching. There was still work to be done. She saw Eighteen's forehooves twitching, as if they wanted to reach backwards. Tilting her head, she saw that the changeling's folds were leaking a steady stream of liquid. Poor thing must be so pent-up by now.
  488. Cadance grabbed another item from the table and floated it over. This time, it was a small, thin rod with special magical properties that caused it to vibrate in proportion to the amount of magic she fed into it.
  490. Eighteen felt a gentle pressure against her crotch and paused in the middle of taking Shining into her mouth again. A round, hard object was rubbing against her folds, releasing some of the pressure that had been building up there while she was servicing Shining's cock.
  492. "You've been such a good little cock whore. I think it's time your Mistress rewarded you."
  494. Eighteen moaned into Shining's cock as the thin rod continued to penetrate her, lodging deep inside of her. Her moans sent vibrations along Shining's member, causing him to buck harder at her face.
  496. And then the thing inside of her started vibrating, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She screamed and bucked her hips backwards, pushing against the air in hopes of intensifying the feelings coursing through her. All the while, Shining continued to fuck her face, making her feel filled in two different holes.
  498. "You like that, don't you, slave? The feeling of having something inside your pussy while Shiny uses your mouth as a fuck-hole?"
  500. Eighteen felt a shock of pain ripple through her flank as Cadance's hoof struck her.
  502. "Such a nice ass. I know Shiny likes how thick it is. Maybe we should let him fuck you here too? Would you like taking his cock up your ass?"
  504. It was all too much. The spanking and dirty talk from Cadance, Shining's cock in her mouth, the vibrator in her pussy, all of the sensations, both mental and physical, combined in a torrent of pleasure and Eighteen felt her pussy spasming around the rod inside of her. Waves of pleasure wracked her body, and she collapsed onto Shining's legs, her tongue mindlessly lapping away at his stallionhood.
  506. Cadance looked down on Eighteen, who was sprawled all over Shining.
  508. "Tsk, tsk. You came without my permission."
  510. Eighteen looked up at Cadance with wide eyes.
  512. 'I'm sorry Mistress! It won't happen again!'
  514. "I believe you, but still, naughty lings need to be punished, don't they?"
  516. Eighteen gulped.
  518. 'Yes Mistress.'
  520. Cadance grabbed Eighteen with her magic and pulled her into a sitting position similar to Shining's, with her hind legs spread to expose her pussy. From the table, she grabbed a different whip, this one with many leathery tendrils extending from the tip of the implement. A flogger, if Cadance's studies were correct.
  522. Eighteen eyed the implement with trepidation as Cadance slid it up and down her barrel. Then, without warning, she brought it down on her right hindleg, right above the hock. Eighteen yelped and tried to pull her legs together, but Cadance's magic kept them open.
  524. "Tsk, tsk. Naughty lings shouldn't be trying to hide from their punishments, should they?"
  526. Cadance tried to keep her voice stern, but it came out a bit playful instead. Still, it had the intended effect and Eighteen stared up at her, contrite.
  528. 'I'm sorry Mistress.'
  530. Cadance grinned evilly.
  532. "You will be."
  534. This time, she struck her left hind leg, but Eighteen dutifully kept her legs spread. With the third hit, she allowed the flogger to graze the changeling's marehood as it struck very near her folds, resulting in Eighteen wincing as she moaned in pleasure.
  536. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
  538. 'No Mistress. Slaves aren't supposed to enjoy their punishments.'
  540. Cadance paused for a moment before noticing the upturned corners of Eighteen's lips and the increasing wetness between her legs. Cadance had been worried that she had gone too far, but it seemed that Eighteen was just really getting into the scene.
  542. Cadance struck her again, this time right on her pussy, eliciting a passionate moan from Eighteen.
  544. "Really? Because those slutty little moans of yours tell a different story. You're getting off on having your Mistress flog you, aren't you?"
  546. For the next few minutes, Cadance alternated between striking Eighteens legs and flogging her pussy, savouring the symphony of moans and whimpers coming from the twitching changeling. When she was finished, Eighteen was a quivering mess, a steady stream of fluid dripping from her folds.
  548. "I think that's enough. Now, it's time for both of you to pleasure your Mistress."
  550. With a flash of magic, all of the various implements Cadance had been using vanished, reappearing on the table. It was just her, Eighteen, and Shining, now; there was nothing separating them. No toys to act as a barrier between them, no restraints to hold them back.
  552. "Shining, lie down on your back."
  554. Her husband did so, rubbing his formerly-bound forehooves a little before stretching out on the bed's surface. His stallionhood was now leaking a steady stream of precum, matting the fur around it. Cadance gazed at it hungrily; her arousal had been building up over the course of the session, and she was ready to finally ease the ache between her hind legs.
  556. Climbing on top of him, she positioned her dripping hole over his rod and slowly began to lower herself on him. As she did, she gazed into his eyes, so full of love that she thought her heart might burst. How did she ever think he might love her less if he was with Eighteen as well? It was clear to her now, as she stared into that window to his soul, that he had so much love to give everyone, and loving another would not diminish his love for her. That knowledge alone filled her with such happiness and joy that she thought she might come before she even took him into her body.
  558. Finally, with agonizing slowness, she slid his stallionhood inside of her, savouring each inch as it rubbed and stretched her folds. When she hilted him into her, she cried out, physical pleasure and emotional fulfillment overwhelming her senses. She pulled up from him, and as his cock slid out of her pussy, she felt a great emptiness, a yearning that she quickly fulfilled my slamming herself back down onto his member.
  560. After bouncing on his cock a few times, she called out to the other member of their relationship.
  562. "Eighteen, come over here."
  564. The changeling stood up on shaky legs and walked towards the couple.
  566. "I want you to eat me out while straddling Shining."
  568. She did as she was told, positioning herself so that her head rested above Shining's crotch and her back legs stood on either side of his head. Her tongue poked out of her muzzle, hesitatingly lapping at Cadance's folds.
  570. "Good job. Shining, why don't you do the same for Eighteen? She's worked so hard for us, and she deserves a reward."
  572. Shining reached out with his forehooves and grabbed Eighteen's flanks, pulling her down towards his head. Cadance couldn't quite see what happened next, but judging from Eighteen's moans, he was doing exactly what she told him to do.
  574. For the next few minutes, the three of them held this position, Cadance riding Shining's dick while Eighteen licked her pussy and Shining serviced Eighteen's with his muzzle. The three of them moved together in perfect harmony, three beings coming together into one dance of love and passion. Each of them could feel the love the other two had for them, and that, coupled with the knowledge of their own love for the others, served as an aphrodisiac more powerful than any spell or potion.
  576. Cadance felt her peak approaching, and from the frantic bucking beneath her from Shining and Eighteen's increasingly aggressive attentions on her folds, she surmised that the other two were also close to their peak.
  578. Shining was the first to come. Cadance felt him stiffen inside of her, and a moment later a jet of hot liquid filled her pussy, sending a warm shock of pleasure through her body. As the next jet coated her walls, her own orgasm came crashing down, and she screamed as pleasure wracked her body, the combined sensation of Shining's member and Eighteen's tongue sending waves of fiery ecstasy though her body. She bucked mindlessly into Shining and Eighteen, trying to squeeze as much pleasure from them as possible. Distantly, she heard Eighteen cry out in pleasure as well, but her mind was too overwhelmed with her release to pay close attention to her.
  580. As she rode out the last waves of her pleasure, she gently slid off Shining's cock, a few drops of cum still leaking from both his member and her pussy. Eighteen had also removed her crotch from Shining's muzzle and turned around so that she could face him. Exhausted. the three of them collapsed into a pile, hugging each other close to themselves.
  582. Eighteen broke the silence first, a goofy grin on her face.
  584. 'That was amazing, Mistress.'
  586. "I think we're done now, Eighteen. You can stop calling me that."
  588. Eighteen turned to look at Cadance.
  590. 'Oh, in that case, that was amazing, Cadance. Although, I do have one question.'
  592. "Yes?"
  594. 'Why exactly do you have a BDSM toy collection hidden under the nightstand?'
  596. Cadance felt herself blush faintly, which was a bit odd considering what they had just shared, but now that the "scene" had ended, she felt a little awkward talking about this subject again.
  598. "Umm... well... it's mostly Celestia's fault. Remember how I said that Celestia kept sending me whips? After a while, I got a bit curious and saved a few of them. Then, Chrysalis gave me a couple of them as a joke last Hearth's Warming, and it seemed rude to throw them out. Oh, and the cuffs are from your parents, Shiny."
  600. Shining suddenly looked a bit green around the gills.
  602. >Mom and dad sent you those?
  604. "Yep. There was a note about being tired of waiting and thinking that engaging in a family tradition might speed things up. I'm not sure what they were talking about, but I didn't want to throw out a gift from your parents so I kept them. They turned out to be pretty useful, huh?"
  606. Shining gave her a pained-looking smile.
  608. >I guess so. But, uhh, could we maybe use a different pair of cuffs next time? One that my parents haven't touched before? Or possibly done other things with before? That is, if there's going to be a next time. Is there?
  610. Cadance took a moment to think before answering.
  612. "I don't know. I don't need to do the whole BDSM thing anymore. After what the three of us shared, I've never been more sure about our love. I'm sorry I ever doubted either of you."
  614. 'It's okay, Cadance. We understand. I used to worry about coming off as a rival for Shiny's affections, so I can see why you'd think that way.'
  616. Cadance chuckled.
  618. "I think we could have solved all of this a long time ago if we just sat down and talked about it. Communication is an important part of any relationship, after all. But back to the BDSM thing. I don't fear losing control anymore; I know that the relationship between the three of us can succeed if we work together. Next time, we don't have to do all that roleplay stuff if you don't want to."
  620. 'And if we do?'
  622. Cadance took a moment to consider her husband and her marefriend. She hesitated in speaking until she recalled the words she just said about commincation.
  624. "Honestly, I kinda enjoyed being in charge. It probably sounds terrible, but I liked having you two under my control."
  626. >And it was pretty fun being your love-slave.
  628. 'Yeah, you really have a knack for the whole dominatrix thing.'
  630. "In that case, I wouldn't mind doing it again. Not now though. I just want cuddles from my Shiny and my Teeny right now."
  632. Eighteen raised an eyebrow.
  634. 'Teeny? Really?'
  636. Cadance casually booped the changeling on the nose.
  638. "We're having a moment here, with fuzzy feelings and cute nicknames. Don't ruin it, Teeny."
  640. 'Alright, Cady.'
  642. The three of them sank back into their post-coital bliss, basking in their love for each other. It was a perfect moment in time, and while Cadance knew it wouldn't last forever, she chose to savor the moment until life demanded that she returned to her duties. They had earned that much, at least.
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