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a guest
Jun 18th, 2020
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  1. Browse the web with your voice - eating, multitasking or just to give your hands a break. Speech recognition for executing commands in the browser that would normally require a mouse and keyboard.
  2. An excerpt of the basic commands:
  3. * Scroll up, down, little down, little up, autoscroll, bottom, top…
  4. * Play, pause, mute videos…
  5. * Dictate text input (Premium), open arbitrary urls (Premium)
  6. * Push-to-talk key, wake-word (say "hey LipSurf" to turn it on) (Premium)
  7. * Click anything on the page by saying "tag" then saying the annotation in the yellow box next to it.
  8. * Next tab, previous tab, select tab, new tab…
  9. * Zoom in, zoom out
  10. * … many more!
  11. More features:
  12. * (NEW) Dictation mode for long-form text, auto scroll mode
  13. * (NEW) Add custom corrections, shortcuts, homophones or synonyms by clicking the transcript! x
  14. * 75+ default commands that can be expanded to infinity with additional plugins and tons of options
  15. * Multi-language support (Russian, Spanish and Japanese in beta, other languages may be added by users)
  16. * 20 powerful default plugins:
  17. * Reddit
  18. * Google
  19. * Tabs and Windows
  20. * Text Input
  21. * Scrolling
  22. * Navigation
  23. * Gmail
  24. * Duolingo
  25. * Google Sheets
  26. * LipSurf
  27. * Timer
  28. * Weather
  29. * Dictionary
  30. * Wikipedia
  31. * Japanese<->English Dictionary
  32. * Hacker News
  33. * Anti-procrastination
  34. * Top Sites
  35. * Anki
  36. * WaniKani (Japanese Kanji Learning Tool)
  37. Please go through the tutorial to make sure you configure everything properly, and just say "help" to see the commands that are possible for the current page you're on! Enjoy!
  38. See more update info. along with video demos here:
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