

Jul 4th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [-tip toes in- o.o ]
  2. iKamal: [im here to look at the room XD]
  3. Tsaaq: ((You're not rping in here?))
  4. iKamal: [i can XD but wasnt sure if you guyswere but im also looking for stuff for in here]
  5. Tsaaq: ((Looking for stuff >.>?))
  6. iKamal: [yeah for dori's side of the room]
  7. Alexithymiaa: (99% of the time if I'm in an RP room, Im ready to RP)
  8. Tsaaq: ((Also yes. Usually when I'm parked it means rping is gonna happen.))
  9. Tsaaq: ((That.))
  10. Tsaaq: ((I was about to post in hang on.))
  11. iKamal: [this is why i like you guys XD you are ready to rp always]
  12. Tsaaq: Thaddeus came from the kitchen with his bottle of water, staring down at his phone as he went into the living room and sat down as he turned on the television.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Jade stood in her bedroom, disgruntled with the fact that someone had moved things into 'her' space. She proceeded to carry out a couple of posters she'd pulled down from the opposite side of the room, depositing them out into the hallway just outside her bedroom before returning to the room to grab more things she decided didn't belong in her room to put out into the hallway as well.-
  14. iKamal: Dori walked down the path of the drive way. She had just gotten done with her orienatation for her new job at Bath and body works. she sighed her feet killing her from all the walking she had done today. she unlocked the door and opened making her way inside with her backpack on her back."Hey Thad." She made her way towards the Hall way and saw Jade her roomamte she guessed throwing her things out in the hallway."What are you doing with my things! oh my god my posters! my best friend made those hey stop it!" she dropped her bag down making her way into the room."what are you doing!"
  15. Tsaaq: He slouched a little and yawned while flipping through channel. He turned his head and furrowed his eyebrows at Jade. He turned again and faced the television with a shake of his head. "I don't wanna know." He whispered. He heard Dori come in and smiled. "Hey, good day at work-" He began to say before she went down the hall. "Shit." He whispered, getting off the couch.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Jade dropped a pile of books into the hallway, her eyes lifting to look at Dori coming toward her when she heard the girl shriek about her things. "This is your stuff? Well good, get it out of my room. Your room is probably upstairs or something, but this is my room." She whirled back around and marched her way back into the room, shoving the door closed behind her.-
  17. iKamal: Dori looked at her. She hated conflict. she stepped over her stuff and opened the door."This is my room this is the room they assigned me. Look I can show you the email." she pulled her phone out and pulled up the email that was sent to ehr and held her phone out for the girl to see."That stuff was really personal. All of it was from home. You shouldn't have touched my stuff."
  18. Tsaaq: Thaddeus sighed as he walked down the hallway to try and intervene with the situation but it seemed they were talking to each other in the room. "Uhh.." He dragged out.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "My room is really personal. And I don't like when people come in my room so fair is fair." She shot back, turning around and crossing her arms over her chest. "There's a perfectly good room upstairs so you should just take your stuff upstairs and ruin that room with your personal stuff instead, okay? I wasnt supposed to have a roommate. There's plenty of other places for you to stay."-
  20. iKamal: Dori looked at Jade."but I was assigned to this room. Why are you being so mean to me? You don't even know me. You shouldn't have touched my stuff. If there was a problem you should have waited till I got home. Or contacted the school. They assigned me here. I brought my stuf here and was told where I could place my stuff. You touching my stuff isn't fair at all when I was told by the school where to put it. You ripped my poster Those posters took my friend months to do."
  21. Tsaaq: "Hey uh... It's okay. I'm sure there's a way we can handle this." Thaddeus tried to interject. "Maybe we can talk this out?" He said, albeit apprehensively.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Why are YOU being so mean to me? You moved your stuff into MY space before you even met me or talked to me. That's clearly rude and the first offense here. So really it's just an eye for an eye. Your assignment was a mistake so like... just stop." Her eyes dropped down to the poster, rolling her eyes and tossing her hair back over her shoulder. "Stop, I didn't rip your poster. All I did was take it down off the nail. It's perfectly fine. You're being dramatic." And completely proceeded to ignore Thaddeus.-
  23. iKamal: Dori looked at her becoming frusrated."I was told by the school! are you deaf! ugh!" Dori was having a pretty rough day and was not in the mood for this."Dramaic if anyone is being dramatic here it is you. You threw my stuff out of the room."she growled and tried to calm herself down." Tan grosero y malo. Mujer malvada."She walked out of the room and passed Thad."Excuse me." she spoke softly and began to pick her things up off the floor.
  24. Tsaaq: Thaddeus looked around awkwardly and took a step back to lean on the wall of the hallway since he wasn't really helping anyways. "Well... There's that too." He whispered and adjusted his beanie on his head.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, well the school does a lot of bad things here and let's a lot of wrong things go by so I'm not at all surprised they messed this one up too." She scoffed audibly, shaking her head. "Wow, are you like prejudice against deaf people? I hope you know one of your new housemates is deaf and he's actually like really nice and sweet and smart and funny and cute and it's really mean of you to be so discriminatory against deaf people. I guess I have to warn him about you."-
  26. iKamal: Dori ignored Jade. she picked her things up and her back pack andmade her way back into the room. she placed her stuff on her bed and turned to look at Jade."You know what. You are right that was wrong of me and I am sorry. I will contact the schoo land see if I can get another. I'm sorry for my behavior I just have been having a really crappy day. Can I stay here till the school reassigns me a room please." she sighed and looked at Jade. She knew her type. The mean girl is what Dori always called them. She delt with alot of them in high school.
  27. Alexithymiaa: (Bro, this node is a floater)
  28. Alexithymiaa: (I just noticed)
  29. iKamal: [we got a floater XD]
  30. Alexithymiaa: (lmfao)
  31. Tsaaq: ((You're a float.))
  32. Alexithymiaa: (Like a rootbeer float?)
  33. Tsaaq: ((Like the thing in parades.))
  34. iKamal: [brb potty break]
  35. Alexithymiaa: (Everyone loves a good parade.)
  36. iKamal: [ok bk]
  37. Tsaaq: He felt bad watching Dori and Jade but there was really no way he could intervene at the moment if they were just going back and forth he crossed his arms over his chest.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -She settled into silence with a frown over her lips, just watching Dori as she dumped her things on her bed. "Fine. But only until you can get everything sorted out with a new room. But I have rules since it's my room, okay?" She asked, not waiting for the girl to actually agree before she started speaking again. "No noise in the room before 8am. Don't go in my closet at all. Stay off my bed completely." She paused, walking to the doorway and just gesturing to her side of the room. "Actually just don't come over here at all, and be quiet when you're in here."-
  39. iKamal: Dori sighed and nodded her head."okay..."she felt like she was back at home with her grandmother. "No noise got it...I'll email the school right away." she frowned some."thanks...umm i'm ori by the way." she looked around."i'm just going to go get something to eat..." she made herway back out and towards the kitchen. she grabbed the guacmole she made the other day and some chips she bought.
  40. Tsaaq: He waited until she came out of the room and walked behind her. "Hey!" He called out to Dori. "What the fuck is going on, what's Jade's problem?" Thad asked in a hushed whisper as he went to stand in front of her so she couldn't go anywhere.
  41. iKamal: *dori
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Jade." She replied back with clear attitude, waiting until Dori had stepped out of the room before eyeing her things once more. She turned her lip up in disgust before walking over to her bed, climbing up onto it and pulling her sketchbook in front of her, flipping it open.-
  43. iKamal: Dori was stopped by Thad and she sighed some."The school assigned me to the wrong room. Jade isn't suppose to have a roommate I guess. She said I can stay there till the problem is fixed but i'm not allowed to make any noise at all or touch her stuff." she shrugged some."can I get by I'm really hungry and my feet really hurt."
  44. Tsaaq: He lowered his hands and darted his eyes a moment then sighed as he stepped aside. "You know that's not a thing right?" He told her sternly. "Like, there's no way your room placement was a mistake. The only way you CAN'T share a room with somebody is if you clearly put it on the form they make you fill out." He explained as he walked to the kitchen. "So what would you even tell them? Oh my roommate said it's wrong or something?"
  45. iKamal: She sighs."I'm not going to waste my breath with her...I might as well argue with the wall or something." she rubbed the back of her neck sighing in frusration."I'll just tell them I don't feel comfortable with the choosen roommate or something. I don't know." she shrugged some."but anyway How have you been?" she set the guacamole on the table with some chips and sat down propping her feet on a chair as she did so groaning."ugh why did I wear sandals..."
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Picking up her pencil from the spine of the book, she started doodling next to a few sketched cartoons she'd done earlier, keeping her eyes down in the book, satisfied that she was successfully getting rid of her roommate.-
  47. Tsaaq: "Where would they even put you? This place is full as fuck!" Thaddeus sighed angrily. "Okay fine whatever." He said as he sat down at the table. "Yeah I'm fine, no big deal. Same old same old."
  48. iKamal: Dori saw how Thad got pretty angry over it."I'll just find a small apartment or something...I don't maybe I can jsut hold her off for awhile and she will end up liking me and let me stay."She patted his hand ."I'll be ok you shouldn't get so angry over it. It's my problem I can handle it. I did put on my application I would room with any gender maybe they will put me with you or that other guy you mentioned."
  49. Alexithymiaa: (You guys can continue around me. Shes not doing shit)
  50. Tsaaq: ((Kay you.))
  51. Tsaaq: "I'm not angry I'm fine." He said in a clearly angry tone. "I don't know. I just think it's annoying and stupid but if you're fine then it's whatever I guess who am I to say anything?" He shrugged. He looked down to his hand before moving it as he stood and went towards to fridge. He froze at her mentioning moving into his room. "Uh, yeah. Maybe." He shrugged.
  52. iKamal: She frowned some and looked down at her food."yeah.."she placed her elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand."I'm not hungry anymore..."she got up and put the lid on her guacamole. she noticed how he drew back from her.IT made her feel even worse then before. she moved around him to the fridge slipping her bowl back inside. she stepped back quickly away from thouse she left a good foot and half between them."So anything interesting happen?"
  53. Tsaaq: He looked over to her and moved out of her away. "You sure?" He asked as his eyes held on her. "Not really. I don't like when interesting stuff happens either." Thaddeus told her. "Jade telling you that you living with her is probably the most interesting thing that's happened today."
  54. iKamal: "Yeah i'm sure..just not feeling really hungry anymore."she sighed some and rubbed the back of her neck."Well I guess that was interesting."she looked down to her feet."My first day at work was long. I had to watch a bunch of video's and get tours on the store and stuff."
  55. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded his head. "Yeah... Unfortunate." He said awkwardly. "But you like the job right?" He asked her with a hopeful raise of his eyebrows.
  56. iKamal: She nodded her head."Yeah I love it." she stuffed her hands in her back pockets and looked around."SO are Charles and Erik okay? I know that cookie dough couldn't have been good for their stoamchs."
  57. Tsaaq: "They had tummy aches but I took care of them." He answered. "They needed to rest most of yesterday and today." Thaddeus smiled a bit. "You sure you're okay?" He asked Dori as he stepped closer to her.
  58. iKamal: She nodded her head."yeah I'm fine..I'm fine. Just a bad day but I will be okay. Everyone has bad days."she shrugged some and didn't move. She just looked away from him.
  59. Tsaaq: He lowered his head, feeling guilty. He went over to wrap his arms around her. "Hey. It's not even a big deal, okay? Tomorrow will be better." Thad gave her back a pat then pulled away a moment to look down at her.
  60. iKamal: She brought her arms up and nodded her head lightly hugging him."Yeah tomorrow is a new day." she looked up at him and smiled."Hopefully Jade will be calmer tomorrow and I can talk to her."
  61. Tsaaq: "We'll see..." He trailed off. "It just sounds like she's being a brat honestly. There's no mistake. You pay to live here just like everyone else." Thaddeus said sternly before patting Dori's head.
  62. iKamal: She smiled and shrugged."I just don't like arguing with people...especially people I waste my breath on." she took a deep breath and let it out slowly."Want to hangout or something? I really don't feel like going back into that room."
  63. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded his head. "Yeah I understand." He said. "I was watching TV before all this stuff happened." Thad said as he let go of her as he went over to the living room couch. "I don't really blame you." He pat the spot beside him on the couch.
  64. iKamal: She followed him and plopped down on the couch beside him where he patted."What are you watching anythign interesting?" she brushed some of her hair from her face and kicked her shoes off. she would pick them up later before she went to bed.
  65. Tsaaq: "Eh, not really. I was flipping through the channels." He replied as he picked up the remote. "You know something you specifically want to watch?" Thad asked her as he offered her the remote.
  66. iKamal: She shook her head."I mean my teleanovela is on but I can always catch up online. I'm sure you don't want to watch it."she chuckled lightly."It's all in spanish"
  67. Tsaaq: He laughed and shrugged. "We can put subtitles on right?" He asked her. "I can't speak Spanish but there's got tobe subtitles right. There's no way there isn't."
  68. iKamal: She took the remote and put on her spanish soap opera. she went itno the settings putting the subtitles on."Oh look you are right huh." she looked at the tv and smiled."You might be a little lost during it but if you have any questions I can tell you what is going on."
  69. Tsaaq: "I'll try to focus." He smirked. "I'm a fast learner." Thad looked over at her and then at the television. He stretched a little before awkwardly scooting closer to her and drapping arm around her shoulders.
  70. iKamal: Dori noticed his arm and how he got closer and she smiled lightly."Okay so marie is pregnat with Juilo's baby..well at least she thinks it is baby but really she slept with Juilo's twin brother Mateo. No one but Juilo and his parents who are dead know about mateo." she leaned into him a little as she spoke.
  71. Tsaaq: He nodded his head slowly. "Is this like, grown up Spanish Degrassi?" Thaddeus would asked after she explained everything. He tilted his head as he stared at the screen.
  72. iKamal: "I don't know what Degrassi is."she watched as a man with an eye patch showed up on the screen and the dramatic sighs and gasps happen."Oh mi pensé que estaba muerto."she looked at the screen and realized she was speaking spanish."Sorry that is David. He got pushed off of a curise ship by Mateo cause he knows the truth about the baby. Crazy stuff. guess he wasn't dead." she chuckled some."we can change the channel if you don't want to watch this. I usually watch this with my abuela and my mom"
  73. Tsaaq: He furrowed his thick eyebrows. "How? He asked with a skeptical look before he heard her speak spanish. He looked very lost. "Ohh..." He trailed off. "I mean. I don't really care. As along as this is what you want to watch."
  74. iKamal: She smiled up at him."LEt's watch something we both can enjoy?" she flipped through the channels laying her head on his shoulder. she found a horror movie and set the remote down."I havent seen this."
  75. Tsaaq: "Oh awesome." He nodded his head. Thad looked to the screen again. "Yeah I don't think I've seen this one either." He said. "If you get scared don't be afraid to grab me." He said playfully.
  76. iKamal: She chuckled"If you get scared dont be afraid to grab me."micmiced hi mand stuck ehr tongue out at him smiling."I don't get scared. It's just a mov-"she was saying till she saw some guys head get cut off and she hid her face into Thad's side. she always got cold chills and goosebumps around the gorey stuff.-
  77. Tsaaq: He glared at her a moment. "Oh. Excuse me." He said, looking away and glanced at the screen once more with a sigh. He felt her turn and hide herself into his side and looked over to her. "Uhuh. It's just a movie." He said.
  78. iKamal: She mumbled against him."Shut up I'm not scared." she peeked at the screen and cleared her throat."See I'm fine." she shrugged her shoulders and brushed her hair from her face.
  79. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah of course you're not. You just like the smell of my armpit or something." Thad said with a cheeky grin and shook his head at her.
  80. iKamal: "I was jsu tseeing what kind of cologone you might have had on thats all." she nudged him seeing his grin.
  81. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "It's the Joker one they did for Suicide Squad at my store." Thad told her, returning her nudge before taking a sigh. "That blood is so fake." He shook his head again.
  82. iKamal: "Well I like it it smells very good." she cuddled up against him and moved her legs so they were now in his lap."I think the really old horror movies are cheesey and funny but I like them."
  83. Tsaaq: "That's what makes then cult classics." He said, patting her head then looking down at her legs. "Get more comfortable why don't you? You comfortable?" Thaddeus laughed.
  84. iKamal: She chuckled."Shush you like it." she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him."You like the cuddles and affection Thad don't reject it." she chuckled loosing her grip on him.
  85. Tsaaq: He shook his head while laughing. "I guess I do right? I mean you said so. So it must be right?" Thad said playfully as he rubbed her back. "Feel better?"
  86. iKamal: She laughed with him."I'm always right." she sighed feelingrelaxed."Yeah Thank you for making me feel better."
  87. Tsaaq: "Yeah sure." Thad chuckled. "Good." He nodded his head as he kept his hand on her back. "You're welcome. I mean... I couldn't just let you feel bad. What kind of friend would I be?" He asked her gently.
  88. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head."You are an amazing friend." She kissed his cheek softly and looked at him.
  89. Tsaaq: Thad smiled a moment then it faltered as he looked over to her. "I don't know..." He trailed off before looking at her. "Maybe? I mean. Thanks Dori." He shook his head at himself. "Thanks." He repeated and went to kiss her lips then pulled away a second. "Maybe I should head to my room... I don't want to keep you up all night." Thaddeus asked.
  90. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head. she saw he was going to kiss her but pulled away. She moved her legs."I'm not really tired but if you are I don't want to keep you." she smiled letting him go.
  91. Tsaaq: "Well... I do have to get up for work tomorrow." Thaddeus said, kissing her again. "But I swear after work we can hang out for as long as you want." He planted one more kiss on her lips. "But for now I should probably sleep."
  92. iKamal: She smiled and kissed him back each time."Okay. Good night Thad I'll see you tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow myself so maybe we can meet up on our breaks." se smiled
  93. Tsaaq: "We can get lunch together or something?" He offered as he got up from the couch. "Try to get a good night's sleep. Okay?" He ran his hand over her hair one more time.
  94. iKamal: She smiled up at him."I'll try and I look forward to lunch."
  95. Tsaaq: He nodded as he moved over towards to the hallway, waving at her. "Until tomorrow then?
  96. iKamal: she smiled and watched him. once he was out of view she switched the channel back to her soap opera.
  97. Tsaaq: ((I really thought I was logging out then fucking Julio asked me to rp so I guess I'm not done lol -.-))
  98. iKamal: [he jsut asked me to rp lol]
  99. iKamal: [we are in the rusty handle together i am far from tired so if you are tired you can go to bed ill keep him busy]
  100. Tsaaq: ((I'm not tired but I wanted to go to the gym early cause it's closing at one tomorrow but it's okay I guess.))
  101. iKamal: [[okay hun]]
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