
Rosalie Being A Waifu

Dec 26th, 2019
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  1. [03:04] While this scene is going on he just walks over to Rosalie as she had shown up. He only was interacting with the group before him do to some voice in the back of his head telling him to do so. It didn't matter all to much. It did seem like a touching scene.
  3. He lets out a yawn, with his gaze on Rosalie. He didn't expect her to really know or want to know anyone around here. So maybe she wanted to talk to him again?
  5. "Did you need something Rosa?"
  6. (Solon Tofusin )
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [03:05] "You're safe... Sophie. You're safe."
  11. Francois aimed to pull Sophie into that embrace, filthy or not. All she felt was that she was finally home-- she was back in Osrona, with familiar people. But for a fraction of second, there'd be an odd form of stillness and coldness within Francois, most evident to Sophie who drew her into that embrace.
  13. There are some scars that remain perpetual, but unseen.
  15. "I... can't return home yet." She uttered through gritted teeth. "I have to-- I have to tell Elijah. I have to let the Order know--"
  17. She spoke breathlessly, with her body trembling from vitriolic detestation at what she had found out.
  19. "--about what I was forced to realize when held in captivity."
  21. Flames radiated from her body momentarily, leading to a heatwave expanding into the area as her Primordial Flames seemed to go haywire for a second.
  22. (Francois cos Duran)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [03:05] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Yes, my plasma app approved."
  26. [03:07] "Elijah locked me out of the house again." She replied to Solon with a shrug. "Getting to be a real bad habit of his. Least he could do is make me some spare keys. He puts a curfew on me, and then does this."
  27. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [03:10] Arms folded behind his back, he took a step forward. No words needed to be said. It seemed Sophie was happy, and Francois was safe. It seemed today was full of good news.
  31. (Gin Fujiwara)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [03:10] It was getting awkward for him. His job here was done for some time anyway. On Hiatus, remember? He'd begin to depart with his hands shoved into his pockets. He was less concerned now that Sophie could handle her sister.
  36. "Solon, I'm heading for some practice. Come join me if you don't get busy."
  38. A last look went to the Sisters Duran. For now, Zachary's world was at peace.
  39. (Zachary Retinea)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [03:11] He gives her a curious look. It makes sense she has to live in his house. Though isn't worse to lock someone out of the house that you want to watch? That doesn't make a lot of scene
  44. "He locked you out? Huh... I highly doubt he will ever give you a extract pair of keys. It seems counter productive I suppose?
  46. I would say you could stay with me if I had a home... My apologies." he scratches the back of his head.
  47. (Solon Tofusin )
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [03:14] The girl would raise an eyebrow at that. "You... Don't have your own place?" What sort of crap was that? He was a knight! Everyone knew the knights basically got pampered. "Solon, what the fuck. You really should have brought that to my attention sooner."
  51. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [03:17] He didn't expect that reaction... He blinks a few times. "Uhh that's more normal then you would think. I stay at the Barracks within Petrakis Castle. Its not personal, but its a place to lay my head. Why... Is that a issue?" He seemed really confused.
  55. (Solon Tofusin )
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [03:18] The barracks? Oh. Right.
  60. "Sorry, I thought you were implying you slept on the streets or a bench or something. Guess I've spent too much time in Sudbury. I was just about to buy you a house, can't have my teacher being homeless."
  62. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Sorry, guess I overreacted."
  63. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [03:19] Aiden walked towards the lion statue that was placed just South of the park and noticed a small gathering of people. He decided to make himself known.
  68. "Hello. I'm Aiden." He said.
  69. (Aiden)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [03:22] Yea that was quite the overreaction, though it was nice that she cared so much. He give her a smile. "Oh you don't need to buy me a house.
  74. I'm slowly working on one. Just I have been focusing on my knightly duties so I haven't been really getting enough money to get a home. I get payed a good amount but I normally use it quick."
  75. (Solon Tofusin )
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [03:25] Rosalie literally whips out a massive coin purse, and the sounds of gold being shuffled around can be heard. Just looking at the size of that bag indicated the alarming amount that she had. "How much would you need? Five thousand? Ten?" She asked, seemingly counting through her finances.
  80. It seemed she might actually insist on it, if Solon didn't find a way to weasel out of the situation.
  81. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [03:28] Aiden turned his hands into pistols and fired his away to the park, feeling ignored as fuck.
  85. (Aiden)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [03:29] He still is quite confused. She seems adamant about this. Again its quite nice but he doesn't like leaching off people. He had don't enough of that in his cadet days. He gives her a smile. "Uhhh, I don't know I haven't looked to hard. Please don't worry about it. It would make me feel quite bad if you bought something like that for me."
  90. He awkwardly chuckles. Hoping she would give up on the kind gesture.
  91. (Solon Tofusin )
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [03:34] "Don't say I didn't offer. If you ever need financial help, just remember I owe you a favor." Rosalie would reply, putting her money away. "Once the mines are in my possession officially, I'll honestly likely be able to reclaim my manor even. So I'll likely have spare room available there, too."
  95. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [03:38] "Since when do you owe me a favor? If it was about the training thing... I don't offer it for anything in return. I just like seeing people happy. That's all." He gives her a nod. He never planned to ask anything from her. Well anyone really. That's just who he is.
  100. "Well if you get your manor back before I get a home I suppose I'll take you up on the offer. I haven't really be in a manor. Besides the first gala. Otherwise I'm never around them."
  101. (Solon Tofusin )
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [03:41] "They're just big houses filled with expensive things. I honestly don't like them - But it's more about sending a message at this point." The girl would respond, knowing that Solon would understand. It was her life she was reclaiming as a whole by getting back into that manor.
  105. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [03:43] "You would prefer to live in a smaller home then? That seems strange but I understand. Do you even plan to live in the manor if you get it back? Or just use it as the message you speak of?" The knight genuinely asked. He understood the overall goal of it but still.
  109. (Solon Tofusin )
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [03:45] "I'll live in it." She responded, "I'll be raising a family after all. I'll probably also need the extra room for operations with the Blackhearts, and then kitchen and storage space..."
  114. Rosalie seemed to have thought ahead on it a good deal. "It certainly won't be the norm for a manor, but I've a habit of not wasting anything. So every inch of that place will have some purpose or another."
  115. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [03:48] Wow... No wonder she had a successful business. While she is good at planning and management... Solon was just a knight. He only really knew how to fight. Its sad but he was really a one trick pony.
  120. "With all of that will there actually be a room for me? It seems you need quite the amount of space."
  121. (Solon Tofusin )
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [03:51] She raised an eyebrow.
  126. "Of course there will be. Especially when I already gave my word on it. That's not even considering the option of if we were to be wed," Rosalie would shrug once more, burying her hands in her pockets. "Or did you consider yourself out of the running as a suitor already, Solon?"
  127. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [03:54] Cheemu as he casually walked by offered a wave towards Solon. And Towards Rosalie.
  131. (Cheemu Terrowin)
  132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. [03:58] His eyes widened, did she really put him in that category? With the way she acted towards his advances the first time he wouldn't have expected that. Though she did accept the date without a thought. That did surprise him but truthfully he didn't realize it.
  136. His stoic face was broken after she said that. A sea of red came over his face. "Uhhh… Rr-eally? I didn't ex-pect you to say that..." It was quite clear that he had been missing the tells up to this point. Even after he had shown interested. She didn't seem to show it back. Well he didn't think she did.
  138. "No... I didn't. I wanted to be one though..." He blinked a few times. Still not fully grasping it. Sadly he ignored Cheemu due to him being so flustered. Something Solon hadn't been in a few years.... Nice.
  139. (Solon Tofusin )
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [04:04] "What, did you think I didn't notice your flirting?" She'd roll her eyes, and give a brief wave to Cheemu. "Don't expect me to just blush and break down like a normal girl might. You know me better than that. It'd totally ruin my image."
  144. She lifted her hands up and placed them behind her head, smiling. "Though it is nice to know that a few men have some interest in me. Most of them can't get over the fact that I'm a terrorist or something. Oh well."
  145. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [04:04] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Ex-Terrorist."
  149. [04:04] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Active terrorist."
  150. [04:04] Cheemu Terrowin says, "And what are you terroizing aside from the markets~"
  151. [04:05] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "It's about to be you if you keep it up, Cheemu."
  152. [04:07] He chuckled softly and waved his hand dismissively.
  154. "Aww~ You're a very sweet woman y'know."
  155. (Cheemu Terrowin)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [04:10] So she didn't ignore it. Hmmm... perhaps she doesn't like actively responding to it. Its good that it didn't go unnoticed. He takes a breath in and quickly calms himself. The red that shrouded his face faded.
  160. The stoic expression returned. Giving her a smile. "I suppose so... To be honest I glad I made amends with Shrike. I might have tried to kill you otherwise. Your a good lass, just with a distorted imagine. Or at least I think so."
  162. He would turn to Cheemu, giving him a wave. "Hello, lad. Also I agreed." He thinks of when she was trying to buy him a house.
  163. (Solon Tofusin )
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [04:17] "That was a cute face you had there for a minute, Solon. Seems I might be the creamer to your coffee flavor." She'd tease, giving the older man a ribbing that was well deserved. Play with fire, they say.
  168. Then she turned to Cheemu. "Honestly, if you two weren't Knights though, I'd offer you positions in the Blackhearts. Especially you Cheemu, I could use someone with some smithing skills."
  169. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [04:21] Cheemu Terrowin says, "I uhm..."
  173. [04:21] Cheemu Terrowin says, "I don't smith."
  174. [04:22] He nodded his head. She was keeping to the coffee analogies. Its was interesting. Though creamer? He cleared his throat. Thinking if he should make a dirty joke. A pervy look took hold of his face for a moment. He decides against making it.
  176. "Oh really? Perhaps I need to be less stoic for you then?
  178. Oh and I said I would help you with whatever you need. Its not like I need to be a official member to work with you. Do I?"
  179. (Solon Tofusin )
  180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. [04:22] Cheemu Terrowin says, "I have been thinking about learning though."
  183. [04:22] Solon Tofusin says, "You should, it might be really useful."
  184. [04:23] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Since my personal smith is on sabbatical or some crap..."
  185. [04:24] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "You don't make the stuff? Huh. Thought you smithed this whole time, Cheemu."
  186. [04:24] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Nooope....The stuff i have in my stall was from my personal smith. She wanted me to sell some things just until she got her own stall...but haven't seen er in some time."
  187. [04:26] Rosalie caught the look on Solon's face, and waggled her eyebrows.
  189. Oh. She knew what she'd said.
  191. "It's not like I have anything that'd mark you as a member... Yet. I was considering designing a gang tattoo for us though. I'm not much of an artist though."
  192. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [04:30] Did she just waggle her eyebrows.... So the way she worded it was on purpose. He blinks a few times. That's forward. He kinda likes that.
  197. "Ah I see. I wonder it would be... like a playing card or something? Not sure what you what your aesthetic to be..."
  198. (Solon Tofusin )
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [04:34] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Definitely not a playing card."
  202. [04:34] Solon Tofusin asks, "Then ideas?"
  203. [04:35] Solon Tofusin says, "I'm kinda bad at this to if I'm honest..."
  204. [04:35] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Same."
  205. [04:36] Solon Tofusin asks, "I'm sure you figure it out at some point later. You can have a meeting with some of you people and get some suggestions... maybe?"
  206. [04:38] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Hmm..."
  207. [04:43] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "I'm sure I'll sort something or the other out eventually. Always do."
  208. [04:44] Solon Tofusin says, "Aye."
  209. [04:44] Jonei busted onto the scene, not carrying a hefty sum of ore for once. He approached Rosalie, with pocketed hands, and halted beside her.
  211. "Yo."
  212. (Jonei Kuó)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [04:45] Solon Tofusin says, "Hello there, lad."
  216. [04:46] Rosalie Ar-Marno asks, "Hey Jonei. Any news?"
  217. [04:50] "I just woke up."
  219. Rosalie, at that point, may notice a few inconsistancies with his outfit. His cap is slightly askew, and his usual deadpan eyes were slightly heavyset. He certainly didn't have a good night of rest!
  221. "Are you free to go?"
  222. (Jonei Kuó)
  223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. [04:51] Cheemu Terrowin asks, "Hmm?"
  226. [04:52] "Go where?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Trying to drag me off away from rival company, are you?" She'd tease, even when she was actually completely lost as to where he wanted to take her. It was kind of out of the blue.
  227. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. [04:55] The knight stands there just listening in a tad. Go somewhere hmmm. "I'm sure wherever it is... it probably more productive than chatting me up." He makes a jest towards her. Also interested in where the lad plans to take her off to.
  231. (Solon Tofusin )
  232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. [04:55] Cheemu Terrowin asks, "Where ya headin to Rosalie?"
  235. [04:57] He briefly looked between Solon and Cheemu. "I wouldn't call them rivals." he stated rather bluntly.
  237. He'd raise a hand, fixing his hat and pushing the brim upwards. "It's a surprise."
  238. (Jonei Kuó)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [04:57] Sileanic of Thalas says, "Greetings"
  242. [04:57] Solon Tofusin says, "Hello there."
  243. [04:58] Solon Tofusin says, "Also I'm not a rival of hers... lad."
  244. [04:58] Solon Tofusin says, "I'm her teacher."
  245. [04:58] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Confident, aren't we? Well alright, I guess I'll come with you. I've news for you anyways."
  246. [04:59] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "See you two around."
  247. [04:59] Solon Tofusin says, "Alright, well take care, you two."
  248. [04:59] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Take care."
  249. [04:59] He'd pivot on his heels and step away, slipping his hands into his jacket pocket. News for him? Hopefully it had something to do with their recent business plans. .
  250. (Jonei Kuó)
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