
Aeron: Of Flesh and Bone

Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. 12:31:34] From the depths of the Mid-Valmasian Sea, rose the titanic beast of the East. It moved slow, fluid in its ascension for the air once more. Platelets of bio-armor, once opened along the seems to filter the water akin to gills had collapsed in on themselves, re-enabling his need to breathe the atmosphere once more.
  3. His arrival was just as magnificent as it was before-- In all of its monstrous glory. Albeit, this time, it was surrounded by the arrival of daemonic forces across the sea. From the various types of aquarius crawling upon land, allowing the land-based yokai to stumble off their backs to charge across the land once more, to the avian-based beastlings of the skies-- Carrying their own cargo, prepared to drop into the heat of battle from above.
  5. Few entities of prominence, such a subjugated or aligned Kaor here and there, but leading them, was the Umbral Kaor Lord Aeron, finally arriving for battle...
  6. Here, they'd unite with Ragnarock forces within Loranthis, before making their collective march south to meet Viridian and allied forces.
  8. "Oh, how long it's been since the last war... It almost saddens me, how distant I recall their agonizing screams..."
  9. (Aeron)
  10. {NARRATION} Thump... Something strikes against the walls of Nostvale from the northeast. A terrible, rocking shake reverbrates through the Viridian castle. A bit of dust and debris falls from the cieling within the throne room of the castle! Thump... Another strike. An earthquake? A prisoner? Thump... Apropos of nothing, a breach in one of the towers of the Viridian castles is exposed, earthen Yokai working as a battering ram to open a gap! A rushing of yokai and occultists come from the barracks! It was a suprise attack, from the Sarab with a jaunt by sea, and suddenly the forces of Nostvale must arrange their soldiers and respond to the rings of battle! For all alerts ring out, soldiers clashing with skirmishers in the dead of night--a harsh wake-up call to many! [RP your pre-battle reactions!]
  11. [13:16:48] Bats from above pour into the openings of the castle, gargantuan in size-- Enough to challege the likelihood of magi even. However, there were mere prelude to what followed.
  12. An entity that crashed through the structure, shattering stone and shredding any mass that was damned with presence within its trajectory. Upon crashing down midst an opening, it rose...
  14. The dust and chunks of stone rolled off its back, raining upon the carpet it stood upon. A single step further into the structure and showering later, it'd reveal itself in the form of a fifteen foot tall beast, introducing itself with an outlashed arm, sweeping the horizon of his vision. What followed, was a crescent cast of amethyst taint, flashing immediate charging vessels into ashes.
  16. In his fixed stature, he beckoned unto the wielders of the shadows-- Fellow Seers were encouraged to seek out all that littered this foreign hostile land, and execute all they'd find with the clamping of maws to sate agitated gullets.
  17. "At last, it's time to finally relish in the dream we've awaited for so long..." Despite the frantic chaos that surrounded him, he took it upon himself to scan the area...
  19. Searching for one in particular...
  20. "Now... Where is she?"
  21. (Aeron)
  22. [13:16:48] Longing gazes out of the window from her office turn rapidly into discerning ones at the sight of the Viridian soldiers outside attempting to hold back swarms of Yokai that breech the walls of Nostvale. Her lips fold into a neutral line, the maddening pressure inside of her head and heart growing intense with the knowledge that they were about to become either predator or prey. They were being hunted.
  24. The horrific shock that rocks through the Iron Keep projects her to slowly stand from her cross-legged position on the table, her eyes snapping back towards the door. With a wave of her hand to banish branches of her Organic Tree away into the crevices of the office floor, she withdraws her biotanical staff, casting it astrewn her back while her body flexes. One moment, she is by the window - the next, the door - reflexes increased by her possessive trials of the year before.
  26. "Secure the Queen's chambers, a proper barricade or the likes. The royal children must be protected," she tries to order towards her scholars on her way out, a hand pressing against her forehead in twitching gesture. Blood, decay, hunger. These things were all a part of the battle that she could so easily sense now, and it made her weak in the knees. It brought a growling sensation through her belly. It whispered of past, alike battles that had only tore through the flesh, feast off of the thriving pain, and increased her strength at the hands of Fenrir.
  28. It would be a lie to say that the primal discoveries of the intellectual cleric wasn't excited. Nostrils flare, pulse races, her figure squirms, and her grip upon the scythe is all the more tight.
  29. (Selene Kien)
  30. [13:17:39] It was unfortunate that the Vampire had not met Daen prior to the battle; he had been attending quite a few of Dumuzid's personal trips and even attained a very close rank to the Imperfect, one couldn't blame her for being 'curious'. Had the Vampire truly founded loyalty to the Imperfect? It seemed far beyond merely surviving at this point.
  32. Whether or not Luna held any loyalty was still something she held to debate; there was certainly more merits in fighting for the Imperfect than against, but what about neither? Being an observer was not too bad either...
  34. But now was not the time to think about such things. She had more important business, namely proving her worth for once. She had been losing quite a lot recently when it came to fighting relatively strong Magi, she could not afford to lose another one.
  36. If she became useless in the eyes of the crazy Queen, who knows what would happen? Well, now she had the chance to prove herself. Again.
  38. The doors were crushed and Yokai rushed inside; an ambush, so to speak, from the Imperfect himself. The goal? The head of their enemies, without doubt.
  39. (Luna)
  40. [13:17:39] Thump. Thump. Thump.
  42. It had begun.
  44. Avnene was in the castle- for who knows why, but she was. The sound echoes through the halls, it echoed through the town. What was it? They had yet to find out. Then. a loud crash and they came scrambling in. Yokai, lots and lots of yokai, followed by a few rather scary individuals. Avnene took a deep breath, and grabbed her ax tightly, heaving it off of her back, and looking to the horde of yokai.
  46. "Huh. Looks like it's time."
  48. Avnene muttered, cracking her neck with her ax still in her hand. Many soldiers scream in pain as they were attacked by the yokai, and the same goes for the yokai. It was a war, a full on battle.
  50. Her heart raced. This wasn't like the fights she usually had, where she was fighting friends, fighting other people that were NICE. This was different, it was scary, like when she fought the elemental. It was life or death. If she pulled a wrong card, it was over for the child for good.
  52. Avnene had to fight, she had to fight hard and fast. If she went to her knees, if she fell, it was all over.
  54. Her heart pounded in her chest, the beating echoed through her mind. Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm herself, she nodded her head.
  56. Avnene was no soldier, but she would fight.
  58. "Let's do this then."
  59. (Avnene)
  60. [13:17:39] And as the stonework rumbled, the Marshals head would raise from the pillow. For once in his life, he had rest inside of the earthern structure, instead of sleeping outside on a park bench. Quickly, sleepiness would be cast aside as he stood, pants being thrown on. Shirt would come after, gauntlets being strapped onto his knuckles shortly as the keep continued to rumble. Eyes would skirt around, looking outside. It was chaos, Yokai, Loranthian soldiers.
  62. They were being attacked.
  64. A calm coolness would wash over him, but inside, he was burning. His door would be opened as he strode forward, adjusting his gauntlets as he came to the stairs. Eyes like steel as he descended, clasps being strapped over, iron boots echoing against the stone. The Marshal would descend, watching as the ilk of Loranthis flooded through the keep doors. His heart would beat, eyes widening, worry flushing over him. How did they get so close, so quickly?
  66. "...Kraus damn this."
  67. (Bast)
  68. [13:19:21] The earth would quake and his sour mood was interrupted by the intrusion of loud howls in the hallway. The scent of death, it caressed his pale visage so now he rushed out with the hand of his wife in his own. Watching now as guards scattered to find the source, but ehren knew all too well what was going on. Luckily he was armed to tip top shape and during the midst of chaos, Fenrir had suddenly awakened from its slumber. Pulsating to life as a crackling laughter escaped.
  70. Yes, Yes! The hunt it begins! Let me out, let me kill. I desire blood, flesh, release me, Ehren!
  72. The violent echoes casted into his mind caused him to stumble in his footing, shaking his alabaster features as he gripped his head with strength. "Shut up, wolf. . . We made our deal. In death, which won't be now. But prepare yourself, because you will be feasting on the strongest." All his past hatred for the divine wolf was pushed aside in the fact of the forces of Loranthis.
  74. "Selene, prepare yourself." As they rushed to meet what demonic forces had dare step into the city of Nostvale. A venomous look in his eyes, "Like sheep to the slaughter, let I the prophet guide them to their ends." Flexing his neck, the sound of cracking bones occurred as he gripped at his blade. Spending no time as he released his blessing in full bright.
  76. Depravity rolled off his form, marking of Saekanis brushed off his figure as they took the shape of hell hound heads that circled around his body. Snapping, gnawing they growled and howled with their bright red eyes staring off towards the enemies these spiritual entities wished to devour.
  77. (Ehren Kien)
  78. [13:19:21] Inside Castle Walls:
  80. From sitting inside his own castle Yeshua notice that they were becoming under attack. Who could it be out of no where? Could it be those side groups that have their own groups. Or no? It was, it had to be Loranthis. Yeshua's aura started to blaze around his form and each step that he did was blazing hot from the energies own hot degrees.
  82. Yokai rushed through the Castle and started breaking through it. The man's teeth started to grind and the tip of his spear started to turn to a flame heat.
  84. The night time's calling:
  86. The citizens within their own city started to panick and soldiers rushed as they were taking of guard. Yeshua cracked his neck as he felt an immense swarm of depravity enter the castle.
  88. Yoruba: " To much depravity, this world is awful."
  90. " At night of all times." Yeshua thought as the bags under his eyes showed he was very cranky.
  91. (Yeshua Ogun)
  92. [13:20:12] The march had begun.
  93. With his fellow Loranthians, Bardia landed in front of the Nostvalian's gate, and witnessed the earth yokais working as sentient hammers to bridge a gap within the enemy's defenses. Soon, an opening was created, and they dived in to begin the assault.
  95. Feeling the inevitable skirmish approaching at great strides, the eunuch's blood rampantly boiled. It was his first grand battle, thus, he naturally held some apprehension. However, the intense bloodlust and will for destruction easily overwhelmed anything that might shackle him.
  96. *Kill* *Destroy* *Slaughter*
  98. These were the only thoughts animating him as he dived into the opening and arrived in the castle. The scene of unprepared Nostvalian brought a sneer to his lips. His blade was unsheathed, and his mana released, as his body itched for a scene painted in red.
  100. (Bardia)
  101. [13:21:04] Sanseveria was glad to have escaped the desert's heat, finding more fertile land in the priaries and beyond the great walls of Nostvale. Beyond the towering walls stood the Iron Fort, laying like an old man of the hill, the moonlight shining on his craggy, tumble down face. Moss clung in the shade of the ancient walls like a straggly beard. The once proud turrets had crumbled in places giving the impression of a disheveled party hat.
  103. It was grey, aged, and had endured a dozen of these raids.
  105. Could it take one more? Would the foundations fall and crack beneath the battle magi... Would Nostvale repair and stand again?
  107. Thump! Thump! A final thump, and the gate falls, the shackles torn out of the stone, the yokai storming through like water escaping a shattered dam. Sanseveria took slow, graceful steps behind them, a strut to his walk, his eyes glowing green in the darkness beneath a small smile, like he was out on a leisurely trip rather than in the middle of a battlefield.
  109. Rusted swords met the claws of the yokai. The first step--several falling on each side. Amidst the guards the magi of the castle had been awoken, and Sanseveria eyed them to look for his prey, his battle for the night...
  111. Oh? "Blue petals? Khiii..." He stares down Selene from a distance, waving at the woman as carnage occurs all around, "You would've made a good tribute if you were a generation younger, khikhi... What a shame."
  112. (Sanseveria)
  113. [13:21:04] Chaos comes suddenly.
  115. First cometh the quakes, and then the alarms, set to pierce the tranquil silence of the Nostvalan Castle with a cacophony of unwanted noise. It is a deathly rattle; one that spurs hundreds of soldiers to life instantly, half-armoured and half-armed, they scurry unto the barracks and the armoury, desperately arming themselves against the coming onslaught.
  117. The Neries trudges from within the haze of dust and grime that fills the interior of the Keep in a terribly suffocating smog.
  119. Where Yokai and Loranthian soldiers swarm their castle, so too are blades drawn. Magic illuminates the Keep instantly, painting it beneath of blaze of multi-colour auras and energies, whizzing back and forth relentless.
  121. Aamon is quick to fall beside Bast. Knight and Marshal stand ready.
  122. (Aamon)
  123. [13:21:55] Dead of night, darkness cloaking their movements. The moon illuminating their way. A small sea mounted force crossing the sarab and then... It began...
  125. THUMP
  127. THUMP
  129. And they breached! Occultism and depravity spilled into the city through the smashed barracade of the city as the seige of all things unholy poured in. Yokai, Malpercian, Vampire and what have you flooding into the realm of Nostvale and cutting a path into the town's center.
  131. Valentross knew their reason for coming here. He wasn't one to dawdle about but that was fine. With lightning jolting his body and enhancing his speed as he moved through like an embodiment of havoc and terror among the average soldier and citizen that may be in his way.
  133. Scythe of near obsidian pulsing with it's depraved nature, slashing, cutting, cleaving. And then thery were there. The Iron Keep. As the forces gathered it was clear that the surprise assault had been a scucess, carving into the town center with ease.
  135. "For Lord Dumuzid..." a simple statement but it carried plenty of wait amongst the forces of Ragnorak. The end for Nostvale had arrived.
  136. (Valentross)
  137. [13:22:46] Crazy how something that's supposed to be a surprise feels so old to him. To always be constantly staring at the same faces at each and every turn of opposition certainly did leave things feeling a bit stale, but when digging deeper it's only that much more apparent that the smallest sparks of excitement threaten to light the same fluttering feeling within his chest.
  139. "And you see why I hate yokai?" He murmurs to the Hirano. Problematic creatures. Things that stole from him at every turn. Though truth be told there is only one he truly finds himself bothered by. One that'd of course leave him tense when all else had been deemed uninteresting.
  141. "Now, where will he show up?" Gavin softly speaks to himself. That imperfect. The last conversation had been mercy. Improvisation of achieving better heights due to ascension. That very ascension of course being what the Kyros desired to test since a decade ago.
  142. (Gavin Kyros)
  143. [13:23:37] Alarms. Not a nice thing to be woken up to. It meant something was going on, and something bad at that. The sounds of soldiers clashing about seemed to reverberate all through Nostvale as Yokai ran rampant throughout. This clearly was an attack. It'd take ehr a minute to get ready, as putting on armor quickly wasn't the easiest but she'd do so.
  145. She'd head to the source of the commontion, the castle. This clearly wasn't jsut a random attack, no it was an organized one, one that was planned. She could only think of one enemy that would wish to attack them like this, and that was Loranthis. She hoped she was wrong though, and that this was just some Yokai launching an assault that they could dfeal with easier than an attacking city. THose chances were slim though.
  147. "Of all the dammed times, guess we'll have to show them that they can't just waltz in our city as they please."
  149. She'd ready her blade for whatever was to approach her, whilst her shield acted as a sort of wall. It provided a good defense, even if it wasn't all that effective.
  150. (Kassina Brynhilde)
  151. [13:23:37] The Imperfect marches with his legion.
  153. In the span of a few hours, they ride from Loranthis to Nostvale, and in just a few more, they arrive at the walled city with a sneak attack to speak of as legendary. Yokai climb the mighty stones of Nostvale's boundary, scrambling to reach the top as Kaor fly overhead and the stronger of the group merely step over - Dumuzid, Lorelei, Sanseveria, Aeron, Luna, and Valentross simply finding themdelves capable of existing on the other side. There's no excuses to make here: this is an attack, and a full-blown one at that. Dumuzid wields Balaraq, Lorelei Irkalla--
  155. And together, the raid begins.
  157. The Imperfect himself pulls forward his Kaor Blade, a loud shrrrrk resounding as it doesn't remove itself from a sheathe, but instead simply slices through the air with abandon - a wide girth of lightning energy trailing behind. "Look at this," Dumuzid resounded, his voice panging off of the walls of the city like it was an echo chamber designed entirely for him. The world corrupted itself to his influence, steps taken warping to darkness and static and the people around not of a particular strength finding themselves just as corrupted if not more-so. "It seems our numbers are substantially closer when the cowards of the east do not have time to flock together."
  159. A thundercloud rolls over Nostvale. The battle has begun.
  160. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  161. [13:26:11] "Forward!"
  163. Behind the Imperfect she came, a horrific force battering through the stoneworks of the walls. Behind her lay boats and aquamantic cantrips that gave them the brief egress around the black gate--packages of blackened powder and punches of giant Terrus Yokai pushing through a vulnerable portion of the the bulwark of the alliance.
  165. "Give them no time! Grant them no quarter! Bring the heads and get out!"
  167. Lorelei rushes forwards, wickedly swinging Irkalla against the knigths that come...
  168. (Lorelei)
  169. [13:30:27]
  170. Rumble, rumble. It seems that his meeting with Quazla would go interrupted. The King would move down from his chambers with Gavin in hand, the area around him becoming chilled - his kingdom, his castle threatened with the appearance of the other men. Everything shudders and crumbes, teh appearance of the kaor tearing into the opening of the pristine palace while the voice of the king carries over.
  172. "You come and attack like a coward, Dumuzid! You are no God, you are not of man, you have come all this way to lose and fail, Dumuzid. You have come all this way just to see all of your men DIE before my hand." His voice carries above the frozen winds, attempting to withhold the sudden flood of yokai and decadence.
  174. "You will never get the best of my men. Kill them! Ehren, Selene, Yeshua! AAMON!" Panicked, frightened, and yet, angered nontheless. "BAST AND KASSINA! HAVE NO MERCY!" Everything is chilled, the trees and are uplifted from the King's gravity magic. . .It seems that he's throwing quite the tantrum while attempting to hold off the numbers.
  175. (Atlas Hirano)
  176. {NARRATION} The halls of the Nostvalian lands light up into a veritable phantasmagoria. Exorcism! Occultism! Mordred! Saekanis! Aquamancy and aeromancy, geomancy and ceraunomancy! Where once was a peaceful interior of rippling ponds and growing trees become a battleground of magi in a proverbial powderkeg. Allies can barely be seen--enemies can barely be seen. All that can be known is conflict and the blades coming at their throats. A lantern falls--and the room goes dark but for the flash of mana in the air. Defend yourselves! A bulwark of darkness crashes against a blade of malevolence. Whose loyalty to their liege will be stronger!? Fiiiind your battlebuddies! Lorelei v Ehren + Kassina Luna v Bast Sansevaria v Selene Aeron v Yeshua Bardia v Avnene Valentross v Aamon SIDELINES: Gavin Kyros, Clio Hirano, Dumuzid Balaraq [Late]
  177. [13:38:59] Approach to be Approached:
  179. He dragged his spear along the floor of the castle as it melted the stone he began sizing up the people that were rushing in and swinging at other soldiers.
  181. " They caught us off guard in the dead of night. That is soemthing that is pretty unseen." Yeshua thought scratching the side of his face. The man back cracked then as he started to look upon his spirit beside him that only he could see he smirked towards Yoruba.
  183. Yoruba: " Well son... it looks like we are entering something that I am use to. We are both good for this."
  185. " All of this depravity I can't... I WONT." He will not succumb to this depravity.
  186. (Yeshua Ogun)
  187. [13:38:59] Yeshua Ogun assumes the Cetus stance!
  188. [13:44:57] Through the castle he wandered, a bit too casually...
  189. The chaos that surrounded him was welcomed as a badgering ambience he'd grown too used to. It was the everyday occurence to one of his kind, forced upon them by the very ilk that were torn to shreds as the moments ticked on by. He searched for Clio, but foudn only...
  190. He stopped, bringing rise to his head, glaring down upon Yeshua of all foes.
  192. "I admit... I expected a bit more." He started, "Though, I suppose this isn't the same Nostvale it was over one hundred years ago."
  194. "No... But you magi... You're certainly stronger, are you not?" He crossed his arms at the weapon wielding warrior, chortling some. "Oh, I'm sure of it... Let's see just how capable it holds up." He craned his head over to the side, grinning enough to show teeth. The gesture alone, seemed to act as a backdrop to telepathic communications around them both.
  196. From the side, Yeshua was flanked by the airborne monstrosities of the skies-- Daemonic bats of the Umbral's accord, clawing at him with their overgrown talons to force him off-guard. Aeron, himself... Waited for the retaliation...
  197. He wanted to relish in the thrill of combat once more.
  198. (Aeron)
  199. [13:56:03] Bats were warded off, albeit as the Umbral charged in for the initial strike it seemed as though the armor-bound vessel of flesh and bone were inept of their familiar crunch between his crushing digits.
  200. The clamp they had, were only amidst a mist of aquatic vapor...
  201. A confused Aeron looked onwards, shaking his head slightly at the endeavor.
  203. "... How.... Unfortunate." Despite this fact, he could still feel them... Taste their essence in the very air. He had never forgotten the delectable taint of human to his tongue that wafted so frequently through the air. To one's re-manifestation from this form of mist, the Umbral Kaor turned, lifting an arm encircled with his very own bio-armor, forged through alchemic design.
  205. A blade's descent was forced to a thunderous halt; the shockwave from the strike and block colliding wrought forth enough force to quake at the foundation they fought within.
  206. "Such a cheap trick... But it won't save you from me..."
  207. He swatted his arm offwards to allow Yeshua to be flung offwards, his very own form doggedly pursuing the man as to deny him the slightest opportunity to recover.
  209. "I've fought hundreds of your kind... Consumed countless yokai and humans that threatened to challenged my self... Spawned forth the greatest of warriors... From Dumuzid to nameless ilk of your kind. Where do you fit in the picture? ... A vigiliante, simply looking for a cut in the bloodshed? Or, perhaps... One capable of understanding that standing against the union of a people... To finally accept the wrong-doing of your humanity... And join the new nation of Valmasia..." The image of the beast was rendered to naught of a blur, flickering back into existence, just behind Yeshua in wake of an immediate retaliation.
  211. The extensive tail borne of his backside, skimmed the grounds behind him to catch the warrior off-guard! Though, even as fast as he was, it was likely that Yeshua had grown composed enough to evade this endeavor-- To eventually turn to face a backwards Aeron, gazing off into the horizon.
  213. The many of the surrounding scene kept to their badgering of the man, whilst the Kaor slowly turned, refusing to believe that one would be provided the opportunity to strike him down, even in his cocky mannerism.
  214. (Aeron)
  215. [13:56:54] An adversary is met:
  217. Yeshua picked himself off of the ground and as the blood dripped from his teeth he listened to Yoruba. “ You arn’t dead yet, get up kid, you have that son to come back home to.” Yeshua had began to start to fill with anger. He was capable of anything he set his mind to. He knew that this was nothing to get in his way. Yeshua had started to ball his fist and blood leaked around is knuckles. He began to get back into his stance and he took a deep breath. “ We can do this.” Yeshua couldn’t give up. Not today and not tomorrow.
  219. The man cracked his back once more and shook his head. “ That was just me waking up.” Yeshua took in a deep breath thinking. The glimpses of the last battle seeing the darkness and the Kaors minions that crowded him. This was nothing that he wasn’t use to. Just like when he had to fight the Imperfect except he had trained this time it had changed he was prepared to be unstoppable
  221. “ It was time to nut up or shut up.”
  222. (Yeshua Ogun)
  223. [14:04:35] A roar was made:
  225. Yeshua had charged in with everything he had swinging with all of his utmost strength. The minions had seen there end well the ones that he had engage towards and now Yeshua took a deep sigh then charged in once more grabbing the Kaor by his neck with the tight whip that gripped around the Kaors neck. His spear stabbed the Kaor mutiple times and Yeshua had began to to increase his power the more and more he felt himself slipping.
  227. " Father, I won't let my son be raised without a father." Yeshua said grinding his teeth as blood leaked down his mouth.
  229. Amidst the battle Yeshua had transcended through the spiritual plane then out making the last attack brutal. As the Kaor landed against the floor Yeshua stood his ground huffing and puffing.
  231. " I can still do this."
  232. (Yeshua Ogun)
  233. [14:11:24] To the ground it fell... Stab wounds littering his form. It was... Strange.
  234. To think that a mere man had the power to do this...
  235. No, this was an exceptional entity: A magi, of this strange age. Yet, through this falling, he could only find himself growing more festered in his rage. To think, he slept from a time where all had come to fear and respect him... To awake in another, where none provided him nor his kind reverence of any accord.
  237. This, was the beginning of the end of that.
  238. It rose slowly, but to ensure that its rise was inevitible, more from around the confines of the kingdom were thralled to his bidding, commanded to nosedive into Yeshua in a maddened torrent to parry him away.
  240. "You will DIE trying..." He retorted, eventually rising to his feet, wounds slowly mending shut in a process of accelerated regeneration. The damage and pain from such however, did not cease just yet.
  242. "Your sins here will not be allowed to pass. With the defeat of this village, will follow another... Another... and another.... Until all are united under a common flag." The limitations forced upon them by gravity were violated with the uplifting of his form to the skies. Telekinesis had empowered the Umbral with flight, and with the climax of this bout underway-- It was soon to lead towards the fall of one... And the rise of another above them.
  244. Only a single victor could emerge... As to whom? Only time could tell.
  245. (Aeron)
  246. [14:31:53] A spear was swatted at in his advance, followed up with a fist aimed for the ground. Evasion wrough Yeshua from the brunt of the strike, though his movements far from beyond one's tracking. The immediate aftermath was answered with the swiping withdrawal of his arm, striking his form feet backwards. The clash of steel against his hardened platelets spawned sparks of saffron and gold, reflecting off the crimson gander of the wrathful Umbral Kaor.
  248. "It comes through the Will of the many..."He monologued, coming through with a left hook to catch the warrior off-guard, toiling at the grasslands. "The blood of the many..." Whilst one was briefly pushed back, the several others of Aeron's summoning charged in, all to meet a swift demise, if not simply discouraged from further confrontation.
  250. "The fury of the many..." As to betray his size, his image had materialized just before Yeshua once more, blitzing around the chaos that surrounded them. A stomp upon the land shattered cobblestone to set the burning gleam of new jagged leylines to light, flairing their life siphoning glory to the many bystanders focused in outside brawls, with this man being the centre of Aeron's focus.
  252. One could strike to stumble backwards in reverence, albeit they'd be visited with the outward extension of his arm. Palm flattened and fingers erect... Within the centre of his relinquished grasp, was the accumulating mass of the shadows in the form of a mauve sphere. It was power, building up at an ecstatic rate...
  253. Perhaps, the reasoning why he was once recruited by the Lich King... Why he was suggested not to partake in this war, despite the Nostvallen queen's efforts.
  255. "Welcome... To Oblivion..." The atmosphere was tainted with a familiar lavender discolor, in at the volition of the ancient angur. A flash of light, and eruption set suit... The roaring tsunami of malefic essence distintigrated those unfortunate enough to push their battle between his own. The cobblestoned flooring was omitted before his attack's wrath, and all else...
  256. Though, it was well predicted... A well noted turn of events.... And evade, one could-- Infact, Aeron didn't care in the slightest. Though the aftermath would still prove disastrous for not only the foundation but everyone finding themselves in the wake of the pillar of psuedolight until it finally subsided.
  258. Through walls it chewed... Through chambers...
  259. And likely, to the outside, where countless would be victimized to his callous wrath. The stream extended enough to leave, only the beam's tail splitting from his open palm. The still-present Yeshua however, was only approached in a slow, fluid fashion: The Umbral Kaor's death march.
  260. "Tenacious, aren't you... But this will not save you..." Little did one know, many more guards were preparing their charge to abstain him from finishing the job. That, and Yeshua was more than likely to have enough in him to parry him back for a clean getaway.
  262. The life of this man, was entirely dependent on his next actions.
  263. (Aeron)
  264. [14:37:52] Last Batte:
  266. It had begun the Kaor and Yeshua had rushed each other heavily clashing between minions and weapons. Darkness power overcame Yeshua and he started to cough up blood but even then he shrouded himself in an energy shield and he went through swinging his blades in taking more and more damage. He continued to cough up.
  268. Yoruba: “ Yeshua move back.”
  270. “ I HAVE THIS.” Yeshua said as blood streaked down his body and he started to lose sight of himself being calm. He despised yokai he hated their very being. His spear stuck in Aerons arm as Aeron combatted hism with his occult magic.
  272. Beams flying by and other attacks rushing through Yoruba voice started to raise. “ Yeshua you have to fall back you won’t win this one.”
  274. “ NO!!” He said screaming still moving in but as the creatures guards approached upon Yeshua leaving him an opening upon Yoruba seeing this he took control over Yeshua’s mind and body since they were one and with this being said Yoruba withdrew more water from his hands and made a wave come about that would allow Yoruba to mist away. Blood leaked from his hands and from his leg. He was badly wounded but what could even be more wounded was his pride against being bested by another yokai.
  276. (Yeshua Ogun)
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