
Lyra's Clam Jam Ch 2 (CSiE)

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. >It took all morning while Bon Bon was at work, but you had gone through with your plan.
  2. >Your back hooves hurt like the dickens, but it was going to be well worth it.
  3. >You had busted in the cabinets, and those would take Anon quite a while to replace.
  4. >Long enough for him to get a boner! And the law states you would have to satisfy him!
  5. >You were winking just thinking about it, and you had to force your tail back down as you left. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long to find him.
  6. >Stepping on out, you had looked back and forth, hoping to immediately spot the giant.
  7. >There he is! Just stepping out of Carousel Boutique. You hope he didn't have a big wet stain on his crotch.
  8. >His pants were dry! Success! Wait, what if Rarity gave him a blowjob?
  9. >No, wait, those are usually mornings. You remember Bon Bon griping about needing to brush her teeth. Again. Along with her tongue. Twice.
  10. >You had stepped on out, and painful hooves be damned, you raced to catch up to Anon.
  12. >Back to you, oh unknown wonder!
  13. >You had just finished your appointment with Rarity, you had to sand down and restain one of her desks.
  14. >Sweetie Belle had a nasty habit of leaving drinks everywhere, and the water had started to warp the desk.
  15. >No boners, surprisingly, even with watching that snow white marshmallow ass sway as she walked.
  16. >Oh well, after a helluva day, Bon Bon, two rounds with Pinkie, and a round with Applejack, your spirit was willing, but the flesh was spongy and bruised!
  17. >Even though AJ treated you a lot more tenderly than you expected from a hardy mare such as herself.
  18. >You were just about to get some lunch and get ready to go help Roseluck and Dr Whooves when you had heard hooves running up to you.
  19. >"Hey Anon!" The melodic voice of Lyra greeted you.
  20. "Hello again Lyra. You seem happier."
  21. >"I'm sorry about that, I wasn't feeling too well yesterday. How are you?"
  22. "Doing fine, just winding down for some lunch before I go back to the grind."
  23. >"Well, if you're not busy, I have a bit of an emergency."
  24. >Wuh oh.
  25. "I think I can squeeze you in, if you don't mind me eating while I'm on the job."
  26. >"Oh that's fine! I have some leftover vegetable soup if you get hungry!"
  27. >Well, it's something, soup and a sandwich would be some good comfort food.
  28. >She had led you back into the house, you had forgotten to ask what the issue was, but when you went into the kitchen...Damn.
  29. >You had to frown at the damage that was done, you remember those cabinets were not in that shape just yesterday.
  30. >Sighing, you made a mental tally to make another run to the hardware store.
  31. >Hopefully Torque would have some cabinets already in by some carpenters.
  32. "For fucks sake, Lyra, what happened here?"
  33. >"There was a hornet. I kind of panicked." She looked rather sheepish.
  34. >You looked at her rather skeptically, unless they were those Japaneighse Giant Hornets. Those fuckers were terrifying, same as their Earth counterparts.
  35. "Since I was here yesterday, and it won't take me too long to replace the cabinets, all I ask is that you pay for them."
  36. >"I can do that."
  37. >That tone was a little too cheerful for your tastes. Sighing, you grabbed your measuring tape, a notepad, and a pen, and got to work.
  39. >Lyra, you're such a genius!
  40. >Oooh, look at that tight butt! You could watch it all day.
  41. >Down, tail. Good.
  42. >With a practiced hand and a little magical help, he had removed the broken cabinets, and took down notes, then with a 'Back in a few', he had left.
  43. >Perfect. He'd be gone with plenty of time for you to go and get your surprises ready for him.
  44. >Running upstairs, giggling like a mad mare, you almost ran head first into your door, but opened it up and began to rummage through your dresser.
  45. >Why do you have a dresser? Ponies like to dress up to feel pretty, too.
  47. >"What brings you in today Anon?"
  48. >You were greeted instantly by the hardware shop owner, Torque Wrench.
  49. >The rust colored Earth Pony hopped down from his stool, meeting you halfway.
  50. "Oh, you know, more shit to fix around Ponyville. How's the kids?"
  51. >"You know I have no kids, ya mook. Not for a lack of trying with the missus."
  52. "Haha, yeah yeah. Hey you got any cabinet doors in?"
  53. >"Yeah, they're in the back, what size?"
  54. >You flip to the page that you had written the measurements down in.
  55. "Sixteen by twelve, Oak. Need four."
  56. >"Just a second." He disappeared behind a set of swinging doors, and returned dragging a flatbed. "Howsh deesh?"
  57. >You learned 'mouthfulese' about your second month in. "Good as any."
  58. >"All right, the damage is 80 bits."
  59. "Lyra's gonna shit a brick when I give her the bill."
  60. >"These for Heartstrings and Bon? What happened?"
  61. "Lyra kicked in the old ones."
  62. >He gave a low whistle while you counted out the coinage. "Fight?"
  63. "Nah, said there was a hornet."
  64. >"She's a unicorn! Just open a window and fling it out magically!"
  65. "Tell me about it. Say hi to the missus for me." You picked up the shelves and hoisted them against your shoulder.
  66. >"See ya around, big man."
  68. >Once you had arrived, you opened the door and let yourself on in.
  69. >No Lyra in sight. Oh well, time to get to work.
  70. >As you were setting up the first cabinet, guess who came on down?
  71. >You had given her a sideglance and had to do a double take.
  72. >A minty ass clad in a pair of pink panties was shaking a foot away from you.
  73. >"I was wondering Anon, what do you think of these?"
  74. "To be honest? They clash with your coat and mane. Try blue."
  75. >You went back to working on getting the new cabinet door in position, and you heard her going around the corner, not seeing the pout on her face.
  76. >She had on a purple lacy pair now. "I think these go well with my eyes."
  77. >Thunk! The cabinet swung down and cracked you right in the shin.
  78. "Sonofa-, even smaller, those things still smart."
  79. >"You okay? Maybe I could kiss it and make it better?"
  80. "I'll be fine." You resumed realigning the cabinet and setting in a screw to keep it in a place.
  82. >This isn't working! Anon should be popping a boner right now, not working on those stupid cabinets!
  83. >You rounded the corner and decided to go through and look for something a little more fantasy-esque.
  84. >You had one last shot, and if this one didn't get the blood rushing to his loins, then you would wonder if it was something against you.
  85. >By the time you had finished putting it on, you were greeted by Bon Bon.
  86. "B-Bon Bon! You're home early! Reeaally early!"
  87. >"Yes, well, I decided to come home for lunch! And what a pleasant surprise! You're wearing the Alicorn Corset!"
  88. >You heard a loud "THUD" come from the kitchen.
  89. >"Is somepony else here?" Bon Bon had looked around you and saw Anon working. "Anonymous! What're you doing here?"
  90. >"Oh hey Bon Bon, just replacing your cabinet doors!"
  91. >"And why in Equestria are you doing that?" The cream colored mare was mystified by this.
  92. "There was a cockatrice! Yeah and I tried to shoo it out without looking at it!"
  93. >You heard Anon call from the kitchen. "Cockatrice? You told me it was-"
  94. >You just looked over at his general area, and sent the door crashing into his shin again. Thank you, magic.
  95. "Anyway, since I couldn't see it, I had to try to scare it out by bucking it. In doing so, I had accidentally hit the cabinets."
  96. >"Lyra, if there's a Cockatrice loose, shouldn't you give a warning to, well, everypony?"
  97. "It'll be fine, I think it ran back into the Everfree."
  98. >Bon Bon gave you a skeptical look. "If you say so... But if a bunch of ponies and animals turn up missing and there's an array of statues around, I'm putting the blame on you! Back to other business, why the outfit? It's not Thursday."
  99. >"Actually, it is!" You both heard the male voice call from the kitchen.
  100. >For the love of Celestia, Anon! Shut! Up!
  101. >"Oh! Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'll get the candied cherries!"
  102. >When it comes your turn, you're going to rut that human silly. Multiple times.
  103. >But for now, Bon Bon's in a mood, and she should be taken care of.
  104. >You watched your cottagemate balance the jar of cherries on her two-toned mane, giggling as she went upstairs.
  106. >You are working man Anon once more, and you had just finished up replacing the cabinets. Giving them an experimental swing and tug, they passed your seal of approval.
  107. >You swore you heard giggling just a moment ago, but got wrapped up in your work.
  108. "Well, fuck. I wanted to see this corset." Wings? That'smyfetish.ScoobyDoo
  109. >You had went to go see if you could find Lyra, but you heard moaning upstairs, from two distinct voices.
  110. >Rise from your grave, boner!
  111. >You had packed up your stuff, and with your penis harder than a woodpecker's lips, you know you weren't going to get home without making somepony your cock sleeve.
  112. >The question was, who was going to get lucky?
  113. >More importantly, when the fuck are you gonna eat lunch?
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