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- class Solution {
- public:
- const int d = 4;
- const int mod = 1000003;
- map<char, int> dna;
- map<int, int> m;
- vector<string> robin_karp(string& text) {
- vector<string> rez;
- dna['A'] = 0;
- dna['C'] = 1;
- dna['G'] = 2;
- dna['T'] = 3;
- int N = text.size();
- int M = 10;
- int hash_t = 0, h = 1;
- for (int i=0; i < M-1; i++) {
- h = (h * d);
- }
- for (int i=0; i < M; i++) {
- hash_t = ((hash_t * d) + dna[text[i]]);
- }
- int l = 0, r = M, cnt = 0;
- while (r <= N) {
- m[hash_t]++;
- if (m[hash_t] == 2)
- rez.push_back(text.substr(l, 10));
- if (r == N)
- break;
- hash_t = (hash_t - dna[text[l]] * h);
- hash_t = (hash_t * d + dna[text[r]]);
- if (hash_t < 0)
- hash_t += mod;
- l++;
- r++;
- }
- return rez;
- }
- vector<string> findRepeatedDnaSequences(string s) {
- vector<string> rez = robin_karp(s);
- return rez;
- }
- };
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