

Nov 14th, 2017
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  1. [17:42] <Ethlem> While the others had gone to have their lunch of delicious stew Eth'lem had remained at the medical wing, where she was fast asleep on a chair in a corner, having tried to find an out-of-the-way place to catch some shut eye.
  2. [17:59] <CDatWork> The lull of the triage noises, of soft caretaking and the occasional groan of pain or sigh of relief, is a constant background that helps her stay asleep for who knows how long...and then abruptly Eth'lem feels herself moving, lifted into the air by strong arms under her back and knees and sliding against a solid chest.
  3. [18:09] <Ethlem> The sudden change makes her utter a faint groan, her eyes blinking open, if only half-way, to look around herself with an equal parts tired and curious expression.
  4. [18:10] <CDatWork> There's a quite familiar face a foot away from her own: the dark hair and trimmed beard of Darro ir'Lien. He smiles down at her. "Well, good morning, Pet. Did you rest well?"
  5. [18:13] <Ethlem> She gains a sleepy smile at the sight of his "As well as one could-" she's interrupted by a yawn "-on a chair..." she answers, her neck feeling a tad stiff from the weird sleeping position.
  6. [18:17] <CDatWork> He nods and curls his arms slightly, rolling her into his chest in a sort of sideways hug. She catches sight of the palace gates passing and the building itself starts to appear in her peripheral vision. "In moments we'll be back inside, and you can make use of the bed, if you're still in need of rest."
  7. [18:19] * Ethlem nestles her head against his shoulder, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth as she stiffles a yawn "That sounds divine." she murmurs drowsily
  8. [18:21] <CDatWork> He chuckles, and this close to his chest the sound is amplified, deeper. "You would know," he quips. "And that might have been the most adorable sight I have seen in weeks."
  9. [18:23] <Ethlem> Even in her tired state her cheeks flush at his comments, eyes half-lidded as she peers up at him. "What was?" she smiles with faux-ignorance.
  10. [18:25] <CDatWork> "I believe the better question, my dear, is 'What wasn't'~" With another chuckle he shoulders his way through the palace doors and bears her toward his office. Almost as if expecting to find her in this state, he has had a divan moved in along with a pillow, and he hooks her knees over one arm of the furniture and lays her flat, head on the pillow.
  11. [18:26] <CDatWork> "It's not the best, but it was easier to request one of these than to have your bed moved."
  12. [18:30] <Ethlem> The red tint deepens at his reply, and despite it notbeing a bed she still looks happy as a clam as she snuggles into the cushioned seat and soft pillow. "This is great." she assures him, turning her upper body slightly as she gets comfortable and utters a sleepy and affectionate mumble. "Thank you, Darro."
  13. [18:32] <CDatWork> "Anything for you, My Pet." He pets her hair and draws a finger along one of her horns before heading back to his desk, settling into the creaky leather-appointed seat with a sigh. Stacks of paper practically leap into his hands. "Rescuing you, however unnecessary, was a welcome distraction from the most hated enemy of any soldier."
  14. [18:36] <Ethlem> A quiet laugh escapes her at that "Ah, yes. All those paper cuts~" she laments, her smile gaining a mirthful edge "I can find-" another yawn "-something else for you... to rescue me from?"
  15. [18:38] <CDatWork> He chuckles again. "I may take you up on that, but as it is, considering my...ill-fated sojourn to the Eldeen Reaches over the winter...I have put myself nearly half a year behind on dealing with this."
  16. [18:43] <Ethlem> Eth'lem gives him a smile, at least she tries to, mumbling something inaudiable as her eyes slide shut and she falls asleep, the only sound escaping her being slow and steady breathing.
  17. [18:50] <CDatWork> He shuffles through papers quietly while she drifts off. At one point he retrieves a blanket and drapes it over her. Magewrought technology keeps the palace at a relatively constant temperature in spite of the spring chill, but the blanket is more for comfort than anything else.
  18. [18:54] <Ethlem> She snuggles into the warmth and softness of the blanket, looking quite comfortable as she slumbers.
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