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a guest
Aug 23rd, 2020
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  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <!--[if lt IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
  3. <!--[if IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
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  6. <!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
  7. <head>
  8. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  9. <script>var bcpo_product={{ product | json }}; {% if product.metafields.bcpo.bcpo_data %}var bcpo_data={{ product.metafields.bcpo.bcpo_data }};{% endif %} {% if shop.metafields.bcpo.bcpo_settings %}var bcpo_settings={{ shop.metafields.bcpo.bcpo_settings }};{% endif %}var inventory_quantity = [];{% for v in product.variants %}inventory_quantity.push({{v.inventory_quantity}});{% endfor %}if(bcpo_product) { for (var i = 0; i < bcpo_product.variants.length; i += 1) { bcpo_product.variants[i].inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity[i]; }}window.bcpo = window.bcpo || {}; bcpo.cart = {{cart | json}}; bcpo.ogFormData = FormData;</script>
  13. <!-- Basic page needs ================================================== -->
  14. <meta charset="utf-8">
  15. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  17. {% if settings.favicon_enable %}
  18. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ 'favicon.png' | asset_url }}" type="image/png" />
  19. {% endif %}
  21. <!-- Title and description ================================================== -->
  22. <title>
  23. {{ page_title }}{% if current_tags %}{% assign meta_tags = current_tags | join: ', ' %} &ndash; {{ 'general.meta.tags' | t: tags: meta_tags }}{% endif %}{% if current_page != 1 %} &ndash; {{ '' | t: page: current_page }}{% endif %}{% unless page_title contains %} &ndash; {{ }}{% endunless %}
  24. </title>
  26. {% if page_description %}
  27. <meta name="description" content="{{ page_description | escape }}">
  28. {% endif %}
  30. <!-- Helpers ================================================== -->
  31. {% include 'social-meta-tags' %}
  32. <link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical_url }}">
  33. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
  34. <meta name="theme-color" content="{{ settings.color_primary }}">
  36. <!-- CSS ================================================== -->
  37. {{ 'timber.scss.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
  38. {{ 'theme.scss.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
  39. {% include 'google-fonts' %}
  41. <!-- Header hook for plugins ================================================== -->
  42. {{ content_for_header }}
  43. {% include 'oldIE-js' %}
  45. {{ '//' | script_tag }}
  46. {{ 'modernizr.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  48. {% comment %}
  49. If you store has customer accounts disabled, you can remove the following JS file
  50. {% endcomment %}
  51. {% if template contains 'customers' %}
  52. {{ 'shopify_common.js' | shopify_asset_url | script_tag }}
  53. {% endif %}
  55. </head>
  57. {% comment %}
  58. Add the page template as a class for easy page or template specific styling.
  59. {% endcomment %}
  60. <body id="{{ page_title | handle }}" class="{% if customer %}customer-logged-in {% endif %}template-{{ template | replace: '.', ' ' | truncatewords: 1, '' | handle }}">
  62. <div id="NavDrawer" class="drawer drawer--left">
  63. <div class="drawer__fixed-header">
  64. <div class="drawer__header">
  65. <div class="drawer__close drawer__close--left">
  66. <button type="button" class="icon-fallback-text drawer__close-button js-drawer-close">
  67. <span class="icon icon-x" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  68. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'general.drawers.close_menu' | t }}</span>
  69. </button>
  70. </div>
  71. </div>
  72. </div>
  73. <div class="drawer__inner">
  75. {% comment %}
  76. Remove comment tags below to add a search box at the top of your pull-out menu.
  77. {% endcomment %}
  79. {% comment %}
  80. {% include 'search-bar', search_btn_style: 'btn--secondary', search_bar_location: 'search-bar--drawer' %}
  81. {% endcomment %}
  83. <!-- begin mobile-nav -->
  84. <ul class="mobile-nav">
  85. {% for link in linklists.main-menu.links %}
  86. {% comment %}
  87. Create a dropdown menu by naming a linklist the same as a link in the parent nav
  89. More info on dropdowns:
  90. -
  91. {% endcomment %}
  92. {% assign child_list_handle = link.title | handleize %}
  93. {% if linklists[child_list_handle].links != blank %}
  94. <li class="mobile-nav__item{% unless template == 'index' %}{% if %} mobile-nav__item--active{% endif %}{% endunless %}" aria-haspopup="true">
  95. <div class="mobile-nav__has-sublist">
  96. <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="mobile-nav__link">{{ link.title }}</a>
  97. <div class="mobile-nav__toggle">
  98. <button type="button" class="icon-fallback-text">
  99. <span class="icon-fallback-text mobile-nav__toggle-open">
  100. <span class="icon icon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  101. <span class="fallback-text">See More</span>
  102. </span>
  103. <span class="icon-fallback-text mobile-nav__toggle-close">
  104. <span class="icon icon-minus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  105. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'cart.general.close_cart' | t }}</span>
  106. </span>
  107. </button>
  108. </div>
  109. </div>
  110. <ul class="mobile-nav__sublist">
  111. {% for childlink in linklists[child_list_handle].links %}
  112. <li class="mobile-nav__item{% unless template == 'index' %}{% if %} mobile-nav__item--active{% endif %}{% endunless %}">
  113. <a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="mobile-nav__link">{{ childlink.title | escape }}</a>
  114. </li>
  115. {% endfor %}
  116. </ul>
  117. </li>
  118. {% else %}
  119. <li class="mobile-nav__item{% unless template == 'index' %}{% if %} mobile-nav__item--active{% endif %}{% endunless %}">
  120. <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="mobile-nav__link">{{ link.title }}</a>
  121. </li>
  122. {% endif %}
  123. {% endfor %}
  125. {% comment %}
  126. Spacer element
  127. {% endcomment %}
  128. <li class="mobile-nav__spacer"></li>
  130. {% comment %}
  131. If customer accounts are enabled, provide login and create account links
  132. {% endcomment %}
  133. {% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %}
  134. {% if customer %}
  135. <li class="mobile-nav__item mobile-nav__item--secondary">
  136. <a href="/account">{{ 'layout.customer.account' | t }}</a>
  137. </li>
  138. <li class="mobile-nav__item mobile-nav__item--secondary">
  139. {{ 'layout.customer.log_out' | t | customer_logout_link }}
  140. </li>
  141. {% else %}
  142. <li class="mobile-nav__item mobile-nav__item--secondary">
  143. {{ 'layout.customer.log_in' | t | customer_login_link }}
  144. </li>
  145. {% if shop.customer_accounts_optional %}
  146. <li class="mobile-nav__item mobile-nav__item--secondary">
  147. {{ 'layout.customer.create_account' | t | customer_register_link }}
  148. </li>
  149. {% endif %}
  150. {% endif %}
  151. {% endif %}
  152. {% for link in linklists.footer.links %}
  153. <li class="mobile-nav__item mobile-nav__item--secondary"><a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
  154. {% endfor %}
  155. </ul>
  156. <!-- //mobile-nav -->
  157. </div>
  158. </div>
  159. <div id="CartDrawer" class="drawer drawer--right{% unless additional_checkout_buttons %} drawer--has-fixed-footer{% endunless %}">
  160. <div class="drawer__fixed-header">
  161. <div class="drawer__header">
  162. <div class="drawer__title">{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</div>
  163. <div class="drawer__close">
  164. <button type="button" class="icon-fallback-text drawer__close-button js-drawer-close">
  165. <span class="icon icon-x" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  166. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'cart.general.close_cart' | t }}</span>
  167. </button>
  168. </div>
  169. </div>
  170. </div>
  171. <div class="drawer__inner">
  172. <div id="CartContainer" class="drawer__cart"></div>
  173. </div>
  174. </div>
  176. <div id="PageContainer" class="is-moved-by-drawer">
  178. <div class="header-wrapper">
  179. <header class="site-header" role="banner">
  180. <div class="wrapper">
  181. <div class="grid--full grid--table">
  182. <div class="grid__item large--hide one-quarter">
  183. <div class="site-nav--mobile">
  184. <button type="button" class="icon-fallback-text site-nav__link js-drawer-open-left" aria-controls="NavDrawer" aria-expanded="false">
  185. <span class="icon icon-hamburger" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  186. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'general.drawers.navigation' | t }}</span>
  187. </button>
  188. </div>
  189. </div>
  190. <div class="grid__item large--one-quarter medium-down--one-half">
  191. {% comment %}
  192. Use the uploaded logo from theme settings if enabled.
  193. Site name gets precedence with H1 tag on homepage, div on other pages.
  194. {% endcomment %}
  195. {% if template == 'index' %}
  196. <h1 class="site-header__logo large--left" itemscope itemtype="">
  197. {% else %}
  198. <div class="h1 site-header__logo large--left" itemscope itemtype="">
  199. {% endif %}
  200. {% if settings.logo_use_image %}
  201. {% comment %}
  202. .logo--has-inverted is only applied to the default logo if the inverted logo exists. That way it'll only be hidden on the slider when it has a backup.
  203. {% endcomment %}
  204. {% assign logo_inverted_url = 'logo-inverted.png' | asset_url %}
  205. <a href="{{ shop.url }}" itemprop="url" class="site-header__logo-link{% if settings.logo_use_inverted %} logo--has-inverted{% endif %}">
  206. <img src="{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" itemprop="logo">
  207. </a>
  208. {% if settings.logo_use_inverted %}
  209. <a href="{{ shop.url }}" itemprop="url" class="logo--inverted">
  210. <img src="{{ 'logo-inverted.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" itemprop="logo">
  211. </a>
  212. {% endif %}
  213. {% else %}
  214. <a href="/" itemprop="url">{{ }}</a>
  215. {% endif %}
  216. {% if template == 'index' %}
  217. </h1>
  218. {% else %}
  219. </div>
  220. {% endif %}
  221. </div>
  222. <div class="grid__item large--three-quarters large--text-right medium-down--hide">
  223. {% comment %}
  224. List out your main-menu linklist (default)
  226. More info on linklists:
  227. -
  228. {% endcomment %}
  229. <!-- begin site-nav -->
  230. <ul class="site-nav" id="AccessibleNav">
  231. <li class="site-nav__item site-nav--compress__menu">
  232. <button type="button" class="icon-fallback-text site-nav__link site-nav__link--icon js-drawer-open-left" aria-controls="NavDrawer" aria-expanded="false">
  233. <span class="icon icon-hamburger" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  234. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'general.drawers.navigation' | t }}</span>
  235. </button>
  236. </li>
  237. {% for link in linklists.main-menu.links %}
  238. {% comment %}
  239. Create a dropdown menu by naming a linklist the same as a link in the parent nav
  241. More info on dropdowns:
  242. -
  243. {% endcomment %}
  244. {% assign child_list_handle = link.title | handleize %}
  245. {% if linklists[child_list_handle].links != blank %}
  246. <li class="site-nav__item site-nav__expanded-item site-nav--has-dropdown{% unless template == 'index' %}{% if %} site-nav--active{% endif %}{% endunless%}" aria-haspopup="true">
  247. <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="site-nav__link">
  248. {{ link.title }}
  249. <span class="icon icon-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  250. </a>
  251. <ul class="site-nav__dropdown text-left">
  252. {% for childlink in linklists[child_list_handle].links %}
  253. <li{% if %} class="site-nav--active"{% endif %}>
  254. <a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="site-nav__dropdown-link">{{ childlink.title | escape }}</a>
  255. </li>
  256. {% endfor %}
  257. </ul>
  258. </li>
  259. {% else %}
  260. <li class="site-nav__item site-nav__expanded-item{% unless template == 'index' %}{% if %} site-nav--active{% endif %}{% endunless%}">
  261. <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="site-nav__link">{{ link.title }}</a>
  262. </li>
  263. {% endif %}
  264. {% endfor %}
  266. {% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %}
  267. <li class="site-nav__item site-nav__expanded-item">
  268. <a class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--icon" href="/account">
  269. <span class="icon-fallback-text">
  270. <span class="icon icon-customer" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  271. <span class="fallback-text">
  272. {% if customer %}
  273. {{ 'layout.customer.account' | t }}
  274. {% else %}
  275. {{ 'layout.customer.log_in' | t }}
  276. {% endif %}
  277. </span>
  278. </span>
  279. </a>
  280. </li>
  281. {% endif %}
  283. {% comment %}
  284. Uncomment code below to add a search icon
  286. Change search_modal to true if you'd prefer the search icon
  287. to toggle a modal ('popup') instead of linking to the search page.
  288. {% endcomment %}
  290. {% comment %}
  291. {% assign search_modal = false %}
  292. <li class="site-nav__item">
  293. <a href="/search" class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--icon{% if search_modal %} js-toggle-search-modal{% endif %}" data-mfp-src="#SearchModal">
  294. <span class="icon-fallback-text">
  295. <span class="icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  296. <span class="fallback-text">{{ '' | t }}</span>
  297. </span>
  298. </a>
  299. </li>
  300. {% endcomment %}
  302. <li class="site-nav__item">
  303. <a href="/cart" class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--icon cart-link js-drawer-open-right" aria-controls="CartDrawer" aria-expanded="false">
  304. <span class="icon-fallback-text">
  305. <span class="icon icon-cart" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  306. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'layout.cart.title' | t }}</span>
  307. </span>
  308. <span class="cart-link__bubble{% if cart.item_count > 0 %} cart-link__bubble--visible{% endif %}"></span>
  309. </a>
  310. </li>
  312. </ul>
  313. <!-- //site-nav -->
  314. </div>
  315. <div class="grid__item large--hide one-quarter">
  316. <div class="site-nav--mobile text-right">
  317. <a href="/cart" class="site-nav__link cart-link js-drawer-open-right" aria-controls="CartDrawer" aria-expanded="false">
  318. <span class="icon-fallback-text">
  319. <span class="icon icon-cart" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  320. <span class="fallback-text">{{ 'layout.cart.title' | t }}</span>
  321. </span>
  322. <span class="cart-link__bubble{% if cart.item_count > 0 %} cart-link__bubble--visible{% endif %}"></span>
  323. </a>
  324. </div>
  325. </div>
  326. </div>
  328. {% comment %}
  329. Remove comment tags below to add a search box to your header.
  330. {% endcomment %}
  332. {% comment %}
  333. <div class="grid--full large--right medium-down--hide ">
  334. {% include 'search-bar', search_btn_style: 'btn', search_bar_location: 'search-bar--header' %}
  335. </div>
  336. {% endcomment %}
  338. </div>
  339. </header>
  340. </div>
  342. <main class="main-content" role="main">
  343. <div class="wrapper">
  344. {{ content_for_layout }}
  345. </div>
  346. </main>
  348. {% if settings.footer_newsletter_enable %}
  349. <div class="newsletter">
  350. <div class="wrapper">
  351. {% comment %}
  353. MailChimp is the go-to newsletter service for Shopify.
  354. Use the link below to find your MailChimp "form action"
  355. and insert it in your site settings.
  357. MailChimp newsletter integration and requirement:
  358. -
  360. {% endcomment %}
  361. {% if settings.newsletter_form_action != blank %}
  362. {% assign form_action = settings.newsletter_form_action %}
  363. {% else %}
  364. {% assign form_action = '#' %}
  365. {% endif %}
  366. <form action="{{ form_action }}" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank">
  367. <label for="Email" class="newsletter__label hidden-label">{{ 'general.newsletter_form.newsletter_email' | t }}</label>
  368. <div class="input-group">
  369. <input type="email" value="{% if customer %}{{ }}{% endif %}" placeholder="{{ 'general.newsletter_form.newsletter_email' | t }}" name="EMAIL" id="Email" class="input-group-field newsletter__input" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off">
  370. <span class="input-group-btn">
  371. <button type="submit" class="btn newsletter__submit" name="subscribe" id="Subscribe">
  372. <span class="newsletter__submit-text--large">{{ 'general.newsletter_form.submit' | t }}</span>
  373. <span class="newsletter__submit-text--small">&rarr;</span>
  374. </button>
  375. </span>
  376. </div>
  377. </form>
  378. </div>
  379. </div>
  380. {% endif %}
  382. <hr class="hr--large">
  383. <footer class="site-footer small--text-center" role="contentinfo">
  384. <div class="wrapper">
  386. <div class="grid-uniform">
  388. {% comment %}
  389. Default to 1 footer column (copyright/powered_by/payment_types)
  390. {% endcomment %}
  391. {% assign num_footer_columns = 1 %}
  393. {% comment %}
  394. Create an extra menu column if link list has more than 5 links
  395. {% endcomment %}
  396. {% if linklists.footer.links.size > 0 %}
  397. {% comment %}
  398. We have a Footer menu that isn't empty, we will need another column
  399. {% endcomment %}
  400. {% assign num_footer_columns = num_footer_columns | plus: 1 %}
  401. {% assign extra_footer_linklist_column = false %}
  402. {% assign footer_linklist_count = linklists.footer.links.size %}
  403. {% if footer_linklist_count > 5 %}
  404. {% assign extra_footer_linklist_column = true %}
  405. {% comment %}
  406. We split the links so we'll need another column
  407. {% endcomment %}
  408. {% assign num_footer_columns = num_footer_columns | plus: 1 %}
  409. {% endif %}
  410. {% comment %}
  411. If we have an odd amount of links, we need to show 1 more link in 1st column
  412. {% endcomment %}
  413. {% assign extra_link = footer_linklist_count | modulo: 2 %}
  414. {% comment %}
  415. We start with a 2nd column after first column is filled up.
  416. {% endcomment %}
  417. {% assign footer_linklist_split = footer_linklist_count | divided_by: 2 | plus: extra_link | plus: 1 %}
  418. {% endif %}
  420. {% comment %}
  421. Determine whether there are social links
  422. {% endcomment %}
  423. {% assign footer_social_enable = false %}
  424. {% if
  425. settings.social_twitter_link != blank
  426. or settings.social_facebook_link != blank
  427. or settings.social_pinterest_link != blank
  428. or settings.social_google_plus_link != blank
  429. or settings.social_instagram_link != blank
  430. or settings.social_tumblr_link != blank
  431. or settings.social_youtube_link != blank
  432. or settings.social_vimeo_link != blank
  433. or settings.social_fancy_link != blank
  434. %}
  435. {% assign footer_social_enable = true %}
  436. {% endif %}
  438. {% comment %}
  439. Calculate the number of footer columns shown. Default to 1.
  440. {% endcomment %}
  441. {% if footer_social_enable %}
  442. {% assign num_footer_columns = num_footer_columns | plus: 1 %}
  443. {% endif %}
  445. {% case num_footer_columns %}
  446. {% when 0 %}
  447. {% when 1 %}
  448. {% assign footer_column_width = '' %}
  449. {% when 2 %}
  450. {% assign footer_column_width = 'one-half small--one-whole' %}
  451. {% when 3 %}
  452. {% assign footer_column_width = 'one-third small--one-whole' %}
  453. {% when 4 %}
  454. {% assign footer_column_width = 'large--one-quarter medium--one-half' %}
  455. {% endcase %}
  457. {% if linklists.footer.links.size > 0 %}
  458. <div class="grid__item {{ footer_column_width }}">
  459. <ul class="no-bullets site-footer__linklist">
  460. {% for link in linklists.footer.links %}
  462. {% comment %}
  463. Create a second column
  464. {% endcomment %}
  465. {% if extra_footer_linklist_column and forloop.index == footer_linklist_split %}
  466. </ul>
  467. </div>
  468. <div class="grid__item {{ footer_column_width }}">
  469. <ul class="no-bullets site-footer__linklist">
  470. {% endif %}
  472. <li><a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
  474. {% endfor %}
  475. </ul>
  476. </div>
  477. {% endif %}
  479. {% if footer_social_enable %}
  480. <div class="grid__item {{ footer_column_width }}">
  481. <ul class="no-bullets social-icons">
  482. {% if settings.social_facebook_link != blank %}
  483. <li>
  484. <a href="{{ settings.social_facebook_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Facebook' }}">
  485. <span class="icon icon-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  486. Facebook
  487. </a>
  488. </li>
  489. {% endif %}
  490. {% if settings.social_twitter_link != blank %}
  491. <li>
  492. <a href="{{ settings.social_twitter_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Twitter' }}">
  493. <span class="icon icon-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  494. Twitter
  495. </a>
  496. </li>
  497. {% endif %}
  498. {% if settings.social_pinterest_link != blank %}
  499. <li>
  500. <a href="{{ settings.social_pinterest_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Pinterest' }}">
  501. <span class="icon icon-pinterest" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  502. Pinterest
  503. </a>
  504. </li>
  505. {% endif %}
  506. {% if settings.social_instagram_link != blank %}
  507. <li>
  508. <a href="{{ settings.social_instagram_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Instagram' }}">
  509. <span class="icon icon-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  510. Instagram
  511. </a>
  512. </li>
  513. {% endif %}
  514. {% if settings.social_google_plus_link != blank %}
  515. <li>
  516. <a href="{{ settings.social_google_plus_link }}" rel="publisher" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Google Plus' }}">
  517. <span class="icon icon-google" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  518. Google Plus
  519. </a>
  520. </li>
  521. {% endif %}
  522. {% if settings.social_tumblr_link != blank %}
  523. <li>
  524. <a href="{{ settings.social_tumblr_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Tumblr' }}">
  525. <span class="icon icon-tumblr" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  526. Tumblr
  527. </a>
  528. </li>
  529. {% endif %}
  530. {% if settings.social_youtube_link != blank %}
  531. <li>
  532. <a href="{{ settings.social_youtube_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'YouTube' }}">
  533. <span class="icon icon-youtube" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  534. YouTube
  535. </a>
  536. </li>
  537. {% endif %}
  538. {% if settings.social_vimeo_link != blank %}
  539. <li>
  540. <a href="{{ settings.social_vimeo_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Vimeo' }}">
  541. <span class="icon icon-vimeo" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  542. Vimeo
  543. </a>
  544. </li>
  545. {% endif %}
  546. {% if settings.social_fancy_link != blank %}
  547. <li>
  548. <a href="{{ settings.social_fancy_link }}" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Fancy' }}">
  549. <span class="icon icon-fancy" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  550. Fancy
  551. </a>
  552. </li>
  553. {% endif %}
  554. </ul>
  555. </div>
  556. {% endif %}
  558. <div class="grid__item {{ footer_column_width }} {% if num_footer_columns == 1 %}text-center{% else %}large--text-right{% endif %}">
  559. <p>&copy; {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }}, {{ }}<br>{{ powered_by_link }}</p>
  560. {% unless shop.enabled_payment_types == empty %}
  561. <ul class="inline-list payment-icons">
  562. {% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
  563. <li>
  564. <span class="icon-fallback-text">
  565. <span class="icon icon-{{ type }}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  566. <span class="fallback-text">{{ type | replace: '_',' ' }}</span>
  567. </span>
  568. </li>
  569. {% endfor %}
  570. </ul>
  571. {% endunless %}
  572. </div>
  573. </div>
  575. </div>
  576. </footer>
  578. </div>
  581. {{ 'fastclick.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  582. {{ 'timber.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  583. {{ 'theme.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  585. {% comment %}
  586. Template-specific js
  587. {% endcomment %}
  588. <script>
  589. {% if newHash %}
  590. $(function() {
  591. timber.updateHash('{{ newHash }}');
  592. });
  593. {% endif %}
  594. {% if resetPassword %}
  595. $(function() {
  596. timber.resetPasswordSuccess();
  597. });
  598. {% endif %}
  599. </script>
  601. {% if template contains 'index' and hero_enabled %}
  602. {{ 'slick.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  603. {{ 'slick-theme.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  604. <script>
  605. jQuery(function($) {
  606. slickTheme.init({
  607. $element : $('#Hero'),
  608. $headerClass : $('.header-wrapper'), // absolutely positioned inside $element
  609. fullscreen : {{ hero_full_height }},
  610. parallax : {{ hero_parallax }}
  611. });
  612. });
  613. </script>
  614. {% elsif template contains 'product' %}
  615. {{ 'slick.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  616. {{ 'scrolltofixed.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  617. {% endif %}
  619. {% comment %}
  620. Ajaxify your cart with this plugin.
  621. Documentation:
  622. -
  623. {% endcomment %}
  624. {% if settings.cart_type == 'drawer' %}
  625. {{ 'handlebars.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  626. {% include 'ajax-cart-template' %}
  627. {{ 'ajax-cart.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  628. <script>
  629. jQuery(function($) {
  630. ajaxCart.init({
  631. formSelector: '#AddToCartForm',
  632. cartContainer: '#CartContainer',
  633. addToCartSelector: '#AddToCart',
  634. enableQtySelectors: true,
  635. moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }}
  636. });
  637. });
  638. </script>
  639. {% endif %}
  641. {% if settings.product_zoom_enable and template contains 'product' %}
  642. {{ 'magnific-popup.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  643. {% elsif search_modal == true %}
  644. {{ 'magnific-popup.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  645. {% endif %}
  647. {% if template contains 'article' or template contains 'product' %}
  648. {% if settings.social_sharing_blog or settings.social_sharing_products %}
  649. {{ 'social-buttons.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
  650. {% endif %}
  651. {% endif %}
  653. {% if search_modal == true %}
  654. <div id="SearchModal" class="mfp-hide">
  655. {% include 'search-bar', search_btn_style: 'btn', search_bar_location: 'search-bar--modal' %}
  656. </div>
  657. {% endif %}
  659. </body>
  660. </html>
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