
Video script for Christmas

Dec 25th, 2016
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  1. Hey guys xxxxxxx here the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Well it's Christmas, well by the time I can get around to making this video it would have happened already, so let's pretend that you are still in your footie pajamas and gather around. (Mention something about the intro, whether I liked it or didn't. Wait till the actual recording to see how much I like it)
  5. Christmas is a peculiar time of year because it can be a comfy time of year but it can also be a really shitty time if you aren't one of those shitty Christmas chick flicks my mom likes to watch(talk about them briefly, you aren't being a hero so keep it short)
  7. I try to keep a clear mind and I really try not to let myself get down, but this year end celebration is taking its toll on me(talk about how I am not ready to be an adult and how I fear for my future because I don't think I can ever adapt)
  9. Back to Christ mas
  11. Christmas is the time of year when you try to put up with your family extra extra hard. Or maybe you just say fuck it and release the bullshit you have been building up with the people around you (don't dwell to much on this)
  13. I am working on a small project that got out of my hands way too easily because I made the mistake of having confidence.
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