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Sep 20th, 2014
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  1. Gamergate: pasty slut with the body of a 10 year old boy makes bad game, sucks dicks of gaming journalists for good reviews. Slut was cheating in her now ex, he exposes her online. She cries mysoggyknee, SJWs (think racists and sexists but in role reversal) defend her right as a strong woman to use her body as her only means to define her worth. This exposes big name sites as being corrupt instead of merely being rumors. So since most are networked and owned my a handful of people, they silence all articles relating to it, since it is personal to them.
  2. This resonates with many people since it shows a trend that censorship is tolerated if those at the top are spared blowback and if it spares the feelings of a pasty slut in the name of feminism, even if her actions demonstrate the opposite of what femenism is (she is an object to screw and can't get by on her own merits). But because she claims feminism, she can do no wrong in the sjw eyes.
  3. Also she is sleeping with a mod of 4chan, and moot is a pussy. It's no longer a tongue in cheek joke. He has no balls and has lost any respect he had.
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