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CAG suggestions v2

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Jul 21st, 2022
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  1. sengkou basara 4 sumeragi: so this is a capcom developed musou, but in contrast to Dynasty Warriors which uses the charge system for combo strings, sengoku basara uses a character action game-esque movelist where moves are individuated with different face and shoulder button presses, analog tilt + face button combinations, held vs. single presses etc. and following from that it follows CAG's principles of offering quite a few cancel routes in addition to the typical Jump/Dash cancels that are prominent in the genre. style of course is a main concern--warring states legends like masamune can use six swords at once, yukimura sanada dual wields flaming spears, Tokugawa is a boxer archetype, etc. there is also a slightly larger focus on enemy variety than omega forces' titles-- there are enemy grunts who will stack on top of each other who cannot be juggled, sumo grunts who will surround you and attempt to pile ontop of you to stop your combos, musketeers who need to be dispatched at a distance or closed in on with movement options. enemy officers are also far more aggressive on higher difficulties than omega force's work, so being able to keep an officer in a combo for longer periods of time is important to finding damage and finishing in stylish fashion.
  3. important to sengoku basara 4 in comparison to the rest of the series is that the cancel system & movelist has become REALLY important--the amount of IASA frame cancels has been increased across the board along with the addition to several Jumping & Dashing cancels to character movesets. a character's moveset has also increased significantly with the addition of not just new 'Skill Revision' moves which can be triggered with a R1 + Square button combination but also the addition of a 'Special Skill Select' which lets you alter between the 3 different 'Special Skills' a character has mid combo, much in the same way the D-pad allows you to style switch mid-combo in DMC3 (Style switch editions) and beyond. there's also a tag system!! much of the community for this game is located in japan b/c this series localization efforts haven't gotten that well but they still churn out stuff as of like yesterday lol: it's def still 'musou' in the sense that it's 1v100 gameplay and on the easier side but its combat style is more in-line with CAG than omega force. it's also developed by Capcom so there's likely cross-development pollination with this series and DMC over their shared years even if it's never been explicit. (the 'vergil' of sengoku basara, Mitsunari Ishida, was given a vergil costume as DLC in this game so the link is something even the developers are in on lol.)
  5. sengoku basara 3 utage: same points above apply, just that the prequel has less characters and slightly less cancels--tho for history's sake SB3 Utage was kind of the first sengoku basara to have an english community at all that would publish tech, combos, strategies, etc. for it so warrants an inclusion.
  7. sengoku basara 2 heroes: same points above apply, but on a even smaller scale--not as many cancel routes, less enemy variety, movesets are smaller, etc. up to you whether or not you want to include it but ps2 sengoku basara and ps3 sengoku basara are relatively distinct enough in the way that say DMC1 Dante and DMC4 Dante are, hence a separate inclusion.
  9. Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis: so this is a game that is more close to the musou genre than sengoku basara, but it actually shares some of the same developers and lineage as the Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroz game so is maybe worth including (but not as essential as sengoku basara imo). like sengoku basara Battride War eschews the charge system in favor of a CAG moveset layout, but unlike sengoku basara there isn't as extensive cancel routes or enemy difficulty via variety or aggression. however the combat is a few levels above a musou in what is typical for the genre, as there are still Jump/Dash cancels on moves along with air launchers, performance grades, and of course emphasis on the style. the combo mads for this are kind of the proof in the pudding here, they have a bigger variation and complexity than the DW/SW combo mads that exist:
  14. maybes? these are musous that are outside of omega force's wheelhouse too but cannot speak fully as to their complexity or difficulty, but just throwing these out there. def not essential, i may argue for them if i play them and think they fit:
  15. spartan total warrior
  16. senran kagura estival versus (particularly this one is agreed upon by the community to be the best most indepth and difficult, but i have not played it or been in tune with what makes it deep so cannot speak to it)
  17. onechabara Z2 chaos ( seems like something CAG-like is happening here, just skimming through tho idk if the whole thing fits in your purview)
  20. other non-musou i haven't played but is worth looking into for your list:
  21. anarchy reigns
  22. mitsurugi kamui hikae ( & ( seem like good sources for the level of depth and style here, idk how the moment to moment gameplay is structured though.
  23. strangers of paradise (maybe? there's been talk of its depth and difficulty and style and Team Ninja pedigree but i haven't been tapped into videos, if you youtube ‘strangers of paradise’ tech or something maybe cool shit comes up)
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