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- The Zork Implementation Language
- The Zork Implementation Language, ZIL, is designed as a MUDDLEish
- language which is readily compiled into Z code, using the ZIL compiler
- (ZILCH) and assembler (ZAP). Before discussing the control structures
- in the language, the basic Z instruction set will be reviewed.
- Z Instruction Set
- Z instructions may have one of the following properties: it may
- have side effects only, it may return a value, or it may be a predicate.
- A few predicates also return a value. Z instructions act on one of
- four classes of operands: integers (+/- 32K), variables, character
- strings, and tables. The latter are implemented similarly to MUDDLE
- vectors, in that they are random-access structures; however, tables
- do not have an intrinsic length property. All Z operands are limited
- to those which can be expressed in 16-bits.
- In the following description, each instruction is followed by
- a few characters describing their properties: S(ide effects), V(alue),
- P(redicate), F(low of control). Instructions in parentheses are
- compiler pseudo-operations, most of which alter the flow of control.
- All other instructions are from the Z instruction set directly.
- Also following are the number of arguments each operation is allowed,
- expressed as a number or a range of numbers. No operation may have
- more than 4 arguments. No called routine may have more than 3 arguments.
- Finally, a description of the operation is listed.
- Truth
- In Z, 'false' is represented by a zero. Anything else is true.
- The expression <COND (.A ...)> is equivalent exactly to <NOT <==? .A 0>>.
- Note that this may cause some errors; be careful testing the results
- of operations which might return an integer or a 'false'.
- Variables
- Variables in ZIL are the equivalent of MUDDLE ATOMs. Variables
- bound in the argumentlist of a routine will generate local references.
- All others will be assumed to be global references. The compiler will
- list all external (global) variables used in each routine compiled. At
- the end of compilation, errors will be generated for all external
- variables which are not defined at top level in the ZIL file.
- The forms .FOO and ,FOO are used, as in MUDDLE, to represent local
- and global variables.
- Tables
- User-defined tables are random-access VECTOR-like structures which
- may hold any number of legal ZORK objects. They may be accessed by
- individual byte or by element (2-byte pair). As any ZORK object can
- be represented in two-bytes, the most common type of table is the two-
- byte table. Operations are defined which GET and PUT either bytes
- or elements from/into tables. Please not that byte/element numbers
- start at 0, rather than 1. For many uses, the 0th element may want
- to contain the table's length, but this is not required if the length
- is known or only known offsets are used. REST and BACK work on these
- structures although these REST and BACK BYTES!, not elements. Be
- warned. Although the Z interpreter has no bounds checking facility,
- ZIL has. In addition, ZIL will insure that, for example, a GET is not
- pointing at an 'odd' element of a TABLE (i.e. an element's second byte).
- Properties
- Object properties are retrieved/stored with GETP and PUTP. Any
- legal object may be a property. Attempts to PUTP a non-existent
- property is an error. Also, it is an error to PUTP a two-byte object
- into a one-byte slot, or vice versa. Some properties have a length
- of greater than two bytes (room exits, for example). These may not
- be accessed by GETP, PUTP, but rather must be accessed through GETPT,
- which returns a TABLE with the property value. The property may be
- examined and altered thereafter with GET(B) and PUT(B). The instruction
- PTSIZE, when given a property TABLE, returns the length of the property
- value, in bytes.
- Routines
- Arbitrary routines may be defined in ZIL using the ROUTINE function.
- The argument syntax is very similar to MUDDLE's: required arguments
- are included as ATOMs, optional arguments follow an "OPTIONAL" statement
- and may include default values (i.e. (C 10)), and auxiliary variables
- follow an "AUX" statement, including default values. In all cases the
- default value must be a constant! The Z interpreter does not support
- the concept of optional/required/auxiliary variables: this concept is
- included in the ZIL language to enhance clarity of code. When a routine
- calls another routine, the arguments are checked for number and an error
- is generated if the wrong number of arguments is passed. Routines take
- a maximum of three arguments and always return a value. AGAIN and RETURN
- will work at top level within a routine (unlike MUDDLE).
- MUDDLE-like PROGs and REPEATs exist in ZIL; the binding
- specification is ignored by ZIL and all locals should be bound at top
- level in the routine. RETURN to a repeat causes the REPEAT to terminate;
- the same is true for PROG. As with MUDDLE, REPEAT is a PROG with an
- AGAIN at the end. Note that PROG and REPEAT do not return values!
- Values
- Only some Z instructions return values explicitly (these are labelled
- with a 'V' below. All instructions (including pseudo-ops) may be made
- to return a value, if the value is requested (i.e. a SET). All instructions
- which are side-effects only return 1 (TRUE). Instructions which are
- predicates return 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). Control-type pseudo-ops return
- values as they would in MUDDLE.
- ZIL Instructions
- Arithmetic Operators
- + V 2-n Adds integers
- - V 2-n Subtracts integers
- * V 2-n Multiplies integers
- / V 2-n Divides integers
- MOD V 2 Argument 1 MOD Argument 2
- RANDOM V 1 Returns a random number between
- 1 and argument, inclusive
- BAND V 2 <ANDB argument-1 argument-2>
- BOR V 2 <ORB argument-1 argument-2>
- BCOM V 1 2's complement
- BTST P 2 <N==? <ANDB argument-1 argument-2> 0>
- 0? P 1 <==? argument 0>
- EQUAL? P 2-4 <OR <==? argument-1 argument-2>
- <==? argument-1 argument-3>
- <==? argument-1 argument-4>>
- [==? may be used for the two argument case]
- G? P 2 <G? argument-1 argument-2>
- (G=?) P 2 <G=? argument-1 argument-2>
- L? P 2 <L? argument-1 argument-2>
- (L=?) P 2 <L=? argument-1 argument-2>
- Object Oriented Operations
- MOVE S 2 Put argument-1 into argument-2
- REMOVE S 1 Make argument have no container
- FSET S 2 Set flag (argument-2) in argument-1
- FCLEAR S 2 Clear flag (argument-2) in argument-1
- FSET? P 2 Is flag (argument-2) set in argument-1?
- GETP V 2 Return property (argument-2) of argument-1
- NEXTP V 2 Return next property of argument-1 starting
- at property-2. A value of 0 indicates the
- last property. NEXTP given a second argument
- of 0 will return the first property of the
- object. NEXTP is intended for the rare case
- of mapping through a property table
- GETPT V 2 Return pointer to property (argument-2) of
- argument-1
- PUTP S 3 Set property (argument-2) of argument-1
- to argument-3
- IN? P 2 Is argument-1 contained in argument-2?
- LOC? PV 1 Returns location of argument.
- Is location not 0? (i.e. is it not contained
- in another object?)
- FIRST? PV 1 Returns the first content of argument
- Is content not 0? (i.e. is there not one
- object inside the object?)
- NEXT? PV 1 Returns the next sibling of argument
- (i.e. the next object also contained
- in object's container) Is there a
- next sibling?
- Variable and Stack Operations
- SET S 2 Set a variable (argument-1) to a value
- (argument-2).
- (SETG) S 2 Sets a global variable. These are
- not distinguished from SETs by Z; however,
- this is useful for MUDDLE-like debugging.
- VALUE V 1 Returns the VALUE (MUDDLE-style) of its
- argument.
- Looping Operations
- IGRTR? SP 2 1) <SET variable <+ variable 1>>
- 2) <G? variable argument-2>
- DLESS? SP 2 1) <SET variable <- variable 1>>
- 2) <L? variable argument-2>
- APPLY FV 1-4 Call a routine (argument-1) with from 0-3
- arguments
- RETURN F 1 Return argument as the value of a called
- RTRUE F 0 Return TRUE as the value of a called routine
- RFALSE F 0 Return FALSE as the value of a called routine
- Table Operations
- GET V 2 Returns the nth (argument-2) element of
- argument-1
- PUT V 3 Set the nth (argument-2) element of argument-1
- to argument-3
- GETB V 2) Like NTH and PUT, but return the nth byte
- PUTB V 3) of a table, rather than the nth word of a table
- SIZEPT V 1 Returns the size of a property table, which
- was returned by GETPT.
- REST V 2 Rest the table (argument-1) by argument-2
- BYTES! To rest a table by one element, the
- second argument should be 2.
- BACK V 2 Inverse of REST.
- I/O Operations
- PRINTC S 1 Prints an integer as its ASCII equivalent
- PRINTD S 1 Prints the short description of an object
- PRINTI S 1 Prints a string
- PRINTN S 1 Prints an integer
- PRINTR SF 1 Prints a string, then RTRUE.
- PRINT S 1 Print a non-immediate string (i.e. the
- result of a table lookup)
- READ S 2 Dont ask
- Compiler Pseudo Operations
- AND 1-n Like MUDDLE's AND
- OR 1-n Like MUDDLE's OR
- PROG 2-n Like MUDDLE's PROG, but the AUX list is
- ignored
- REPEAT 2-n Like MUDDLE's REPEAT, but the AUX list is
- ignored
- ROUTINE 3-n Like MUDDLE's DEFINE; understands
- required arguments, optional arguments,
- and auxiliary variables. No routine
- can have more than three arguments
- maximum. Also a named activation cannot
- be used.
- Pseudo Variables (for ease of use to MUDDLErs)
- T Truth (1)
- <> False (0)
- Variable Naming Conventions
- ZIL makes use of 'lexical blocking' in some variable names
- by prefixing <prefix> <question mark> to the name of the variable.
- These prefixes are used to prevent naming conflicts of common words.
- The global values of the prefixed names are used. The prefixes are:
- V?<name> The verb <name>
- P?<name> The property <name>
- Thus, to determine if the current verb (PRSA) is WALK,
- one might say <COND (<==? ,PRSA ,V?WALK> ....)>.
- [The following are parser-internal]
- PR?<name> The preposition <name>
- A?<name> The adjective <name>
- B?<name> The buzz-word <name>
- ACT?<name> The action <name>
- W?<name> The pointer to the vocabulary entry for <name>
- Structure-creating Pseudo-Ops
- TABLE creates a user-defined table. The syntax is
- <TABLE <element> [<element> ...]>.
- ITABLE creates a user-defined table of a specified length in
- bytes. Optionally, it makes the length the 0th element of the table.
- <ITABLE <length in bytes> <specifier> <filler>>
- Specifier may be 1) NONE - no length is put in the table 2) BYTE -
- a one-byte entry is added to the table with the length, or 3) WORD -
- a one-word (two-byte) entry is added to the table with the length.
- Filler may be any legal object, defaulting to FALSE (0).
- SYNTAX creates syntaxes for the parser. The syntax is:
- <SYNTAX [<optional preposition>
- <specifier>
- <optional preposition>
- <specifier>]
- =
- <name of routine>
- [<name of preact routine>]>
- where the first and second noun clause specifiers are optional
- as is the preact routine. The bare minimum expression would be, for
- example, <SYNTAX LOOK = LOOK>. The prepositions should be ATOMs.
- Specifiers are of the following forms:
- 1. (FIND <flag name>) - parens included, the 'gwim' flag name
- where flag name is an ATOM
- or
- 2. (<where to look> [<where to look> ...]) - parens included, the
- places to look for the object, if there
- is ambiguity. The legal places to look
- are:
- HELD - top-level on WINNER
- CARRIED - second-level on WINNER
- ON-GROUND - top-level in HERE
- IN-ROOM - second-level in HERE
- BUZZ creates buzz-words. Syntax is <BUZZ <buzz word> [<buzz word> ...]>.
- SYNONYM is used to equate a number of vocabulary words with another.
- The syntax is <SYNONYM <existing word> <new word> [<new word> ...]>.
- OBJECT is used to create Zork objects/rooms. The syntax is as follows:
- <OBJECT <name> [(<property> <value> [<value> ...]) ...]>
- where <name> and <property> are ATOMs. Property may be a user-defined
- property name or a special property known to ZIL. The special properties
- and their legal values are:
- Property Value
- IN Name of an object, its container
- FLAGS Any number of ATOMs, flag names
- ACTION ATOM, name of routine associated with object
- SYNONYM Any number of ATOMs, names for the object
- ADJECTIVE Any number of ATOMs, adjectives for the object
- PER ATOM, name of an exit routine. The following
- should be used for exit routines.
- (<direction> PER <routine name>).
- TO Used for all unconditional and conditional exits.
- The following forms are recognized:
- (<direction> TO <room name>)
- - unconditional exit
- (<direction> TO <room name> IF <flag name>)
- - conditional exit
- (<direction> TO <room name> IF <flag name> ELSE <str>)
- - conditional exit with string to print if fails
- (<direction> TO <room name> IF <object name> IS OPEN)
- - door exit
- If the value of a direction name is a STRING, this
- is an NEXIT.
- The properties SYNONYM and ADJECTIVE must be defined for all referencable
- objects, even if empty.
- PROPDEF is used to define defaults for user-defined properties.
- The syntax is <PROPDEF <property name> <default value>>. The default
- for a user-defined property not given a PROPDEF specification is FALSE
- (0).
- **NOTE**
- The following stack and variable operations are not useful in writing
- ZIL code and are included only for completeness. They should be used
- only in extreme circumstances. Ask me first...
- INC S 1 Increment a variable (argument)
- DEC S 1 Decrement a variable (argument)
- [The previous two operations should be
- done as <SET variable <+ variable 1>>
- as it is more MDLishly readable; the two
- compile equivalently.]
- PUSH S 1 Push argument onto the stack
- POP S 1 Pop the top of the stack into a variable
- (argument)
- FSTACK S 0 Flush the top of the stack
- RSTACK S 0 Return the top of the stack
- Flow of Control Operations
- JUMP F 1 Jump to a label within the current routine
- (can only be used with TAG)
- RSTACK F 0 Return top of stack as the value of a called
- routine
- (TAG) - 1 Generate a label for JUMP (foo!)
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