
Undernexus: A beginning (Concept for a WWC Setting)

Jun 20th, 2020
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  1. "Oh, I see you've managed to find your way here young one, despite all efforts to impede your progress. Then again the Truth is never that easy to find is it? Well we have a while before the Council gets here to give you your proper introductions but first I suppose you have some questions like....what are you? How did you get here? Well, the first one is easy. You' entity that flits from universe to universe, that takes control of it's denizens to achieve incredible feats that either save or doom worlds. To some, you are an angel brought down from the heavens to bring salvation. To others you are a dark avenging demon, come to reap destruction upon all that you see. Although you might not have been aware of what you were, as I once was, we have come to call ourselves "Players." An apt term I should say considering what we do here. Now the second question is...a bit more difficult to describe. You're in a sort, a library, a prison, and a home for many, from here countless worlds can be accessed with endless stories to tell. What this place is to you however is entirely up to your own decisions. Well, the council should be here any minute now to welcome you, I won't keep you for much longer."
  3. Undernexus, formerly known as Underloop, Is a sort of...evolution of an undertale AU idea I had, forged from countless different interpretations and lore I've seen across the internet. It follows the adventures of many "Players" across different games and timelines within those games, mainly focused on Undertale however. Some of the main players include "The Pacifist" A player who uses frisks to hunt down those who have followed the path of genocide and somehow managed to overpower Chara at the end, a rulekeeper who keeps such true monsters from sowing destruction across the timelines.
  5. The Genocidal, a true monster who attained levels of violence beyond any other and destroys timelines for the sheer thrill of breaking them in every way imaginable and eventually fell due to The Pacifist and his allies with the final blow struck by his original chara, his levels taken from him and his own timeline fractured, birthing many entities that work with the council or wallow in darkness.
  7. The Justicar, one such shard of the Genocidal. At times, timelines and stories appear that are corrupted by an insurmountable darkness and are twisted and forgone to incredible lengths. These dark tales, either forming on their own or created by players who seek unholy power, are a danger to all other timelines as their corruption can seep out through the cracks and invade other worlds. If these worlds cannot be isolated and kept in check, The Justicar moves out to purge these worlds at the core, a damned task for a damned person.
  9. These are but a few players who exist in the grand scale of Undernexus, there are as many players as there are timelines, each one choosing a form all their own and each one using their power to add to the stories and tales that exist here. They use their powers to possess people within these stories and at times there are those in those stories who are aware of their presence and either leave alone, work with, or act against said players. Players by themselves have no form that they do not give themselves and appear by default as a glowing heart that comes in a variety of colors depending on the main personality trait of the player.
  11. The Undernexus itself is not simply a Library of stories, but it also serves as a home for players who have nowhere to turn, a prison for players that have broken worlds to an unholy degree, a Library of knowledge and stories to be told and explored, and a wonderland where games, battles, and friendships are played, fought, and forged through all the experiences within. At the top of this world is a council, which represents the very top of the Undernexus and it's ideals. The Pacifist is among them and some others include:
  13. The Chronicler, a storyteller who immerses himself in the stories of the Nexus and writes new stories for the players to explore, creativity is his name and he finds no greater joy than immersing himself in a good book and cataloging all that he finds.
  15. The Fighter, a powerful warrior who uses her fists to do the talking and hosts arena battles where fellow warriors can duke it out in fights for glory and honor.
  17. The Runner, some say he's constantly drinking monster energies, others say he was just born that way, all that's known is that this player is addicted to speeding through life as fast as he can and abusing the flaws in physics in the worlds they visit to great effect in doing this.
  19. These are the most publicly known members of the council, as the others keep to themselves until they are needed to make decisions for the good of the undernexus. It is a place of wonder to the Players and many great heroes and warriors are born in it's hallowed halls. However, not all players are good, there exist foul players who seek to break the rules and conquer the worlds to attain unholy power so that they might rule with fear as the Genocidal once did, there are those who seek to usurp his power and others still who seek to revive him so that they may learn from and follow his dark path. Even in the Undernexus the forces of Light and Darkness collide, combine, fight, and learn from each other in endless ways, what this might mean for the future, only time may tell.
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