

Feb 1st, 2020
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  1. on join:
  2. if {eco.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  3. set {eco.%player's uuid%} to 0
  4. add player to {eco::list::*}
  5. add 1 to {eco1.list}
  6. on skript load:
  7. loop all players:
  8. if {eco.%loop-player's uuid%} is not set:
  9. set {eco.%loop-player's uuid%} to 0
  10. if {eco::list::*} doesn't contain loop-player:
  11. add player to {eco::list::*}
  12. command eco <text> <player> <integer>:
  13. permission:
  14. aliases: economy
  15. usage: &7[&9Eternal&fSky&7] /eco <(give|take|reset|)> <player> <amount>
  16. trigger:
  17. if world is "Kitpvp":
  18. if arg-1 is "give" or "add":
  19. add arg-integer to {eco.%arg-player's uuid%}
  20. send "&aSuccessfully added $%arg-integer% to %arg-player%'s account!"
  21. send "&a$%arg-integer% has been added to your account!" to arg-player
  22. if arg-1 is "take" or "remove":
  23. remove arg-integer from {eco.%arg-player's uuid%}
  24. send "&cSuccessfully took $%arg-integer% from %arg-player%'s account"
  25. send "&c$%arg-integer% has been taken from your account!" to arg-player
  26. if arg-1 is "reset":
  27. set {eco.%arg-player's uuid%} to 0
  28. send "&cSuccessfully reset %arg-player%'s balance!"
  29. send "&cYour balance has been reset!"
  30. if arg-1 is "reset-all":
  31. loop all players in {eco::list::*}:
  32. set {rollback.%loop-player's uuid%} to {eco.%loop-player's uuid%}
  33. set {eco.%loop-player's uuid%} to 0
  34. send "&cYou reset the balance of everybody in the server!"
  35. send "&cYour balance has been reset!" to loop-player
  36. else:
  37. send "&fUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  38. stop
  39. command balance [<player>]:
  40. permission: bal.use
  41. aliases: bal
  42. usage: &7[&9Eternal&fSky&7] /bal [<player>]
  43. trigger:
  44. if world is "Kitpvp":
  45. if arg-player is set:
  46. if {eco::list::*} contains arg-player:
  47. send "&cBalance of %arg-player%: &a%{eco.%arg-player's uuid%}%"
  48. else:
  49. send "&cThat player has never joined before!"
  50. else:
  51. send "&cYour Balance: &a%{eco.%player's uuid%}%"
  52. else:
  53. send "&fUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  54. on death of player:
  55. attacker is player:
  56. if world is "Kitpvp":
  57. add 15 to {eco.%attacker's uuid%}
  58. send "&aYou received $15 for killing somebody!"
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