
Incense Burner 1 — Let's all watch Lan-er ge-ge's dream~

Jul 31st, 2018
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  1. 魏无羡在云深不知处的藏宝阁“古室”里翻到了一只老旧的香炉。
  2. In a room for antiques at the storage facilities in the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wu Xian finds an old incense burner.
  4. 香炉身似熊, 鼻似象,眼似犀, 尾似牛, 足似虎。以肚为炉,燃香后,口吐轻烟。
  5. The burner has a body like a bear, a nose like an elephant, eyes like a rhinoceros, a tail like an ox, feet like a tiger. The stomach is the incense holder, and after lighting it, thin smoke drifts from its mouth.
  7. 静室中,魏无羡把玩儿了它一阵, 道:“这个东西看上去怪好玩儿的, 没有杀气和戾气,肯定不是害人的东西。蓝湛, 你知道这个是干什么用的吗?”
  8. In their rooms*, Wei Wu Xian plays with it for a while. “This thing looks interesting. It doesn’t hold any malignant auras, so it’s nothing dangerous. Lan Zhan, do you know what this is for?”
  10. *more accurately it’s a room where cultivators cultivate — the word 静 refers to ‘quiet, peace, calmness’. typically used in describing temples and where people meditate.
  12. 蓝忘机摇了摇头, 魏无羡嗅了嗅那香气,也觉得并没有什么不妥, 二人均推测不出端倪, 便把香炉收了起来, 准备日后再探究一番。
  13. Lan Wang Ji shakes his head. Wei Wu Xian inhales a few whiffs of the smoke, doesn’t feel any changes. The two can’t figure out anything, so they put away the incense burner for now, planning to study it at a later date.
  15. 谁知, 当然二人刚躺下不久, 便觉十分困乏, 沉沉入睡。不知过了多久, 魏无羡醒来, 发现自己和蓝忘机竟然不在云深不知处的静室, 而在一片山林野地之中。
  16. But, not long after the two laid down, they felt extremely sleepy, and drifted off into sleep. When Wei Wu Xian awoke, he had no idea how long had passed, and found himself and Lan Wang Ji in a patch of wilderness instead of their rooms in the Cloud Recesses.
  18. 魏无羡从地上爬起来, 道:“这是什么地方?”
  19. Wei Wu Xian stands up. “What’s this place?”
  21. 蓝忘机道:“并非现世之地。”
  22. Lan Wang Ji replies, “Nowhere in the physical world.”
  24. 魏无羡道:“不是现世之地?不会吧,”他抖抖衣袖, 感觉明晰至极:“这不是现实能是什么?”
  25. “Not the physical world? Nah, can’t be.” Wei Wu Xian gives his sleeves a shake, feeling instantly more awake. “What else can it be but reality?”
  27. 蓝忘机不答,默默走到一条溪水之边,示意他低头。魏无羡走过去,临水一照,整个人都愣住了。
  28. 溪水映出的,是他前世的模样!
  29. Lan Wang Ji does not reply. Walking quietly to a nearby stream, he indicates for him to look down. Wei Wu Xian follows, peeked into the water, and freezes. Reflected in the water is his visage from his previous life!
  31. 魏无羡立刻抬头道:“是那个香炉的问题?”
  32. He looks up immediately. “That incense burner?”
  34. 蓝忘机点头道:“恐怕是。”
  35. Lan Wang Ji nods. “I’m afraid so.”
  37. 盯着水中那张久违的面容盯了许久,魏无羡挪开了目光,道:“没事。那个香炉我测过的,没有怨气,绝对不是妖邪之器,估计是哪位仙师大能做出来修炼或者消遣的。咱们先到处走走,看看情况吧。”
  38. For a while, Wei Wu Xian stares at the face in the water. Then he wrenched his gaze away. “That’s alright. I’ve checked that incense burner, it doesn’t hold any resentful energy, so definitely not the tool of any monsters or ghouls, and it’s probably something some cultivating master made to entertain themselves. Let’s walk around, scope the situation.”
  40. 两人便开始在这片不知是幻像还是何物的山林中悠悠而行。不多时,一座小木屋映入眼帘。
  41. And so the two began to walk around this strange piece of mountain wilderness. Not long after, they come across a small wooden hut.
  43. 魏无羡见到这座小木屋,“咦”了一声,蓝忘机道:“怎么?”
  44. “Huh,” goes Wei Wu Xian, when he sees the hut. “What?” Lan Wang Ji asks.
  46. 魏无羡仔细看了看那座小屋,道:“我觉得这屋子有点眼熟。”
  47. Wei Wu Xian looks carefully at the little house. “I think this looks familiar.”
  49. 这木屋是极寻常普通的农舍,故他疑归疑,但并不能确定是否见过。恰在此时,木屋里传来一阵嘎吱嘎吱的机杼声。
  50. It’s an extremely average farm house. Despite his reservations, he can’t be sure if he’s really seen it before. Just then, a series of mechanical whirrs drift from inside the house.
  52. 两人对视一眼,不必言谈,一齐走近。
  53. The two look at each other. Without another word, they walk closer.
  55. 可到了木屋门口后,他们向屋里一张望,登时都是一怔。
  56. When they reach the doorway and look inside, they’re taken aback.
  58. 木屋之中的事物,比他们原先的最坏想象都要离谱太多。没有什么凶险恶徒,也没有什么妖兽凶尸,只有一个人。一个他们都极其熟悉的人。
  59. What’s inside was too different from whatever they thought they’d find. There’re no evil bandits, no monsters or ghouls, just a person. A very familiar person.
  61. 木屋里,竟然坐着一个“蓝忘机”!
  62. Inside the little wooden hut is another “Lan Wang Ji”!
  64. 这个“蓝忘机”和魏无羡身边这个长得一副一模一样的俊美面容,一模一样的高挑身姿。一身朴素而不粗陋的蓝白布衫,在他身上,硬是被穿出了一派出世名士的仙风清骨。一旁机杼似有术法驱动,自发而动,嘎吱声声织着布,他本人则坐在一旁,执一卷纸书,凝神细看。
  65. This “Lan Wang Ji” and the one beside Wei Wu Xian has the exact same handsome looks, the exact same tall build. The simple set of blue-white robes worn by him takes on the aura of immortals. The loom seems to be operated by a spell, creaking through the motions by itself, and he sits by its side, book in hand, reading with a distilled concentration.
  67. 两人已经走到了屋门前,还发出了不小的动响,“蓝忘机”却仿佛根本没有觉察,神色淡然地用修长白皙的手指翻过一页书卷。
  68. The two have now walked to the doorway, making no small amount of noise, but “Lan Wang Ji” doesn’t seem to have noticed, continuing to read, flipping a page with long, thin fingers.
  70. 魏无羡看了看身边的蓝忘机,再看看里面这个“蓝忘机”,恍然大悟道:“原来如此,原来如此!”
  71. Wei Wu Xian looks from the Lan Wang Ji beside him to the “Lan Wang Ji” inside, and exclaims, enlightened, “I see, I see!”
  73. 蓝忘机眉宇微扬,这个细微的动作就代表他正在诧异,问道:“什么?”
  74. Lan Wang Ji’s brow lifts a fraction, the minuscule motion expressing his puzzlement. “What?”
  76. 魏无羡道:“这这这,这是我的梦啊!”
  77. “This this this— this is my dream!” Wei Wu Xian says.
  79. 话音未落,屋外摇摇晃晃飘进来一道纤长的黑衣身影,拖长着调子喊道:“二哥哥,我回来啦!”
  80. Barely a second later, a dark shadow sways into view outside the hut, shouting in a sing-song tone, “Er-ge-ge, I’m back~!”
  82. 看着这个扛着锄头、提着鱼篓,叼着根草,神采飞扬的“魏无羡”,蓝忘机愈发沉默了。
  83. Looking at this “Wei Wu Xian” — hoe on shoulder, fishing rod in hand, grass stalk between his teeth — Lan Wang Ji is silent.
  85. 如果这是魏无羡的梦境,梦境中的人看不到他们,倒也理所当然。
  86. If this is Wei Wu Xian’s dreamscape, then being invisible to these people is on par for the course.
  88. 织布的“蓝忘机”这才抬起头,看到“魏无羡”,竟是微微一勾唇角,旋即平复,起身迎接,给他倒了一杯水。
  89. The “Lan Wang Ji” in charge of weaving raises his head, sees “Wei Wu Xian”, and a corner of his lips tilt up. He stands up to welcome him, and pours him a cup of water.
  91. “魏无羡”吐掉嘴里那根草,坐到小木桌边,拿起水就喝,咕咚咕咚一口灌下,才道:“今天外边太阳太大了,晒死我了。活我扔在田地了,不干了。有空再说吧。”
  92. “Wei Wu Xian” spits out the grass stalk in his mouth, sits down beside the little wooden table, picks up the cup and gulps a few mouthfuls of water before saying, “The sun today is way too bright. The work is still in the fields, we’ll talk about it when we’re free.”
  94. *isn’t he one lazy asshole.
  96. “蓝忘机”道:“嗯。”又取出一条雪白的布巾递给他,“魏无羡”却笑嘻嘻地把脸凑了过去,意思再明显不过了,是要他帮自己擦。“蓝忘机”也不嫌弃,真的认真专注地给他擦了起来。“魏无羡”一边享受,一边嘴也不闲着:“刚才去河边玩了一趟,打了两条鱼,蓝湛你晚上弄鱼汤给我喝!”
  97. “Lan Wang Ji” says, “Mm.” and takes out a snowy-white towel for him. “Wei Wu Xian” sticks his face towards the other, grinning, with unmistakable meaning — he wants him to do it. “Lan Wang Ji” doesn’t mind, beginning to wipe his face for him. “Wei Wu Xian” enjoys the treatment, not forgetting to keep talking. “I went to the river just now, caught some fish, make me some fish soup tonight Lan Zhan!”
  99. “嗯。”
  100. “Mm.”
  102. “魏无羡”继续理直气壮地对他提出要求:“姑苏的鲫鱼一般是怎么吃的?蓝湛你会做酸菜鱼么?”
  103. “Wei Wu Xian” continues to make requests: “How do you normally eat the carp at Gu-Su? Lan Zhan do you know how to make Suan-Cai-Yu*?”
  105. *sour-vegetable-fish. tastes better than it sounds, I swear, and also, /wow/ he’s one lazy entitled asshole.
  107. “会做。”
  108. “Yes.”
  110. “那就做那个吧!我喜欢那个。千万不要做成甜的,吃过一次,要吐了。”
  111. “Then make that! I like that one. Don’t make it sweet, you hear? Ate it once, vomited it out.”
  113. “嗯。”
  114. “Mm.”
  116. “天越来越热了,今天的洗澡水不用烧那么滚烫,所以柴我也只砍了一半。”
  117. “It’s getting warmer, today’s bath water won’t need to be that hot, so I only chopped half the firewood.”
  119. “嗯。没事。”
  120. “Mm. That’s alright.”
  122. “……”蓝忘机盯着这闲拉家常的两人,道:“你的梦?”
  123. “……” Lan Wang Ji stares at this nonsensical domestic scene. “Your dream?”
  125. 魏无羡笑得要内伤了,道:“噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,呃,是的,我有段时间,不知道为什么,老做这种梦。梦见咱们归隐了,退居山野,我出去打猎种地,你在家里看家织布,给我做饭,哦对了,你还帮我算账管钱,晚上还给我补衣服。我每次都梦到我让你烧洗澡水晚上一起洗澡,但是每次快要脱衣服的时候就醒了,好可惜,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……”
  126. Wei Wu Xian’s about to burst a gut laughing. “Hahahahahahahahah, yep, that’s right, these few days I’ve been dreaming of these for some reason. I dreamt that we withdrew, moved to the mountains, I go out to hunt and tend the land, you stay home to weave and cook, oh, and, you also help me do the budgeting, plus you fix my clothes at night. Every time I would dream we got into the bath together, but it always stops just after we’ve taken off all our clothes, what a goddamn pity, hahahahahahaha……”
  128. 他一点也不觉得这种梦被蓝忘机看见了是件丢脸的事,反而自己在那里美滋滋的。蓝忘机看他乐不可支,目光柔和,道:“也好。”
  129. Not for one moment did he think it was humiliating for Lan Wang Ji to know these things, in fact he’s enjoying the feeling. Lan Wang Ji sees him beside himself with mirth, and his gaze softens. “That’s alright.”
  131. 归隐山林,从此不问喧嚣,当真也好。
  132. Retreating into the woods, never again concerning themselves with the noises of the mortal realm, that’s truly alright.
  134. *idealistic much? …such an enabler, tsk.
  136. 魏无羡的这个梦里尽是一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事,做饭吃饭喂鸡砍柴,果然到了烧好洗澡水的时候,梦境便戛然而止。二人走了几步,就从这户农舍人家走到了一座雅致清幽的楼阁,楼外有一棵舒展的玉兰花树,在夜色中吐露着沁人心脾的幽香。
  137. Wei Wu Xian’s dream was about the simple things in life — cooking, feeding, chopping firewood — and just as he said, when it’s time to get into the bath, the dream comes to a stop. The two walk a few steps, and they’re away from the house, approaching an elegant tower. The delicate scent of magnolias winds through the night air, coming from a flower tree situated in the tower’s yard.
  139. 梦境的地点转换了,而这个地方两个人都绝不会不认识。此处正是姑苏云深不知处的藏书阁。
  140. The dream’s location has changed, and this new place is instantly recognizable to both. It’s the Gu-Su Cloud Recesses Library Pavilion.
  142. 二楼的一扇木窗里还有灯火透出,隐隐有人声传来。魏无羡仰头道:“咱们进去看看?”
  143. Lantern light shines out from a second floor window; voices sound from within. Wei Wu Xian looks up. “Let’s go in?”
  145. 不知为何,蓝忘机却一反常态,驻足不前了。他盯着那扇木窗,若有所思,像是有些迟疑。魏无羡觉得奇怪,想不出蓝忘机有什么理由不愿进去,问道:“怎么了?”
  146. For some reason, Lan Wang Ji suddenly stops, something he doesn’t normally do. He stares at the window, deep in thought, like he’s hesitating. Wei Wu Xian thinks this strange, and, not coming up with any reason Lan Wang Ji wouldn’t go in, asks, “Is something wrong?”
  148. 蓝忘机微微摇头,沉吟片刻,正要开口,藏书阁内忽然爆发出一阵放肆的大笑。
  149. Lan Wang Ji shakes his head. He’s just about to break his silence when a peal of laughter rings out from within the Library.
  151. 魏无羡一听,眼睛一亮,抢入藏书阁内,三步跃上了楼。
  152. Wei Wu Xian hears it, eyes lighting up. With three bounds he’s in the Library and charging up the stairs.
  154. 他进去了,蓝忘机自然也不会独自停留在外,也一同进入了。二人一起走进那间亮着灯盏的藏书室,果然见到了很有趣的东西。
  155. Since he’s gone in, Lan Wang Ji naturally won’t remain outside alone, so he followed. The two walk into the lantern-lit Library, and something very interesting greets them.
  157. 一张淡色的席子上,罚抄的书案旁,十五六岁的魏婴正在边拍桌、边狂笑:“哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!”
  158. On a faintly-colored mats, beside the writing desk, a fifteen-year-old Wei Wu Xian is slapping the table, laughing wildly, “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”
  160. 地上扔着一本书页泛黄的图册,同样是十五六的蓝湛如避蛇蝎,已经退到了藏书阁的角落,正怒极而啸:“魏婴——!”
  161. A book lies open on the ground, images yellowing from age. A similarly-fifteen-year-old Lan Zhan treats it like a venomous snake, having retreated all the way to the Library’s corner; he roars furiously, “Wei Ying——!”
  163. 少年魏婴笑得几乎滚到书案下,好容易举起手:“在!我在!”
  164. A young Wei Wu Xian is just about rolling off the bookshelf from laughter. With some difficulty, he raises a hand. “Present! I’m present!”
  166. 而这边的魏无羡也要笑得翻过去了,拽着身旁的蓝忘机道:“这个梦好!我不行了,蓝湛,你看你,你看看当年的你,那脸色,哈哈哈哈哈哈……”
  167. The Wei Wu Xian here is also about to fall over from laughing; pulling on Lan Wang Ji’s sleeve beside him he gasps, “This is a good dream! I can’t anymore, Lan Zhan, look at you, look at you then, that /face/, hahahahaha…”
  169. 不知为何,蓝忘机的脸色却越发古怪了。魏无羡拉着他一起在一旁的席子上坐了下来,笑吟吟地托腮看着少时的他们二人赌气吵架,斗嘴斗殴。那边,少年蓝湛已拔出避尘,魏婴忙一把抓过随便,剑锋亮出鞘三分,提醒道:“仪态!蓝二公子!注意仪态!我今天可是也带了剑的,打起来你家藏书阁还要不要啦!”
  170. For whatever reason, Lan Wang Ji’s face has a strange expression. Wei Wu Xian pulls him to a bench nearby and sits down, watching their younger selves argue with a wide grin. On the other side, the younger Lan Zhan is already brandishing Bi Cheng, and Wei Ying hurriedly grabs Sui Bian. Metal gleams, the sword three parts out of its sheath, and Wei Wu Xian warns, “Watch it! Lan-Er Gong-zi! Watch your manners! I brought my sword today, if we start fighting I don’t think you’ll keep your Library in one piece!”
  172. 蓝湛怒道:“魏婴!你……你是个什么人!”
  173. Lan Zhan rages, “Wei Ying! You—who do you think you are!”
  175. 魏婴挑眉道:“我还能是个什么人。男人!”
  176. Wei Ying shoots back, “Who can I be, I’m a male!”
  178. “……”蓝湛痛斥道:“不知羞耻!”
  179. “……” Lan Zhan sounds pained, “Shameless!”
  181. 魏婴道:“这事也要羞一羞?你别告诉我你从来没看过这种东西。我不信。”
  182. Wei Ying says, “Even this kind of thing has to do with shame? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen that kind of stuff before, I don’t buy it.”
  184. 憋了半晌,蓝湛面寒霜,提剑而上,魏婴吃了一惊,道:“怎么,你还真打!”也迎剑还击,两人竟真的就这样,在藏书阁内过招了起来。看到这里,魏无羡“咦”了一声,侧首望蓝忘机,奇道:“这儿是这样的吗?我怎么记得当时好像我们没有真的打起来?”
  185. After a second of holding it in, Lan Zhan lifts his sword, face cold, and attacks. Wei Ying is shook, “What, you’re really going to fight!” returning the attack, and just like that, the two starts fighting in the Library. At this point, Wei Wu Xian goes “huh?” and looks to Lan Wang Ji. “Did it happen like that? I thought we didn’t /actually/ start fighting?”
  187. 蓝忘机默不作声,魏无羡看他,他却不着痕迹地避开了魏无羡的目光。魏无羡越来越觉得今晚的他奇怪,正要开口询问,忽听那边的小魏婴边打架,边打趣道:“好好好,能收能放,有张有弛,好剑法!不过,蓝湛呀蓝湛,你看你,脸红成这样,是跟我打红的呢,还是方才看那个好东西看红的呢?”
  188. Lan Wang Ji is silent. Wei Wu Xian looks at him, but Lan Wang Ji avoids his gaze. Wei Wu Xian starts to suspect something is wrong with Lan Wang Ji tonight. He’s just thinking of asking, when suddenly on the other side the little Wei Ying begins to joke while still parrying blows, “Alright alright alright, good technique, you have good moves, you can wield a sword! But Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan… look at your face, it’s so flushed, is it from the fighting, or from looking at the Wonderful Book from earlier?”
  190. 小蓝湛根本没有脸红,一剑扫去:“胡说八道!”
  191. The little Lan Zhan’s face is not red at all; Bi Chen swipes through the air. “Nonsense!”
  193. 魏婴腰身往后一仰,使了个柔软至极的铁板桥,避过这一剑,又直起身子,手快无比地在蓝湛光洁白皙的脸蛋上拧了一下,道:“我哪有胡说八道,要不你摸摸自己,脸都发烫了,哈哈!”
  194. Wei Ying bends backwards at the waist, does an extremely flexible half-somersault, then straightens and quickly pinches Lan Zhan’s lily-white cheeks, going, “What /nonsense/, why don’t you feel yourself, your face is burning up, haha!”
  196. 蓝湛脸色忽红忽白,一巴掌要打掉他的爪子,魏婴却抢先撤手,让他拍了个空,险些拍到自己,转个身,游刃有余,闲闲地道:“蓝湛呀蓝湛,不是我说你,你看看同你年纪一般大的,哪个像你这样,动不动闹这么大个红脸。这点刺激就受不住了,你也忒嫩了。”
  197. Lan Zhan’s expression flips between anger and shock. He goes to slap off Wei Ying’s grabby hand, but Wei Ying withdraws first, avoids the hit, spins around, seeming very familiar with this event progression and at ease enough to tease, “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan… I’m not picking on you, but it’s just that among the kids our age, is there anyone like you, going red at the /smallest/ of things~. You can’t even take this level of shock, you’re way too innocent~.”
  199. 这个场景既不是真实发生过的,也不是他做过的梦,那就只能是蓝忘机做的梦了。魏无羡看得津津有味,道:“蓝湛,你真了解我,这的确是我会说出的话。”
  200. This scene didn’t simply not happen, it’s not even a dream he had, so it can only be Lan Wang Ji’s dream. Wei Wu Xian’s certainly enjoying this show. “Lan Zhan, you truly understand me. That is very much something I would say.”
  202. 然而,他却没注意到,此时此刻的蓝忘机,几乎像是有些坐立不安了。
  203. What he didn’t notice is that right now, Lan Wang Ji seems to be slightly uncomfortable.
  205. 那边魏婴继续道:“抄书怪无聊的,要不我边抄边教教你这些吧?就当是报答你的监督之恩……”
  206. The Wei Ying over there continues. “Copying books is way too boring, why don’t I teach you those stuff while we copy books? Just take it as payment for your watching over me……”
  208. 忍他的胡言乱语忍了这么久,蓝湛终于再也忍不了了,避尘一剑飞去,两剑相击,双双被撞出了窗外。魏婴见随便脱手,微微一惊,道:“哎,我的剑!”
  209. Lan Zhan has finally had enough of Wei Ying’s ridiculous ramblings. Bi Chen flies forwards, the two swords collide in a flash of sparks, knocking both out the window. Seeing Sui Bian flying out from his hand, Wei Ying yelps, “Oi, my sword!”
  211. 喊着,他就要跃出窗去抢剑,蓝湛却从他身后猛地扑来,将他扑倒在地。魏婴脑袋在地上磕了一下,手忙脚乱地挣扎起来,你来我往的几下过后,两人顿时乱七八糟地扭打作一团。魏婴拼命蹬腿,胳膊肘撞来撞去,却是怎么也逃不出蓝湛四肢的封锁,像是被一张牢不可破的铁网罩住了,道:“蓝湛!蓝湛你干什么!我开玩笑的,开玩笑的啊!你干啥这么认真!”
  212. Yelling, he makes to leap out the window after his weapon, but Lan Zhan tackles him from behind, bringing him crashing to the floor. Wei Ying’s head knocks on the floor, he starts to struggle, and almost immediately the two are tangled in a confused mess of fighting. Wei Ying kicks desperately, flailing with his elbows and knees, but no matter what he does he can’t escape the hold Lan Zhan has on him, like he’s been snared by some sort of metal net. “Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan what are you doing! I was joking, just joking! The hell are you getting at, being so serious!”
  214. 蓝湛一手抓住他的双腕,压到他身后,沉声道:“你,刚才说,要教我什么。”
  215. Lan Zhan grabs his wrists in one hand, pushing them behind his body. “You said, just now, you’re going to teach me something.”
  217. 他口气听似冷淡,目光中却似有火山即将喷发。
  218. His tone sounds cold, but his eyes are burning with the intensity of a volcano.
  220. 两人本来实力旗鼓相当,魏婴一时大意,被他拿住要害死死压制在地上,只得装傻道:“没啊?我刚才说了什么吗?”
  221. The two would normally be evenly matched in strength, but Wei Ying slipped up and now he’s pinned solidly to the ground, and so he tries to play it off. “What? No? Did I say something just now?”
  223. 蓝湛道:“没说?”
  224. “No?” Lan Zhan says.
  226. 魏婴理直气壮道:“没说!”
  227. “Nope!” Wei Ying replies staunchly.
  229. 他又道:“蓝湛你这个人别这么死板啊,别把我说的每句话都当真啊,胡说八道的你也信,这有啥好值得生气的。我不说了还不行吗,你快放开我啦,我今天书还没抄完呢,不玩儿了不玩儿了。”
  230. And then he keeps going, “Lan Zhan you don’t have to be so stiff you know, you shouldn’t take everything I say so seriously, you can’t believe all that crap, no need to get angry over that. I won’t say anything anymore, how about that, can you let go of me now, I haven’t finished copying my portion for the day, not playing anymore.”
  232. *yeeah WWX tends to string a lot of stuff into one run-on sentence, pick at your own risk.
  234. 闻言,蓝湛面色略缓,似乎稍微放松了手臂。岂知,魏婴一抽出了手腕,眉眼一弯,眼珠一转,立刻一掌送上。
  235. Hearing that, Lan Zhan’s expression softens a fraction, and he lets up on the pressure a little. Seeing this, Wei Ying frees a hand, arches a brow, blinks once, and a fist goes flying upwards.
  237. 岂知,蓝湛早有防备,魏婴一动,他便眼疾手快地擒住,将他重新压制住。这次他出手更重,魏婴的手腕被扭成更弯曲的弧度,哎哟哎哟直叫:“我都说了是开玩笑的!蓝湛!别这么经不起逗啊!”
  238. Although, Lan Zhan is prepared for this. The second Wei Ying moves he’s caught and pinned once again. This time, Lan Zhan used more force, pressing Wei Ying’s wrist into an even harsher angle, and he shouts, panicked, “I said I was joking! Lan Zhan! Don’t be so sensitive!”
  240. 蓝湛目光里隐隐有火光跳跃,二话不说,一把摘了头上抹额,饶了三圈,将身下魏婴的双手牢牢捆住,打了个死结。
  241. There’re flames dancing behind Lan Zhan’s eyes. With nary a word, he pulls off his forehead band, winds it three times around Wei Ying’s hands, binding them tightly, then makes a dead knot.
  243. 万万没料到是这个展开,魏无羡在一旁,已是看得目瞪口呆地狱电影院!
  244. Who’d have thought? On one side, Wei Wu Xian’s jaw is about to drop to the floor at this scenario.
  246. 好半晌,他才转头去看身边的蓝忘机,这一看之下,竟然发现蓝忘机虽然脸色依然雪白,透不出一丝红晕,耳垂却已变成了粉色。
  247. It was quite a while before he turned to Lan Wang Ji. A glance, and he sees Lan Wang Ji’s pale, composed face, not a blush in sight, but the tips of his ears have turned pink.
  249. 魏无羡不怀好意地凑了上去,道:“蓝二哥哥……你的这个梦,好像有点儿,不大对劲啊?”
  250. Wei Wu Xian grins, sidling up. “Lan-Er-ge-ge……this dream of yours, isn’t there something, not quite right?”
  252. “……”蓝忘机忽然起身,道:“别看了!”
  253. “……” Lan Wang Ji suddenly stands up. “Stop watching!”
  255. 魏无羡立刻拉住了想要起身的他,道:“别走呀!我还想看看在你的梦里后来还会发生什么事,这不还没看到精彩处呢!”
  256. Wei Wu Xian immediately pulls him back down, saying, “Don’t go now! I still want to see what happens next in this dream, we aren’t even at the good parts yet!”
  258. 藏书阁的书案边,魏婴被蓝湛绑得鬼哭狼嚎了一阵,安静下来后,试图给他讲道理:“蓝湛,君子动口不动手,你这样就是心胸狭窄了。你想想,我刚才说你什么了吗?”
  259. Beside the writing desk, there was a spat of howling from Wei Ying, and once he calmed down, he tries to reason with Lan Zhan. “Lan Zhan, the wise speak instead of act, doing this shows your heart is too narrow, too small. Think about it, did I say anything about you just now?”
  261. 蓝湛无声地喘了一口气,冷然道:“你自己想,你刚才说了什么。”
  262. Lan Zhan sighs without sound, saying coldly, “You think about it yourself, what did you say just now.”
  264. 魏婴狡辩道:“我无非是说你嫩,说你不懂有些事罢了。这难道不是事实嘛?有些大人的东西你的确是不懂啊。被戳穿了事实你就要这样对我,这不是心胸狭窄是什么?”
  265. Wei Wu Xian tries to argue. “I only said you were innocent, said you didn’t know some things, that’s all. Isn’t that just the truth?
  267. 蓝湛漠然道:“谁说我不懂。”
  268. Lan Zhan is indifferent. “Who says I don’t know.”
  270. 魏婴挑起一边的眉毛,笑道:“哦——是吗?你就别嘴硬了,你懂才是有鬼了哈哈哈哈哈哈……啊!”
  271. Wei Wu Xian raises an eyebrow, laughs. “Oh—really? Admit it, like hell you’d know, hahahahahaha……ah!”
  273. 他突然惊叫一声,是因为蓝湛突然握住了他下面的某处。
  274. He screams quite suddenly, because Lan Zhan is suddenly holding onto a particular part of him below.
  276. 蓝湛冷着一张俊美中犹带稚气的脸,重复了一遍:“谁说我不懂。”
  277. Lan Zhan’s handsome face holds some measure of childish aloofness, repeating, “Who says I don’t know.”
  279. 魏无羡扒在蓝忘机身边,几乎是咬着他的耳垂道:“是啊,谁说你不懂?日有所思,夜有所梦,蓝湛,你说实话,你是不是很想这样对当年的我?没想到……你是这样的含光君。”
  280. Wei Wu Xian is sprawled out beside Lan Wang Ji, nearly nibbling on his ear as he says, “Quite right, whoever said you didn’t know? Thoughts come by day, dreams come by night, Lan Zhan, tell me the truth, you really wanted to do those things to the me in those days, right? I never thought……you were that kind of Han-Guang-Jun.”
  282. 蓝忘机虽仍是面无表情,那抹粉色却已悄悄爬上了他白皙的脖子。放在膝头的手指,也微不可查地蜷曲起来。
  283. Lan Wang Ji’s face is still expressionless, but pink is creeping up his neck. The fingers resting on his knees are also curling imperceptibly.
  285. 那边的小魏婴被人抓住了命根子,瘫在地上,倒吸了几口冷气,道:“蓝湛你搞什么鬼!发疯了吗!”
  286. The little Wei Ying over there has something important of his in another’s hands. He’s frozen on the floor, gasping for breath, “Lan Zhan the hell are you doing! Are you crazy!”
  288. 蓝湛整个身体已经卡进了魏婴的双腿中间,这个姿势实在让人心生威胁感,魏婴见势不好,连忙改口道:“……没没没!没谁说你不懂!你你你你先放开,有话好好说!”
  289. Lan Zhan has slid himself in between Wei Ying’s legs, whole demeanor exuding control and threat. Wei Yin saw that it wasn’t going well for him, and immediately switched to, “……no no no! No one said you didn’t know! You you you you let go, let’s talk properly!”
  291. 他手上狂甩,奈何姑苏蓝氏的抹额材质上佳无比,任他怎么挣扎都解不开、挣不脱,再甩两下,忽见一旁落了一本书,连忙抓起,扔到蓝湛身上,指望用圣贤书砸醒他,道:“你快清醒下!”
  292. He flails his hands madly, but the forehead band of the Gu-Su Lan Sect is made from the best materials, and no matter how he struggles, he can’t free himself, can’t escape. After a few more flails, he spots a book lying by the side, grabs it, throws it at Lan Zhan, hoping the saintly quality of this Library would shock him back to sanity. “Wake up!”
  294. 那本书先是砸到蓝湛胸口,然后落到了魏婴大开的双腿中间,哗啦啦翻了数页,蓝湛低头一看,目光不挪动了。
  295. The book hits Lan Zhan’s chest, falls to the ground between Wei Ying’s legs, its pages falling open. Lan Zhan glances down, and stops moving.
  297. 鬼使神差地,这一页,刚好停留在了一张姿势极其露骨、作画极其奔放的春宫图上。而且,图上两人,皆是男子!
  298. What the hell, the art on that page is of an extra-revealing erotica. And, the two people on the drawing, were both men!
  300. 魏无羡记得,当初他给蓝忘机看的那本春宫图册根本无关龙阳,里面是绝对没有这样一页的,忍不住再次惊叹,蓝忘机在梦里对于细节的加工……太丰富了,令人叹服!
  301. Wei Wu Xian still remembers, the book of erotica he gave to Lan Wang Ji didn’t include any homosexual material, so there definitely was no such drawing, and couldn’t hope back a surprised gasp. The attention to detail in this dream……it’s way too intricate, color him impressed!
  303. 蓝湛低头,盯着那一页目不转睛,魏婴也看到了那张图,霎时有些尴尬,道:“……呃……”心内叫苦不迭,还是觉得动口不如动手,奋力抽出一足踹出。蓝湛却腾出一手,握住了他的膝弯,把他双腿打成一个更开的姿势,并且两下便扒下了魏婴的腰带和裤子。
  304. Lan Zhan lowers his head, staring unblinkingly at the open page. Wei Ying sees it too, and in a moment of awkwardness goes, “……er……” Keeping his lamentation to himself, he decides it’s still better to act instead of speak, and so kicks with all his might. But Lan Zhan frees a hand, grabs his knee, pushes his legs further apart, and bends down to pull open his waist-band and pants.
  306. 魏婴只觉下身一凉,低头一看,似乎心也跟着凉了,惊道:“蓝湛你干什么?!”
  307. Wei Ying feels a cold breeze around his lower half, looks down, and his heart just about stops. He screams shrilly, “Lan Zhan the fuck are you doing?!”
  309. 魏无羡在一旁看得心驰神荡,兴奋不已,忍不住心道:“废话!干你啊!”
  310. The Wei Wu Xian watching is beside himself with glee, practically vibrating with excitement, and thinks gleefully to himself, “What else! He’s going to do you!”
  312. 除去了裤子的魏婴下半身光溜溜、白花花的,两条细长的腿还在踢来踢去,蓝湛按住他双足按照那张春宫上的图解,右手径直探向两片浑圆雪白臀瓣中那一点紧闭的粉色。
  313. Wei Ying’s lower half is a smooth, pale white, and his long, thin legs are still kicking to and fro. Lan Zhan holds down his feet, and, following the art in the erotica, reaches his right hand towards the tight pink spot between two lily-white cheeks.
  315. 魏婴整个下半身都被人牢牢压制住,即便是被人强行触碰隐秘之处,也避无可避。蓝湛两只手指在那粉色的一点上揉了揉,魏婴浑身一个哆嗦,睑上闪过一丝羞耻之色,强行忍下,发疯了似的挣扎扭动起来。压在他身上的那名少年却沉着眸子,紧抿着嘴,右手有条不紊地继续按揉他的秘处,渐渐加重力道,直到那一点慢慢柔软下来,慢慢被揉出一个微张的粉色小口,含羞带怯一般地吞进了一小段白皙的指节。
  316. Wei Ying’s entire lower half is caught tight, unable to escape even when his private areas are touched. Lan Zhan rubs two fingers on the pink spot. Wei Ying gives a full-body shudder, a flash of shame crossing his expression, and he wrestles it down, starting to struggle crazily. But the youth keeping him trapped has clouded eyes, tightly pressed lips, and a right hand that patiently massages his secret place, slowly increasing in strength until the spot begins to loosen, slowly becoming a small, pinkish hole, shyly taking in a thin white finger.
  318. 魏无羡笑着睨向蓝忘机,道:“难怪含光君你方才不肯进来呢。在梦里对我做这种事,被我瞧见了,可真真是,要无地自容了。”
  319. Wei Wu Xian grins, glancing at Lan Wang Ji through the corner of his eye, “No wonder Han-Guang-Jun didn’t want to come in just now. Doing /those things/ to me in a dream, and me seeing them, you truly have no more places to hide.”
  321. 蓝忘机端坐在他身旁,垂着眼帝,睫毛似乎在微微发颤。
  322. Lan Wang Ji slants his eyes downwards, lashes seeming to quiver.
  324. 魏无羡托腮看着那边,看着少年的自己被少年的蓝湛压在身下强行开拓,嘻嘻道:“含光君你有本事事后做梦,你有本事当年就这么对我干啊。我……”
  325. Wei Wu Xian watches the other side with his cheek propped on a hand, watching his younger self pinned beneath Lan Zhan, -forcibly excavated- being forced open, and laughs, “Han-Guang-Jun if you have the guts to have these dreams, why didn’t you have the guts to do those things to me in those days, hm. I……”
  327. 话音未落,蓝忘机抓住他两手,往地上一推,堵住了他的嘴。魏无羡觉出他的脸颊滚烫,胸腔心脏的跳动也异常凶猛,心中好笑,待湿漉漉的唇瓣分开,他呢喃道:“怎么,又害羞了?”
  328. He had barely finished speaking when Lan Wang Ji grabs his hands, shoves him towards the floor, and shuts him up. Wei Wu Xian feels his cheeks heat up, his heartbeat pick up speed, humor bubbling up his throat, and mutters, “Why, shy again”?
  330. 蓝忘机呼吸异常粗重,不答。魂无羡道:“还是…看硬了?”
  331. Lan Wang Ji’s breathing is ragged. He doesn’t answer. Wei Wu Xian blinks. “Or…did you get hard watching?”
  333. 与此同时,书案边的魏婴喉间逸出了一声带着哭腔的长吟。
  334. At the same moment, by the writing desk, Wei Ying lets out a sobbing, quiet wail.
  336. 蓝湛已经整个人都覆到了他身上,两人下身紧密相连,显然是正在入侵过程中。感觉到不属于自己身体的硬物在一点一点侵入,魂婴难受得两腿都蜷了起来,偏偏双手被抹额牢牢缚住,动弹不得,只能痛苦地在地上撞了几下后脑,撞得咚咚作响。蓝湛把手垫到他脑袋底下,同时,下身之物也整个都送进了魏婴的体内。
  337. Lan Zhan’s almost entirely atop him by now. Their lower bodies are pressed close, obviously in the process of insertion. Feeling a foreign body entering his own bit by bit, Wei Ying’s legs curl closed in the waves of discomfort, but but the binds on his hands tighten, restricting his movements. He can only loudly thud his head against the floor in distress. Lan Zhan cradles his head, and fully enters him.
  339. 原先那粉色的一点吞下一根手指都困难,眼下却被生生撑开,吞进了一件滚烫坚硬的硕物,洞口原先的细嫩褶皱皆被撑得平滑。魏婴还有点神睛恍惚,似是弄不清状况,然而,等蓝湛照着春宫图解,缓缓送腰抽送起来时,他便开始发出无意识的小声呜咽。
  340. Earlier on the pink spot could barely take one finger, and now it’s forced to accept the warm, hard object, the wrinkles on its side previously there is also stretched flat. Confusion seems to flash across Wei Ying’s eyes, as though he hasn’t realized what’s happened, until Lan Zhan, following the art on the erotica, starts to move, slowly. Wei Ying lets out small, breathy exhalations.
  342. *umm the wrinkles part was a bit weird, but since that's what the author wrote, I tried my best.
  344. 魏无羡对蓝忘机道:“蓝湛你那时候人虽然小,尺寸可已经不小了呢。‘我’可是个雏儿,我看这一场得干得够呛。”
  345. Wei Wu Xian says to Lan Wang Ji, “Lan Zhan you were small then, but you certainly had girth! But ‘I’ was still a kid you know, I think that’s going to be one hell of a session.”
  347. 他边说话,边顶弄。边用膝弯在蓝忘机双腿之中故意摩挲顶弄。想是亲眼见了一场以自己为主角的活春宫,兴致上来,又想领教这件东西的厉害了。
  348. As he speaks, he also nudges Lan Wang Ji between the legs with his knees. It’s as though after witnessing a round of live erotica starring himself, his interest is peaked, and now he wants to try it, too.
  350. 没磨蹭两下,蓝忘机便语不发地撕裂了他的衣衫下摆和长裤,魏无羞自然而然打开双腿缠上他腰间。蓝忘机扶着自己的事物,硬得可怕的头部在入口处磨了磨。
  351. Not two nudges later, Lan Wang Ji wordlessly tears open his clothing and leggings, and Wei Wu Xian shamelessly hooks long legs around his waist. Lan Wang Ji holds himself in his hand, brushing his impressive hardness against Wei Wu Xian’s entrance.
  353. 二人几乎天天都要颠鸾倒凤胡天胡地一番。魏无羡的身心早已与他契合无比,搂紧蓝忘机的脖子,深吸一口气,下体便被利刃破开,长驱直入。
  354. They do it almost everyday, making a big huge ruckus along the way. Wei Wu Xian’s body and mind is already in sync with Lan Wang Ji’s. He loops an elbow around Lan Wang Ji’s neck, takes a deep breath, and he is pierced, fierce and direct.
  356. 进入得非常顺利,穴口柔软,肠道湿热,温顺无比地紧紧吸裹住入侵的巨物,仿佛天生就是为容纳身上之人所生的。不一会儿,结合之处便传来黏腻的水声和肉体拍打之声。
  357. It’s a smooth process. His entrance is soft, his insides warm, obediently taking in and holding the large foreign body, as though it was made to fit the person above him. A second later, there is the sultry, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
  359. 蓝忘机身下之物生得沉甸甸的甚为可观,而且柱形天生微微向上弯曲,每次律动,部会准确无比地重重擦刮过内壁里最敏感脆弱的那一点,而那一点每被擦过一次,对二人部是一次翻天覆海的情潮狂涌。
  360. Lan Wang Ji is naturally large, and with its natural curve, with every thrust he slams true into the most sensitive spot inside Wei Wu Xian, and every time it happens, the two are pulled under a raging wave of pleasure and sensation.
  362. 魏无羡被蓝忘机顶得神智眩晕,上天入地,肠道一阵一阵毫无规律地绞紧,从头顶酥麻到脚尖,舒爽得仰起了脖子,从这个角度,刚好能看到蓝忘机梦里那个十五六岁的魏婴,也正在生受此等极乐和苦楚。
  363. The thrusts make Wei Wu Xian delirious, wave after wave of tingling ontractions in his abdomen giving him no respite, the sensation flooding from his head to the tips of his toes. He arches his neck from the pleasure, and from this angle, he can just see his younger self, ensnared in a similar blend of pain and pleasure.
  365. 他躺在一地散乱的书卷中,双腕被紧缚,无力地被固定在头上,红色的发带早不知落哪儿去了。黑发散乱,微瞌眸子,泪眼朦胧,将泣不泣。蓝湛压着他顶弄一阵,似是觉得他腿还张得不够开,握住他条小腿放上了肩,阵剧烈的挺送,那条小腿挂不住了,叉落下来搭在他臂弯处,流畅优美的小腿线条和大腿内侧的肌肉都在微微抽搐,想是魏婴也被体内那一根进进出出不停歇、弯曲叉滚烫的巨物逼得要疯了。初经情事,手足无措,只得溺水之人一般,牢牢攀住蓝湛的肩,他连此刻身在何处何地恐怕都不知道,更不可能想起来,这般难耐煎熬,正是这个在他体内肆虐之人所给予的了。
  366. He lies in the middle of scattered books, wrists useless, tied and pinned above his head, his red hair ribbon gone. Messy black hair, unfocused eyes, wet lashes, unshed tears clinging to their edges. Lan Zhan, after a round of thrusting, seems to think his legs aren’t spread wide enough, and so lifts one ankle onto a shoulder, but it doesn’t stay there with his aggressive ministrations; it slips down, coming to a rest at his hips. Wei Ying’s leg is quivering, as though he, too, is being driven crazy by the rapid thrusts of the large, burning object going in and out of him. A first encounter of this sort, he has no idea what to do, and so like a drowning man, he grips onto Lan Zhan’s shoulders, possibly unaware of where and when he is, and no hope of remembering. This madness is the gift that the youth inside him grants.
  368. *O.o
  370. 亲眼看着十五六岁的自己,被十五六岁的蓝湛肏得满面潮红,哆哆嗦嗦,魏无羡却觉得还不够,小蓝湛最好更粗暴一些,更强悍一些,把小魏婴欺负得死去活来、放声大哭才好。现在这样还远远不够。
  371. It’s not enough to watch his fifteen-year-old self be fucked red and raw and shivering by a fifteen-year-old Lan Zhan, Wei Wu Xian wants more, /more/, better if the little Lan Zhan went harder, faster, fuck his younger self till he’s screaming for release. It’s nowhere enough like this.
  373. 藏书阁内,一方天地狭小,两处春色无边。方才有些昏昏沉沉的魏婴似是被淫靡可耻的啪啪水声唤醒了一丝神智,瞪着藏书阁的天顶,打了个寒噤,眼珠下睨,似乎想看看自己下体现在到底是怎么个状况,却又没这个勇气。恰巧,蓝湛埋头苦干一阵后,把他两条大腿都抬了起来,扛在肩头,他再俯下身往前冲刺时,魏婴的腰肢被折成一个柔软的弧度,正好透过泪眼模糊的视线,看见了自己双股之间的情形。
  374. Cramped as the Library Pavilion is, there are no boundaries on the two acts of wanton pleasure. Wei Ying seems to be shaken out of his stupor by the vulgar sounds of wet slapping. He stares at the ceiling of the Library, shudders, then makes to look down, as though morbidly curious to what’s happening there, but lack the courage. Just then, Lan Zhan switches positions after the first round — picking up his thighs and placing them on his shoulders, he settles into the angle and is about to start up again, when the soft curve Wei Ying’s body has been forced into gave him a clear view of what’s happening between his butt-cheeks.
  376. 那原先干干净净的一个粉红小点,现在已被蓝湛的性器磨成了烂熟的深红色,边缘肿得可怜。那根长而硬烫的凶器仍在里面反复摩擦进出,乳色的白浊、细细的殷红鲜血,还有一点不明的透明汁液,搅得两人结合之处一塌糊涂。而前方他自己的性器竟微微抬起了头,前端也吐着一点白浊。
  377. The clean, pinkish spot from earlier has been rubbed raw by Lan Zhan’s sex, seeming to throb pitifully. The thick and hot rod is still going in and out, dripping a vicious white, a thread of blackish red, and a clear, unidentifiable liquid, all smearing together into a mess at the point where the two youths connect. He himself is already half-hard, with several drops of white liquid.
  379. *¯\_(O_o)_/¯
  381. 见此惨状,魏婴惊得呆了。过了好一阵,他不知哪来的力气,突然奋力挣扎,挣脱了蓝湛翻了个身,膝行着往前爬,想要逃开。
  382. Seeing this, Wei Ying is shocked into silence. After a long while, with a strength that came out of nowhere, he puts up a renewed struggle, managing to free himself and flip Lan Zhan over, and scrambles away on his knees, intent on escaping.
  384. 他被蓝湛压在地上粗鲁地肏干了好一阵,早已浑身无力,大腿膝盖都颤颤巍巍直打战,扑腾着挪了点距离,就再也爬不动,直接趴下了。如此姿势,导致他两片雪白饱满的臀瓣高高翘起,白浊和鲜血瞬间从他股间一塌糊涂的那个洞口里淌出,顺着大腿蜿蜒而下。大腿内侧尽是青红交错的指印,触目惊心,看眼便能引起人强烈的凌虐欲。
  385. Having been pressed onto the floor and roughly fucked by Lan Zhan for a good long while, there’s not much strength in his limbs, joints wobbly, and he didn’t make it far before he couldn’t move any more, slumping to the ground. In such a position, his butt is in the air, white liquid and red blood flowing from his hole down his legs. Red nail imprints dot his inner thighs, a sigh both chilling and inappropriately provocative.
  387. 而这派情态,全都落入了他身后蓝湛的眼里。他双目发红,一语不发追过去。魏婴感觉腰间一紧,教人死死钳住,才空虚了片刻的地方立刻又被结结实实地填了个满。
  388. And this appearance is all taken in the eyes of Lan Zhan, behind him. His eyes are red, and without a word he gives chase. Wei Ying feels a tightening around his waist, someone has a harsh grip on it, the space that had been empty for only a moment already full once again.
  390. 他呻吟一声,低声道:“不要……”
  391. He gasps, then groans low, “No……”
  393. *(ლ‸-)
  395. 承受了许久的蹂躏,后穴早已濡湿柔嫩,泥泞不堪,轻而易举便重新把刚侵犯过自己的阳物吃进去,一吞到底。魏婴趴跪在席子上,被顶得身体不住往前挪,面露惊恐之色,从前他去山林玩耍,看到野兽交配便是这么个姿势,因此被人从后面进入,难免愈发羞耻,后穴猛地紧缩,蓝湛掐着他的腰,顶弄也愈加凶猛,毫无章法。如此发狠一阵,魏婴终于再也受不了了。
  396. After the abuse from earlier, his entrance is already soft, and easily takes in Lan Zhan’s penis, all the way. Wei Ying is half-sprawled, half-kneeling on the floor, slipping forwards with each thrust. Fear and alarm is clear on his face. When he went pheasant-hunting in the mountains, he would see animals in the same position during mating season, so when he was entered this way from behind, the shame that rises in his is choking, and in response he unconsciously clenches down, hard. Lan Zhan fucks him harder, a hand on his waist for support, with no hint of stopping. With this vicious round, Wei Ying finally breaks.
  398. 他半边脸和身体部贴在地上,被压得变形,语无伦次地道:“饶、饶命、饶命……蓝湛蓝二公子,饶命啊……”
  399. Half-slumped on the floor, forced into a strange position, he’s barely about to string two coherent words together. “M-mercy, please…… Lan Zhan Lan-Er Gong-zi, please, have mercy……!”
  401. 除了换来更深入和频繁的侵犯,这种求饶自然毫无作用。魏无羡哈哈笑道:“我的天哪,我都要听硬了。你可千万下要饶过他,往死里肏才是正道……啊……”
  402. Besides getting him a rougher treatment, there is no other use for that kind of begging. Wei Wu Xian is laughing. “Oh, my goodness, I’m getting hard just from listening! Do /not/ let the younger me go, you gotta fuck him /raw/, you hear me……/ah/……”
  404. 蓝忘机把他抱了起来,坐在自己身上。身体的重量导致魏无羡把他的阳物吞得更深,深到他眉头一皱,脸也微微扭曲,连忙专心致志骑在蓝忘机身上,调整姿势,再顾不得说些孟浪话了。
  405. Lan Wang Ji lifts him up and sets him down on himself. With the help of body weight, Wei Wu Xian sinks even lower, low enough for his brows to twitch and his expression to spasm, and he hurriedly turns all his attention to riding Lan Wang Ji, adjusting his position, all thoughts of teasing thrown out of his mind.
  407. 随着肉体拍打之声和水声越响亮,那边魏婴的呼声也越凄惨:“蓝湛……蓝湛……你……你听到没有啊……太深了……不要都进来……我的肚子疼……”
  408. Along with the bright sounds of skin against skin, Wei Ying’s screams over there are getting more and more desperate. “Lan Zhan……Lan Zhan……you......did you hear me……it’s too deep, too deep……don’t come all in……my stomach hurts……”
  410. *?!!
  412. 蓝湛每次进入,都像是恨不得捅穿他才好,力道之刚猛强硬,和他那张脸完全是两个极端。魏婴的双股已经被他撞得发麻叉发红,整个下半身部几乎失去知觉了。他努力想往前挪动,却每次都被强硬地拖了回去,被迫把蓝湛的阳物吃到体内深处,如此反复几次,他快要咽气一般,断断续续地道:“你……你听我说,外面,外面外面有人等我,江澄他们……还在外面等我……啊!”
  413. Each time Lan Zhan enters, it’s like he almost wants to rip right through Wei Ying, the force and strength of his thrusts entirely at odds with the expression on his face. Wei Ying’s buttocks are already bruising from the treatment, his entire lower half seems to have lost all sensation. He’s still trying to escape, wriggling forwards, but every time he’ll be pulled back. Repeated for a few times, he sounds like he’s about to die. “You…listen to me, ok, outside, out there, there’re people waiting for me out there, Jiang Cheng and……they’re outside waiting for me……ah!”
  415. *...I'm going to scream, and not from happiness. WHY AUTHOR.
  417. 闻言,蓝湛猛地从他体内退出,将他翻了个身。
  418. At this, Lan Zhan pulls himself out suddenly, and flips Wei Ying over.
  420. *oh /someone's/ jealous.
  422. 魏婴发出一声抽噎,立即蜷缩成一团,像是想把自己藏成小婴儿艘的一团起来。前端硬了八成,要立不立,欲泄不泄。腿根处汁液横流,浙淅沥沥,精彩极了。而被强行使用了半晌的秘处虽是红肿不堪,却还在毫无规律地一张一台,吐出点点白浊和殷红,仿佛饥渴无比,舍不得蓝湛那根刚刚开垦过他的阳物离他而去。
  423. Wei Ying lets out a pained gasp, immediately curling in on himself, as though he could hide by withdrawing. He’s almost fully hard now. Fluids pool at his feet, making an entertaining sight. The much-abused entrance is an ugly shade of puce now, but it’s still contracting in an unruly manner, spouting flecks of white and red, as though thirsty and longing for Lan Zhan.
  425. 而魏无羡被蓝忘机抱着腰,托着臀,在他身上恣意起落。直至此时,蓝忘机眉眼仍是清冷昳丽,除了呼吸微微有些紊乱,只看这张睑,根本看不出来他现在在做什么,更猜不到,此刻他的双手正托着魏无羡的臀部,同时大力揉捏,分毫不控制自己的力道,在那两片浑回饱满的臀瓣上留下青青紫紫的手印,再低头含住魏无羡左胸口的一点嫣红,齿间轻轻撕咬。魏无羡股间正吞吞吐吐着他的阳具,湿淋淋的紫红长物在幽深的臀缝里时隐时现,快活得头皮发麻。
  426. Wei Wu Xian is in Lan Wang Ji’s arms, wrapped tight around him, rising and falling in his lap. Up till now, Lan Wang Ji’s expression is still cold and disinterested. Except his hitched breathing, if one only looked at his face, one wouldn’t be able to tell what he’s doing right now, and there is no way one would be able to guess that his hands are cradling Wei Wu Xian’s ass and kneading his cheeks, with disregard for his strength, leaving purpling five-fingered imprints. His mouth is closed around a spot of cherry red on Wei Wu Xian’s chest, tugging lightly with his teeth. Wei Wu Xian is a little pre-occupied with riding him at the moment, the dark purple rod visible between their tightly wound limbs for flashes as they move. Pleasure makes them both dizzy.
  428. 那边的蓝湛盯了半死不活的魏婴一会儿,忽然撕开他胸前的衣服,用力拧了一下他左胸的点淡红,再猛地埋入他体内。
  429. The Lan Zhan there stares at the limp Wei Ying for a moment, then suddenly tears open his clothes, pinches his nipples hard, and plunges back into him.
  431. 魏婴好不容易才缓过口气,此时全身上下都敏感到极致,哪里受得住这样的对待,“呜!”的一声,秘穴和肠道绞得死紧,眼泪哗哗地便下来了。
  432. Wei Ying had just caught his breath, right now he’s entire body is oversensitive, and there’s no way to process this kind of treatment. With muffled cry, he clenches down tight, and the tears spill over.
  434. 蓝湛仿佛和他胸前那两点赌气上了,又是拧又是揉,弄得它们肿胀不堪,挺立起来,殷红如血。每被这么弄一次,魏婴的内壁便凶猛地收缩一次,柔软温热的肠道咬死了体内的凶器,把蓝湛性器的形状勾勒得一清二楚。
  435. It’s almost like Lan Zhan has a personal feud with the two red dots below him — he rubs and pinches with abandon, until they’re dark red and perked. Each time he’s touched, Wei Ying’s entrance clenches hard, closing tightly around the intrusion in his body, until he can distinctly feel Lan Zhan’s shape inside him.
  437. 魏婴哭着道:“蓝湛,我错了,我错了,我不该说你嫩,不该说依不懂,我不敢教你了。蓝湛,蓝湛你听到没有,蓝二公子,蓝二哥哥……”
  438. Wei Ying cries. “Lan Zhan, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have said you were innocent, shouldn’t have said you didn’t know, I don’t need to teach you anything, I don’t dare to. Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, do you hear me? Lan-Er Gong-zi, Lan-Er-ge-ge……”
  440. 听到最后那一个带着鼻音的称呼,蓝湛动作一缓,果然手下留情了些,目光迷离地凑到魏婴脸前,轻轻含住了他正在笑唧唧告饶的两片薄唇。
  441. At the last, whined title, Lan Zhan’s movements slows, moving a sluggish gaze to Wei Ying’s forced grin, then dips his head to catch thin lips in a kiss.
  443. 魏婴下半身犹如被巨石碾过,肠道叉辣叉烫,腰腹又涨又酸,上半身胸前两点还饱受折磨,人都有些迷迷糊糊了。忽然感觉下身挞伐他的凶器攻势缓和了下来,两人额头轻抵,还有两片清凉的唇瓣贴近,尝起来滋味有点甜甜的,一睁眼,看到蓝湛纤长漆黑的眼睫近在咫尺,正在专注地吻他,似乎感觉到了一点点安慰。
  444. Wei Ying’s lower half feels like it’s been brutalized by a rock, his abdomen throbbing hot, his waist aching with pain, the two points on his chest feeling like they’ve been through a blender, overall causing him to be a little punch-drunk. Suddenly he feels the thing abusing him below to slow, his forehead brushes against Lan Zhan’s, and the lips on his are cool and faintly sweet. His eyes fly open, meeting Lan Zhan’s dark-lashed eyes not an inch away, currently entirely focused on kissing him, and feels slightly comforted.
  446. 于是,魏婴也打开了口,轻轻吮吸蓝湛的唇瓣,嘟嘟哝哝地道“……还要……”
  447. So, Wei Ying opens his mouth, breathing lightly on Lan Zhan’s lips, and mumbles, “……more……”
  449. 他的本意是还要亲吻,蓝湛却会错了意,下身抽送加紧。魏婴咝咝吸了两口气,连忙抱住他的脖子,主动亲上去。
  450. He meant the kiss, but Lan Zhan misunderstood, and begins thrusting anew. Wei Ying sighs faintly, then hurriedly hooks an arm around his neck, moving in to kiss him.
  452. 原先魏婴只觉根粗长硬物在肠道里捣来捣去很是可怕,捣了这么半天,却也品出了些许除胀痛酸累以外的滋味,渐渐能得趣了。尤其是蓝湛那根略弯的阳物狠狠刮过内壁某一点时,仿佛周身过电,快活得直哆嗦。前端越来越翘挺,分泌出的白液也越来越多,他忍不住自己扭动起腰来。有时蓝湛没有顶对地方,他还会把下体送上去卖力迎合,口里的叫唤也从讨饶变了味。
  453. Before now, Wei Ying only felt the pain and the humiliation from something hard and ramrod-straight poking around inside him, but after all that, he’s finally beginning to feel the pleasure in it. Especially when Lan Zhan brushes past a particular point that sends a wave of electric pleasure sparking along his nerve-endings, making him shiver. Fully hard now and leaking pre-cum, he tentatively starts moving himself. When Lan Zhan misses, he would make up for it by moving his hips upwards, the desperate begging on his tongue also switching flavors.
  455. 魏婴道:“……哥……二哥哥……蓝二哥哥……我……我求你……”
  456. Wei Ying gasps, “……ge……Er-ge-ge…Lan-Er-ge-ge……I….I beg you……”
  458. 蓝湛喘了一口气,沉着声音道:“什么?”
  459. Lan Zhan sighs shortly. “What?”
  461. 魏婴捧着他脸颊一阵狂亲,小声道:“顶上面,像刚才那样,弄我那个地方,好不好……”
  462. Wei Ying holds his face in his hands and peppers kisses all over, saying in a soft voice, “Hit the spot slightly above? Like just now, that spot, okay….?”
  464. 蓝湛如他所愿,朝他要求的地方沉腰挺入,这几下似乎顶得特别重,魏婴惊喘一声,四肢忽然紧紧缠住他,喊道“什么……”
  465. Lan Zhan goes along with it, angling towards the requested spot, sending up a few well-placed and powerful thrusts. Wei Ying utters a surprised scream, limbs suddenly tightening around Lan Zhan, “What…!”
  467. 蓝湛已经堵住了他的嘴唇,专心致志和他接吻去了。
  468. Lan Zhan’s already caught his lips, throwing his attention into the kiss.
  470. 魏无羡也在和蓝忘机唇齿缠绵地亲吻着,舌尖描摹对方薄唇的模样,相互纠缠。听着那边的动静,魏无羡道:“含光君,那边你射啦。”
  471. Wei Wu Xian is also twisted around Lan Wang Ji and kissing fiercely. His traces the shape of his lips with the tip of his tongue, slipping against him. Listening to what’s going on beside them, he says into the kiss. “Han-Guang-Jun, the you over there has already came~.”
  473. 汗湿淋淋的蓝湛抱着同样汗湿淋淋的魏婴,安静地躺在已被弄得皱巴巴的席子上。魏婴胸膛起伏不止,目光还有些涣散。二人相连之处还没有分离,他下体还紧紧咬着蓝湛的性器,被射入体内的精液也被堵得严严实实,一滴不漏。
  474. A sweat-soaked Lan Zhan is hugging a similarly sweat-soaked Wei Ying, lying quietly together on the mats they’ve thoroughly wrinkled. Wei Ying’s chest is heaving unevenly, gaze still unfocused. They’ve not yet separated, the cum held tightly inside Wei Ying, not a drop spilled.
  476. 魏无羡笑道:“你看这边,我们是不是也该……”
  477. Wei Wu Xian smiles. “You see here, shouldn’t we…?”
  479. 蓝忘机点了点头,将他平放到席子上,腰身沉稳地几个起伏,释放在了魏无羡体内。
  480. Lan Wang Ji nods, laying him out on the mats. A few even thrusts later, he completes inside Wei Wu Xian.
  482. 魏无差松了口气。虽说快活是真快活,但他也不是铁板打的腰和屁股,对着两个小朋友胡天胡地闹了这么久,体力也差不多快耗尽了。谁知,蓝忘机并不拔出,而是就着插入在他体内的状态,摆着他换了个姿势。
  483. Wei Wu Xian lets out a breath. Though of course it was pleasurable, his ass and waist are not made of metal, and at the earth-shaking shenanigans of the two youths, he’s tired too. But Lan Wang Ji doesn’t pull out — in fact, still inside Wei Wu Xian, he changes a position.
  485. 魏无羡道:“含光……君?”
  486. “Han-Guang…Jun?” Wei Wu Xian tries.
  488. 蓝忘机微微一笑,凑到他耳边,轻轻说了几个字。
  489. Lan Wang Ji smiles lightly, leans down to his ear, and whispers a few words.
  491. 魏无羡:“…呃,等等?我说让你往死里肏,是说让你梦里这个小蓝湛去往死里肏梦里的我啊?不是说……蓝湛?二哥……哥?饶命啊!!!”
  492. “…er, what? I know I said I want you to fuck me raw but hey that was to the Lan Zhan over there, not me? Didn’t we say…..Lan Zhan? Lan ge…ge? Have mercy!!!”
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