
for neon

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> (captain teemo on duty sir)
  2. <RosyBud> (hi)
  3. <Uracilo> (reporting for doody)
  4. <QtPie> (I'm meme)
  5. <Uracilo> (hello meme)
  6. <Neon> The familiar voice of the school secretary crackles over the intercom < Would Markus Singer, Seiko Williams, Pia Kellogg, and, er Hide-yoshi...Ikea please report to the principal's office as quickly as possible.>
  7. * AFKBee ( has joined
  8. * AFKBee is now known as SpookyBee
  9. <DarnellJermaine> Markus looks up from the common room in surprise- stretching his arms out a bit before getting up. He's wearing a Blink-182 t-shirt and blue jeans- stepping outside into the cold air to make his way towards the principals office. This must be one of those infamous missions kids get sent on- it was about time he got some action around here.
  10. <RosyBud> Seiko hurried to principal's office almost instanteously, carrying along the camera that seems to be suspiciously always with her when she was called to go to a mission, although she wasn't sure if this was a mission and more of she was in trouble for something. Oh boy, hopefully she like tipped over a flower pot or something because she couldn't think of
  11. <RosyBud> anything that would really cause her to be called.
  12. <Uracilo> Pia panicked. That gathering last night had definitely been against the rules, and she was going to be punished for it. It was best to get it over with, right? Right...? She walked to the principal's office wearing her winter clothes, and the face of someone about to be killed.
  13. * QtPie has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  14. * QtPie (Mibbit@24.157.gv.ugq) has joined
  15. * SpookyBee is now known as BeeBackLater
  16. <QtPie> Yoshi marched down to the principal, leaving a slippery trail of water as he made his way there. He wasn't entirely sure as to WHY he was being called there.. Probably a student that complained about one of his practical jokes, Or perhaps he's being called there to be warned not to leave trails of his god damn slime around the school.
  17. * BeeBackLater has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  18. <Neon> The door is rather invitingly open for the group, despite the winter chill. Entering the all-too-familiar office, however, they would notice a new face, in a three piece suit, talking with the secretary. When he sees the three, he looks them over skeptically, and then says, "Hello there." His voice has a distinct Cajun roll to it, "I s'pose you're the kids -
  19. <Neon> they've sent?" There's a certain condescending emphasis on the phrase 'kids.' The man really looks as if he'd rather be somewhere else, but here he is.
  20. <Neon> [ Turn order : Darnell Rosy Ura Qt ]
  21. <DarnellJermaine> Markus nods to his man- holding onto his other arm with his mechanical hand (left hand), "Yup- you called us here. Whaddya need, boss?"
  22. <RosyBud> It wasn't her getting in trouble which was relieving and also not because she was going on a mission. It was around this time Seiko did not want to live on the planet anymore. Her eyes drifted down to her camera as she contemplated life and why it wanted her to go on so many goddamn missions in this goddamn school.
  23. * Ashi (Ashi@2605:6000:6d85:snru:zttq:krsw:mkyl:niwm) has joined
  24. <Uracilo> Pia looks about, trying to understand why the people called here are not the same as the ones at the gathering. "I-I can explain! I was following a friend, and she had business there and-" she startled rambling and mumbling, coming up with particularly bad excuses and accidentaly obfuscating whatever meaning her words could have.
  25. <QtPie> Yoshi would scratch the back of his head, he's still pretty curious as to why he's here.. He decided to answer the man. "We were! Are we in trouble? Are we gonna get suspended? Well, whatever the reason, it must be totally worth it." Yoshi followed this off with a laugh... His voice could be kind of off-putting, he sounds like a kid with sore throat.
  26. <Neon> The man is about to respond to Markus before his eyes are drawn to Yoshi's subhuman form for a few moments, but actually ends up staring longer at Pia when she goes on her little panicked tirade. He lets a moment pass in silence, lets out a soft, quiet sigh, and then forces a smile, "So, how does an all expenses paid trip to Louisiana sound to you four?"
  27. <DarnellJermaine> 'That shit hole?' is what he wanted to ask- but Markus didn't wanna make trouble so quickly- he was just happy to finally get sent on one of the school's missions. Rather, he held his tongue and smiled- a rather creepy, weird looking smile, (oh yeah, Markus is an ugly little guy) and gave him a thumbs up with his real hand.
  28. * Knave (Wyrmknave@2a02:c7d:4a57:nswk:rnot:tqqu:wsng:xtim) has joined
  29. <RosyBud> ".......d-do.. um I have t-to?" She asks, making eye contact with the man that she had never seen around the school one which kinda.. makes sense because this school was basically unregulated and probably could be sued easily if well the parents of some of kids wanted to.. but that also made sense because a few of the kids were kinda fucked up so of course
  30. <RosyBud> their parents wouldn't care.
  31. <Uracilo> She stops cold, her scared expression turning into one of surprise. "L-Louisiana...? Why there?" She hadn't heard anything about a special prison for supernatural people there.
  32. <QtPie> "Louisi-Where now, Isn't that the place where a lot of spooky shit happens? Voodoo junk... Were-gators sounds about right too?" He shrugged, he gave mocking yawn before saying. "Sounds pretty boring if you ask me."
  33. <Neon> "Yes," he responds curtly to Seiko. He returns Markus's smile, seeming pleased with him, if not the other three. He shoots a glare at Hideyoshi, but says, "Well, actually, that's why we need your help. Local authorities have been dealing with a rash of, erm, murders. In this one small town, specifically." A pause, and then he forces him to say, with wounded -
  34. <Neon> pride, "We can't figure it out."
  35. <DarnellJermaine> Markus's eyes widen a bit at that- murder- that was...pretty fucking serious. Then again- it was this school. To be fair, Markus was best suited to getting people to see things... his way. He also had those shiny new demon powers- though he was pretty sure the school didn't know about that yet. "Sounds uh, good to me. I'm up for it- I'll do what I can, at least" he opens and closes his mechanical hand a
  36. <DarnellJermaine> bit, letting the fingers wildly convulse.
  37. <Uracilo> "Help? M-m-m-murders?" Pia is two parts relieved for every three parts of panic. She knows a lot about murder; in fact, it is her specialty, but that doesn't mean she likes it!
  38. <Uracilo> (fack sorry, pressed enter by accident)
  39. <RosyBud> Well so much for getting out of this... and this was for murder. Were they supposed to catch a murderer? She was only 15! Not to mention, again, she was not useful in this situation because if detectives or what not couldn't figure it out, what would enable her to do so? She could at least try to record it or something and leave it to other, less caring
  40. <RosyBud> kids.
  41. <QtPie> "Muders? Murderers! Aww yeah, a mystery to solve and bad guy to maim.. Or just put behind bars. Looks like my career as a superhero is about to start!" Yoshi gave a hearty laugh, crossing his arms. "Well cmon! What else is there to know about this mission? Are there any clues you may have, or anything we should know?"
  42. * Duno666|Mobile ( has joined
  43. <Neon> "You'll find out more when you get there, we've arranged you to meet up with the local Sheriff in this case. There have been five disappearances total in the bayou, and most recently there was a double murder in the town itself. A couple, married. Looked like a mauling by some sort of animal, but we found human DNA, and something we couldn't recognize --
  44. <Neon> on site."
  45. <Neon> ( brb )
  46. * BeeBackLater ( has joined
  47. <DarnellJermaine> "Ok, a couple of murders- all within relatively the same area- I think we can handle it" Markus was talking out of his ass, but he wasn't about to disappoint the school- he wanted more missions. They offered the opportunity to test out his new-found strength. He turns to the rest of the group, "Name's Markus, by the way- guess we're uh, all working together" he reaches out a hand in greeting to each person
  48. <DarnellJermaine> in turn.
  49. * BeeBackLater is now known as SpookyBee
  50. <RosyBud> Speak for yourself was what Seiko thought in her head as Markus said incorrectly that they could handle it. Actually, in fact, she could not handle because this wasn't something that she could help with. Although none of bitterness? showed externally, she in fact just stood quietly with her camera in hands and her hoodie on her head, staring at Markus' hand
  51. <RosyBud> awkwardly before simply waving to return the thought
  52. <Uracilo> Pia shakes his hand lightly, trying to smile despite the plight. "Ah... you seem c-confident." Perhaps her abilities would prove useful for once? She doubted it, to be quite honest. "I'm Pia, a- a pleasure to meet you."
  53. <QtPie> "Whoever this guy is, he must be preeeeetty dangerous... I'm in!" He said cheerily, hopping slightly in excitement while raising his arms up. "Super Hideyoshi, reporting for duty!.. We better get a good reward after this, I'm missing some quality bug-catching time becaue of you mister." He gave a pretty dramatic introduction before pouting.. He was probably-
  54. <QtPie> just slacking off somewhere.
  55. <Neon> ( Back )
  56. <Neon> "Well, you'll be getting two hundred dollars apiece, provided you all can get ready and on the flight as soon as possible. Is that good enough of a reward?" He arches a brow, "We need to get you out there as soon as possible, so you can save the introductions for the road."
  57. <DarnellJermaine> OOO money! Now Markus was definitely in- he was broke as /fuck/ "T-two HUNDRED?!" his jaw dropped, "Where's the plane? Let's get fucking goin already!" he quickly covers his mouth, "I mean uh"
  58. <RosyBud> Seiko lets out a sigh. Two hundred dollars wasn't worth anything if she had to do this in fact she had already gotten that much money from doing something less dangerous than this.. well maybe eye monsters were that bad but still.
  59. <Uracilo> Pia tilts her head. She had been paid two-hundred and fifty for fetching drinks for Ms. Fox last time. What a strange pricing curve. "Th-that seems um... a little low..." She kept wringing her hands. Was she wrong about this?
  60. <QtPie> "Two hundred? I would've settled for a good old fish dinner! Two hundred bucks it is!" Yoshi would have a shit eating grin on his face while he chuckled. "I'll go get my backpack and swiftly meet up with my fellow detectives. Let's not waste any time!"
  61. <Neon> He sighs again, and looks towards Pia. "How much do you want? I'm not made of money here."
  62. <DarnellJermaine> Markus lifts an eyebrow at Pia- was money /really/ that easy around here? Either way- he was just happy to get out. He /does/ get an idea though- he starts weaving magic into his words only the way he knows how, "I think at least $400 is reasonable"
  63. <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-8+4
  64. <GameServ> 4d3-8+4 = 7
  65. <Neon> `calc 4d3-8+2
  66. <GameServ> 4d3-8+2 = -1
  67. <Neon> He smiles at Markus, and then says, "How's about we make it five hundred. Since you asked so nicely." His blithe, stupid little smile seems uncharacteristic from the irate man.
  68. <RosyBud> "..Where.. do I um need to go?" Seiko asked, staring at the man.
  69. <Uracilo> She was a deer caught in headlights now. How was she supposed to know? "Um... er..., I-I'm not sure what the standard v-value is but I think M-markus might be right..." She felt compelled to agree, really, and so she wants to shake her head when the man ups the price, but stops herself with some shame.
  70. * Neon has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  71. * Neon_ ( has joined
  72. * Neon_ is now known as Neon
  73. <QtPie> "Not gonna fight with you over the price, I just wanna kick some bad guy butt.. Oh, I only accept cash." Yoshi looked at his fellow students, he seemed pretty excited to get to know them as well. "Cmon, there's no reason to be so afraid! Heck, the two of ya' look like you're about to faint or something! You got Froggen Rider here to protect all of you!" -
  74. <QtPie> Yoshi raised an arm
  75. <Neon> "You know, they eat frog where I come from in Louisiana." He says casually to Yoshi, before saying to the group, "Pack what you need into a backpack, then come to the van in the front of the school."
  76. <DarnellJermaine> Markus already has everything he needs on him pretty much- so he just follows the man and the group out to the van, casually chatting up Pia and Hideyoshi a bit.
  77. <RosyBud> Seiko runs to her dorm and grabs a shitton of clothes and tossing in her sketchpad and a few pencils before heading back to where the van is
  78. <Uracilo> Pia is already carrying her empty backpack, having come straight from classes. She chats with Markus, agreeing with pretty much everything he says.
  79. <QtPie> Yoshi took only a while to get prepared, backpack, an extra pair of clothes, and some weird, handmade spear that looks like it's about to break at any moment.
  80. <Neon> [ Going to downtime the distance from here to Lousiana, that okay with everyone? ]
  81. <DarnellJermaine> (ye)
  82. <Uracilo> (no problem imo)
  83. <Neon> [ ALRIGHT, intro para incoming then. ]
  84. * Knave has quit (Quit: Knave Out)
  85. <Neon> The airplane ride itself is rather uneventful. They fly in style -- Economy Class -- and get some strange looks from the other passengers aboard. Upon landing in the Baton Rouge airport, they are picked up by another van -- this one belonging to the local police department. As the sun sets over the city, they take off towards the darkened country roads that -
  86. <Neon> lead deep into the state. Night falls, and soon paved roads turn to gravel, and finally dirt roads. The driver isn't much for words, any question thrown at him has resulted in a grunt as an answer. The full moon peeks out from its grey cloak of clouds, shining a dim, waxy white light onto the bayou. The gnarled branches of cypress trees push their way out of
  87. <Neon> of the darkened swamps, and find their way above the backwater town where drivers still out on the road will no doubt need to stop tonight. The dark grey van jostles through the night, crunching gravel and sticking to the mud that runs under its tires on these rough, lonely country roads.
  88. <Neon> The headlights flash onto a sign that reads ‘Welcome to Sapin-Cigue.” A thin layer of pine green moss coast the posts on which it stands, slowly encroaching onto the sign itself, and obscuring some of the text towards the bottom. Frogs croak off by the darkened waterways that run to the east of the town, basking in the humidity after the evening’s rains.
  89. <Neon> Two lamp posts are all that provide light in this town, casting their soft, golden glow over the dirt main road.
  90. <Neon> Calling Sapin-Cigue a “small town” would be an overstatement. The entire place is centered on one, main, gravel road. Typical amenities of a waypoint town like this run along it -- a general store (which seems to be closing down for the evening ), The Water Lily Diner (Self proclaimed home of the best, and likely the only praline cheesecake in town) -
  91. <Neon> The Fox Den Inn, and an auto-shop that just refers to itself as the ‘Mechanic’s.’ Beyond that lie a number of shotgun-style homes with pickups in their driveways and American flags on their doorsteps.
  92. <Neon> As the van door opens up, it’s quite likely you’d notice the house with the giant hole in its roof right across the way -- rotted planks jut out from the dark hole which peeks into the tiny house. The door to this house is open, but cordoned off by bright yellow police tape. A sheriff's cruiser is pulled up besides it.
  93. <Neon> [ Done. ]
  94. <Neon> [ I'm going to switch over to a better client so I don't have to post paragraphs piecemeal. ]
  95. <DarnellJermaine> "Well, guess this is the place then..." he pops open the door to get out, giving the driver a quick 'thanks' for the ride and making his way towards the police car. If the others stay with him- he sticks closest to Pia, since she seems to agree with whatever he says, and she seems pretty chill.
  96. * Neon has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  97. * Neon ( has joined
  98. <RosyBud> Seiko opens the door before stepping up, her nose twitching at what would probably be not the best smell considering their location. She stays a little away from the others while turning on her camera and pointing it at the house.
  99. <Uracilo> Pia shivers in the strange atmosphere of the town. It almost reminds her of the compound she grew up in. She nods at Markus' guess. "I-is there a body in there...?"
  100. * LipstickThespian ( has joined
  101. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to LipstickThespian
  102. <QtPie> Yoshi yawned and stretched his arms out, he was napping the entire trip to this small, rundowned. He lets out a croak, feeling pretty comfortable in the swampy enviroment. He'd stick close to the group as they made their way towards the police car. "I could get used to living here.. It's pretty nice.. And the smell!"
  103. <Neon> The heat hits them like a wave as they step out of the van, which takes off immediately after they leave. Apparently their caveman of a driver was intent on getting as far away from here as soon as possible. The oppressive, heavy, and humid heat is paired with gnats and mosquitos fly about their face, biting and sucking and buzzing about the four students. The road was empty, save for the Sheriff, who stepped outside of the
  104. <Neon> house just as they arrived. Tipping down his brown ten-gallon hat, he walked down the steps of the house's porch. The distant glow of streetlights revealed a concerned frown on his weathered face, stubbled with a salt and pepper beard. His watery blue-ish grey eyes examine them carefully, "Hope the ride over here wasn't too terrible." He's surprisingly soft spoken, and has a distinct, Georgian gentleman's purr that doesn't
  105. <Neon> match his rough-hewn frame.
  106. <Neon> [*flying about ]
  107. <DarnellJermaine> Markus looks up to him, offering his hand, "Uh, howdy!" he says, looking a bit nervous- he'd never really been in a place like this before- he tries to use his other arm to bat away at the gnats and flies around his face as he speaks, "We're from the school- hopefully we can help you out. Anything in particular you have in mind for us, sir?"
  108. * Anti|Gone (Antichthon@96.3.mvt.mij) has joined
  109. * Anti|Gone is now known as Antichthon
  110. <RosyBud> Seiko tugs at the collar of her sweater, the heat getting to her probably more than the others. This wasn't really.. the best of enviroment's to wear this but she wasn't gonna really.. take it off. Oh well. She stares at the sheriff who is now in front of them,/
  111. * Knave (Wyrmknave@2a02:c7d:4a57:nswk:rnot:tqqu:wsng:xtim) has joined
  112. * SpookyBee is now known as SnoozleBee
  113. <Uracilo> Pia starts melting in her winter clothes pretty much the moment they get there. She starts shedding clothes and sticking them in her backpack, until she's in a too-heavy-for-summer but relatively light winter dress. "I would've appreciated some warning..." She ambles about, trying to figure out what happened at the house from what she can see of the outside.
  114. <QtPie> Yoshi was comfy in his trouser and plain old shirt, in fact, he took a liking to the heat.. Better than the cold he's been putting up with for a while. Yoshi greeted the police officer with a short wave, he was mostly focused on catching with his tongue the insects that were bugging the group.
  115. * SnoozleBee has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  116. <Neon> The sheriff tries hard not to stare at Yoshi's tongue while he responds to Markus, "Well..." He twists his lip, fiddling with his wedding band as he thought a moment, "You're free to take a look inside...If'n you really want to. It's kind of, er, a mess in there." He looks down a bit, clearly concerned, and then mutters, "This is really no place fer kids," and shakes his head a little. "Truth be told, I told the State I could
  117. <Neon> handle it, but the darn townies here won't make a peep. Keep talkin' bout bad juju and shuttin' their doors in my face," he offers an apologetic, tiny smile. He returns Yoshi's wave awkwardly. Pia would find it difficult to figure out what happened to the house from the outside. Something might have fallen through causing the impact in the roof, but judging by the condition of the planks and the age of the house, it could
  118. <Neon> have also been wood rot. She'll need to get a closer look.
  119. <DarnellJermaine> Markus smiles back at the officer, "Don't worry about us, sir. We may just be kids- but there's a reason we go to that school. We'll do our best to help out" and with that he makes his way to the house, carefully opening up the door and peering inside.
  120. <RosyBud> Seiko wished the state listened to sheriff because she wouldn't be out here in this heat with all these bugs and entering a house that held two dead people. She nodded before following Markus, camera still at hand.
  121. <Uracilo> Pia follows Markus, though she repeats her question from earlier: "Is there a body inside?", hoping the sheriff will answer. "I wonder how much clout we have," she mumbles outside of the sheriff's earshot. "Do you think we could get the results of the autopsy?"
  122. <QtPie> He'd reel his tongue back in before walking closer towards the house. "Aaaw, we'll be fine officer., you can count on us to solve this case. What have you learned since you've started investigating?" He'd put his weird, long, froggy fingers on his chin.
  123. <Neon> "The body was reported the evening before last." He doesn't seem particularly reassured by that, but his lip twists upwards, just barely, as he responds to Pia. "Well, we were going to keep 'em out there fer ya, but with the heat n' the rain they started to stink...Then the bugs started to get at 'em at we decided it'd be best to take them to the morgue while there was still somethin' left. I've got some files, if ya need to
  124. <Neon> look at them." Peering inside, Markus can't see very much -- it's pretty dark inside the house and the broken lightbulb that would have provided light in the main room isn't doing much help in that regard. However, he can -smell- it. And it is rancid. Revolting, even. The smell of rotting flesh, blood, and swampwater overpowers his nostrils, even with the little crack in the door. The Sherriff takes one last look at the
  125. <Neon> entrance of the house and then walks over to his cruiser, presumably to retrieve the files.
  126. <Uracilo> Pia shakes her head, somehow fine even with the smell. "I need to see the bodies. Could you take us to the morgue...?" Pia rubs at her shoulders, trying to work out the weird foreboding she feels.
  127. <Uracilo> (sorry my bad)
  128. <DarnellJermaine> Markus listens tentatively to the man's descriptions- pulling out a notebook and pencil to write down everything he's saying quickly- taking a few extra notes here and there about his own observation, "Ok...alright...gotcha! Thanks for the info sir!" he says, turning back around to the house and slowly walking inside.
  129. <RosyBud> As she stepped it into the gloomy house, the smell is what causes Seiko to put a hand to her mouth with the index finger covering her nostrils. The combination of the first two frightened her and all three made her want to vomit in the nearest bin. It didn't help that she was sweating just a bit because of the heat that was infinitely times worser because of
  130. <RosyBud> her clothing choices. Then again, at least she could still see everything normally which actually made her realize what use she had here. Stepping forward, she snaps a photo of the camera with the flash on and then heading forward into the house. At least the bodies were gone and she could stomach that.
  131. <QtPie> He made his way to the front of group, shoving the others to the side, walking into the house like if he owned the place. The stench din't really bother him, although it was new to him "Huh, I thought scary monsters were gonna pop out or something.." He turned to Seiko. "Woah, looks like you're gonna blow chunks onto the floor." Yoshi chuckled.
  132. * Inque (inqueling@2600:100e:b030:ynzh:ivyu:xwyl:yvtg:zlpo) has joined
  133. <Neon> He hesitates at Pia's question, but relents. "Er, yes. If you really want to see them." He bites his lips, and desperately offers, "I can take you but er, I have photos?" He shuffles around a manila folder in his hand. The first thing Seiko sees is that the hardwood floors are covered in the vermillion stains of blood, and sticks in clumps to the rug near the TV. Most of the furniture is broken, torn at the seams. On the
  134. <Neon> walls are deep slash-marks, as if from some kind of animal, paired with blood splatters. A shotgun, surrounded by spent shells, lies on the floor, next to two chalk outlines of where the bodies once were. Its metal barrel is twisted inwards.
  135. * Karaoke has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  136. <Neon> Markus can't see much but the silhouettes of the broken furniture, and the glint of the shotgun's metal barrel in the wan moonlight.
  137. <DarnellJermaine> Markus's takes the initiative to go check out the glint he sees- making sure not to actually touch the shotgun- he'd seen detective TV shows- that was evidence. As someone who's good at tinkering with things- maybe he could fix it- but he doubted it'd be worth it, or that he'd get any use out of it. Other then that, he squints his eyes to try and see, wishing he had brought a flashlight. "Shit- does anyone
  138. <DarnellJermaine> have a flashlight or something?" he pulls out his phone to try and shine the light around the room- hoping it at least gives a bit of light.
  139. * Lena is now known as Lena|bbiab
  140. <RosyBud> Seiko stares at the blood stains as she passes by each and every one, still snapping pictures of each individual one just to have them on record to look them at any time. This was an animal.. but this just couldn't... be a regular one and because of the information that human dna was found.. possible a shapeshifter. " did.. the barrel go inward?"
  141. <Uracilo> Pia watches everyone else head for the house and stops by the sheriff instead. "Perhaps just me? I trust them to investigate the house itself, and my talents would be better served at the morgue for the moment..." She reaches into her sleeve and...
  142. <Uracilo> `calc 4d3-8+5
  143. <GameServ> 4d3-8+5 = 5
  144. <Uracilo> Attempts to retrieve a flashlight from her definitional space, to leave for Markus.
  145. <QtPie> Yoshi would be following Markus, the clues left behind by the murderer would obviously catch his interest. "Those slash-marks are pretty bad for a regular animal... Maybe it's a super just like us?" He'd scratch his head with his tongue..
  146. * villa_000_ (villa_000@24.157.gv.ugq) has joined
  147. * QtPie has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  148. * villa_000_ is now known as QtPie
  149. <Neon> The phone does manage to give Markus some light -- flashing a light over the scene of carnage -- but won't do nearly as much good as the flashlight that Pia just winkled into existence. The Sheriff blinks at it, and rubs his head a bit, "Sure, I'n take ya down." He opens the back door of the cruiser for her.
  150. * Cray|ping4whatever is now known as Crayola
  151. <DarnellJermaine> Markus turns to the couches next- moving his phone in to get a better look. He tries to see if there's anything inbetween the cushions or something that stands out about the destruction.
  152. * Silvors ( has joined
  153. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Silvors
  154. <RosyBud> Seiko flipped through her pictures while her eyes dart back and forth in between the actual scene and the snapshots of them.. just what was to be figured out from this.
  155. <RosyBud> 4d3-8+6
  156. <RosyBud> `calc 4d3-8+6
  157. <GameServ> 4d3-8+6 = 4
  158. <Uracilo> Pia hands the flashlight to Yoshi so he'll give it to Markus, then walks to the cruiser and climbs in gingerly, hoping against hope the sheriff doesn't turn out to be the murderer.
  159. <QtPie> Yoshi would nod and smile, happily accepting the flashlight... At first he'd fool around with it, flashing it into his eyes, shaking his head as the light blinded him for a moment.. and then realize he could finally see clearly with. Looking over the shotgun, the claw marks and the bloodstain... He could probably get a vague idea of what went on.. "Hey guys! I got a flashlight and uh... Maybe the guy tried fighting off the animal with the
  160. <QtPie> shotgun! And uh.. The animal pretty much damaged the shotgun?" He'd shrug.. He'd walk over to Seiko.. Touching her shoulder with his tongue in order to give her a quick spook.
  161. <Neon> Something catches Seiko's eye, as she scours both the photos and the room. A splash of color, bright yellow, underneath one of the broken tables. Something the forensics teams missed, perhaps? Markus wouldn't find anything between the cushions, but something glints inside one of the tears in the cushions. Moreover, there's the smell of...wet dog fur, emanating from the cushions.
  162. <Neon> For Pia: The cruiser purrs to life, and heads down the main road, out of town. Soon, they are engulfed by the sound of crickets and the shadows of cypress trees. The sheriff turns to her, "The bodies, they're uh, a bit of a mess. We think the murderer used trained dogs, to kill them."
  163. <Neon> [ Uracilo since you're separate from the group I'm going to put For Pia: at the beginning of posts for you ]
  164. <DarnellJermaine> Markus turns to try and give Pia a wave goodbye before she heads off- sticking his hand into the tear where he found something shiny and try to pull it out, or at least find out what it was.
  165. <RosyBud> She had begun to head towrds the color that she had noticed with her good eyes when Hideyoshi touched her shoulder with his slimy tongue. This elicited a loud, quick scream from Seiko, her face immediately draining of all color as she backed up away quickly to the table with the bright yellow. Her eyes stare at Hideyoshi, blinking as she stood there confused
  166. <RosyBud> and still recovering from that scare.
  167. <Uracilo> Pia fidgets in her seat, still a tad worried, if not paranoid. "I-I see. Once I get there I will be able to give you more details... I hope." If she had been taught anything it was patience; she easily entertained herself with her own mind, looking out the window.
  168. <QtPie> Yoshi grinned and chuckled. His wide, froggy eyes squinted as he did. "Gotcha there! You gotta relaaax, nothing scary is gonna pop up and hurt us.. At least not yet, I guess." He'd shrug. "Say, did ya find something interesting Seiko? "
  169. <Neon> Upon closer inspection, the splash of color proves to be a rag of clothing -- a checkered shirt, by the looks of it. Markus, however, seems to have stumbled across something a bit more interesting. There's a piece of bone lodged into the stuffing of the sofa. It's about two inches long, curved, and tipped on the end, and takes some force to remove from the stuffing.
  170. <Neon> For Pia: The cruiser pulls to a stop about half a mile out of the town proper, in a dingy looking locale with a sign that reads "Thomspon & Sons Mortuary." Behind it is a very old looking cemetary, which seems to have more nondescript lumps of stone than proper headstones. "We uh, don't actually have a proper morgue here in Sapin, so we've been keepin' 'em with the Thompson Brothers. Good folk, they are. Willing to help."
  171. <DarnellJermaine> Markus's eyes widen, letting out a quick shout, "Ahh!" he holds the bone in his hand- not really familiar with this kind of thing. After staring at it for a moment, he quickly drops it to the ground and scurries back a bit, "Uh, guys? I found something..."
  172. <RosyBud> She meekly nodded, saying nothing as she reached for the clothing and stares at it. "....f-f-found t-this.." She said, offering the shirt to Hideyoshi before her attention turns to Markus and the bone in his hand. "Uh.. c-could.. I-I um.. s-see that?"
  173. <Uracilo> Pia sighs with a small smile. Of course the mortuary would add two possible murderers to her list. She slips out of the seat and walks towards the building, making sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
  174. <QtPie> Hideyoshi waddled straight towards Markus. He agreed to hold the shirt for her. "What'cha find Markus? Must be pretty nasty if it startled ya!"
  175. <Neon> The rag, too, smells vaguely of wet dog -- there even seem to be a few pieces of grey hair caught upon it as well. A few pockmarks are in it, as if multiple small objects had torn through it at some point.The bone itself, upon closer inspection, actually looks very much like a claw, of some sort, though it's clear it's been chipped off somehow.
  176. <DarnellJermaine> Markus takes a few deep breaths and carefully picks the bone back up, walking over to Seiko and Hideyoshi- "It's like a claw or something, I'm not really sure..."
  177. <Neon> For Pia: The Sheriff opens the door for her, and they enter a small waiting room that smells strongly of rose and formaldehyde. The sheriff calls into a door on the right hand side, "Thompsons? Y'all in? It's Sheriff Detlefsen. Got someone here ta see ya." There's some scuttling around in the back, and in an all-too-familiar Cajun drawl, someone calls out,"One moment."
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