

Mar 10th, 2012
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  1. [15:38:56] <Joeytje50> Gaz: please undo dat
  2. [15:39:06] <Joeytje50> it's some old edit
  3. [15:39:25] <Joeytje50> was to let the countdowntimer tick every 1 minute instead of every second
  4. [15:39:31] <Joeytje50> because it "was causing lag"
  5. [15:39:36] <Joeytje50> but it was a misunderstanding
  6. [15:39:38] <Joeytje50>
  7. [15:39:46] <BrenRS> That could be because of the script they're using...
  8. [15:39:54] <BrenRS> the way it's coded matters...
  9. [15:40:11] <Joeytje50> there was consensus to decrease the interval of the 10 Mar 2012 14:40:00 (UTC) thing in the top of the screen
  10. [15:40:26] <Joeytje50> there was not consensus to remove the [[Template:Countdown]] interval of 1 seconds
  11. [15:40:26] <bullbot>
  12. [15:40:28] <Joeytje50> second*
  13. [15:40:57] <BrenRS> it's not going to be on all pages though, just going to be on the [[BXPW]] article.
  14. [15:40:57] <bullbot>
  15. [15:41:06] <Joeytje50> that doesn't matter
  16. [15:41:08] <Coney2012> or quit coding in javascript and use HTML5
  17. [15:41:09] <BrenRS> Thanks, arble :)
  18. [15:41:23] <Joeytje50> Coney2012: HTML5 uses javascript a LOT kthxbai
  19. [15:41:26] <BrenRS> Javascript is supported in IE6
  20. [15:41:32] * n77 (~N7@wikia/trekweb.N7) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch -
  21. [15:41:34] <BrenRS> Javascript = user friendly..
  22. [15:41:35] <Coney2012> go get better computers
  23. [15:41:40] <BrenRS> not all browsers use HTML5 you know..
  24. [15:41:48] <Joeytje50> if someone uses the template they are going to need a one-second updating timer
  25. [15:41:50] <Coney2012> if you can't use HTML5 you need to get off the internet
  26. [15:41:56] <Joeytje50> Coney2012: yes
  27. [15:42:00] <BrenRS> Coney, you're not helping.
  28. [15:42:02] <Joeytje50> but HTML5 uses Javascript
  29. [15:42:09] <Coney2012> regardless, get better computers
  30. [15:42:14] <Joeytje50> um
  31. [15:42:15] <BrenRS> Thanks Joey
  32. [15:42:15] <Joeytje50> why
  33. [15:42:27] <Joeytje50> Coney2012: my computer is good enough
  34. [15:42:31] <Joeytje50> now please stop trolling
  35. [15:42:31] <Coney2012> if you are using anything below windows 7 or Snow Leopard
  36. [15:42:33] <Coney2012> you are behind
  37. [15:42:36] <Joeytje50> I don't
  38. [15:42:40] <Joeytje50> so why are you complaining
  39. [15:42:42] * @Gaz (~Gaz@wikia/Gaz-Lloyd) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  40. [15:42:50] <BrenRS> Coney, please stop.
  41. [15:42:53] <arble> gimme some o dat sweet sweet gentoo
  42. [15:42:58] <Coney2012> why are you getting so mad
  43. [15:43:03] <Coney2012> I'm being blatently honest
  44. [15:43:05] <Coney2012> get better computers
  45. [15:43:05] <Joeytje50> why are you getting so mad
  46. [15:43:08] <BrenRS> Gtfo.
  47. [15:43:11] <Joeytje50> ^
  48. [15:43:13] <Coney2012> no
  49. [15:43:26] <BrenRS> Listen, we're having a conversation here
  50. [15:43:52] <arble> Gitfeaux
  51. [15:43:56] -> -BrenRS- and once again we're without active ops and a troll in the chat...
  52. [15:44:01] <Joeytje50> Sacre_Fi are you there?
  53. [15:44:13] <Joeytje50> we need some MediaWiki page to be edited
  54. [15:44:16] <Coney2012> no one cares about conversation over coding
  55. [15:44:19] <BrenRS> it's not your call here to jump in thinking you know everything and add in remarks like "Get a better computer" and having the attitude that people with set-back computers need to update them or they get a "oh well, too bad so sad" slap on the face for trying to use our wiki,
  56. [15:44:28] <Joeytje50> then why do you join the conversation if you don't care Coney2012
  57. [15:44:31] <Coney2012> lol you are taking this too seriously
  58. [15:44:38] <Joeytje50> just leave okay?
  59. [15:44:42] <Coney2012> lmao
  60. [15:44:42] <Joeytje50> you're not adding anything
  61. [15:44:52] <BrenRS> No, it just pisses me off when people jump in and pretend to know what they're talking about.
  62. [15:44:54] <Coney2012> <Coney2012> if you are using anything below windows 7 or Snow Leopard
  63. [15:44:54] <Coney2012> <Coney2012> you are behind
  64. [15:44:58] <Coney2012> that's adding something
  65. [15:45:01] <Joeytje50> nope
  66. [15:45:05] <Joeytje50> because we already knew
  67. [15:45:06] <BrenRS> Coney, the user's OS doesn't matter.
  68. [15:45:08] <BrenRS> It's the browser.
  69. [15:45:12] <Coney2012> BAHAHAHA
  70. [15:45:17] <Joeytje50> ....
  71. [15:45:26] <BrenRS> Some people still run IE6, like I do on a server.
  72. [15:45:29] <Coney2012> and who uses IE 6 still
  73. [15:45:32] <Coney2012> that's terrible
  74. [15:45:36] <BrenRS> So, please do some research first ;)
  75. [15:45:54] -> -BrenRS- just ignore him, obvious troll
  76. [15:45:58] <Coney2012> IE 8 ftw
  77. [15:46:04] <BrenRS> I don't care if it's horrible. It runs the way I need it and I don't have a problem with using it, along with a number of other people
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