
Saiyan App?

Jun 10th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Account Key: King Destroyer
  3. Current IC Name:
  4. Kaminaga
  5. New IC Name:
  6. Kallabash (If I have to change it)
  8. Faction:
  9. Sun
  11. Wipe Plans:
  12. Become the bodyguard of the Headmaster and stomp out any rebellious nature in the community while being somewhat of a magistrate. Complete the plans to fix Sunrise and get everyone in line with what they need to complete for the war. This means trying to become a strategist along with being a warrior. Shoot to be a leader or co-leader of a division, not through brute strength, but by assisting the community. Push the Leaders in a way that is helpful for the community and lend a hand that is less nitpicking and solving major issues rather. Be impactful in a way that leads the warriors down the right path and quells in fighting. It is important to help, even if the plans above do not come to fruition, staying loyal to the faction while snuffing out the other to end the cycle. Long term, the goal is to help end the cycle, which is the belief of the Sun, winning the war is the ultimate goal.
  14. Your Character's Nature:
  15. A stoic character who is always willing to give a helping hand. However, from a distance, he seems to hold a facade as if he was unapproachable. Though, the aura that is given is completely a test, a myth trying to test the will of others. If anyone would cower from his approach or to his approach then, he would correct the attitude with a quick lesson. That lesson being those under the bright sunlight should never hold fear to what seems to be dark. The Children of the Sun are beacons of light so fear of anything seems like corruption to the light that shines on everything.
  17. His personal beliefs follow the original thoughts of what a Sun soul would think, the war will be won over time. The difference in his thoughts is that leisurely training is not something they should plan on doing. Rigorous, brutal training was the way to compete with the other side. Expecting to win or just believing would not get them anywhere. The male would do his best to work harder than others not allowing himself to fall behind.
  19. Behind that nature, he cares deeply for people who are weaker than himself even if that weakness was slight. An army needed to be trained hard since the army is only as strong as the weakest link. So he tried to keep people from feeling down on their power and did not want to bully weaker people, he rather give them purpose wanting them to continue to grow stronger. This did not just mean bodily, he may not have understood all of the science behind things, but talking was favored over brutality when it came to his community. So even if they did not participate in the war by being on the battlefield, he would try to help. That included pep talks and whatever people needed to for him to do within the laws. He truly did not want anyone to feel less important than others because of power or place in the community.
  21. Nothing was perfect and the soul was left with anger issues. This could become a complication when It comes to his job, but he does his best to ignore a lot of issues. Words like monkey, ape, or normal insults do not affect him. So instead of focusing his ruthless anger on his friends and the community. He does this by doing whatever the Commander and the Headmaster are going to commit him to. He will completely do it, no matter what is needed, with a vicious precision that not even a marksman can reenact.
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