
RP in Ravenscroft 2

Aug 8th, 2019
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  1. SerenityMaelstrom has joined the chat
  2. Morawynn has joined the chat
  3. TikhiyVolk has joined the chat
  4. VallitaSeirTrovell has joined the chat
  5. TemptingKiss: ((Hello again~~))
  6. SerenityMaelstrom: (Welcome back)
  7. TikhiyVolk: ((Wibbles))
  8. TemptingKiss: ((^_^ Thanks yous. Amagah, wibbles is adorable.))
  9. TikhiyVolk: ((D'aww shucks >.< I have my rare moments.))
  10. TemptingKiss: (( ^_^ Are there any RP's going on/and or/wanting to start?))
  11. SerenityMaelstrom: (There is one going, if yo want to post in after Mora. We are simply standing and chatting near the thrones)
  12. ScarLaCroix has joined the chat
  13. SerenityMaelstrom: (Welcome home Scar)
  14. Morawynn The corner's of Arielle's lips turned up ever so slightly in a small smile. "Thank you, it's been eight years now, but it still feels like yesterday. He is the reason I pursued magic with such a passion. That is until I lost my sight." Her expression then turned from sadness to anger. "I'll get it back one day, I just hope it's soon. At least it will be if I can figure out how to make it happen. It was a curse you see...placed on me by the members of my old coven. Another witch was jealous of me...wrongfully reported me for the use of sacrifical magi, which is forbidden amongst the coven. I refused to relinquish my magic so they took my sight to ensure I won't be able to advance my studies and make it difficult for me to perform some of my spells and rituals." Pursing her lips, she began to carefully pace in agitation. "I will only get it back when I either relinquish my magic...or everyone that was present and helped with the spell...dies. Thing is, they can't die at my hand or it won't work and i'm blind forever." As her gitation grew, she got less and less careful until she stumbled over the skirts to her dress and fell causing her staff to roll out of her hand and across the floor. Arielle let out a string of curses as tears silently streamed down her face. Clearing her throat, she quickly wiped her face and sighed "I apologize, it's just been a hard time for me the past few years is all..."
  15. ScarLaCroix: (( thank you
  16. Guest_monster26992 has joined the chat
  17. SerenityMaelstrom: ((Greetings and welcome to, or welcome back to, Ravenscroft kingdom. Just a heads up if you are new here, this is a roleplaying room. As such, it is not a hook up, hang out room or gift begging room. You'll have to look else where for that. Stay off the thrones and raised platform as that is for royal family and members only. You will only get one warning before action is taken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and we will answer the best that we can.))
  18. TikhiyVolk: ((I'm just observing, since I'm down in the infirmary until Marina patches me up >.<))
  19. Guest_monster26992 has left the chat
  20. SerenityMaelstrom: (Gotcha)
  21. TemptingKiss: - Amelya awoke still crouching in the same position before she suddenly appeared to fall asleep while speaking, in truth it was in part due to her lack of nourishment within the body that didn't quite belong to her but was now hers to command. She opened her eyes expecting to see the same person as before but when he had gone and the rain had stopped she instantly realized what had happened. As if it did not phase her she turned to the edge of the roof and nimbly found her way back down through the same window and once entering through it she saw the same blind woman as before picking herself up from the floor. Amelya looked on with slight confusion but approached as if nothing had changed and she began to greet everyone she saw in the throne room.- "Hullo, friend! It is nice to see you again." -She bent at the waist to see the face of the blind woman with her arms outstretched behind her stiffly.- "Hullo, friend. Are you injured?" Amelya blinked a few times and while staying bent at the waist she turned her head to the woman nearest the throne, her expression not changing but she was looking for further understanding of the situation as she usually does. -
  22. SerenityMaelstrom: "I can understand, I adored my Father and enjoyed the small amoutnt of time I had with him." *She went quiet as she told of how she had lost her sight and the reasons behind it. She was a bit disturbed that her own coven had done this to her especially out of jealousy, though it didn't surprise her to much. It happens so much nowadays, people betraying each other for power or something else. As arielle began pacing, she watched, stepping down a step just in case she needed assistance. Serenity was about to rush forward when Amelya entered and began speaking to them both, she hoped she did not startled Arielle. Serenity greeted Amelya with a smile and a nod before walking down the steps and directly towards the staff that had rolled away. She picked it up gently then made her way over to Arielle, carefully placing a gentle hand on her right arm before speaking softly so not to spook her.* "IT is ok, no need to apologize. I have your staff, and can help you up if you so wish." *Turning back to Amelya.* "How are you this evening?"
  23. Morawynn Arielle practically jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice at her side. It seemed slightly familiar, but she couldn't place it. Her brows furrowed at the question then she shook her head as she slowly moved into a sitting up position. " I don't think i'm injured, thank you though. I'm alright." Arielle then began to feel around the floor for her staff until she felt a hand upon her shoulder and the gentleness of Serenity towards her touched Arielle's heart since it was something she hadn't been used to for years, not since before her mother left. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you...and please...I would appreciate it." She shook her head and began to laugh a bit. "Seems i've just had so much built up and having no one to really talk to, it just spilled over." She went quiet for a moment before changing the subject. "I've been working on a spell to try and help my clothing situation, and so far no luck. I can get them half-way made and unravels itself."
  24. TikhiyVolk has left the chat
  25. TikhiyVolk has joined the chat
  26. TikhiyVolk: ((My wifi hates me x.x))
  27. SerenityMaelstrom: (I know the feeling sometimes)
  28. TikhiyVolk: ((I'm on mobile now, so that should keep the crashing to a minimum))
  29. TemptingKiss: -Amelya's eyes tracked the movements the two of them made with astute concentration, not knowing what the proper movements and etiquette were she always chose by default to do nothing so she would not offend or injure anyone. As she noticed Serenity was adressing her she snapped her head with a strange mechanical precision towards her and offered the kind woman a smile that was just only slightly offputting, her lips were pleasant yet her eyes held no emotion toward one way or the other. Once she heard the blind woman talk about magic and spells she was working on, however, did Amelya's eyes light up with a piqued curiosity, and she forced her feet to stand firmly planted while her mouth opened to a slew of questions.- "You like casting spells? I like casting spells too. Do you know a lot of spells? I was only shown how to do a few spells but I accidentially do many others. Do most of your spells work? Mine do not. I try to do one thing..." She curls her hands together into a ball and then mimics an explosion.- "And then another thing entirely begins to happen. Do you like magic? I like magic." - Amelya looks to Serenity next to the woman and asks her as well.- "Do you like magic? I like magic." The tone at which Amelya rattled off her questions was all the same, excited and breathy but she couldn't stop her curiosity from taking hold of her words, once she noticed what she was doing she abruptly stopped, looked to the floor and harumphed to herself.-
  30. SerenityMaelstrom: *Serenity helped Arielle up, her hand gently wrapped around her arm and as she helped her stand, she moved the staff in front of her and guided her hand to it so that she held it once Serenity let it go. She didn't move just in case she needed assistance once more, her ears twitching at her words. Before she was able to answer Amelya jumped in asking multiple questions much in the same tone that she had spoken in last night. It was rather disturbing but she didn't let it show, wondering why she sounded this way constantly. Pushing the thoughts from her mind she returned to the questions that she had posed to Arielle and herself.* "I enjoy magic, it can be fun to use. I use it to heal, entertain or if needed combat. What type of spell are you using for the clothing, if needed I can sew them myself...its a hobby of mine." *She said with a soft smile and blush.*
  31. Guest_rose340277 has joined the chat
  32. SerenityMaelstrom: ((Greetings and welcome to, or welcome back to, Ravenscroft kingdom. Just a heads up if you are new here, this is a roleplaying room. As such, it is not a hook up, hang out room or gift begging room. You'll have to look else where for that. Stay off the thrones and raised platform as that is for royal family and members only. You will only get one warning before action is taken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and we will answer the best that we can.))
  33. Morawynn: ((brb i need water))
  34. Guest_rose340277 has left the chat
  35. KasaiChaos has joined the chat
  36. Guest_HH686764 has joined the chat
  37. cleobason has joined the chat
  38. Guest_HH686764 has left the chat
  39. cleobason has left the chat
  40. SerenityMaelstrom: ((Greetings and welcome to, or welcome back to, Ravenscroft kingdom. Just a heads up if you are new here, this is a roleplaying room. As such, it is not a hook up, hang out room or gift begging room. You'll have to look else where for that. Stay off the thrones and raised platform as that is for royal family and members only. You will only get one warning before action is taken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and we will answer the best that we can.))
  41. Guest_Bridgette516635 has joined the chat
  42. KasaiChaos has left the chat
  43. Guest_Bridgette516635 has left the chat
  44. Guest_viridiandarkpinkc4b4 has joined the chat
  45. Guest_viridiandarkpinkc4b4 has left the chat
  46. Guest_Bailey1026 has joined the chat
  47. Guest_TwaineDyce1 has joined the chat
  48. Guest_DrAce23 has joined the chat
  49. Guest_666Ashhhh666 has joined the chat
  50. Guest_DrAce23 has left the chat
  51. Guest_mrclean90820 has joined the chat
  52. Guest_666Ashhhh666 has left the chat
  53. Guest_Mick30001 has joined the chat
  54. Guest_mrclean90820: Hi guys
  55. Morawynn has left the chat
  56. Guest_Bailey1026: Hi
  57. Guest_Mick30001 has left the chat
  58. Guest_mrclean90820 has left the chat
  59. Guest_Emilee505482 has joined the chat
  60. Guest_Bailey1026 has left the chat
  61. SerenityMaelstrom: ((Greetings and welcome to, or welcome back to, Ravenscroft kingdom. Just a heads up if you are new here, this is a roleplaying room. As such, it is not a hook up, hang out room or gift begging room. You'll have to look else where for that. Stay off the thrones and raised platform as that is for royal family and members only. You will only get one warning before action is taken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and we will answer the best that we can.))
  62. Guest_TwaineDyce1 has left the chat
  63. Guest_Emilee505482 has left the chat
  64. Guest_Allanna43 has joined the chat
  65. Guest_Allanna43 has left the chat
  66. Guest_Deh541956 has joined the chat
  67. Guest_Deh541956 has left the chat
  68. SerenityMaelstromSerenityMaelstrom WhisperAdd Friend: ((She crashed and is going to bed)
  69. TemptingKiss: ((Ohh, okie dokie. ^-^))
  70. TemptingKiss: ((Do you want me to go ahead and post?))
  71. SerenityMaelstrom: (Sure, you can)
  72. TikhiyVolkTikhiyVolk : ((I gotta poof and settle in for the night >_<))
  73. TemptingKiss: -Amelya's attention span was sporratic at best, only attuning her eyes and ears to where the most information was coming from. It was one of the only times where she truly seemed alive, whether it was to herself or percieved by others, it was when she felt most herself. She nodded along in short bursts as she almost hung onto every word Serenity said as if it was a harrowing tale of heroism. Once she finished speaking Amelya began to speak in a more human tone without as much of the stoccato wording as before.- "Wow! You heal people with your magic? That's very interesting and must be very difficult to master. What with all the intriquette way the human bodies work. One wrong move and.." -She mimiced her hands again in that explosion type fashion. - " Do you find it difficult to heal under pressure, or does it amplify your skills?" Even though her wording was much smoother than before she still moved in a very mechanical way when she took one or two steps towards her in earnest desire for what she had to say.- "I have only ever healed one thing in my entire existance and it was just a small little frog. I accidentially stepped on it, I was always told if you break something... fix it." -Amelya's voice dropped a few octaves as she mimiced a male voice.- "Amelya, you must listen. If you break something you must do all you can in your power to fix your mistake. I won't have a creation of mine running amuck and causing havoc." As she spoke she looked at the space infront of her with her index finger outstretched as if scolding a small child that was not there, once she concluded she looked to Serenity with pride at how she remembered the words. "Is it the only magic you know? To heal? Or do you know other magics?" Amelya's head twitched to the side as she asked the final question.
  74. TemptingKiss: ((Woah monologue much... -Blushes-))
  75. TemptingKiss: ((Aww, good night. <3 _ <3 ))
  76. Guest_pradaclix has joined the chat
  77. TikhiyVolk: ((Nini ^_^ Take cae))
  78. TikhiyVolk has left the chat
  79. Guest_pradaclix has left the chat
  80. Guest_Queen427462 has joined the chat
  81. Guest_Queen427462 has left the chat
  82. ScarLaCroix has left the chat
  83. SerenityMaelstrom: *Serenity watched as a servant lead Arielle away to a guest room to sleep for the night, hoping that she was alright after tonight. It may have been quiet but still fairly active. Hopefully some rest would do her good. Turning her attention back to Amelya, she was taken aback by the rapid fire questions that were being thrown towards her. Her voice changed and it flowed more naturally from her than beforee. Serenity tilted her head and smiled politely before answering. Once she was certain she had no more questions for the moment she spoke.* "Yes, I can. It was very difficult to master and I am always learning new things, new anatomies that I didn't know about before. Healing underpressure is never fun, but when needed I do my best to stay calm and do what needs to be done..but it doesn't amplify my powers at all, I just focus more." *Watching as she stepped closer, she could see an alost mechanical way to her movements and her next words only seemed to validate the idea Serenity had forming. Perhaps she was some sort automaton of a sort, but her thoughts were interuptedd by more questions.* " You did a good thing healing that frog, I am sure was it able to speak it would have said thank you. I know other magics as well, not spells but my own powers and those I have learned over the years.
  84. TemptingKiss: - Amelya's facial expressions only grew brighter as Serenity spoke, she was always at her happiest when learning new things that she never would have been able to consider before. She nodded at every couple words as her mind began to wonder about the information and process what she was hearing, once she finished speaking Amelya spoke up again, this time it was a slower pace and she was able to form her thoughts more clearly.- "Healing under pressure must be so intimidating, I would be most unsure of the steps to take, much too worried if I would hurt something or someone. I can build things though! Father always said I had a strange knack for finding out how things work." - Amelya once again mimiced the same masculine voice by dropping a few octaves.- "Amelya, I never even showed you how this worked, why would you take it apart?!" - Amelya took a step infront of herself and then turned around, now speaking in her own voice.- "I have repaired the inneficient machine and made it much better, yes." -Amelya jumped back to her original spot and mimiced the masculine voice.- "But, Amelya... how... I... aaaggghhh!" -She stomps her feet and balls her fists for a moment.- "You... you have a strange knack for finding out how things work." -She spoke with a frustration followed by a sigh, once the scene was concluded she looked up to Serenity, beaming with pride at another memory.- "I really like it here, yes. There's so much to learn." She relaxed her position slightly and then didn't move or speak for a moment before she asked a single question with an almost childlike tone. "Have you ever not healed someone?"
  85. AdiraEthereum has joined the chat
  86. SerenityMaelstrom: "It can be very intimadating at times, especially when you are in the middle of a battle or you are healing someone important. But you always have to remember to calm yourself down, take a deep breath and let everything flow out of you until your concentration is solely focused on the task ahead." *Again she began to listen when Amelya started speaking to herself once more, recalling and acting out the memory of the conversation that she had with her creator/father figure. Once she was done, she smiled at Serenity and she returned her smile then laughed softly as she spoke about learning.* "There are a lot of things to learn from many people here, perhaps you will get a chance to know them all though some may not be so open about what they know." *She pondered question for a moment before she answered.* "I have let others heal, those that are more experienced but I have never let someone intentionally die if I knew they were injured."
  87. SerenityMaelstrom: ((Greetings and welcome to, or welcome back to, Ravenscroft kingdom. Just a heads up if you are new here, this is a roleplaying room. As such, it is not a hook up, hang out room or gift begging room. You'll have to look else where for that. Stay off the thrones and raised platform as that is for royal family and members only. You will only get one warning before action is taken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and we will answer the best that we can.))
  88. AdiraEthereum: ((Thank you I was just coming back to visit. Hope its alright))
  89. SerenityMaelstrom: (Of course)
  90. AdiraEthereum: ( Its been a long time Serenity. I hope you have been well. And all is well here.)
  91. SerenityMaelstrom: (Indeed it has been. I have been very well and things are well here as well. How have you been?)
  92. AdiraEthereum: ( well enough thank you. You know who I am? Many here dont recognize me in my new form. Granted I dont exactly stop by alot anymore to let them know either)
  93. TemptingKiss: - Amelya nodded along with what she said once more, when she spoke about calming down to continue the action at hand she closed her eyes and took a breath inward, practicing the motion a few times as it was something she had done a countless number before hand. She took a moment to glance at Serenity and smile proudly at the action she made and she shifted the conversation about others not willing to share information as freely as Amelya likes. It's not something she is familiar with as Amelya is unable to withold anything, aside from what she is told is a secret. She feels as if telling secrets breaks a sacred covenant between two parties and it is a most horrible offense to make. She nodded along with Serenity's final sentance, took a few moments to think about it then spoke once more.- "I do not understand. Why would others not teach the things they know to me?" Parts of her sentance sounded practiced as if she's asked the questions before to others but was confused on the answers still, as she watched Serenity closely her wrist moved with a slight ticking motion for a few beats and then came to a rest.
  94. KingVeBlue has joined the chat
  95. TemptingKiss: ((We haven't met but I really like your form. It's really pretty. ^-^))
  96. TemptingKiss: ((Also, hi. ^-^ Haha. I'm Amelya.))
  97. SerenityMaelstrom: (I believe you told me once, but so much has gone on. I apologize.)
  98. SerenityMaelstrom: (Welcome back Blue)
  99. KingVeBlue: (Hey folks)
  100. Guest_DrAce23 has joined the chat
  101. KingVeBlue: (Thank you Sery)
  102. AdiraEthereum: ( Ah I see. No need to worry Sere. I will always consider you a close friend)
  103. TemptingKiss: ((Hello again~))
  104. Guest_DrAce23 has left the chat
  105. AdiraEthereum: ( maybe this will help?)
  106. AdiraEthereum has left the chat
  107. SerenityMaelstrom: ("Something are not meant for all to know, somethings are personal and not shared freely with everyone. It is nothing against you but just the way some are. Like, myself for example...I will only share so much of myself and only so much of this kingdom and others my or may not be the same. It is a matter of trust and safety." *She said kindly and calmly not wishing to upset the young woman and hoping she would understand why it was this way with some.* "You are more than welcome to explore the castle and learn for yourself."
  108. SerenityMaelstrom: (Ah I had her name on the tip of my tongue....I know she left us sometime ago...hmm)
  109. KingVeBlue: ((how's it hanging?))
  110. TemptingKiss: - She looked to the red carpet below her feet, thinking about what she said. It still did not quite make sense to her, but she felt she understood the idea of it.- "Trust..." -Her arm twitched to life as she lifted her hand to her face and pressed her first and second fingers gently on her chin as her head tilted to the side slightly. When Serenity said she was welcome to explore the castle her eyes lit up ever so slightly and she twitched a smile to her and raised her hand in the same way she does when she greets someone.- "Thank you, friend! I am most appreciative." She turned on her heel and looked at the expanse of the interior castle infront of her, turning her head to the side but not looking away from what was before her she asked.- "Have you lived here your whole life? The smell is... warm and inviting. Like you, yes." Her arms fell easily to her side where they lay dormant once again.
  111. TemptingKiss: ((Good, no work tomorrow. -Dancy jig- How about you?))
  112. KingVeBlue: (Woopwoop a d I'm good ta)
  113. SerenityMaelstrom: *She watched her looked down towards her feet wondering if she had upset Amelya until she could see a bit of excitement and happiness at being told she could much like a child would.* "You're welcome Amelya. I hope you enjoy making new friends here. Just let me know if you need anything." *Watching her turn away and start looking at the castle but not moving from her spot just yet.* "No, I only started living here about a year ago. I was a wanderer before I found my home here. I still like to travel but not as much because my family is here."
  114. VallitaSeirTrovell: (( another Amelia?))
  115. SerenityMaelstrom: (Amelya...I guess it is said that way)
  116. TemptingKiss: ((Huh? Nu, Amelya. It's like... Uh-Mell-Yuh. Super close, though! ^-^ Are you Amelia?))
  117. VallitaSeirTrovell: (( hmm, interesting))
  118. VallitaSeirTrovell: (( No I am not, But she is a dear to me. ))
  119. TemptingKiss: ((Ohh. ^_^ I hope it doesn't get confusing.))
  120. VallitaSeirTrovell: (( Sery. Do me a favor. go to people serch and look up my name? I thought I had it so you couldnt find me...))
  121. SerenityMaelstrom: (Will do)
  122. VallitaSeirTrovell: ((thank you.))
  123. SerenityMaelstrom: (Doesn't come up)
  124. VallitaSeirTrovell: ....hmm
  125. SerenityMaelstrom: (Doms does)
  126. VallitaSeirTrovellVallitaSeirTrovell WhisperAdd Friend: I know his does...))
  127. SerenityMaelstrom: (Cleos profile pops up when your name is typed in because your name is on her profile)
  128. VallitaSeirTrovell: Yep. That should be teh only way))
  129. VallitaSeirTrovell: Council chat))
  130. SerenityMaelstrom: (Got it)
  131. SerenityMaelstrom: (Shall returni in a momet Tempting)
  132. TemptingKiss: -Amelya laughed yet it sounded in the same emotionless stoccato as before- I am what you used to be. I do not live anywhere currently but many people are very welcoming I have found." -She takes two steps forward to a potted plant and crouches down with her arms resting between her legs and her hands lay on the floor gently, she lifted a hand and lightly stuck her index finger into the soil, noticing it was damp. She removed her finger and stuck it into her mouth, thinking absently that she wouldn't be seen as she has been told before that it is weird to put things that are not food into her mouth. She removed her finger then turned to face Serenity staying in the same position crouched by the floor and her neck craning to look up from her stance. "What is the strangest thing you have encountered on your travels?" With the question came a tilt of her head.
  133. TemptingKiss: ((No problem. :) Take your time.))
  134. KingVeBlue has left the chat
  135. SerenityMaelstrom: "They can be which is good. I have had several encounters where they have not been so warm and welcoming but I quickly learned not to stay in places like that long. They take a lot out of you, but I love it here. IT can be hectic and busy at times but also quiet and calm, it is a good balance." *She watched Amelya and raised a brow when she slipped her finger into the soil, which had to be damp frrom their recent watering. She almost said something when she placed her finger iin her mouth as if that was how she tasted things and learned from them. IT was strange but not the strangest thing she had seen before. Serenity tilted her head and thought about the question, biting her lip in thought before speaking.* "Well there are countless beings I have seen in my travels, but the strangest would have to have been a very old demon. Very very old demon, had more seros in his age than I could count. The Squid girl I was friends with came close second to the demon."
  136. TemptingKiss: -Amelya shook her head slightly to one side then the other as she spoke about whom she had met in her travels and so she sat on the floor, her feet touching each other and her hands resting ontop of them- "How old was he? What is a Seros? What was his name? Was he nice? What about the squid girl, what was that light? Was it... the top of her a squid and the bottom a girl? Or was it perhaps a verticle dissection of the two?" - Her head tilted with her questions-
  137. SerenityMaelstrom: "He was very old, he told me once and I can't remember now. Seros...oh..zeros..meant zeros like the number. My apologies. But he was older than most but he didn't look like he was very old at all. His name I shall keep to myself, but he was very kind to me. But if made angry he could be very cruel but I never caused him anger so it as a side I rarely saw. As for the squid girl, she was very shy but friendly once you got to know her, it was all off her a squid but it was different. She walked on two legs, her tail was the tentacle, and it could be used as an extra hand. She was squishy and she used ink as well like a real squid. She was very nice, she liked to cuddle." *She smiled as she recalled her old friends, the memories they had made together.*
  138. TemptingKiss: ((I'm sorry, I'm getting pretty tired. Is it alright if we stop here? I don't want to give you less of what I can do because I'm the sleepy.))
  139. SerenityMaelstrom: (Of course,no worries)
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