

Jan 16th, 2020
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  1. :100:
  2. :1234:
  3. :grinning: ^^
  4. :grimacing:
  5. :grin:
  6. :joy:
  7. :rofl:
  8. :smiley: :)
  9. :smile: :D
  10. :sweat_smile:
  11. :laughing:
  12. :innocent:
  13. :wink: ;)
  14. :blush:
  15. :slightly_smiling_face:
  16. :upside_down_face:
  17. :relaxed:
  18. :yum:
  19. :relieved:
  20. :heart_eyes:
  21. :kissing_heart:
  22. :kissing:
  23. :kissing_smiling_eyes:
  24. :kissing_closed_eyes:
  25. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ;P
  26. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  27. :stuck_out_tongue: :P
  28. :money_mouth_face:
  29. :nerd_face:
  30. :sunglasses:
  31. :clown_face:
  32. :cowboy_hat_face:
  33. :hugs:
  34. :smirk:
  35. :no_mouth:
  36. :neutral_face:
  37. :expressionless:
  38. :unamused:
  39. :roll_eyes:
  40. :thinking:
  41. :lying_face:
  42. :flushed:
  43. :disappointed:
  44. :worried:
  45. :angry:
  46. :rage:
  47. :pensive:
  48. :confused:
  49. :slightly_frowning_face:
  50. :frowning_face: :(
  51. :persevere:
  52. :confounded:
  53. :tired_face:
  54. :weary:
  55. :triumph: --'
  56. :open_mouth: :O
  57. :scream: D:
  58. :fearful:
  59. :cold_sweat:
  60. :hushed:
  61. :frowning:
  62. :anguished:
  63. :cry: :'(
  64. :disappointed_relieved:
  65. :drooling_face:
  66. :sleepy:
  67. :sweat:
  68. :sob:
  69. :dizzy_face:
  70. :astonished:
  71. :zipper_mouth_face:
  72. :nauseated_face:
  73. :sneezing_face:
  74. :mask:
  75. :face_with_thermometer:
  76. :face_with_head_bandage:
  77. :sleeping:
  78. :zzz:
  79. :poop:
  80. :smiling_imp:
  81. :imp:
  82. :japanese_ogre:
  83. :japanese_goblin:
  84. :skull:
  85. :ghost:
  86. :alien:
  87. :robot:
  88. :smiley_cat:
  89. :smile_cat:
  90. :joy_cat:
  91. :heart_eyes_cat:
  92. :smirk_cat:
  93. :kissing_cat:
  94. :scream_cat:
  95. :crying_cat_face:
  96. :pouting_cat:
  97. :raised_hands:
  98. :clap:
  99. :wave:
  100. :call_me_hand:
  101. :+1:
  102. :-1:
  103. :facepunch:
  104. :fist:
  105. :fist_left:
  106. :fist_right:
  107. :v:
  108. :ok_hand:
  109. :raised_hand:
  110. :raised_back_of_hand:
  111. :open_hands:
  112. :muscle:
  113. :pray:
  114. :handshake:
  115. :point_up:
  116. :point_up_2:
  117. :point_down:
  118. :point_left:
  119. :point_right:
  120. :fu:
  121. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
  122. :metal:
  123. :crossed_fingers:
  124. :vulcan_salute:
  125. :writing_hand:
  126. :selfie:
  127. :lips:
  128. :tongue:
  129. :ear:
  130. :nose:
  131. :eye:
  132. :eyes:
  133. :womans_clothes:
  134. :tshirt:
  135. :jeans:
  136. :necktie:
  137. :dress:
  138. :bikini:
  139. :kimono:
  140. :lipstick:
  141. :kiss:
  142. :footprints:
  143. :high_heel:
  144. :sandal:
  145. :boot:
  146. :mans_shoe:
  147. :athletic_shoe:
  148. :womans_hat:
  149. :tophat:
  150. :rescue_worker_helmet:
  151. :mortar_board:
  152. :crown:
  153. :school_satchel:
  154. :pouch:
  155. :purse:
  156. :handbag:
  157. :briefcase:
  158. :eyeglasses:
  159. :dark_sunglasses:
  160. :ring:
  161. :closed_umbrella:
  162. :dog:
  163. :cat:
  164. :mouse:
  165. :hamster:
  166. :rabbit:
  167. :fox_face:
  168. :bear:
  169. :panda_face:
  170. :koala:
  171. :tiger:
  172. :lion:
  173. :cow:
  174. :pig:
  175. :pig_nose:
  176. :frog:
  177. :squid:
  178. :octopus:
  179. :shrimp:
  180. :monkey_face:
  181. :gorilla:
  182. :see_no_evil:
  183. :hear_no_evil:
  184. :speak_no_evil:
  185. :monkey:
  186. :chicken:
  187. :penguin:
  188. :bird:
  189. :baby_chick:
  190. :hatching_chick:
  191. :hatched_chick:
  192. :duck:
  193. :eagle:
  194. :owl:
  195. :bat:
  196. :wolf:
  197. :boar:
  198. :horse:
  199. :unicorn:
  200. :honeybee:
  201. :bug:
  202. :butterfly:
  203. :snail:
  204. :beetle:
  205. :ant:
  206. :spider:
  207. :scorpion:
  208. :crab:
  209. :snake:
  210. :lizard:
  211. :turtle:
  212. :tropical_fish:
  213. :fish:
  214. :blowfish:
  215. :dolphin:
  216. :shark:
  217. :whale:
  218. :whale2:
  219. :crocodile:
  220. :leopard:
  221. :tiger2:
  222. :water_buffalo:
  223. :ox:
  224. :cow2:
  225. :deer:
  226. :dromedary_camel:
  227. :camel:
  228. :elephant:
  229. :rhinoceros:
  230. :goat:
  231. :ram:
  232. :sheep:
  233. :racehorse:
  234. :pig2:
  235. :rat:
  236. :mouse2:
  237. :rooster:
  238. :turkey:
  239. :dove:
  240. :dog2:
  241. :poodle:
  242. :cat2:
  243. :rabbit2:
  244. :chipmunk:
  245. :paw_prints:
  246. :dragon:
  247. :dragon_face:
  248. :cactus:
  249. :christmas_tree:
  250. :evergreen_tree:
  251. :deciduous_tree:
  252. :palm_tree:
  253. :seedling:
  254. :herb:
  255. :shamrock:
  256. :four_leaf_clover:
  257. :bamboo:
  258. :tanabata_tree:
  259. :leaves:
  260. :fallen_leaf:
  261. :maple_leaf:
  262. :ear_of_rice:
  263. :hibiscus:
  264. :sunflower:
  265. :rose:
  266. :wilted_flower:
  267. :tulip:
  268. :blossom:
  269. :cherry_blossom:
  270. :bouquet:
  271. :mushroom:
  272. :chestnut:
  273. :jack_o_lantern:
  274. :shell:
  275. :spider_web:
  276. :earth_americas:
  277. :earth_africa:
  278. :earth_asia:
  279. :full_moon:
  280. :waning_gibbous_moon:
  281. :last_quarter_moon:
  282. :waning_crescent_moon:
  283. :new_moon:
  284. :waxing_crescent_moon:
  285. :first_quarter_moon:
  286. :waxing_gibbous_moon:
  287. :new_moon_with_face:
  288. :full_moon_with_face:
  289. :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
  290. :last_quarter_moon_with_face:
  291. :sun_with_face:
  292. :crescent_moon:
  293. :star:
  294. :star2:
  295. :dizzy:
  296. :sparkles:
  297. :comet:
  298. :sunny:
  299. :sun_behind_small_cloud:
  300. :partly_sunny:
  301. :sun_behind_large_cloud:
  302. :sun_behind_rain_cloud:
  303. :cloud:
  304. :cloud_with_rain:
  305. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
  306. :cloud_with_lightning:
  307. :zap:
  308. :fire:
  309. :boom:
  310. :snowflake:
  311. :cloud_with_snow:
  312. :snowman:
  313. :snowman_with_snow:
  314. :wind_face:
  315. :dash:
  316. :tornado:
  317. :fog:
  318. :open_umbrella:
  319. :umbrella:
  320. :droplet:
  321. :sweat_drops:
  322. :ocean:
  323. :green_apple:
  324. :apple:
  325. :pear:
  326. :tangerine:
  327. :lemon:
  328. :banana:
  329. :watermelon:
  330. :grapes:
  331. :strawberry:
  332. :melon:
  333. :cherries:
  334. :peach:
  335. :pineapple:
  336. :kiwi_fruit:
  337. :avocado:
  338. :tomato:
  339. :eggplant:
  340. :cucumber:
  341. :carrot:
  342. :hot_pepper:
  343. :potato:
  344. :corn:
  345. :sweet_potato:
  346. :peanuts:
  347. :honey_pot:
  348. :croissant:
  349. :bread:
  350. :baguette_bread:
  351. :cheese:
  352. :egg:
  353. :bacon:
  354. :pancakes:
  355. :poultry_leg:
  356. :meat_on_bone:
  357. :fried_shrimp:
  358. :fried_egg:
  359. :hamburger:
  360. :fries:
  361. :stuffed_flatbread:
  362. :hotdog:
  363. :pizza:
  364. :spaghetti:
  365. :taco:
  366. :burrito:
  367. :green_salad:
  368. :shallow_pan_of_food:
  369. :ramen:
  370. :stew:
  371. :fish_cake:
  372. :sushi:
  373. :bento:
  374. :curry:
  375. :rice_ball:
  376. :rice:
  377. :rice_cracker:
  378. :oden:
  379. :dango:
  380. :shaved_ice:
  381. :ice_cream:
  382. :icecream:
  383. :cake:
  384. :birthday:
  385. :custard:
  386. :candy:
  387. :lollipop:
  388. :chocolate_bar:
  389. :popcorn:
  390. :doughnut:
  391. :cookie:
  392. :milk_glass:
  393. :beer:
  394. :beers:
  395. :clinking_glasses:
  396. :wine_glass:
  397. :tumbler_glass:
  398. :cocktail:
  399. :tropical_drink:
  400. :champagne:
  401. :sake:
  402. :tea:
  403. :coffee:
  404. :crazy_face:
  405. :face_with_monocle:
  406. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
  407. :shushing_face:
  408. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
  409. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
  410. :star_struck:
  411. :exploding_head:
  412. :face_vomiting:
  413. :soccer:
  414. :basketball:
  415. :football:
  416. :baseball:
  417. :tennis:
  418. :volleyball:
  419. :rugby_football:
  420. :8ball:
  421. :golf:
  422. :ping_pong:
  423. :badminton:
  424. :goal_net:
  425. :ice_hockey:
  426. :field_hockey:
  427. :cricket:
  428. :ice_skate:
  429. :bow_and_arrow:
  430. :boxing_glove:
  431. :martial_arts_uniform:
  432. :trophy:
  433. :medal_sports:
  434. :medal_military:
  435. :1st_place_medal:
  436. :2nd_place_medal:
  437. :3rd_place_medal:
  438. :reminder_ribbon:
  439. :rosette:
  440. :ticket:
  441. :tickets:
  442. :performing_arts:
  443. :art:
  444. :circus_tent:
  445. :microphone:
  446. :headphones:
  447. :musical_score:
  448. :musical_keyboard:
  449. :drum:
  450. :saxophone:
  451. :trumpet:
  452. :guitar:
  453. :violin:
  454. :clapper:
  455. :video_game:
  456. :space_invader:
  457. :dart:
  458. :game_die:
  459. :slot_machine:
  460. :bowling:
  461. :heart:
  462. :broken_heart:
  463. :ok:
  464. :up:
  465. :cool:
  466. :new:
  467. :free:
  468. :zero:
  469. :one:
  470. :two:
  471. :three:
  472. :four:
  473. :five:
  474. :six:
  475. :seven:
  476. :eight:
  477. :nine:
  478. :keycap_ten:
  479. :asterisk:
  480. :rotating_light:
  481. :airplane:
  482. :rocket:
  483. :artificial_satellite:
  484. :anchor:
  485. :construction:
  486. :vertical_traffic_light:
  487. :traffic_light:
  488. :checkered_flag:
  489. :tokyo_tower:
  490. :fountain:
  491. :mountain:
  492. :mountain_snow:
  493. :mount_fuji:
  494. :volcano:
  495. :tent:
  496. :railway_track:
  497. :sunrise:
  498. :sunrise_over_mountains:
  499. :desert:
  500. :beach_umbrella:
  501. :desert_island:
  502. :cityscape:
  503. :night_with_stars:
  504. :bridge_at_night:
  505. :city_sunrise:
  506. :city_sunset:
  507. :watch:
  508. :phone:
  509. :computer:
  510. :keyboard:
  511. :desktop_computer:
  512. :printer:
  513. :mc_planks:
  514. :mc_podzol:
  515. :mc_grass:
  516. :mc_snow_grass:
  517. :mc_dirt:
  518. :mc_mycellium:
  519. :mc_red_sand:
  520. :mc_sand:
  521. :mc_soulsand:
  522. :mc_netherrack:
  523. :mc_netherbrick:
  524. :mc_quartz_ore:
  525. :mc_ender_portal:
  526. :mc_ice:
  527. :mc_water:
  528. :mc_lava:
  529. :mc_emerald_block:
  530. :mc_diamond_block:
  531. :mc_gold_block:
  532. :mc_iron_block:
  533. :mc_emerald_ore:
  534. :mc_redstone_ore:
  535. :mc_diamond_ore:
  536. :mc_iron_ore:
  537. :mc_gold_ore:
  538. :mc_cobblestone:
  539. :mc_stone:
  540. :mc_stone_brick:
  541. :mc_bedrock:
  542. :mc_brick:
  543. :mc_quartz:
  544. :mc_redstone_lamp:
  545. :mc_piston:
  546. :mc_sticky_piston:
  547. :mc_dropper:
  548. :mc_redstone_block:
  549. :mc_tnt:
  550. :mc_jukebox:
  551. :mc_sponge:
  552. :mc_prismarine:
  553. :mc_command_block:
  554. :mc_hay:
  555. :mc_glowstone:
  556. :mc_gravel:
  557. :mc_lapis_lazuli_block:
  558. :mc_lapis_lazuli_ore:
  559. :mc_black_wool:
  560. :mc_blue_wool:
  561. :mc_brown_wool:
  562. :mc_cyan_wool:
  563. :mc_gray_wool:
  564. :mc_green_wool:
  565. :mc_light_blue_wool:
  566. :mc_lime_wool:
  567. :mc_magenta_wool:
  568. :mc_orange_wool:
  569. :mc_pink_wool:
  570. :mc_purple_wool:
  571. :mc_red_wool:
  572. :mc_light_gray_wool:
  573. :mc_white_wool:
  574. :mc_yellow_wool:
  575. :mc_snow_block:
  576. :mc_slime_block:
  577. :mc_obsidian:
  578. :mc_red_sandstone:
  579. :mc_portal:
  580. :mc_endstone:
  581. :mc_coal_ore:
  582. :mc_coal_block:
  583. :mc_beacon:
  584. :mc_bookshelf:
  585. :mc_chest:
  586. :mc_enderchest:
  587. :mc_blaze:
  588. :mc_cave_spider:
  589. :mc_ghast:
  590. :mc_zombie_pigman:
  591. :mc_enderman:
  592. :mc_magma_cube:
  593. :mc_slime:
  594. :mc_spider:
  595. :mc_chicken:
  596. :mc_pig:
  597. :mc_sheep:
  598. :mc_cow:
  599. :mc_squid:
  600. :mc_villager:
  601. :mc_iron_golem:
  602. :mc_mooshroom:
  603. :mc_ocelot:
  604. :mc_wither:
  605. :mc_wooden_sword:
  606. :mc_wooden_axe:
  607. :mc_wooden_pickaxe:
  608. :mc_wooden_shovel:
  609. :mc_wooden_hoe:
  610. :mc_bow:
  611. :mc_arrow:
  612. :mc_fishing_rod:
  613. :mc_flint_and_steel:
  614. :mc_shears:^
  615. :gl: :gameslabs:
  616. :orb: :orbs:
  617. :skill_agility:
  618. :skill_attack:
  619. :skill_constitution:
  620. :skill_cooking:
  621. :skill_crafting:
  622. :skill_defence: :skill_defense:
  623. :skill_exploration:
  624. :skill_farming:
  625. :skill_firemaking:
  626. :skill_fishing:
  627. :skill_herblore:
  628. :skill_magic:
  629. :skill_mining:
  630. :skill_prayer:
  631. :skill_questing: :questing:
  632. :skill_ranged:
  633. :skill_runecrafting:
  634. :skill_slayer:
  635. :skill_smithing:
  636. :skill_strength:
  637. :skill_thieving:
  638. :skill_woodcutting:
  639. :xp_chart:
  640. :beaver:
  641. :flag_fr:
  642. :flag_en:
  643. :zombies_double-points:
  644. :zombies_fire-sale:
  645. :zombies_insta-kill:
  646. :zombies_max-ammo:
  647. :zombies_double-tap:
  648. :zombies_juggernog:
  649. :zombies_mulekick:
  650. :zombies_speedcola:
  651. :zombies_carpenter:
  652. :zombies_nuke:
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