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Nov 16th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {lek.on} = true
  3. {statut} = false
  4. {zdrowie::%player%} = 0
  5. {lekarze} = 0
  6. {wkurzenie} = false
  7. {_krop.czas::*} = 15
  10. on script load:
  11. set {klik::*} to 0
  12. set {klik2::*} to 0
  13. set {lekarze} to 0
  14. remove players from {_chorzy}
  15. delete {chorzy}
  16. remove players from {chory}
  17. delete {chory}
  18. delete {chorzy::*}
  19. remove players from {chory::*}
  20. delete {chory::*}
  21. set {zdrowie::*} to 0
  22. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from all players
  24. on first join:
  25. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  26. set {kroplowka::%player%} to false
  27. on join:
  28. if {zdrowie::%player%} is not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
  29. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  30. if {kroplowka::player-arg} is not true:
  31. set {kroplowka::player-arg} to false
  33. command /lekarzustaw [<player>] [<text>]:
  34. permission: choroba.admin
  35. trigger:
  36. if arg 1 is not set:
  37. send "&cPrawidloweuzycie: /lekarzustaw <nick> <1/0>"
  38. if arg 1 is set:
  39. if arg 2 is not set:
  40. send "&cPrawidloweuzycie: /lekarzustaw <nick> <1/0> = 1=awans, 0=degrad"
  41. if arg 2 is "1":
  42. set {lekarz::%player-arg%} to 1
  43. if arg 2 is "0":
  44. set {lekarz::%player-arg%} to 0
  46. every 40 minutes in "world":
  47. if {lek.on} is true:
  48. loop all players:
  49. if {wkurzenie} is true:
  50. if loop-player is "kati15":
  51. add loop-player to {chorzy::*}
  52. if {lekarz::%loop-player%} is 1:
  53. add 1 to {lekarze}
  54. loop {lekarze} times:
  55. loop all players:
  56. if {lekarz::%loop-player%} is not set:
  57. if loop-player is "xxdamixx":
  58. send "&6Nie zostajesz zarazony. :)" to loop-player
  59. if loop-player is not "xxdamixx":
  60. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is 0:
  61. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  62. loop {lekarze} times:
  63. add random player out of {chory::*} to {chorzy::*}
  64. set {lekarze} to 0
  65. loop {chorzy::*}:
  66. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 0:
  67. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  68. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  69. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  70. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  71. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  72. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  73. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  74. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  75. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  76. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  77. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 4:
  78. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  79. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  80. delete {chorzy::*}
  82. command /aaa1 [<player>]:
  83. permission: choroba.admin
  84. trigger:
  85. send "%{zdrowie::%arg-1%}%"
  86. command /aaa2:
  87. permission: choroba.admin
  88. trigger:
  89. loop all players:
  90. set {zdrowie::loop-player} to 0
  91. command /aaa3 [<player>]:
  92. permission: choroba.admin
  93. trigger:
  94. send "zdrowie arg-1: %{zdrowie::%arg-1%}%"
  95. send "grupa chorych: %{chorzy::*}%"
  96. send "lekarze: %{lekarze}%"
  97. send "zmienna %{lekarz::%player%}%"
  98. send "krop.czas: %{_krop.czas::*}%"
  100. command /choroba [<text>] [<player>]:
  101. permission: choroba.admin
  102. trigger:
  103. if arg 1 is "ulecz":
  104. if arg 2 is set:
  105. if player has permission "choroba.admin":
  106. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player-arg
  107. set {zdrowie::%player-arg%} to 0
  108. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aUleczyles gracza %player-arg%." to player
  109. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aZostales uleczony przez administratora!" to player-arg
  110. if arg 1 is "uleczall":
  111. if player has permission "choroba.admin":
  112. loop all players:
  113. if {zdrowie::%loop-player%} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
  114. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from loop-player
  115. set {zdrowie::%loop-player%} to 0
  116. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aUleczyles gracza %loop-player%." to player
  117. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aZostales uleczony przez administratora!" to loop-player
  118. if arg 1 is "zaraz":
  119. if arg 2 is set:
  120. if arg 2 is "xxdamixx":
  121. send "&[&cEpidemia&8] &cPowalilo cie? Nie mozesz zarazic Damixa :)"
  122. if arg 2 is not "xxdamixx":
  123. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  124. set {zdrowie::%player-arg%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  125. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1:
  126. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  127. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  128. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2:
  129. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  130. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  131. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3:
  132. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  133. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  134. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4:
  135. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  136. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  137. else:
  138. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&cNie możesz zarazic gracza &f%player-arg%. &cJest on juz chory na %{zdrowie::%player-arg%}%" to player
  139. else:
  140. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&cNie podano gracza, ktorego chcesz zarazic." to player
  141. if arg 1 is "zarazlosowo":
  142. loop all players:
  143. if {lekarz::%loop-player%} is 1:
  144. add 1 to {lekarze}
  145. loop {lekarze} times:
  146. loop all players:
  147. if loop-player is "xxdamixx":
  148. send "&6Nie zostajesz zarazony :)" to loop-player
  149. if loop-player is not "xxdamixx":
  150. if {lekarz::%loop-player%} is not set:
  151. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is 0:
  152. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  153. if {lekarz::%loop-player%} is 0:
  154. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is 0:
  155. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  156. loop {lekarze} times:
  157. add random player out of {chory::*} to {chorzy::*}
  158. set {lekarze} to 0
  159. loop {chorzy::*}:
  160. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 0:
  161. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  162. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  163. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  164. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  165. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  166. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  167. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  168. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  169. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  170. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  171. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 4:
  172. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  173. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  174. delete {chorzy::*}
  175. if arg 1 is "on":
  176. set {lek.on} to true
  177. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby zostaly &awlaczone&6!" to all players
  178. if arg 1 is "off":
  179. set {lek.on} to false
  180. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby zostaly &cwylaczone&6!" to all players
  181. if arg 1 is "statut":
  182. if {lek.on} is true:
  183. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby sa &awlaczone&6!" to player
  184. if {lek.on} is false:
  185. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby sa &cwyaczone&6!" to player
  187. command /badanie [<text>] [<player>]:
  188. permission: choroba.ulecz
  189. trigger:
  190. if arg 1 is not set:
  191. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Dostepne badania: &cwzrok, skora, brzuch"
  192. if arg 2 is not set:
  193. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Musisz podac nick pacjenta!" to player
  194. if arg 2 is set:
  195. if arg 1 is "skora":
  196. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz przyglada sie skorze" to player-arg
  197. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  198. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  199. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  200. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  201. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1: #bol glowy
  202. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  203. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2: #ospa
  204. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Na skorze pacjenta widoczna jest wysypka" to player
  205. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3: #grypa
  206. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  207. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4: #zapalenie
  208. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  209. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 5: #zatrucie
  210. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  211. if arg 1 is "wzrok":
  212. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz przyglada sie skorze" to player-arg
  213. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  214. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  215. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  216. send "[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  217. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1: #bol glowy
  218. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f U pacjenta wystepuje swiatlowstret" to player
  219. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2: #ospa
  220. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  221. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3: #grypa
  222. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  223. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4: #zapalenie
  224. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  225. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 5: #zatrucie
  226. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  227. if arg 1 is "brzuch":
  228. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Nastepuje badanie brzucha" to player-arg
  229. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  230. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  231. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  232. send "[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  233. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1: #bol glowy
  234. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  235. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2: #ospa
  236. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  237. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3: #grypa
  238. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  239. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4: #zapalenie
  240. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Nic nie wstazuje na nieprawidlowanie funkcjonowanie ukladu pokarmowego" to player
  241. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 5: #zatrucie
  242. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Pacjenta wyraznie boli brzuch." to player
  244. on rightclick with stick:
  245. name of player's tool is "&4&l[Termometr]":
  246. if target is not set:
  247. stop
  248. if distance between player and target is not higher than 6:
  249. add 1 to {klik::%player%}
  250. if {klik::%player%}>2:
  251. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Nie mozesz ponownie uzyc narzedzia, sprobuj za jakis czas!"
  252. wait 20 seconds
  253. set {klik::%player%} to 0
  254. stop
  255. if {klik::%player%}<2:
  256. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz mierzy temperature" to target
  257. if {zdrowie::%target%} is not set:
  258. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &736,6°C"
  259. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 0:
  260. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &736,6°C"
  261. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 1: #bol glowy
  262. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&fTemperatura: &736°C"
  263. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 2: #ospa
  264. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c39°C"
  265. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 3: #grypa
  266. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c38,7°C"
  267. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 4: #zapalenie
  268. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c39,7°C"
  269. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 5: #zatrucie
  270. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &736,6°C"
  272. on rightclick with lead:
  273. name of player's tool is "&4&l[STETOSKOP]":
  274. if target is not set:
  275. stop
  276. if distance between player and target is not higher than 6:
  277. add 1 to {klik2::%player%}
  278. if {klik::%player%}>2:
  279. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Nie mozesz ponownie uzyc narzedzia, sprobuj za jakis czas!"
  280. wait 20 seconds
  281. set {klik2::%player%} to 0
  282. stop
  283. if {klik2::%player%}<2:
  284. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Trwa osluchanie serca" to target
  285. if {zdrowie::%target%} is not set:
  286. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  287. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 0:
  288. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  289. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 1:
  290. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  291. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 2:
  292. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  293. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 3:
  294. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  295. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 4:
  296. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Podczas badania slychac szmery w plucach" to player
  297. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 5: #zatrucie
  298. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  300. command /kroplowka [<player>]:
  301. permission: choroba.ulecz
  302. trigger:
  303. if arg 1 is not set:
  304. send "&8[&aLeczenie&8] &cMusisz podac nick gracza"
  305. if arg 1 is set:
  306. if {zdrowie::%arg-1%} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
  307. send "&8[&aLeczenie&8] &fLekarz podlacza kroplowke, aby nawodnic organizm. &cPrzez 30s prosze sie nie ruszac!" to player-arg
  308. send "&8[&aLeczenie&8] &fPodlaczyles gracz pod kroplowke, przez 30s nie powinien sie ruszac." to player
  309. set {kroplowka::player-arg} to true
  310. set {_kl} to location of player-arg
  311. loop 30 times:
  312. wait 1 second
  313. if location of player-arg is not {_kl}:
  314. teleport player-arg to {_kl}
  315. delete {_kl}
  316. set {kroplowka::player-arg} to false
  317. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player-arg
  318. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  319. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] &aTwoj organizm zostal nawodniony oraz objawy zniknely! Mozesz wracac do domu." to player-arg
  320. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player-arg offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  324. #LEKI
  325. command /wez [<text>]:
  326. permission: choroba.ulecz
  327. trigger:
  328. if arg 1 is "ibuprom":
  329. give 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" to player
  330. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  331. if arg 1 is "puder":
  332. give 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" to player
  333. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  334. if arg 1 is "gripex":
  335. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" to player
  336. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  337. if arg 1 is "antybiotyk":
  338. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lantybiotyk" to player
  339. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!" to player
  340. if arg 1 is "deespa":
  341. give 1 beetroot_seeds named "&f&ldeespa" to player
  342. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!" to player
  345. on right click with prismarine_crystals:
  346. name of player's tool is "&f&libuprom":
  347. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 1:
  348. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zarzyles tabletke. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  349. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  350. remove 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  351. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  352. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  353. else:
  354. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zarzyles ibuprom - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  355. remove 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  357. on rightclick with lever:
  358. name of player's tool is "&f&lpudroderm":
  359. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 2:
  360. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  361. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  362. remove 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" from the player
  363. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  364. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  365. else:
  366. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Posmarowales skore pudrem - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  367. remove 1 lever named "&f&lPudroderm" from the player
  369. on consume of water_bottle:
  370. name of player's tool is "&f&lgripex":
  371. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 3:
  372. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  373. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" from the player
  374. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  375. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  376. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  377. else:
  378. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  379. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  381. on consume of water_bottle:
  382. name of player's tool is "&f&lantybiotyk":
  383. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 4:
  384. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  385. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  386. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&lantybiotyk" from the player
  387. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  388. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  389. else:
  390. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  391. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  393. #TABLICZKI na leki
  394. on rightclick on sign:
  395. if line 2 contains "&a&lKup lek":
  396. if line 3 contains "&d&lIBUPROM":
  397. if line 4 contains "Cena: 680 PLN":
  398. if player's account is greater than 679:
  399. remove 680 from the player's account
  400. give 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" to player
  401. if line 3 contains "&d&lGRIPEX":
  402. if line 4 contains "Cena: 800 PLN":
  403. if player's account is greater than 799:
  404. remove 800 from the player's account
  405. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" to player
  406. if line 3 contains "&d&lPUDRODERM":
  407. if line 4 contains "Cena: 770 PLN":
  408. if player's account is greater than 769:
  409. remove 770 from the player's account
  410. give 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" to player
  413. on rightclick on sign:
  414. if line 2 contains "&4&l[Ulecz]":
  415. if {lek.on} is true:
  416. if player's account is greater than 7999:
  417. remove 8000 from the player's account
  418. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  419. set {chrooba::%player%} to false
  420. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&a Zostales uleczony! Koszt uleczenia z tabliczki to &c8.000PLN"
  421. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  422. else:
  423. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] Nie masz wystarczajaco pieniedzy!"
  425. command /wkurzonakala [<text>]:
  426. permission: choroba.admin
  427. trigger:
  428. if arg 1 is "on":
  429. set {wkurzenie} to true
  430. send "&5Wkurzenie on :3" to player
  431. if arg 1 is "off":
  432. set {wkurzenie} to false
  433. send "&5Wkurzenie off :/" to player
  435. every 30 second:
  436. loop all players:
  437. wait 1 tick
  438. if {zdrowie::loop-player} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4:
  439. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] &eJestes chory, zglos sie do lekarza badz udaj sie do szpitala!" to loop-value
  440. if {zdrowie::loop-player} is 5: #bol brzucha
  441. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] &6Boli cie brzuch, lepiej zglos sie do lekarza badz udaj sie do apteki po leki!" to loop-value
  443. on drink milk:
  444. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
  445. cancel event
  446. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Aby sie uleczyc musisz udac sie do lekarza! Mloko nie pomoze."
  447. #===========================================================================================================
  448. # ZATRUCIA
  449. #===========================================================================================================
  450. on consume of rotten_flesh:
  451. if {lek.on} is true:
  452. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 5
  453. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the player for 999999 minutes
  454. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] &6Zatrules sie zgnilym miesem! Udaj sie do lekarza, badz do apteki po leki na bol brzucha." to player
  455. on consume of potato or poisonous_potato:
  456. if {lek.on} is true:
  457. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 5
  458. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the player for 999999 minutes
  459. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] &6Zatrules sie surowym ziemniakiem! Udaj sie do lekarza, badz do apteki po leki na bol brzucha." to player
  460. on right click with beetroot_seeds:
  461. name of player's tool is "&f&ldeespa":
  462. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 5:
  463. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zjadles tabletke, na jakis czas brzuch przestal cie bolec." to player
  464. remove 1 beetroot_seeds named "&f&ldeespa" from the player
  465. remove nausea from player
  466. wait 10 minutes
  467. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the player for 999999 minutes
  468. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Tabletki przestaly dzialac, udaj sie do lekarza, aby calkowicie wyleczyc zatrucie, badz kup kolejne leki, aby zyskac czas." to player
  469. else:
  470. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zjadles tabletke - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  471. remove 1 beetroot_seeds named "&f&ldeespa" from the player
  472. on rightclick on sign:
  473. if line 1 contains "&f&lKup lek:":
  474. if line 2 contains "&d&ldeespa":
  475. if line 3 contains "Cena: &2200PLN":
  476. if {lek.on} is true:
  477. if player's account is greater than 199:
  478. remove 200 from the player's account
  479. give 1 beetroot_seeds named "&f&ldeespa" to player
  480. send "&8[&3&lApteka&8] &fOtrzymales lek na zlagodzenie bolu brzucha, aby go calkowicie wyleczyc udaj sie do lekarza. Z twojego konta pobrano &2200PLN" to player
  481. command /operacja [<player>] [<text>]:
  482. permission: choroba.ulecz
  483. trigger:
  484. if arg 1 is set:
  485. if arg 2 is set:
  486. if player-arg's account is greater than 4999:
  487. remove 5000 from the player-arg's account
  488. add 1000 to the player's account
  489. execute console command "skin set %arg 1% %arg 2%"
  490. send "&8[&cOperacja&8] &bTwoj skin zostal zmieniony na %arg 2% &7(Koszt to &c5000 PLN&7)." to player-arg
  491. send "&8[&cOperacja&8] &cZabrano ci &l5000 PLN" to player-arg
  492. send "&8[&cOperacja&8] &bZmieniles skin gracza &3%arg 1% na %arg 2%"
  493. send "&8[&cOperacja&8] &aDostales &l1000 PLN"
  494. wait 5 seconds
  495. execute console command "skin set %arg 1% %arg 2%"
  496. else:
  497. send "&8>> &cGracz nie posiada pieniedzy na operacje!"
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