
The Haunted Mansion text dump (Hex -> text & spacing added)

Jan 8th, 2018
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  1. As a lifelong author, I have often drawn inspiration for the more chilling of my tales from my own experiences as a young man living in Louisiana after the Civil War. But the story of Ezekiel Halloway... that I have not dared tell before now.
  2. In October of 1879 Zeke was unmarried, and ever the dreamer. Years spent in orphanages had taught him nothing if not self-reliance. But the endless struggle to find employment increasingly took him beyond the outskirts of New Orleans itself, even into the surrounding unfamiliar countryside. So it was that on this particular cold and dreary afternoon, he found himself at a rather remote and mournful estate, inquiring about the position of Assistant Caretaker.
  4. Ahem!
  5. He certainly looks like a nice young man.
  6. Young beggar more likely, by the looks of him.
  7. Aye! Beggar or not, we ain't in no position to be choosy.
  8. Do you think he's ready for something like this?
  9. We'll see how he holds up under fire soon enough I reckon.
  10. Enough already! Let us introduce ourselves.
  11. AAAAAAAh!
  12. AAAAAAAh!
  13. Argh. That's gonna leave a mark.
  14. Hurry now! She will be expecting him.
  15. He's Back!
  16. I hope he's feeling better.
  17. Bah I told ya he'd be on 'is feet again in no time.
  18. Come. We have done our part for now. She is on her way.
  20. Awakened now... from troubled sleep... you find yourself... where shadows creep. The Mansion hides... its history... but solve you will... this mystery. And find the truth... that's buried deep... beneath these halls... where spirits weep.
  21. I, child, am Madame Leota, speaker of the spirit world, medium of the mysterious and seer of things unseen. I know why you're here even better than you do yourself. Assistant Caretaker it is. And you are Ezekiel, but you prefer Zeke.
  22. We couldn't just have the newspaper ad read: 'Wanted: brave soul to rid haunted mansion of evil spirits' now could we? If we had, you wouldn't be here now, and the fate of this house and all who dwell within it would be sealed forever.
  23. This house was once home to many friendly ghosts. But a powerful, evil man, named Atticus Thorn, has taken over the estate, corrupting the memories of many of the ghosts, and turning others into evil spirits to serve his will. Our beloved mansion has become a dark and foreboding place, and we are now Thorn's prisoners, locked within it. But our hope lies with you, Zeke we need your help to defeat this evil, and to rescue our ghostly friends.
  24. An ancient artifact will aid us in this effort a sacred lantern, known as the Beacon of Souls. It is a source of light... and power, and can be used to battle any evil forces we encounter. Unfortunately, Thorn will also be using his dark magic to try and stop us. He'll be creating magical barriers throughout the mansion, and twisting the very rooms themselves until we can turn on the lights and undo his spells. While not all of our foes fear the light, it will weaken the lesser evil spirits and force them into hiding once found, these shriveled souls can be chased from their hiding places and draw into the Beacon. Here, the souls corruption will slowly be reversed, returning them to their good and former selves. As the good power of these souls increases in the Beacon, their energy will enable us to break down the magical barriers that Thorn has erected. Then we may gain access to more areas of the mansion.
  25. But there is more I have to tell. The primary source of the Beacon's power lies in the six sacred gems that adorn it. They are called Soul Gems. To keep them out of Thorn's hands, I had my ghostly friends hide five of them somewhere in the mansion... And the Beacon still has one Soul Gem in place. This allows it to function, but very weakly... So, we MUST find the other five to restore it's power completely. I'm sorry if you find this confusing Zeke, but I'm afraid we have little time, and much to do. I'll ride along in your satchel, so hold it open and I'll just roll...
  26. Wait, wait... you don't need to...
  27. Fingerprints! Watch the Fingerprints!
  28. I really should have seen this coming.
  30. With the lights on, find Shriveled Souls by searching objects, then pull them into the Beacon by holding down the Soul Collector Button (~).
  31. With the lights on, find Shriveled Souls by searching objects (|), then pull them into the Beacon by holding down the Soul Collector Button (~).
  33. You can find out how many Shriveled Souls are still hiding in a room by looking at the Soul Counter down on the lower left.
  34. You can find out how many Shriveled Souls are still hiding in a room by looking at the Soul Counter down on the lower left.
  36. To pull more than one Shriveled Soul at a time into the Beacon, tap the Soul Collector Button once for each Soul before holding it down.
  38. Congratulations! You found part of an old Death Certificate! Collect all the pieces and take them to the proper Friendly Ghost to earn a reward.
  40. This is some of Thorn's magic! But don't worry, you can break down these Spirit Barriers by pressing Activate when we have enough Shriveled Souls in the Beacon.
  42. Ahh, there we go! Now that the lights are on you'll be less afraid, and your Bravery measure will reflect this.
  44. That's it! Once you've collected all the Shriveled Souls from a room you're ready to explore more of the mansion. Press Activate (|) to open the door.
  46. When the easy way you cannot climb,
  47. A crooked path could save you time.
  49. Odd, this strange device looks like something the Order of Shadows would use, but I don't see how to Activate it. Perhaps we'll find a way later.
  51. Ahh, this will save you time later. Activate the Grandfather Clocks you find throughout the mansion to Save your game progress.
  53. Keep your eyes open! If you want to get a better view of your surroundings, rotate the camera (£ and ¥).
  54. Keep your eyes open! If you want to get a better view of your surroundings, rotate the camera with the Right Analog Stick.
  56. What's that up there!? Let's have a look, why don't we? To look around, hold down the Look Button (~), and use the Left Analog Stick.
  57. What's that up there!? Let's have a look, why don't we? To look around, press the Look Button (~), and use the Right Analog Stick.
  58. Keep your eyes open! If you want to get a better view of your surroundings, rotate the camera (Right Camera Stick).
  60. To reach the heights you'll need a hand,
  61. but for applause first join the band.
  63. Keep your eyes open! If you want to get a better view of your surroundings, rotate the camera (§).
  67. Tome of Shadows
  69. Volume I
  71. Page 734
  73. Years have passed since our defeat. But we do not sleep yet, and the plague has proven quite effective at reducing the Brotherhood's numbers. Folly it was to believe we were no longer a threat and to lower their defenses. For, as the shadows crawl eastward from the setting sun, so too does the reach of the Order - extending to encircle the globe.
  75. A. Thorn
  76. Grand Master
  77. The Order of Shadows
  79. October 31st, 1349 A.D. ({ Continue)
  81. Look out now the game's begun,
  82. pocket each ball one by one.
  84. Oh... so he's got YOU delivering his threats now eh? What's this? A Death CERTIFICATE? Why... say's here that that no-good, double-crossing, back-stabber got the best of me!? Bull-feathers! I'll show him who got the best of whom! Why... I bet he's up there right now... campin' with a shotgun or worse... tryin' to get a bead on me... now that you've gone done lit up my hidin' spot...light makes the shadows deeper though... could be anywhere.
  85. Speaking of shootin' in the dark, I have this... it's one of them Soul Gem thingamajigs for that there Beacon lantern of yours. Here... might bring you better luck than it's bringin' me.
  86. Shhhh! What was that! He's getting' sneaky now, ain't he? Oh he's here all right... I can smell his beady little eyes... Best leave now... afore the lead starts a-flyin'.
  88. Activate the grandfather clock to Save your progress.
  90. It was in the spring of 1855 when I first came to the mansion. That was shortly after the owners first felt the evil presence here . . .While the owners were away, I was ambushed by forces greater than mere evil spirits. In the end, Atticus bound me within my own crystal ball, as you see me now. Oh, I shudder to think of the owners' fate.
  91. But things will be different this time child. I promise you that.
  93. In part, our situation here in the mansion benefits from understanding the Beacon itself, and its origins.
  94. The monks created it to ensnare and purify evil spirits for guidance to the Afterlife. But... in the wrong hands... it could be used to harm good spirits and cast them into the fiery depths of the Afterdeath. Forming the Brotherhood of the Soul, they vowed to protect the Beacon, and the balance of the spirit world, from the Order of Shadows ever after.
  96. Thank goodness! It's time to take a break! And here's another Grandfather Clock where you can Save your game progress. Remember, save often & just to be safe, dear.
  98. Though walls that shift may hide your doom, seek out the exit from each room.
  102. Tome of Shadows
  104. Volume II
  106. Page 482
  108. We must have the Beacon of Souls. The Brotherhood has been wise to keep it hidden from us. In secret it travels; from the mountains of Italy to the valleys of Spain, always just beyond our grasp. But our eyes and ears are everywhere, and the Beacon will be found. I will scour the ends of the earth until it is located. So it is written, and so it shall be.
  110. A. Thorn
  111. Grand Master
  112. The Order of Shadows
  114. December 21st, 1491 A.D. ({ Continue)
  116. Though candles sway in dark's embrace,
  117. to light the room you must give chase.
  119. Broken plates and bottles, too,
  120. together light the way for you.
  122. A spider's web indeed can snare,
  123. but used with skill will get you there.
  125. You know... I can stand the rats and the bats. I can deal with the spiders. I can even tolerate the evil spirits. And do you know why? Because THEY do not INTERRUPT me! Give me that Death Certificate! I... why... but there's... I don't believe a word of this... this rubbish. I wouldn't put my music before my... my own life. That would be... well... never mind I don't have time for any of this.
  126. Do you smell something? There's a peculiar odor lingering about... it's not, YOU, is it? Oh, and speaking of disturbances, take this... this ROCK off of my precious keys!
  127. You may call it a Soul Gem, but to me it's just another distraction... and I absolutely must get back to my music. So, go on... run along... shoo... shoo!
  128. And get us back... our mansion.
  130. My, my! Now you can fire Ultra Shots and wipe out whole groups of enemies! Charge the Beacon past the Power Shot and release it to shoot.
  132. Rotate the fountains every one,
  133. but watch your step or you'll be done.
  135. Hmmm. To turn any cranks we come across, you'll need to press and hold Activate (|) until they are turned as far as they will go.
  137. Press and hold Activate to operate cranks
  139. Seek out the four which sing the best,
  140. and light the way for souls to rest.
  142. Hey. Hey I'm talking here! Look, I need you to find the other three members of my quartet. When you find 'em, be sure and wake 'em up for me. And stay away from the wannabees, they'll just mess everything up.
  144. No! No, STOP Singing. That's the wrong guy, you'll have to start over
  146. Not him!
  148. Uh-uh! Wrong guy.
  150. Start over!
  152. Laaaa, no wait... Laaa Laa! I have a cold. I don't sing. Me? Sing for you? Ah ha ha ha ha ha...
  154. Brother Zeke
  155. Brother Zeke
  156. Brother Zeke
  158. Don't bother me Zeke!
  159. Don't bother me Zeke!
  160. Don't bother me Zeke!
  161. Don't bother me Zeke!
  163. My brothers aren't quit like the others, we're evil don't you seeeee! You should be scared; you should be shy, we also hold a key. We are four unhappy heads looking for a fifth. Keep it up and you'll be here - another graveyard stiff. We will speak; we will creak for that bother Zeke. Busts like us are way to tough for this graveyard melody!
  165. Brother Zeke... Brother Zeke... Brother Zeke... Brother Zeke! Now you've found my brothers three, together we shall sing! Don't be scared and don't be shy its music that we bring. A secret place we can unlock, our voices are the key - For many souls are trapped inside seeking harmony. We will speak and we will creak for our meakest brother Zeke! For busts like us don't sing enough this graveyard melody. For busts like us this graveyard melody!
  167. The bell will toll the fight begin,
  168. outlast them all to save your skin.
  169. Foolish mortal! Only if you can survive until the bell tolls shall you be deemed worthy.
  173. Tome of Shadows
  175. Volume III
  177. Page 581
  179. My pursuit of the Beacon continues. In the meantime, I've taken steps to make the Order more efficient, given the inconvenience of the Inquisition. Those who did not share my vision for the future are no longer with us. But with the wisdom contained in our ancient texts, I will replenish our numbers with a legion like nothing mortal men have ever seen.
  181. A. Thorn
  182. Grand Master
  183. The Order of Shadows
  185. March 21st, 1642 A.D. ({ Continue)
  187. When things take on an eerie glow,
  188. between two worlds your path must go.
  190. We meet again, young Halloway. But, where have you been? Is this some kind of... a RIDE to you!? What's this!? I see... I see... right. Did you think that I needed a REMINDER or something!? I may have lost my head lad, but I have not lost my mind!
  191. Ha Ha Huh!
  192. However, any warrior who goes beyond the call of duty on the field of battle deserves to be recognized for his efforts! Therefore... Ezekiel Halloway, for showing great bravery... in bringing me this here Death Certificate... I hereby declare you... a... um... Squire... yes, SQUIRE! Speaking of battle... I have something for your arsenal. Madame Leota had me hide one of the... uh... oh... now where did I put it... ah, yes! Here it is! Amazing, it is, the power contained in these little Soul Gems.
  193. Well... carry on now. You may have won a few BATTLES lad, but in case you hadn't noticed, we are STILL at war!
  195. This new Soul Gem will increase the power of your Rapid Shots and let you do a better job blasting those enemies! This will come in handy as we continue on.
  197. Where playthings sleep and children hide,
  198. hop in and then enjoy the ride.
  200. The fiery hearth has deadly aim,
  201. but torches cannot dodge its flame.
  203. Within the closet waits much more,
  204. but it takes courage to close that door.
  206. Zeke, wait, something's not right... Run Zeke! Run as fast as you can!
  208. TURN LEFT!
  210. TURN RIGHT!
  214. JUMP!
  215. OOPS! Sorry! Wrong turn, my mistake.
  217. The light switch wants to run away,
  218. but corner it and it will stay.
  220. If your goal is not in jumping range,
  221. the furniture will rugs arrange.
  225. Tome of Shadows
  227. Volume IV
  229. Page 320
  231. The Beacon has turned up in the New World. Remnants of the Brotherhood have acquired an estate on the outskirts of the fever-wracked bayous of Louisiana and have hidden it within. However, my scouts have sensed a powerful aura within the mansion that I will have to overcome. Though I cannot be sure, there is something familiar about this aura.
  233. A. Thorn
  234. Grand Master
  235. The Order of Shadows
  237. April 30th, 1856 A.D. ({ Continue)
  239. Activate the grandfather clock to Save your progress.
  241. I think it's time to let you know what we're up against Zeke.
  242. Our enemy is none other than the Grand Master of the Order of Shadows, Atticus Thorn. He has survived for centuries beyond his natural life... by... devouring the very souls he bends to his will. Though not as powerful as he was in life, he is growing stronger... and has amassed a legion of evil spirits and followers to help him achieve his ultimate goal... the utter annihilation of the Afterlife. Unfortunately, the hopes of the Brotherhood have all but died with the owners of the mansion and my own imprisonment. This is why we need your help Zeke. We cannot let Thorn succeed.
  243. I'm sure you've wondered how I came to know so much about everything. Right?
  244. Well, early in life, I discovered I had a gift for communicating with the spirit world. One day, the Order of Shadows learned of my talents, and I was tricked into joining them. They told me they could 'increase my abilities'. Fortunately, I was rescued by monks, and awakened to the Order's true evil nature. From then on, I vowed to use my abilities to aid the cause of good, and joined the Brotherhood.
  245. So, you see, aside from being trapped in this crystal ball... I have a little 'score' to settle with one, Atticus Thorn.
  247. Through the window moonlight gleams,
  248. to light the crystal aim the beams.
  250. Bless me. You don't know how wonderful it is to have the lights on again in here! Oh, and to feel safe enough to enjoy it! Thank you so very much. Bravo! Bravo! For me!? How delightful! Why, what on earth could it be?
  251. My Death Certificate!? See... THAT is precisely why I shouldn't sing anymore! I don't want to bring the whole house down upon... Oh... Ha... Ha... I... I guess I DID 'bring the house down' didn't I.
  252. Oh I almost forgot I have something for YOU! It's a Soul Gem!
  253. I used to have a pair of earrings like that. Oh how they sparkled! What I wouldn't give to be in the spotlight again... being showered with roses... the roar of the applause... the dinner parties......filet mignon... cheesecake... pressed duck... and pork chop sandwiches... OH... oh the pork chop sandwiches...
  255. With this Soul Gem you'll be able to fire improved Power Shots against those tougher enemies! Charge it up and release it to shoot.
  257. The knights in here help form a maze,
  258. to make it through avoid their gaze.
  262. Tome of Shadows
  264. Volume V
  266. Page 613
  268. It is the fortune-teller who has been thwarting my minions at the mansion. How ironic that she now stands between me and my acquisition of the Beacon. She may be able to handle the lesser evil spirits, but she will not fare so well when I unleash the others. With the chaos of the war and the city in flames, I'm afraid the secluded estate is no place for a lady... to be alone.
  270. A. Thorn
  271. Grand Master
  272. The Order of Shadows
  274. June 21st, 1862 A.D. ({ Continue)
  276. The trick here is the rugs you'll find,
  277. use them to get the walls aligned.
  279. Ahh... peace and tranquility... at least in this part of the mansion. Ooh! Did I see another rat? The whole mansion is overrun with pesky critters it seems. Would you like a nice cup of tea love? No? Well, well... what do we have here? My Death Certificate.
  280. Well I'll be... it says here that... hmm, you know, I thought this tea tasted a little odd. Here, tell me what do you think. Oh, no! I guess you wouldn't want to do that, would you love? Well, thank you so much for bringing that to me. Rat poison who'd have thought it? Oh well, I guess whatever doesn't kill you... makes you stronger!
  281. Oh, and I have something that may be of use to you love. I kept it as safe and hidden as I could, but you're the one who'll need it now. Anyway, don't let me keep you you're quite welcome to it. Care for some tea before you leave? I can put extra sugar in it to kill the aftertaste? No?
  283. Now we're ready for anything! With this enhanced Ultra Shot you can destroy even more enemies! Charge past the Power Shot and release it to shoot.
  285. To reach the cranks you'll need to fight,
  286. the chandelier will raise the light.
  290. Tome of Shadows
  292. Volume VI
  294. Page 999
  296. The fever has returned and claimed some of the laborers, but not before they completed their task. Recovery of the Beacon's Soul Gems is now imperative, as is the gathering of the final ingredients. The gems were scattered in an attempt to thwart me. My minions still have not been able to deliver them. Perhaps there is another way.
  298. A. Thorn
  299. Grand Master
  300. The Order of Shadows
  301. September 21st, 1878 A.D. ({ Continue)
  303. Good, uh... mornin'... evenin' whichever it is matey! I was startin' to think maybe you wasn't gonna make it this far.
  304. Oh-ho now what's this? Ahhh... my Death Certificate... yes... this is how I lost me treasure. A mutiny it were bunch of whiners... I always gave 'em a fair share! Say, matey ... you found any of me lost treasure yourself? No? Well if you do, you go ahead and keep half, which is 40%, you know.
  305. And just to show I'm a man of me word, I'll give you this here ring. It's a Signet Ring... belonged to a member of that Order of Shadows it did! Use it well... and if... I mean, WHEN you come back... I'll cut you in for half of the loot - like I said, a full 30%!
  306. In fact... I could always use a good 'First Mate'. That is... if you're still in needa' gainful employment when this is all over. Keep that in mind. Half of the loot for me First Mate 20% and not a penny less!
  308. Hmm, the markings on this ring seem familiar. The Foyer! That's it! This Ring is the key to the device in the Foyer.
  309. We must return there.
  311. Before each painting pass you should
  312. ,and change them all from bad to good.
  314. To reach the stars so you can see,
  315. just jump across the space debris.
  319. Good... gooood. You've brought them to Meee.
  321. You will never get away with destroying the Afterlife as long as we're here Thorn!
  323. Afterlife? My dear sweet Leota... think you that my ambitions stop merely at death's door?
  324. Oh, no, no, no... why settle with conquering the realm of the dead... when the land of the living is practically within my reach? No more of this confusing 'Life', 'Afterlife', 'Afterdeath' nonsense I'm afraid from now on, it's just... death, Death, and more DEATH!
  326. Zeke! The Beacon!
  328. I'll be taking that, if you don't mind. Your efforts are greatly appreciated Zeke you've collected a great deal of souls for me... not to mention ALL of the legendary Soul Gems. And thank YOU, my loyal minions... for giving yourselves WILLINGLY to my cause!
  329. With the energy of these souls... I will have enough power to bring darkness and decay... over the heavens AND the earth!
  330. I won't be needing this, trinket, anymore.
  332. NO!
  334. Truly... everything that lives dies... if you give it enough TIME. But PATIENCE, I'm afraid, is one of the many virtues you'll find that I... well... LACK!
  335. From the mightiest king, to the tiniest sparrow... All will become nothing but ashes, dust, and food for worms... Ahh yesss... in the end... the WORM conquers all...
  336. ...and MY feast... HAS JUST BEGUN!
  339. Wha... Wha-what are you doing!? Whoa! Hey...
  346. WHEW-DOGGY! Now THAT was some SHOOTIN'!
  347. Zeke? Zeke?!
  348. Must've had the wind knocked right out of 'is sails.
  349. Oh dear... he... he's gone?
  350. It was an honor to have served with him.
  351. Bravest fella I ever met.
  352. He did sort of grow on you... after awhile.... poor little beggar.
  353. Ahem!
  354. AAAAAAAh!
  355. AAAAAAAh!
  356. ZEKE!
  357. Oh... We thought we'd lost you.
  358. You were victorious! Atticus Thorn and the Order of Shadows will trouble us, no more.
  359. Thanks to you, Zeke, and Madame... Leota!?
  360. Leota? Madame Leota, are you there?
  361. WOO-HOO! Take that! And this! You bloated sack of souls!
  362. LEOTA!
  363. LEOTA!
  364. What?! It's over already? Did we win?
  365. Yes, yes, it's over, and everything's fine more than fine now! They're free Leota! The souls! You've freed them all!
  366. With their troubles finally put to rest, the Ghosts resolved to haunt the Mansion together - for now and ever after. I made up my mind to stay on for a time as Caretaker of the estate, and afterwards, with the blessing of Madame Leota and the others, I continued to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. Only many years later did I come to understand, how on that dreary October afternoon when I first opened the door to that Haunted Mansion, I had opened the door to the rest of my life.
  368. Nooooo!
  369. Nooooo!
  370. Get away!
  371. Get away!
  372. Help me!
  373. Take him!
  374. Run!
  375. Spread out!
  376. Too... fast... Too... fast... Won't catch me!
  377. Aaaaah!
  378. Aaaaah Hoo Hoo Hoo!
  379. Aaaaah!
  380. Eeeh!
  381. Nooooo!
  382. No!!
  383. Uh oh!!
  384. Uh oh!!
  385. Waahaa Hoho hoo!!
  386. Ya Ha Ha!!
  387. Waahoo!!
  388. Yea Haa!!
  389. Noo Haw!!
  390. You'll never escape...¡Argh!
  391. Rrraaah!
  392. Raaah!
  393. Rnnaah!
  394. Aaahargh!
  395. Uh Argh Eragh!
  396. Rrraaah!
  397. Rrraaaaaaaaaah!
  398. Rrraaaaaaaaaah!
  399. Rrraaaarl!
  401. "Zeke!
  402. Come on come on come on come on!
  403. I see you!Zeke!
  404. Come here Zeke!
  405. Oh Zeke!
  406. Heh ha ha Ha! Zeke!"
  407. Zeke!
  408. This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me.
  409. SO you want to play do you?
  410. Perhaps you'd like to join your ghostly friends!?
  411. Can you at least die with some dignity?
  412. You're not worth my time.
  413. Very clever! Remember that one, because it won't happen again!
  414. Beginner's luck! And now let me show you how it's done...
  415. Well, well... you could prove mildly amusing afterall...
  416. You are getting to be a meddlesome little brat.
  417. Enjoy this while you can, Zeke... Everyone serves me in the end.
  418. Do you have any idea how ANNOYING that is?
  419. Oh, I'm afraid you won't best me THAT easily.
  420. Arhh! Alright... NOW you're starting to irritate me!
  421. Rrrr! Let's settle this once and for all!
  422. Aack! I'd forgotten how much that STINGS!
  423. Grrr! Are you trying to make me ANGRY!?
  424. RaAH! How dare you defy ME!
  425. Arise!
  426. Za fa nol nay...
  427. Allow me to introduce my little friends...
  428. Destroy him my pets!
  429. Fascinating creatures aren't they... and so hungry...'Let's take this to the next level... with THESE!'They're not exactly 'cuddly' pets... but they ARE very loyal!'On a scale of 1 to 10... how much did that hurt?'Go ahead--stop, drop and roll... I'll wait.
  430. 'Bitten off a bit more than you can chew, haven't you?'
  431. It's alright to scream you know... when it hurts like that.
  432. 'OOH! Good shot--if I do say so myself!'
  433. Rest now... I'll be waiting for you on the other side...
  434. 'Though your body decays... your soul will be mine...'
  435. Ashes to ashes... dust to dust...
  436. I'm afraid it was only a matter of time...
  437. What!? Leaving so soon?
  438. My, my--look at the time...
  439. For your sake... pray our paths do not cross again.
  440. The next time we meet I may not be so kind to you.
  441. If only you knew... what I know...
  442. Give up and go home Zeke. This job... is not worth dying for.
  443. I have to go now... but before I do, just know... I'll be watching you.
  444. Enough! I'll deal with you later.
  445. Hrmph, I have other matters to attend to. Another time, Zeke.
  446. Heh heh heh!
  447. Yeah, take that!
  448. Who's the big ghost now?
  449. Come to papa.
  450. Yeaaaahh...
  451. Wo-ho hoo!
  452. Yeah!
  453. Yes!
  454. Okay!
  455. Ha!
  456. Woo!
  457. Ih yes!
  458. Eeaach!
  459. Yeeaaargh!
  460. Noooo!
  462. Hoo-hooo! One slip and I'm a goner!
  463. I guess it's too late!
  464. Hoo-hooo! It's like I've died, and am looking down on everything from way up high.
  466. Me the Emperor in danger?
  467. I'm afraid you underestimate the loyalty of my subjects.
  469. One day, all this... will be yours.
  471. They said... 'Son, you're gonna drink your life away'... and I said... I said...
  473. Wow. If it weren't for you and me this place would really be dead tonight.
  475. I know what you're thinking sweetheart - what's a nice place like me doing with a girl like this.
  476. What's a girl like me doing in a nice place like this?
  478. Roses are red. Violets are blue.
  479. No matter how long. I'll wait here for you.
  481. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me...
  482. ...this is taking WAY too long.
  484. Don't worry, sir. I'll have the hearse waiting right here.
  485. In case you need a ride.
  487. Excellent choice, sir. Who wants to smell rotting wood and earth for all eternity when you can have damp stone instead?
  489. Hey there, fella! Could ya use a little company?R
  490. ell, I sure wouldn't want to be going in there alone, if I were you
  491. RMind if I come along? Trust me, you won't even know I'm there.
  493. Going... my way?
  494. May I join you? No?
  495. But we could be such good... friends.
  497. You no leave here?
  498. Me going with you!
  499. Is good. We go now.
  500. What, you no like me?
  502. Don't usually see folks get up and walk out of here.
  503. But... that sure seems like the right idea Hey, wait up!
  505. Once upon a time...
  506. Now... where was I?
  507. The Princess is in another castle.
  508. Or... so I've been told. Now... which castle... I... I don't recall?
  510. Do you suffer anxiety attacks? Acute paranoia? Always feel like something horrible could leap out at you at any moment?SWell, then do I have a tonic for you, friend!
  512. Friend, have I got something for you!
  513. One thousand acres of the finest Louisiana swamp you've ever laid eyes on and I'll even throw in a genuine, haunted, mansion! Lawn alligators optional, of course.
  515. Oh no--he's coming! I should have listened to the Madame
  516. But it's too late now... much too late for all of us.
  517. Shhh! Shh! Be quiet or he will hear us!
  518. Hide! Before the worms... the worms...
  520. Ok, ok! I've got one. I wish for health and happiness, and umm... many more birthdays to celebrate with all of you.
  521. Pppshhh!
  523. Alright, alright! I'll do it. But my wish is that next year you don't make me wish for something before we get to eat the cake!
  525. Trust me sonny I may be stupid, but I'm not as old as I look.
  526. I-I, I mean, I may be old... but I'm not as stupid as I look. I reckon.
  528. Son, I'm only going to say this once, so listen up. Sometimes I mean what I say.
  529. And when I tell you to do something, you need to do what I say when I mean it. That clear?
  531. Well, my my... now THAT, is a work of art. So... so powerful... and masculine.
  532. So... so powerful... and masculine.
  533. Ahh... the chiseled face... dignified, yet with a touch of longing. An impressive self portrait if I ever laid eyes on one.
  534. Local artist most likely. Handsome... single, with any luck.
  536. Goodness gracious! I ain't never seen a storm like THIS.
  537. Nothing good can come of it.
  538. This storm... just seems to linger. Ain't natural.
  539. It's as if the very clouds have been drawn like a curtain, to hide this place from the sight of all that's good.
  541. Drat! Where is that ring?! I know it's here somewhere. If I don't find the ring, he'll banish me for sure.
  542. Maybe I was in... here. Drat... I don't remember how to get in. I never should have taken the ring I should have known I'd lose it!
  544. Why, how's my favorite nephew!? Come give Auntie a nice big hug! Why aren't you wearing the sweater I made you?
  545. Guess what Auntie has for you? Your favorite cheesy toad wart casserole!
  546. Your favorite cheesy toad wart casserole!
  548. Truly, your feet are on fire tonight, my sweet.
  549. My love, it is only my heart... burning for you
  550. My love, I pray this night will never end...
  551. to quench the flames of our passion, my sweet.
  553. A guid tune frae a reedless pipe is guid as one played for deaf ears.
  554. It's a sour song that disna end in a raised tankard.
  555. Ok... let's try this again. This time, try to keep up.
  556. Hey, I can't help you... if you're not feeling it, try tapping your foot.
  557. Guys, guys... something's missing. Can we get more cowbell?WCowbell. I think we need more cowbell can't we just get a bit more cowbell.
  558. I agree. It all sounds better when there's more cowbell.
  559. Cowbell, yeah. More cowbell.
  560. Come on fella's, one more time. A-one, a-two, a-one-two-three-four...
  561. Good! Good! Now start with the drum riff again and lets go from there.
  563. Well... the good news is that the flowers aren't dead.
  564. But... the bad news... is that nobody is alive to appreciate it.
  565. Tend the garden... mow the lawn... fix what's broken...
  566. It's not that I have a problem with the work, it's just that no one's ever around to pay me for it.
  568. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the ... who's responsible for keeping this thing clean for crying out loud!? I can't even tell who I'm looking at!
  569. A slayer of Dragons? Ha! If I have to wait around for one of those to show up I might as well take up a lance and go slay it myself.
  570. A woman's work is never done.
  572. Oh, hi. Here's a little free advice if you're thinking of being mummified, insist they use the softer cotton wraps to minimize chafing. It may cost you an arm and a leg, but hey less to wrap!
  574. I must admit, at first the thought of being stuffed with flowers and laid to rest in a damp, moldy tomb, full of mummified cats for all eternity, sounded pretty swell
  575. But, it turns out, all you get to take with you when you go, are your blasted allergies! Who knew?
  577. Meeeee... me-me-me-me-meeee! It's all about ME! And I refuse to sing until someone powders my nose!
  578. You! Get away from meeeee! Judging by your clothing you probably carry one or more diseases, and I cannot afford to be ill for my next performance. Leave now, and don't touch anything!
  580. Well... where can he be? It's almost time. No, I'm fine... I'm sure he'll be along soon.
  581. No, I'm fine... I'm sure he'll be along soon.
  582. Apologize to the guests for me, thank you. I'll just wait here, in case he comes back. Perhaps he had carriage trouble.
  583. Perhaps he had carriage trouble.
  585. Wonderful! With that piece we completed the Old Lady's Death Certificate!
  587. Spectacular! With that piece the Beheaded Knight's Death Certificate is now complete!
  589. Amazing! That piece completes the Duelist's Death Certificate!
  591. That was the last piece to the Opera Singer's Death Certificate.
  593. Wow! That piece completes the Organist's Death Certificate!
  595. Outstanding! We've completed the Pirate's Death Certificate!
  597. As we travel through each room in the mansion, the energy of souls long passed still lingers... Sometimes, this energy will allow me to communicate with those souls in the Afterlife. By channeling them I may be able to gain hints and clues that will help us in our journey. (Press any direction on the ½ to receive a hint)
  599. Hold on a second Zeke. I'm getting a signal from the other side...
  600. Wait... The spirits are speaking to me...
  601. Ahh... yes... I have a new message from our friends in the Afterlife...
  602. Hold up... hold up... I'm channeling something...
  603. I'm hearing... voices... Ooh! Something's coming through...
  604. You've been scared to death! Hurry, if you wanna live, you've only got a limited amount of time to get to the end of the tunnel and reclaim your body!
  606. You can spend Fortune cards on spells by pressing the directional pad.
  607. Press up on the directional pad to have me cast the bravery spell.
  608. Press right on the directional pad to have me cast a cheat death spell.
  609. You can spend Fortune cards on spells by pressing the directional pad.
  610. This card restores your bravery.
  611. This is the cheat death card, I can use it's magic to bring you back to life.
  612. This restores your bravery, Zeke.
  613. A Teddy Bear can be comforting when you're feeling scared.
  614. This will allow you to cheat death one extra time.
  615. Congratulations! You can spend this to unlock secrets in the Secrets Menu.
  616. Hold on a second Zeke. I'm getting a signal from the other side... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  617. Wait... The spirits are speaking to me... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  618. Ahh... yes... I have a new message from our friends in the Afterlife... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  619. Hold up... hold up... I'm channeling something... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  620. I'm hearing... voices... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  621. Ooh! Something's coming through... (D-Pad for a room hint)
  622. Zeke! Be Careful! While the lights are out, evil spirits have control of the room. (| to shoot your lantern)
  623. Attacking with your lantern only chases the spirits away, Zeke. To capture them, you'll first need to turn on the lights in the room.
  624. Use the Activate button to flip the switch.
  625. Good! The souls have fled from the light into objects around the room. If we can capture enough of them, we can go even further into the mansion.
  626. Look, Zeke, see what happens as you get near the object? I bet there's a shriveled soul hiding in there! Force him out and then draw him into the beacon!
  627. Some of the Shriveled Souls may have retreated to my Séance Room. Activate the bat statue to open the secret passage.
  628. Good, you got one! That counter in the lower left part of your screen shows how many spirits are still hiding in the room.
  629. Look! Secrets like this tilted painting pulse when you approach them. So remember, if something is pulsing, you can activate it.
  630. Congratulations! You, my dear, found a piece of an old Death Certificate (Pretty nifty, huh?) If you complete it and bring it to the proper room, you'll be rewarded for your effort.
  631. Good work! Hmmmm - mmmm. I'm not sensing any disturbances in here. So now, we can harness the energy of the Shriveled Souls we've collected and break down the barriers the evil forces are using to stop us from exploring the rest of the mansion.
  632. That's strange... I've never noticed that painting in the corner before.
  633. To save your game progress, use the grandfather clocks. You'll find them in many places throughout the mansion.
  634. Amazing! This is a Fortune Card from my old deck. The cards were scattered throughout the mansion after I was imprisoned in this crystal ball.
  635. I sense a great evil near here - it has to do with the Order of Shadows. Their mechanisms always require some sort of entrance key, but I don't sense one near here. Remember this location though, Zeke, I feel it has great importance.
  636. Ahh the Conservatory... every now and then, the new owners used to play the piano together. I wonder if it's still in tune?
  637. You can rotate the camera with the camera rotate buttons. (£ and ¥)
  638. I seem to remember some instruments upstairs. Perhaps a bit more music will help us?
  639. Maybe if we help him sink all of the billiard balls, the game will finally be over, and he'll leave us alone.
  640. Now that you've added a Soul Gem to the Beacon, try holding down the Fire Button to charge it up. Then, after it's all charged, release the Fire Button. That'll launch stronger Power Shot attacks that you can use on the tougher Enemies.
  641. I wonder if there is enough flammable liquid in these bottle to get the flame to spread.
  642. ~~~The door's been boarded up behind us, Zeke, but keep pressing forward, I think we are on the right track.
  643. Zeke! It looks like you can use the candles that are following you to help capture the others!
  644. I wonder if we can use the spiders to pull us toward the organ?
  645. With this Soul Gem, you can charge up past the Power Shot! That will give you the Ultra Shot, which is extremely powerful against groups of enemies.
  646. Good! Now we just need to turn the other three statues and we'll be able to light the fire pits!
  647. I sense a strange power emanating from the stone clock on the wall.
  648. Maybe there's a pile of rubble or old coffins that we can climb up on.
  649. Well we can get the gate open, but we need to find a way to get rid of those teeth.
  650. This Soul Gem has increased your Rapid-Fire shot.
  651. Zeke... this is strange... I sense someone.. or something wants us to shut ourselves within the closet. But I.. don't know if we should?
  652. At the other end of the closet. There has to be a way out.
  653. If we could find a way to light those torches, I think that could return this room to normal.
  654. What's that in the corner? It looks like some sort of light-activated mechanism.
  655. This Soul Gem has enhanced the power of your Power shot.
  656. When I was just a wee little girl, my brothers and sisters and I used to play hide and seek together in our Toy Room... I always found the toy box to be a particularly good place to hide.
  657. It looks like that switch was originally on the hallway wall.
  658. Aha! Looks like the stairs lead up to the balcony, but the wall with the switch isn't in the right spot.
  659. Goodness. The switch is up on the balcony, but we can't get up there without the stairs.
  660. This Soul Gem has enhanced your Ultra Shot with an even more devastating lightning strike.
  661. If we turn all of these paintings to good, I think we can cancel out the negative energy in this room.
  662. It looks like the only way we can turn some of these paintings is to fall in front of them.
  663. I think that if we use some of the energy from these platforms, we'll be able to jump extra high.
  664. ZEKE! This is it. This Ring is the key to the mystery in the Foyer. We have got to go back there.
  665. You've been scared to death! Hurry, if you want to live, you've only got a limited amount of time to get to the end of the tunnel and reclaim your body!
  667. Part of Madame Leota's long lost deck, used to channel spirits and provide protection from evil forces. Collect 10 to gain an extra life.
  669. One dose of Doc Penczek's Genuine Olde Fashioned Bravery Tonic is good for tongue warts, ear twitchin', navel lint, cowardice, and other ailments. Replenishes Zeke's lost Bravery.
  670. MUMBO DOLL:
  671. Hand-crafted by Madame Leota to ward off evil and protect the bearer from an untimely death. Gives Zeke a permanent Bravery Boost.
  674. In Memory Of
  675. The Nice Old Lady({ Continue)
  678. In Memory Of
  680. The Nice Old Lady
  682. She strove to keep
  683. Her home rat free,({ Continue)
  686. In Memory Of
  687. The Nice Old Lady
  688. She strove to keep
  689. Her home rat free,
  690. With poison while
  691. She made her tea.
  692. Died 1864({ Continue)
  695. In Memory Of
  696. The Beheaded Knight({ Continue)
  699. In Memory Of
  700. The Beheaded Knight
  701. His fury filled
  702. His foes with dread,({ Continue)
  705. In Memory Of
  706. The Beheaded Knight
  707. His fury filled
  708. His foes with dread,
  709. And in the end
  710. He lost his head.
  711. Died 1473({ Continue)
  714. In Memory Of
  715. The Opera Singer Lady({ Continue)
  718. In Memory Of
  719. The Opera Singer Lady
  720. Her voice brought cheer
  721. sAnd many claps,({ Continue)
  724. In Memory Of
  725. The Opera Singer Lady
  726. Her voice brought cheers
  727. And many claps,
  728. Right up until
  729. The roof collapsed.
  730. Died 1732({ Continue)
  733. In Memory Of
  734. The Duelist({ Continue)
  737. In Memory Of
  738. The Duelist
  739. His aim brought rivals
  740. Swift demise,({ Continue)
  743. In Memory Of
  744. The Duelist
  745. His aim brought rivals
  746. Swift demise,
  747. Before one took
  748. Him by surprise.
  749. Died 1804({ Continue)
  752. In Memory Of
  753. The Organist({ Continue)
  756. In Memory Of
  757. The Organist
  758. His music was
  759. His sole concern,({ Continue)
  762. In Memory Of
  763. The Organist
  764. His music wa
  765. sHis sole concern,
  766. Even as his
  767. Chamber burned.
  768. Died 1827({ Continue)
  771. In Memory Of
  772. The Pirate({ Continue)
  775. In Memory Of
  776. The Pirate
  777. He hoarded treasure
  778. This we knew,({ Continue)
  781. In Memory Of
  782. The Pirate
  783. He hoarded treasure
  784. This we knew,
  785. But mostly stole it
  786. From his crew.
  787. Died - 1775({ Continue)
  788. DEATH CERTIFICATE({ to Continue)
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