
Dry Bowser Drops a Penny From a Skyscraper

Feb 27th, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser had a couple of coins with him in a brown sack as he stood on the tallest skyscraper of the Neo Bowser City, rubbing his skeletal hands together as it was raining in the wet city, glancing down to see several racers all going around the race track.
  3. "Let's see them handle these coins..." Dry Bowser stated as he then took out a penny, kissed it, and dropped it from the skyscraper, watching it hit Isabelle on the head as she went spinning around, colliding into all the other racers and causing a major wreck on the course.
  5. "WHOA!!" The green shelled Lakitu stated in shock as his eyes widened. "Looks like the racers are gonna be cancelled after this!"
  7. Dry Bowser: (laughs) You don't have to tell them twice... but during the stone age...
  9. Dry Bowser then grabbed the rest of the money, all pennies, and dropped them down onto the street, watching the road form cracks as several of the buildings came down, with the overarching red bridge collapsing as well. Dry Bowser then nodded his head as he glanced behind him to see a burning stove with pennies on it, and Petey Piranha being there as he was cooking the coins for some reason.
  11. "Never try to cook with a stove... babies can choke on them!" Petey explained as he grabbed the burning batch of coins with his big green leaf, barfing brown goop on it to douse the flames as he then ate his leaf.
  13. Dry Bowser just shook his head as he picked up Petey and chucked the mutated piranha plant down onto the ruined concrete, proceeding to head back inside as he did his duty.
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