Guest User

Config FFA by RaZz44/Phillip

a guest
Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. Prefix: '&6FFA &f>> &7'
  2. MySQL:
  3. enable: false
  4. host: localhost
  5. user: root
  6. password: PW
  7. database: ffa
  8. port: 3306
  9. Bungeecord:
  10. enabled: false
  11. ArenaName: Name
  12. BlockedCommands:
  13. - warp
  14. - warps
  15. LeaveCommands:
  16. - leave
  17. - spawn
  18. - hub
  19. Scoreboard:
  20. DisplayName: ' &f>> &5&lFFA &f<<'
  21. '12': '&7[P] &b&lKills:'
  22. '11': ' &9&7[kills]'
  23. '10': '&3'
  24. '9': '&7[P] &b&lDeaths:'
  25. '8': ' &8&7[deaths]'
  26. '7': '&7'
  27. '6': '&7[P] &b&lJoins:'
  28. '5': ' &6&7[joins]'
  29. '4': '&a'
  30. '3': '&7[P] &b&lCoins:'
  31. '2': ' &b&7[coins]'
  32. '1': '&b'
  33. Sign:
  34. Heading: '&8[&6FFA&8]'
  35. States:
  36. Lobby: '&9Lobby'
  37. Disabled: '&4Disabled'
  38. Error: '&bError'
  39. PlayerCount: '&f[ingame]&8/&7[maxplayers]'
  40. StatsSign:
  41. Heading: '&8[&5FFA&8]'
  42. StatsLine: '&eStats'
  43. Top5Signs:
  44. Line4: '&8[&5FFA&8]'
  45. Line3: '&b[name]'
  46. Line2: '[kills] Kills'
  47. Line1: '[number]'
  48. Messages:
  49. General:
  50. Join: '&f[Player] &6joined the arena!'
  51. Leave: '&f[Player] &6left the arena!'
  52. Death: '&f[Player] &6died!'
  53. Killed: '&f[Player] &6was killed by &f[Killer]'
  54. Arena:
  55. Kit_set: '&7You set the FFA Kit! (saved in Config.yml)'
  56. Kit_Arena_set: '&7You set the Kit for the Arena &f[Arena]!'
  57. Already_in_other_arena: '&cYou are already in an other arena!'
  58. Already_in_arena: '&cYou are already in an arena!'
  59. Not_in_arena: '&cYou are not in an arena!'
  60. Arena_not_exist: '&cThis arena does not exist!'
  61. Arena_already_exist: '&cThis arena does already exist!'
  62. Arena_Full: '&cThis arena is full!'
  63. Arena_create: '&7You created the arena &f[Arena]'
  64. Arena_delete: '&7You deleted the arena &f[Arena]'
  65. Arena_set_Pos1: '&7You set the first Region Location for the arena &f[Arena]'
  66. Arena_set_Pos2: '&7You set the second Region Location for the arena &f[Arena]'
  67. Arena_set_Sign: '&7You set the Sing Location for this arena!'
  68. Arena_disabled_join: '&cThis arena is disabled!'
  69. Arena_already_enabled: '&7This arena is already enabled!'
  70. Arena_already_disabled: '&7This arena is already disabled!'
  71. Arena_enabled: '&7You &fenabled&7 this arena!'
  72. Arena_disabled: '&7You &fdisabled&7 this arena!'
  73. Spawn_not_set: '&cJoin Spawn is not set!'
  74. Statsnotonline: '&cThis Player is not online!'
  75. Shop:
  76. buy: '&7You bought this Item for &f[Coins]&7 Coins!'
  77. not_enough: '&cYou have not enough Coins!'
  78. NotOnline: '&cThis player is not online!'
  79. added: '&7You added &f[Coins] &7to this player!'
  80. Stats:
  81. OwnStats:
  82. - ''
  83. - '[prefix]&7Joins: &f[joins]'
  84. - '[prefix]&7Deaths: &f[deaths]'
  85. - '[prefix]&7Kills : &f[kills]'
  86. - '[prefix]&7KD: &f[KD]'
  87. - '[prefix]&7Coins: &f[coins]'
  88. - ''
  89. OtherStats:
  90. - ''
  91. - '[prefix]&f[player]s Stats'
  92. - '[prefix]&7Joins: &f[joins]'
  93. - '[prefix]&7Deaths: &f[deaths]'
  94. - '[prefix]&7Kills : &f[kills]'
  95. - '[prefix]&7KD: &f[KD]'
  96. - '[prefix]&7Coins: &f[coins]'
  97. - ''
  98. Killstreaks:
  99. '5':
  100. reward: 10
  101. message: '&f[player] &4has a Killstreak of 5 Kills!'
  102. '10':
  103. reward: 20
  104. message: '&f[player] &3has a Killstreak of 10 Kills!'
  105. '15':
  106. reward: 30
  107. message: '&f[player] &2has a Killstreak of 15 Kills!'
  108. Prefixe:
  109. Owner:
  110. chat: '&8[&4Owner&8]&7 '
  111. Admin:
  112. chat: '&8[&cAdmin&8]&7 '
  113. Moderator:
  114. chat: '&8[&cModerator&8]&7 '
  115. SirModerator:
  116. chat: '&8[&cSirModerator&8]&7 '
  117. Dev:
  118. chat: '&8[&3Developer&8]&7 '
  119. Supporter:
  120. chat: '&8[&bSupporter&8]&7 '
  121. Builder:
  122. chat: '&8[&aBuilder&8]&7 '
  123. YouTuber:
  124. chat: '&8[&5YouTuber&8]&7 '
  125. PremiumPlus:
  126. chat: '&8[&6PremiumPlus&8]&7 '
  127. Premium:
  128. chat: '&8[&6Premium&8]&7 '
  129. Spieler:
  130. chat: '&7'
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